Wordcount: 197

[X] Action Plan: Clanless Interactions
Timeline: January 6.
  • Prepare for and schedule meetings:
    • Tomorrow: Ino (lunch), Chouza (afternoon), Asuma (dinner).
    • Later this week: Shino, Minami, Keiko (on the Seventh Path), Nakano and co..

How about scheduling meetings at their convenience, and suggest group lunch with individuals we want to meet if possible.
Plan Cache. Are there any things in here that should be cut out?
Plan Cache:
  • Ask Keiko if she's willing to come over to optimize her breaking of the Pangolin-Skytower deal.
  • Discuss with the family:
    • Could inter-village adoption (Doigama, Kato...) be plausible?
  • Info-gathering:
    • Ask Kagome to summarize Akatsuki's book.
  • Politicking:
    • Schedule a wake to mourn Leaf's fallen heroes.
    • Inform Naruto about the vote.
    • Designate a Second.
      • Mari? Kagome?
  • Snakes:
    • Hazou: Learn their culture/predispositions from Summons and Jiraiya's notes.
    • Keiko: Message them via Pangolins.
      • Send Jiraiya's letter to Orochimaru along (in case he's alive).
      • Did Orochimaru leave them his will? Jiraiya wrote him a pardon, we'd want to carry out his wishes.
  • Meet with Ami. Secure room at the compound (Anti-Hyuuga seals, Silence Mines). Yuuichi waits outside.
    • Accept her previous terms: no social games, clear exchange of information and commitments.
    • Spend favour(s):
      • (Discuss with Mari first: open-ended or specific? If you have only 1 favour, spend it on power or social?)
      • Politics:
        • Open-ended: "Work with me to maximize my personal influence on Leaf politics."
        • Specific: Assist the Gouketsu against the Hyuuga bloc.
      • Social:
        • Open-ended: "Maximize my social competence over the next half-a-year".
        • Specific: Arrange for IN social training.

Past Major Plans:
Disheartening Lack of All-Consuming Horror by Noumero

Ino, You Know by huhYeahGoodPoint

Rules of the Plan Cache:
  1. Get Support. The Plan Cache is for ideas that already have support of a sizeable chunk of the playerbase, not for ideas that someone wants to advocate later. For a benchmark, your idea should have enough support to be in one of the major plans of a cycle if there was room in the plan.
  2. Short-term. The Plan Cache is for ideas that we intend to implement in the next few updates, or more loosely within the same rough story arc. If you have an idea beyond that temporal scope, I have another post storing those ideas so ask me to put it there instead of cluttering up our short-term storage.
Sometimes when we're making a plan we have a good idea that's just outside the temporal scope of the update, but we don't want to cut it from the plan because we might forget by the next cycle. This adds unnecessary words that could have been spent fleshing out the rest of the plan, and may outright cost XP in the worst cases.

This plan cache will hold these subsections so they don't fall into the void between planning cycles. Just ping me with the subsection and, unless it's wildly unreasonable, I'll edit it into the post. I'll keep them there for a while until they either make it into a winning plan, fall out of favour, or the context significantly changes. Depending on circumstances, they might end up in my Side Project Cache, or they might be dropped, and I'll make sure to be transparent about what I'm doing.

I'll do my best to quote this post after every update, so that planmakers can get an easy reminder about what we never quite got to last cycle.
If he wishes, tell him anything about Gai's final moments from the debriefing we read. He has a right to know.
Offer this to Akane as well. Also apologize for any emotional weirdness. We took a Stabby Zabby to the brain before the world decided to go to shit and things are pretty fucking nuts at the moment.
How about scheduling meetings at their convenience, and suggest group lunch with individuals we want to meet if possible.
I'm a bit leery of this, since I can easily see this resulting in multiple people showing up at the same time and Hazou going aieeeeeeee. Shikamaru scheduled a specific date and time when he invited Keiko over, I'd imagine Hazou should act the same.
Plan Cache. Are there any things in here that should be cut out?
I don't think so? It all looks like stuff that hasn't been done yet.
Offer this to Akane as well. Also apologize for any emotional weirdness. We took a Stabby Zabby to the brain before the world decided to go to shit and things are pretty fucking nuts at the moment.
Reasonable. Would it be appropriate to invite Akane to the Lee sparring session?
"A couple, yeah. I was thinking 'Maximize the political power of the Gōketsu'." He started to add his other idea ('Maximize my personal social skill') but decided not to say that to the woman who had literally spent years helping him work on social skills. "That would be the best one, I think."

