What can we change in said plan so that @eaglejarl doesnt have to write "And then they fucking talked for another ~2k words" x 200 for this update , folks? Serious suggestions only, comparisons to random meme votes not welcome.

I like @Noumero's plan, it does something tangible and exciting that could advance our agenda in an interesting way.
Land-clearing, Sealing, trying to investigate the weirdness from the end of 274...

I think those are a step in the right direction. I'd like to do something a little more proactive as well though.

We previously tried to discuss "go spread a bunch of rumors around Leaf to sabotage Hiashi block" , is anyone still up for something like that?
I think those are a step in the right direction. I'd like to do something a little more proactive as well though.

We previously tried to discuss "go spread a bunch of rumors around Leaf to sabotage Hiashi block" , is anyone still up for something like that?
Mari is already doing that, but yes. I would far prefer it to setting businesses on fire, literally or otherwise.
Kagome is a ticking time bomb for an murder incident. We should think of what to do about him.

If we vote in a plan that says "Hazou likes chicken and says so" and the next update vote in a plan that says "Hazou dislikes chicken and had never liked it and says he dislikes chicken and that he never liked it" what would happen? Would the QMs rule that impossible or will they allow that?
Whatever degree doesn't fuck the civilians over. I would prefer that we turn businesses to our side rather than screw the businesses' ability to function.

The issue I see with this is that a lot of them might be literally Hyuuga owned enterprises. Hyuuga might own the silk farm which they work on for example, everyone else just doing the nitty gritty day to day.

I don't see a way to "turn" them that isn't straight up outbidding Hiashi in some manner, and I don't think we can do that? Part of the reason this is an effective strategy is that it creates fires for Hiashi to put out, splitting his attention from the upcoming campaign.

So any sabotage we do then would need to be:

1) Big enough that it splits Hiashi's attention for a few days.

2a)Not actually too impactful as far as the civilians are concerned.
2b) Causes trivially mitigated damage to said civilians
2c) Is trivially reversible by us, but not by Hiashi for some reason.
2d) Nothing was ever actually on fire, we just made it appear to be so (think something akin to the Weasley's Daily Prophet prank in HPMOR).
The issue I see with this is that a lot of them might be literally Hyuuga owned enterprises. Hyuuga might own the silk farm which they work on for example, everyone else just doing the nitty gritty day to day.

2d) Nothing was ever actually on fire, we just made it appear to be so (think something akin to the Weasley's Daily Prophet prank in HPMOR).

None of which is apparent from the plan.

One of the explicit goal is to steal stuff from said business, if possible. This is going from economic warfare to outright theft and destruction and we're targeting a Leaf clan.
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None of which is apparent from the plan.

One of the explicit goal is to steal stuff from said business, if possible. This is going from economic warfare to outright theft and destruction and we're targeting a Leaf clan.

We're talking about general brainstorming and not about any plans at the moment.
[x] Action Plan: Inconveniencing the Hyuuga is a Joy Unto Itself

Any comments? I'm not an economist, may have botched the Gouketsu Tokens thing.

The setup gives them two major favours per year, and the QMs may have a larger idea of "major favour" than you do. I'd eliminate that option just to be safe, and then if they ask for something we think is too large to be covered by "minor favour" then negotiate on a case by case basis with the possibility to reject them.
[x] Action Plan: Inconveniencing the Hyuuga is a Joy Unto Itself

Can't imagine there aren't a few places in the Hyuuga structure we can poke and get interesting results.
As I recall, there used to be a policy permitting pre-review of content by mods for acceptability, but it was axed (for what I believe were liability reasons). While it isn't quite the same, I'd still wager that mods can't/won't deliver a binding guarantee that something you've posted is kosher. That's just my guess though - take it with a grain of salt until/unless someone on staff actually gets back to you.

EDIT: here is a rough summary of the content review issue
Lovely. :<

Well, better to know what the facts are. Thank you.

You had previously said you'd be willing to offscreen the political meetings in favor of doing something more interesting. Questions:

1) That still on the table, boss?

