Maybe, but that leaves the question of what's burning out and how it's failing. Do storage seals or any other reuseable seals fail after a set number of uses? I vaguely recall that storage seals don't fail until the paper wears out from handling, but I could be misremembering.
They have an indeterminate number of uses and then fail. The number isn't reliable, but the seal starts (un)storing things more and more slowly as it gets to the end of its life, so people simply stop using it after a while. It's not a thing we've worried about much, since Hazō and Kagome could easily make replacements.

Ah, not quite what I meant. I was saying you can have Mari get tired of waiting for us to sit still and have her wake us up for the scene. If that doesn't work for it that's fine, just trying to sidestep us wanting to optimize and you wanting time to insert things.
One of us is confused, and it might be me. There needs to be a conversation between Mari and the Uchiha in which the details of the arrangement are hammered out. That conversation has not happened yet. Therefore, she cannot tell you anything about it.

But it's a very small safety net. Mostly useful for when the playerbase lacks tack or forgets something a native of the world wouldn't.
Technically it's only the latter -- Hazō will ignore/modify player plans that are bad based on in-universe knowledge that the playerbase does not have. He will also ignore/modify player plans when the QMs are feeling merciful, but it is an extremely bad idea to rely on that. Especially in plans where voting closes on Wednesday. Hint, hint.
It might be helpful if I put this in bullet points.
  • We open a hospital either in the compound or near it.
  • We put Noburi in charge and get some civilian admin workers he can delegate to.
  • We acquire some junior mednin from the Konoha Hospital by giving them better pay.
  • We begin accepting patients. We charge civilians at a large discount so they can afford basic healthcare.
  • We start taking field trips from the academy and teach them basic med levels.
  • We put out the word that we're paying genin to come here and become apprentice medics.
  • We start hiring civilians who want to learn to become diagnosticians and pharmacists.
  • We do a lot of teaching.
  • We start accepting more patients as we get more junior doctors from our students.
  • Tsunade smiles at us and tells us we did good.
This plan will cost us lots of money and raise the cost of healthcare in the short run, unless we subsidize it. Our goal is to lower the cost of health care. To accomplish that it'd be better to start a school first and then open a clinic or make an agreement with the hospital when the students are ready to start treating patients in a year or however long it takes.
At this current stage of development, there's probably no difference between a school or a clinic(that expand into a hospital) from a 10,000 feet in the air point of view.

Beside, there are about 1,500 ninja in Konoha. Not all of them are suitable to becoming med-nin. We're going to have to supplement that with civilians, but civilians are basically considered 'useless' by Tsunade.

Medical research will be needed to make civilians 'not useless'.
Here's something I think strange:

If Mari's high confidence in her ability to handle Ami is justified, how come she wasn't able to shed light on her for Jiraiya? Jiraiya's first meeting with Ami was back during the first phase of the Exams, when she hinted at the existence of the AMI. Shortly after that, he returned to Leaf and undoubtedly discussed his Mist experiences with his Mist-born social-specialist elite jounin wife (who was not yet, at the time, broken by Hana). Yet he remained completely confused by Ami when the Tournament came.

Did Mari play a joke on him, confident that Ami wouldn't cause anything worse than a couple headaches? Or is Mari deceiving us now?

Or... Hm. Jiraiya came back on November 21, Hana broke Mari on November 25. I suppose it is plausible, even likely, that Jiraiya just didn't get around to discussing Mist with her during that time window, and then she was in no state to advice him — leaving him completely ignorant of Ami. Very plausible indeed.
No, I am not seriously suggesting that Ami masterminded all of this. Just an interesting observation with my usual ominous framing.

I think "having an understanding with Ami" is very different from "understanding Ami."
They have an indeterminate number of uses and then fail. The number isn't reliable, but the seal starts (un)storing things more and more slowly as it gets to the end of its life, so people simply stop using it after a while. It's not a thing we've worried about much, since Hazō and Kagome could easily make replacements.
Thanks for clarifying!

Has Kagome ever explained off screen just what's going wrong inside the seals that causes them to fail eventually, or if nobody knows? Does what Hazou know about sealing suggest whether it's possible to deliberately make them out of more robust 'parts' that will take much longer to fail, or won't fail pretty much ever?