Don't think I didn't notice this, Mr. QM-Man. <3

Our boy is growing up and improving and avoids accidentally insulting Mari even though the plan called for it.
We should definitely have Nakano and Co over for lunch. They will clear their calendars to meet with us
Typos should all be fixed.

@Rihaku My brain fails. Ninja => 10 koku / year. 1 koku = $424, right? So it should be the first R4240 that aren't taxed, not the first R42,400.

EDIT: Hah! I brain good finally. $424/koku * 10 koku * R10/$1 = R42,400. I was right the first time. Hah.
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We should definitely have Nakano and Co over for lunch. They will clear their calendars to meet with us
I'm actually pretty OK with doing this...though I wonder how we'd frame the conversation (as you can tell, I'm shit at doing social conversations).

In any case, @MMKII I'm going to take your like as a "I approve of the thing", so I've added it in. Bit 'meh' on apologizing to Akane, but I don't have any particular reason to not put it right now.

I've also added the Yakuza section you wanted from Discord, @Oneiros.

Wordcount: 223

[X] Action Plan: Clanless Interactions
Timeline: January 6.
  • Prepare for and schedule meetings:
    • Tomorrow: Ino (lunch), Chouza (afternoon), Asuma (dinner).
    • Later this week: Shino, Minami, Keiko (on the Seventh Path), Nakano and co..
  • Privately apologize to Akane for any emotional weirdness.
    • Zabuza hit us with KI before the BotG, and things are pretty fucking nuts ATM.
  • Early Morning: Spar with Lee!
    • Akane can come along.
    • Ami-style training: You spar in a wide open training field, but can only move on top of a few dozen logs placed upright in it. First to touch the ground loses. Try a variety of strategies: don't move and chakra adhere to a single log, destroy the logs, race between them like a monkey, etc..
    • If they wish, tell them about Gai's final moments from the debriefing we read. They have a right to know.
  • Work on acquiring operatives with Noburi and Akane.
    • Consider turning mission-desk ninja (Ito Ino?) into operatives.
    • Look over Jiraiya's blackmail/black market notes. Is there anything work looking into?
  • Scribe Kagome's seals in our spare time, with the intent of selling them off to the Tower to fund our mortgage/pay off Hagoromo's debts.
    • Work out whatever seals get us the most ryo for our time.
  • Light afterdinner thoughts:
    • Should we continue working with the Kuronuma Group?
      • Sell them ice/salt.
      • Promise help against the Akasugi for assistance.
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Mari sat up, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees and a truly disturbing smile on her face. "Oh, yes," she said quietly. "Yes, you can trust her. She's not going to work against us, and if she tries...well, then I'll just have to very politely ask her to pretty please with sugar on top cut it out."
Here's something I think strange:

If Mari's high confidence in her ability to handle Ami is justified, how come she wasn't able to shed light on her for Jiraiya? Jiraiya's first meeting with Ami was back during the first phase of the Exams, when she hinted at the existence of the AMI. Shortly after that, he returned to Leaf and undoubtedly discussed his Mist experiences with his Mist-born social-specialist elite jounin wife (who was not yet, at the time, broken by Hana). Yet he remained completely confused by Ami when the Tournament came.

Did Mari play a joke on him, confident that Ami wouldn't cause anything worse than a couple headaches? Or is Mari deceiving us now?

