And now I'm imagining Kagome the paranoid THer. Same conspiracy theories, same obsession with explosives, but instead of throwing them with paper he uses Earth Release to throw shrapnel bombs and Wind Release to compress air at a distance.

An absolutely unrelated question: does anyone know how to install "Screaming in Kagome" extension in Firefox?
An absolutely unrelated question: does anyone know how to install "Screaming in Kagome" extension in Firefox?


You may now react with "Screaming in Kagome" using the chrome extension developed by myself and @Dissonance.

Now also available for Firefox and Firefox for Android.

I am so, so sorry.

  • Thanks to @DAKKA! for figuring out compatibility with Firefox.
  • Thanks to @Solonarv for Firefox addon compatibility.
It's worth noting that the opportunity cost of giving Naruto administrative duties alongside Asuma is that he's not as able to go out and do the high-profile missions befitting his rank.

Not only are those missions a sizeable income stream (S-rank pay is no joke yo), but they're also highly prestigious and this is a time where Leaf is pretty close to out of top-rank talents to perform them.

Perhaps we could figure out a way of going about it that doesn't interfere with Naruto's missions, but if the two are irreconcilable I actually feel like Naruto focusing on missions might be better for the stability of Leaf, the economic stability of the Goketsu, and Naruto's prestige leading up to future Hokage elections.

Leaf needs Naruto strong more than they need Naruto active.

His very existence is a backstop leaf needs. Given that he's not in tip top shape yet, it's much for beneficial for him to recover effectively.

Being an assistant doesn't compromise his health (and a routine might even help with the trauma) while still helping Naruto be useful

What's the motivation behind Hazo's quest for math books? Is it because it's just good to know math generally, or because understanding noncontinuous n-dimensional algebraic manifolds triggers a certain exploit, or is it an investment in plausible deniability before he's struck by divine inspiration and invents the last 300 years of the field? If math writing's just too rare (or, since I'm pretty sure he didn't finish The History of the Elemental Nations Vol. 1, Hazo's life isn't conducive to leisurely reading), why not ask Kagome if he knows anything advanced?

I'm reasonably confident i've been the biggest advocate for this, and there are a pile of motivations behind my push.

  • The implied level of math available is absurdly high, I want to know why.
    • We are talking about a medieval culture that explicitly does not have a notion of a public intelligencia. In the EN secrets are meant to be kept.
    • Also, it's a death world, and the surplus manpower needed to explore math is just not available.
    • So you'd expect the amount of collective maths knowledge to be strictly below that of late-medieval Europe which had neither of those problems.
    • Yet there's allusions to:
      • Math in dimensionalities much higher than 4.
        • People didn't realize that spaces with non-flat curvature were consistent till Lobachevsky.
      • Complex cryptography and cryptanalysis, that's more than just steganography.
        • Hell we only broke the vigenere cipher in 1863, and that's the next simplest thing to a straight substitution cipher.
      • Other things I can't recall off the top of my head.
    • There's got to be a reason for this:
      • The sage and dummy handing out maths when they gave away technique hacking and sealing.
      • Cryptography actually being ludicrously primitive by our standards.
      • Some way for people in the EN to understand and manipulate high dimensional with the same ease that we can intuitively work with 4d system. (E.g. imagining the 4th spacial axis as time, and similar tricks. Nowhere near as easy as 3d, but still well within the realm of easy imagination.)
    • All of those possibilities either give us avenues for munchkining or are useful things to know for sure.
  • The math needed for public key crypto and hash functions fits on a single sheet of paper, incl. proofs and explanations.
    • That could give us an absurd amount of security relative to everyone else's crypto, as well as signing, better steganography, etc...
  • Basic signal processing concepts (not even the actual math) are enough to help Hazou develop very powerful sealtech.
    • Stuff on the order of pre-vacuum tube electronics.
      • I'll note that telegraphs, radio, fax machines, telephones, and early radar-like systems (telemobiloscope) , were all around before vacuum tubes, albeit not in their current forms.
  • Knowing what broad categories of math Hazou has access to (esp. the math for sealing, crypto, and summoning) gives us easy hooks to reapply that same math in other places.
    • Lots of other places. :ninja:
In a world like this, with tools like sealing and technique hacking, math is an incredibly powerful crowbar. It can open tons of doors for us.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the first major attempts at stuff like central banks fail horribly and almost crash their country's economy?

Methinks it would be a nightmare for more than just the Nara.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the first major attempts at stuff like central banks fail horribly and almost crash their country's economy?

Methinks it would be a nightmare for more than just the Nara.

Well, first you need something resembling an actual economy for that to happen!
Because I fucked up, duh. That's usually the answer.

We'll find some IC handwaved explanation, but that's the actual answer.

:> Yeah, I know. But I'm not above using that to blackmail you into in-game goodies.

That said, If the answer is that "MfD human brains are just better at math" I'll be disappointed since I can't munchkin that in the opposite direction and get our characters to help us fold protiens.

Maybe the math is more advanced because Sealing incentivized higher understand of math?

Right and some of it can be accounted for that way, but not all of it. It's still a manpower issue.
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The obvious reason is the world for MfD is actually a post apocalyptic society, and the military retained related math as secrets during the fall (encryption is... valuable, and as noted you need a lot of background to get it to work right), which was picked up by sealmasters as another universal language to use to help generate seals.

Obviously, many of the advanced concepts and proofs were lost, and some things which are "known" lack the related proof, but generational knowledge of "this is true" has been sufficient.

Obviously, then, some of the worst sealing failures are a result of when that knowledge has slipped and the stated theorem is not true, or is missing conditions.
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A reasonable motor for faster-than-in-reality advancements in maths could be the five thinker clans.
- Five rather large groups of people with a great level of education and focus on mental disciplines, while powered by Mental Ninja Magic.
- Each of them has a different mental enchancement. That's a lot of angles to approach the topic from.
- They have lines of communication between each other. Trading of knowledge is a near certainty here.
I know you're joking, but just as a point of information: The last few days have been pretty hard for me, so this is a bad time to be making jokes like that one. No way for you to have known and it's not a problem, but I figured it would be wise to set expectations.

Here's to hoping things improve for you soon. Everyone here appreciates the brilliance of your work in bringing these characters and this whole world to life, and we all care about you.