2) Would you be willing to throw a brief 1-2 sentence summary of them at the end of the chapter? e.g. "Dinner with Asuma went as expected. He is willing to do Hokage stuff and maybe talk to the Minami. He thinks things are looking X." or something of the sort?
Compromise time!
[x] Action Plan: Inconveniencing the Hyuuga is a Joy Unto Itself
Wordcount: 289
Timeline: immediately after Chapter 275.

  • It seems we've managed to turn enough votes. Ensuring that the Hyuuga don't turn them back is now the overriding concern.
  • Decline ISC's deal. The Nara have recently suffered heavy damage; no need to tax their group further.
  • The Amori: Offer up to 100 Gouketsu Tokens per month for two years. At the end of every month, previous month's tokens could be redeemed for:
    • 1 token: 10000 ryo.
    • 10 tokens: 70 seals of their choice.
    • 400 tokens: a favour.
    • (Note: it'd be useful to put these in general circulation later on.)
  • Ino/Chouza/Asuma meetings:
    • (Optimize with Mari.)
    • Offer condolences. Exchange information on the Hyuuga's activity. Confirm that our votes are stable.
    • Suggest distracting the Hyuuga by drowning their reputation in secondhand slander.
      • Start rumours that everyone is distrustful of them: their business partners are turning away, their reputation among the ninja took a plunge, no-one is voting for them (especially the Inuzuka/Aburame), minor clans are stockpiling anti-Byakugan seals, their resentment among the clanless/civilians is at all-times high, Naruto's insane productivity threatens to put them out of the economy, their xenophobia endangers Leaf international trade...
      • Bring some of these rumours into reality (as self-fulfilling prophecies), so that Hiashi can't just ignore them all. Keep actual resource expenditure to a minimum.
  • Investigate outside-Leaf businesses belonging to the Hyuuga. Could we take over something, or create a distracting crisis for them? Perhaps with the Yakuza's help. Criteria, in order of importance:
    • Important to the Hyuuga: they'd devote manpower towards ensuring they maintain control.
    • Possesses resources useful to us: money, infrastructure, connections, information...
    • Its existence is harmful to us, our Uplift goals, or our allies.
  • Schedule a meeting with the Akasugi Oyabun.
  • Spare time: spread secondhand slander as per above.
@faflec, @Kiba, @MadScientist, does that assuage your concerns?
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@faflec, @Kiba, @MadScientist, does that assuage your concerns?
Ahh...no. This is mostly my fault, I've been busy and haven't gotten the chance to actually, well, voice my concerns, mostly have been pointing out the obvious things. So...
  • I don't think that we should change our minds regarding the Hagoromo deal. Part of it is because we've already decided on their offer with the clan and changing our minds would make us look like we can't hold to a decision; another part is because the rest of the clan thought accepting the deal was OK and one would imagine that if we had decided to decline the deal initially they would have objections of some sort. This isn't a dealbreaker by any means, I'm just concerned that our changing our minds isn't explained well enough in the plan (i.e., why did we change our minds when no information was introduced to us?).
  • Part of me is feeling the Amori deal is too specific, are the 1 token = R10000 conversions really necessary? I know that they're not meant to be specific but given the last conflict with Mari I'm concerned that she might push for these exact numbers.
    • On a separate note, are we allowed to trade seals like this, given our seal licenses enable us to sell seals mostly to the Tower exclusively? I'm fairly certain I'm wrong, but on the off-chance I'm not just paranoid I'd like to register the concern.
    • We also might want to be more specific about the favors. Same sense of paranoia, but I can't help but feel that the Amori might start pushing a bit to maximize their gains.
  • The Yakuza meeting is ambiguous given that it's on a separate bullet from the discussion on working with them against Hyuga businesses. I'm assuming it's for that reason, but if that's the case it should be under that so we know we're doing the meeting in order to get support for the plot. If it's not...then why are we doing it?
I'm in agreement we shouldn't be putting exact values on the tokens just yet, we need a lot of discussion about that first - the current values are way out of sync with what I suspect we will eventually decide is reasonable.
@faflec, @Kiba, @MadScientist, does that assuage your concerns?