Or... Hm. Jiraiya came back on November 21, Hana broke Mari on November 25. I suppose it is plausible, even likely, that Jiraiya just didn't get around to discussing Mist with her during that time window, and then she was in no state to advice him — leaving him completely ignorant of Ami. Very plausible indeed.
A fortuitous confluence of events, wouldn't you say?
No, I am not seriously suggesting that Ami masterminded all of this. Just an interesting observation with my usual ominous framing.
Can they? In that case how on earth did Hazuo and Nobby survive that Jounin?

Regardless, they're not intended to be used for CQC, they're for instant defences against ranged ninjutsu. Hyuga can do Divination stuff against small projectiles but that takes chakra. They don't have any advantedge over other ninja when it comes to dodging/blocking larger attacks.

The jounin was Mari in disguise cleaning up Kagome's mess. She had finished her job of deniably killing Minami and didn't want Hazou and Noburi dead.

Speaking of useful professional skill sets, what are everyone's professional skill sets and other useful skills?

Knowing what each other are good at will help us all plan and collaborate more effectively.

I'll go first: I'm a software engineer.

Mad tinker and general sociopath. I am, however, legally sane- I have a certificate and everything!

Armor *at all* in the setting is rare. To put it in other terms, imagine you live in a world with three types of damage. Slashing, piercing, and blunt. No armor exists for any type at all.

Someone invents an armor that protects you from 2 slashing, but nothing else. That armor is still insanely valuable.

Sure, we won't make the Hyuga completely invincible, but we will reduce the options people have to kill them. Thats important.

I reiterate that the single most valuable seal we could immediately develop would be a form of directional explosive which would activate upon contact or damage in a manner akin to storage seals. Automatic and massively overpowered ablative armor.


To clarify: I'm concerned about leaking the version with the grinding capability. Better variations on that are a potent delivery vector for all sorts of nasty crap, as @Lailoken is likely to tell you repeatedly.

So I want a version that just doesn't have that option period, so it can't be reverse engineered. Otherwise Shikaku's ghost will tsk very disapprovingly at us!! :p

Why would I repeat myself? The GMs are the only ones who can consistently hear me.

(Pure) mathematician-in-training. And yes, that SMBC joke has been shown to me hundreds of times.

Polynomial systems, so where algebra and geometry collide. (aka a subfield of algebraic geometry. Wooo)

I'd make a joke about the paradox of a field titled "algebraic geometry", but I knew a guy who dared to switch from physical chemistry to chemical physics and his father almost disowned him for joining the Dark Side. I'm not even kidding.

Because he isn't a jonin. The QMs have said that we and Hazou overhyped his skills. He was in the woods being as safe as possible, so he wasn't exactly grinding training. He's certainly never received the official rank jonin. I think the thread just got ahead of itself in posturing a few times. He's a chunin with a sealing specialty.

He was previously a jounin. The Grue ate it. Nevertheless, he did spend a decade in the woods with nothing but silence and contemplations of explosives to occupy his mind.

I love him so much!

"You realize she's important to Keiko, right?" Noburi asked nervously. "Hurting her would be bad."

"Why, Noburi! I'm shocked that you would think such a thing of me! All I said was that I would ask her—I even specified that I'd be polite about it. I'm not sure what more you could want."

Mari could politely skin somebody alive and leave them being for forgiveness for straining her clothing...

Oh, how I love the power-tripping Hazou.

This makes me imagine some kind of Whirlpool's Hogwarts for sealmasters.

Waterfall, where the Whirlpool survivors evacuated to.
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Here's something I think strange:

If Mari's high confidence in her ability to handle Ami is justified, how come she wasn't able to shed light on her for Jiraiya? Jiraiya's first meeting with Ami was back during the first phase of the Exams, when she hinted at the existence of the AMI. Shortly after that, he returned to Leaf and undoubtedly discussed his Mist experiences with his Mist-born social-specialist elite jounin wife (who was not yet, at the time, broken by Hana). Yet he remained completely confused by Ami when the Tournament came.