And if you don't mind a second question, is the general idea of seals that they store chakra when infused and save it until they get used, or does the infusion start some sort of a process of absorbing chakra to power the seal that ends when it's activated, or is it neither of those things and something else entirely?
This plan will cost us lots of money and raise the cost of healthcare in the short run, unless we subsidize it. Our goal is to lower the cost of health care. To accomplish that it'd be better to start a school first and then open a clinic or make an agreement with the hospital when the students are ready to start treating patients in a year or however long it takes.

We're going to be very rich soon. I know we'll be running the hospital at a loss, and I'm sure Mari will delight in making sure all the civilians know it and love us for it.

I'm going to campaign against opening a purely-school medical institute. If my proposed plan isn't educational enough for your liking then feel free to vote for something else. If it makes you feel better, pretend I'm saying "medical school" instead of "hospital". Frankly, with the amount of medical education we'll be doing there, it won't be hard for you.
This ship has non-zero support on discord. Just saying.

I really liked the way Hazou handled things socially this chapter, @eaglejarl. I'm surprised asking Mari if we should use the Ami favour on socials made it into the plan when that mistake was first caught weeks ago, but I'm glad Hazou noticed that he shouldn't do it. Thank you!

Right, we may have given Hazou the wrong idea. The plan for the hospital was for it to be in or next to our compound to give leaf civilians access to affordable healthcare (which they apparently don't have because ninja don't care) while getting all the academy students, genin, and civilians we can manage into medical education, but Hazou is talking about a hospital outside of Leaf. That would be difficult for Noburi to oversee, and would mean we couldn't involve people as easily because our target demographic for medstudents mostly live in leaf.

We may need to correct that before Akane goes running off to deliver the message.

Ah, that might be my bad. I've recently been making Idea!posts about having it outside the walls.

Also, I'm fairly certain as a thread we aren't roleplaying as Hazuo. We're role playing as somewhat benevolent beings from the Out that whisper in Hazuos ear most of the time. All of us, including the QMs. Thats why the grue is still a plot device even if we can't access it. Its why we get interludes, and why we don't get punished too hard if we use "ooc" information. Because our characters, the beings from the Out, got that information and decided to roleplay Hazuo getting lucky and using it.

Ignore Kagome screaming in the distance, he'll be fine.
One of us is confused, and it might be me. There needs to be a conversation between Mari and the Uchiha in which the details of the arrangement are hammered out. That conversation has not happened yet. Therefore, she cannot tell you anything about it..

You're mixing up who had which suggestion, it was @falfec that asked if she could say right now. I'm saying that after she has that meeting and gets those details if the players keep insisting on scheduling every waking minute of the day you should force the issue by having Mari get impatient and wake Hazo up for it.
I just had an idea. What if we suggest that Naruto adopt Lee? They get along, right? It'd save us the adoption slot, we'd get to work just as closely with him anyways, and maybe that'd make the others feel a bit better about it.


Still breaking the too-many-adoptions rule.

Don't fuck with the too-many-adoptions rule.

This probably wouldnt work for the same reason (Albiet much stronger) that the adoption rigamarole won't work, and a vote on the council is way bigger than 2 ninja worth of taxes.

And also Naruto is joining the clan. He's made his opinion on this very clear.

Don't look a gift horse in the fricking mouth.

*wiggles hand*

The QMs are known to draw inspiration for Hazou's opinions fron non-plan posts.

Yeah, this.

Anyone have the current plan for my perusal? I seem to have missed it.
We're going to be very rich soon. I know we'll be running the hospital at a loss, and I'm sure Mari will delight in making sure all the civilians know it and love us for it.

I'm going to campaign against opening a purely-school medical institute. If my proposed plan isn't educational enough for your liking then feel free to vote for something else. If it makes you feel better, pretend I'm saying "medical school" instead of "hospital". Frankly, with the amount of medical education we'll be doing there, it won't be hard for you.
Are you just assuming that various plans for making money will work out and that we won't have any big expenses come up? That's a very dangerous thing to do. We shouldn't blow money we don't have to blow until things are actually stable.