No, because now we're saying a major favour (a subcategory of "favour") is still something that we are agreeing to owe them in exchange for a set value of tokens without ability to politely refuse the exchange without looking like we're trying to weasel out of a deal, but now we're getting payed less for it.

Really, I would explicitly only be willing to trade minor favours in this scheme.
How about: We let Mari negotiate a deal that we can sign, and then tokenize it later and giving the Amori an even better deal.
  • I don't think that we should change our minds regarding the Hagoromo deal. Part of it is because we've already decided on their offer with the clan and changing our minds would make us look like we can't hold to a decision; another part is because the rest of the clan thought accepting the deal was OK and one would imagine that if we had decided to decline the deal initially they would have objections of some sort. This isn't a dealbreaker by any means, I'm just concerned that our changing our minds isn't explained well enough in the plan (i.e., why did we change our minds when no information was introduced to us?).
  • Part of me is feeling the Amori deal is too specific, are the 1 token = R10000 conversions really necessary? I know that they're not meant to be specific but given the last conflict with Mari I'm concerned that she might push for these exact numbers.
    • On a separate note, are we allowed to trade seals like this, given our seal licenses enable us to sell seals mostly to the Tower exclusively? I'm fairly certain I'm wrong, but on the off-chance I'm not just paranoid I'd like to register the concern.
    • We also might want to be more specific about the favors. Same sense of paranoia, but I can't help but feel that the Amori might start pushing a bit to maximize their gains.
  • The Yakuza meeting is ambiguous given that it's on a separate bullet from the discussion on working with them against Hyuga businesses. I'm assuming it's for that reason, but if that's the case it should be under that so we know we're doing the meeting in order to get support for the plot. If it's not...then why are we doing it?
No, because now we're saying a major favour (a subcategory of "favour") is still something that we are agreeing to owe them in exchange for a set value of tokens without ability to politely refuse the exchange without looking like we're trying to weasel out of a deal, but now we're getting payed less for it.

Really, I would explicitly only be willing to trade minor favours in this scheme.
Alright, does this assuage your concerns?:
[x] Action Plan: Inconveniencing the Hyuuga is a Joy Unto Itself
Wordcount: 295
Timeline: immediately after Chapter 275.

  • We've enough votes. Ensuring the Hyuuga don't turn them back is the overriding concern.
  • On second thoughts, maybe decline ISC's offer? They've recently suffered heavy damage, whereas our warchest just tripled in size...
  • The Amori: Offer 100 Gouketsu Tokens per month for two years.
    • At the end of every month, previous month's tokens could be redeemed for:
      • 1 token: 10000 ryo.
      • 10 tokens: 70 seals of their choice.
      • 300 tokens: a minor favour.
    • Notes:
      • It'd be useful to put these in general circulation later on.
      • Exact numbers of tokens and their worth are up to Mari's judgment; these are suggestions.
  • Ino/Chouza/Asuma meetings:
    • (Optimize with Mari.)
    • Offer condolences. Exchange information on the Hyuuga's activity. Confirm that our votes are stable.
    • Suggest distracting the Hyuuga by drowning their reputation in secondhand slander.
      • Start rumours that everyone is distrustful of them: their business partners are turning away, their reputation among the ninja took a plunge, no-one is voting for them (especially the Inuzuka/Aburame), minor clans are stockpiling anti-Byakugan seals, their resentment among the clanless/civilians is at all-times high, Naruto's insane productivity threatens to put them out of the economy, their xenophobia endangers Leaf international trade...
      • Bring some of these rumours into reality (as self-fulfilling prophecies), so that Hiashi can't just ignore them all. Keep actual resource expenditure to a minimum.
  • Investigate the Hyuuga's outside-Leaf businesses. Could we take over one of them, or distract Hiashi with a crisis? Perhaps with the Yakuza's help. Criteria:
    • Important to the Hyuuga: they'd devote manpower towards ensuring they maintain control.
    • Possesses resources useful to us: money, infrastructure, connections, information...
    • Its existence is harmful to us, our Uplift goals, or our allies.
  • Schedule a meeting with the Akasugi Oyabun. Topics: trade, cooperation against Hiashi.
  • Spare time: spread secondhand slander.