Did Mari play a joke on him, confident that Ami wouldn't cause anything worse than a couple headaches? Or is Mari deceiving us now?

Or... Hm. Jiraiya came back on November 21, Hana broke Mari on November 25. I suppose it is plausible, even likely, that Jiraiya just didn't get around to discussing Mist with her during that time window, and then she was in no state to advice him — leaving him completely ignorant of Ami. Very plausible indeed.
Keep in mind Jiraiya broke off from the return party to hunt down Team Bloodrage, which left him suffering from withdrawn symptoms over the Akimichi stimulants he used. Beyond that...HDK.
I'm actually pretty OK with doing this...though I wonder how we'd frame the conversation (as you can tell, I'm shit at doing social conversations).

In any case, @MMKII I'm going to take your like as a "I approve of the thing", so I've added it in. Bit 'meh' on apologizing to Akane, but I don't have any particular reason to not put it right now.

I've also added the Yakuza section you wanted from Discord, @Oneiros.

Remember that Leaf has its own Yakuza who undoubtedly don't want Hyuuga in charge any more than we do.
Remember that Leaf has its own Yakuza who undoubtedly don't want Hyuuga in charge any more than we do.
Hm...how about this:
  • Should we work with the Yakuza? We could sell them ice/salt, or offer our assistance against their rivals for assistance.
    • Do we work with Leaf's Yakuza, xor Mist's?
This gets the Yakuza discussion rolling, while still bringing up the two possible Yakuza groups as possible targets of alliance.
I thought international messages between Hidden Villages without the Kage's permission were basically taboo and only had potential bad outcomes?
That is an issue working with Mist's Yakuza will have. Ideally we'd be able to...convince...Ami, to bring a message back to Teuchi, and he can have middlemen set up so we can do it properly, without having to go through security at Mist's gates.
That is an issue working with Mist's Yakuza will have. Ideally we'd be able to...convince...Ami, to bring a message back to Teuchi, and he can have middlemen set up so we can do it properly, without having to go through security at Mist's gates.

So the ideal version involves what would probably be viewed as treason and hoping we don't get caught?
It was the ideal version I had within a minute of thinking of it, sue me. Yes, there are probable improvements, but I haven't the time to think of them. That's what the planning and in-story discussion is for.

Sorry, didn't mean to come across as too critical. I agree it makes sense since he's the underworld kingpin we already have a relationship with. I was more thinking that I don't want the QMs to have to avoid accidental treason for us if we can avoid it ourselves.
Sorry, didn't mean to come across as too critical. I agree it makes sense since he's the underworld kingpin we already have a relationship with. I was more thinking that I don't want the QMs to have to avoid accidental treason for us if we can avoid it ourselves.
I'm not entirely sure it's considered treason, since the Yakuza aren't ninja and...well, most ninja don't really care about civilians all that much. Talk with Ami, maybe could be construed as treason. Though, since Ami's closely related through Keiko, it'll be hard to make the argument if she's around.
Sorry, didn't mean to come across as too critical. I agree it makes sense since he's the underworld kingpin we already have a relationship with. I was more thinking that I don't want the QMs to have to avoid accidental treason for us if we can avoid it ourselves.
We won't avoid treason for you. If you get caught committing treason, we will write Hazō's execution.

Note that I am not speaking to whether or not what's being discussed is treason.
"Pah," Noburi replied, waving the thread aside. "The optics on that would be terrible, and you can't afford to publicly sully our name like that."
I think you mean "threat," not "thread."

"Leave me out of this Noburi," Akane said, smiling and raising her hands in disavowal.
Pretty sure that there should be a comma before the word "Noburi."
Right, now if someone can find a link to the SQUIP song that works, I can reply to that at the start of my post.
Your link works fine for me. Weird song, by the way.