In any case, the problems with starting a hospital immediately aren't that it's not educational enough. It comes down to these points about efficiency:
  1. Competing with the existing hospital for staff will actually raise prices in the short run, which is the opposite of what we want. Even if we assume our plans work and we become rich and can subsidize our end, that doesn't help the other hospital.
  2. If we don't hire staff immediately then we don't actually need space until people get a fair portion of the way through training.
  3. If we can work out a deal with the existing hospital for students treating patients then we won't need to procure space at all, which would save us lots of money and therefore be good.
  4. If all goes well many of our graduates won't be primarily treating patients in Konoha anyway. We want them to venture out on missions to treat people across Fire, because there's a desperate need for it. That means we probably won't need a whole hospital all of our own in Konoha.
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Could we add a snippet about looking into chakra metal? Depending on its mechanics there are so many cool things we could do with it.
A part of me has wanted to look into how difficult it would be to upgrade our gaunlets with chakra conductive metal plus other experiments but it's just such a low priority right now I just haven't bothered bringing it up.
Things the Gōketsu want to do with their money
The Hagoromo have debts amounting to R2,000,000 / month for the next 15 years. If the Gōketsu take over this debt then the Hagoromo agree that in the upcoming election for Hokage they will vote for whomever the Gōketsu tell them to vote for. They have expressed an extremely strong preference that this be anyone other than Hyūga.

Why would we just take on R360,000,000 worth of debt (total after 15 years) when they already don't like the Hyuuga?

There has to a better middle ground.

Currently, they have about R168,500,000, assuming an interest rate of 12.5%. If it's 15% then it's closer to a principle of R150,000,000.

If we could refinance their loan at 9.2% for 20 years (rather than 12.5% for 15 years) then their monthly payments would be R1,498,000. Which would probably make them pretty happy to have payments reduced by 25% and be indebted to us rather than the Hyuga.

In order to do that in an economically sound way, we would need to take on their loan and pay off R43,000,000 to give them (now us) a principal of R125,500,000, making our monthly payments (to Hyuga) R1,493,000.

We currently have R10,000,000 in the bank right now. That's not enough. We could do it as part of a group loan with some other clans for the total R43,000,000.

If we did take it on entirely on our own, and paid R10,000,000 off the top of the principal, that would be monthly payments of R1,886,000 - we'd be on the hook for an additional R388,000 each month.

If we wanted to break closer to even, we could offer the Hagoromo terms of 12% for 17 years, making the monthly payments R1,871,000. Which is not a small discount, and we're still better people to be indebted to than the Hyuga.

Incidentally, if we paid the R10,000,000 off of the principal we currently owe then our mortgage payments would drop to R515,232 from R675,526, which might be something to consider doing since that's a nearly 25% reduction in payments.

We should probably do that in any case (minus an emergency chest) since the savings are better off of our mortgage than on the adopted Hagoromo debts if we adopt them (unless Hyuga are being usurious, see below).

If we took the R10,000,000 off the Goketsu mortgage, and adopted the Hagoromo debts, to break even we could offer them slightly better terms, such as 11.5% for 16 years for payments of R1,862,000.

Unfortunately, the real issue with these analyses is that we don't know the interest rate of the Hagoromo debts. Since the Hyuga are being portrayed as abusive jerks, and Jaraiya probably got much better terms, it's reasonable to believe they have the Hagoromo paying a much more usurious rate.

If it's something insane like 25%, then R10 million off the top of a R103 million principal turns their payments into 1,809,000. If it's 35% then the principal is R78 million and we can get the payments down to 1,741,000.

It may also be worth looking into getting a loan from ISC, Tsunade, or other. If we can get a decent rate and levy that loan to pay off the principals of the worse loans then we can actually make a profit by getting the loan.

So, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail how much is the Hagoromo principal and/or interest rate?
What does the material do, anyway?
I don't really know how different it is in MfD, but in canon Naruto it was specially treated metal that allowed you to easily flow chakra through it, significantly enhancing power and durability. Asuma for example had two chakra condusctive trench knives, he could slice through or block most thing with no problem, run enough energy through it and you could even encase the blades in big energy blades that extended the knives' reach and power sort of like the moonlight greatswprd in Bloodeborne. You can also flow elemental chakra for different affects, wind to improve cutting power, fire for a lit up flame sword, etc.

If Hazo had conductive metal gauntlets and they worked like canon, he could probably turn them into enlarged, chakra constructed claws that could slice/rip and tear throigh practically anything with ease.

It should be noted that Keiko said it was hard to get or commission chakra conductive weapons and that most that are still around are inherited.
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Agreed, but also sounds like it should have a pretty low TN to modify how we want.
We've been here before with statements like that. All we need to make it complete is to add a few "obviously's".

You're mixing up who had which suggestion, it was @falfec that asked if she could say right now. I'm saying that after she has that meeting and gets those details if the players keep insisting on scheduling every waking minute of the day you should force the issue by having Mari get impatient and wake Hazo up for it.

I think what EagleJarl is saying is that it's >10pm now, the meeting with the Uchiha isn't going to happen tonight. Thus there is no time where Mari would have the meeting, get the information, and then be able to wake Hazou up to give him the information.
I think what EagleJarl is saying is that it's >10pm now, the meeting with the Uchiha isn't going to happen tonight. Thus there is no time where Mari would have the meeting, get the information, and then be able to wake Hazou up to give him the information.

You are misunderstanding. I'm not saying tonight and never was. I'm saying whenever in the next few nights it becomes relevant, because we aren't likely to stop micromanaging Hazo's time until we feel comfortable, which is gonna be awhile. Trying to leave an empty slot is gonna be like pulling teeth, too many things to do.
Things we can make progress on right now:
- Clearcut the forest in our compound. It's a bad look, and our construction missions mean we now have the needed contacts. Sell the lumber.

- Test our saltmaking method using the water from our hot spring.

- Make an audience room of our compound presentable enough to receive lowly civilian merchants in. Advertise that the Gouketsu are looking for investment opportunities. We don't beat the pavement looking for people, we don't headhunt. We have people for that.

- In fact, if we don't have people for that, that's who we should be recruiting first. Managers, headhunters, advisers. An accountant to do our fucking taxes and a god-damn lawyer to catch weird loopholes! It's already becoming incredibly clear that Hazou needs a P. A. or a Daimyo-equivalent.

Obviously we can't trust everything to civilian experts, but the number one thing we need right now is hiring talent, something that right now only Mari has - and her time is much better spent elsewhere.

- Hire some goddamn gardeners. Ideally including someone with actual skill at identifying medicinal plants, so that they can go "Thaaat is not a flower I recognize."

- So long as we don't actually adopt clanless ninja, they're not getting any additional share of the pie; we're just sharing our existing slice of pie with them. This leaves a lot of paths open to bribe them to hell and back.

Bribing the Clanless with Seals:

Let's have a look at our sealing licence again, shall we?

Each month, you are allowed to sell:
As many of the following seals as you want, although 50% must be sold at the fixed Tower rate:
  • Alarm (Also, you are required to donate 50 of these per month to the Tower. This is a Tower rule, not a Merchant Council rule. The donated tags are distributed to the ninja forces.)
  • Explosive tag (As above, but 100 seals.)

So we're allowed to sell as many Alarm seals and Explosive Tags as we want, so long as half of them are sold at the fixed Tower rate.

IIRC, this law is intended to prevent sealmasters from scalping by enforcing a price floor.

However... according to the letter of this, for every seal we sell at the Tower rate, we can sell a clanless ninja an explosive tag for 1 Ryo.

In fact, we can offer a "Buy one, get one for 1 Ryo" deal just for clanless ninja.

This might be scuppered by the Tower having right of first refusal... but I don't believe we're required to sell to the Tower at the same price we offer others. IIRC, the Tower purchases at the Tower rate.

It's been said earlier that clanless ninja generally spend their entire equipment allotment on a handful of explosive tags. If they don't need to spend that money on tags, then they can instead spend that money on whatever they actually want. This looks good, it doesn't massively threaten the balance of power, and it also has the nice effect of making Leaf actually more militarily effective.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, though. Continuing through the contract:

[You may sell...]
As many of the following seals as you want, to anyone, at market rate:
  • Party Trick
  • Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier
  • Air Freshener (probably no market)
  • The eight basic Chime seals (probably no market)
  • Air Dome

We can sell Air Domes and Purifiers to whoever we want, at "market rate". @QMs: Does this mean "whatever price we want"? Because issuing Air Domes more generally will no-shit save lives. Hazou would already be dead if we didn't have Air Dome. Noburi would also be dead.

Seriously, this just feels like a no-brainer.

  • As many storage seals as you want to civilians, who will then resell them to ninja or hire ninja to activate them. Up to 5 to ninja, and as many as you want to the Tower.

Interesting how this contract assumes that we're not working together with said civilians.

Sell storage seal to civilian for 1 ryo. Civilian turns around and sells it at let's-say-a-quarter-of-market-value to the clanless ninja who just happened to come in the door.

The clanless ninja owes us a favor, because they just got sold a seal at an astonishingly good price. The civilian owes us a favor, because they just made 1/4 the price of a storage seal for five minutes' work. The Merchant Council probably doesn't grumble too much, because we're essentially just investing in the civilian merchant. The Tower is likely inclined favorably, because we're equipping loyal Leaf ninja with extra ordnance at a cost of $0 to the Tower. The Gouketsu are only out a few hours of Hazou's time. Only the other clans have cause to complain, and there's literally nothing to stop any clan with a sealmaster from doing the same exact same thing as us.

In which case we'll see a general drop in the price of seals, which might hurt our personal bottom line a little... but every single goddamn clanless is going to know that we're the reason why they could afford that fourth explosive tag that let them not get eaten by a giant chakra snake. If anything, this is an ideal outcome.

Everybody wins.

On a similar note:

Do the Hagoromo have any land they own that's chakra-beast infested wilderness? Do the Uchiha? Is there any clan that we can turn a big chunk of worthless sod into productive farmland for, in exchange for considerations?
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We've been here before with statements like that. All we need to make it complete is to add a few "obviously's".

Clearly, but we can do an analysis and try to figure out why a TN might be high or low.

Is it an exotic effect? Are we trying to create something brand new? Are we adding something new to the seal? Are we combining this seal with an element from another seal?

By all appearances, the seal has a "/end" function included (likely because tripwire are generally one use items, for traps) and we're simply trying to remove it.

It seems like a comparable level of modification to removing the protection from stress on storage seals that were specifically emplaced to keep stored material from being damaged when sealed.

If you think it's something that is truly complicated, that there's some aspect I've missed, I'd be interested to know why you think it might be a high TN.

I'll also note that since it's a relatively well known seal, we can get the TN lower by examining other versions of it from other seal smiths, by seeing if Jaraiya likely has notes on the one he designed, and from speaking with Kagome who can explain his version directly.
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With all this discussion of Gouketsu v Uzimaki, I gotta wonder why Jiraiya didn't repurpose the Uzumaki clan for his needs, rather than founding Gouketsu, for those sweet, sweet founding-clan benefits.
You are misunderstanding. I'm not saying tonight and never was. I'm saying whenever in the next few nights it becomes relevant, because we aren't likely to stop micromanaging Hazo's time until we feel comfortable, which is gonna be awhile. Trying to leave an empty slot is gonna be like pulling teeth, too many things to do.

So you're saying to wake Hazou up tomorrow night or the next, because even if she gets the info sooner we'll be scheduled too tightly to be informed. Thanks for the clarification.

By all appearances, the seal has a "/end" function included (likely because tripwire are generally one use items, for traps) and we're simply trying to remove it.

If you think it's something that is truly complicated, that there's some aspect I've missed, I'd be interested to know why you think it might be a high TN.

IIRC, the QM's have said that sealing is less like coding, and more like electric circuits where there are no standards for what a volt or amp is and everyone has to build their own voltmeter. The main reason that I don't think it will be so easy is that while I don't know, I find the assertion that there's and /end statement to remove unlikely.

I think it's more likely that the tripwire is made, then breaks, and a part of the seal registers that.

Coming at it from the other side, if the seal works like coding and there's simply an /end statement to remove, when originally creating the seal wouldn't it have been both easier and more effective to not add in that /end statement.
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You know, when we get the chance, we should research tear-to-activate seals.

Like storage seals, which will activate if you tear across one specific line. Like the perforated pull tabs we use.