I know you post a lot, and definitely know your stuff, but can that possibly be right?

Like, if we take Hazou's 'couple hundred' seals thrown in our backyard every 'few days', and substitute in 200 every 4 days, we are still talking about our clan leader having a part time job of putting bombs on his bombs (16 hours every four days), and, like, earlier when we were flexing that Gokage weren't considered dressed if they didn't have a hundred bombs, plus wasn't there a bowl with dozens of them in it by the door?

If those are all right, and the bombs decay in around 4 days, then we are spending like all our time making bombs. But if they last forever, then we are a ninja clan that is engaged in carefully, methodically, making sure it does not survive someone setting off its back yard trap.

It seems like one of my assumptions must be wrong, or it has to be quicker than 5 minutes to make them.
The first thing to note here is that Hazou mentioned clearing out the jungle 'every week or so', which would take half or less than half of the investment that you calculated.

The second is that Hazou could easily be exaggerating. If you're just throwing around enough explosive seals to do the job without thinking about how many you're using because you have an effectively unlimited supply of them, then 'hundreds' might feel like an appropriate measure even if you know you probably only used a few dozen.
He probably could, but I don't think Kagome would do this IC.
He's the hyper paranoid dude; he's going to do this in as safe a manner as possible at all times.
I mean that Kagome would scribe as quickly as possible while still ensuring that, even if he rolled a -12 on his fudge die, he'd still be 100% guaranteed to succeed on his roll.
Kagome is so good at making seals he doesn't need to look at them while he draws them at least for explosives
If we are going to sell Force Walls to civillians, we should find a way to make them visible to improve safety.

Sorry if this has been said already.
Mortgage doesn't matter bro. We are going to keep the deal with the pangolins
We currently have enough cash (including pangolin payment) to pay the mortgage for less than 2 months (last I saw). Unless Noburi can learn sealing in one month, we would be well served by putting some thought into getting money in the time period between now and whenever he can get the next shipment to the pangolins.
We currently have enough cash (including pangolin payment) to pay the mortgage for less than 2 months (last I saw)
They're going back and re-evaluating the pricing of the estate to make sure its accurate, after a very very very helpful person messaged them with a buttload of Sengoku Era prices on things and offered to help. So that might not really be the case anymore, we'll see.
We currently have enough cash (including pangolin payment) to pay the mortgage for less than 2 months (last I saw). Unless Noburi can learn sealing in one month, we would be well served by putting some thought into getting money in the time period between now and whenever he can get the next shipment to the pangolins.
We are getting another shipment of gold at the end of the month. Plus Kei learned summoning in less than 55 days from someone who had never actually done it. We will be fine. If not just enact plan ice and salt
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We are getting another shipment of gold at the end of the month. Plus Kei learned summoning in less than 55 days from someone who had never actually done it. We will be fine. If not just enact plan ice and salt

It's not all that clear to me how fast we can make salt, and then sell it, and then get the cash back.
And don't forget not getting caught by the Merchant Council, because, IIRC, we don't have permission to use ninjutsu for trade.
HAZOU: We killed this giant Salt Dragon over there. It dissolved into 100 tons of salt when it died!

CIVILIANS: Oh yes thank you very much for your service that sounds entirely in line with how we expect the world to work.
It is, actually, very clear how fast we can make salt.

I don't have information on hand on how fast we can make salt.

And don't forget not getting caught by the Merchant Council, because, IIRC, we don't have permission to use ninjutsu for trade.

We are planning to sell salt outside the city which means the MC can't do anything, but the operative word is "sell outside", which mean either a ninja is sent on an unrelated mission or we have to sell bags of salts to traveling merchants, which will be slow.
HAZOU: We killed this giant Salt Dragon over there. It dissolved into 100 tons of salt when it died!

CIVILIANS: Oh yes thank you very much for your service that sounds entirely in line with how we expect the world to work.

Hopefully, Mari's manipulation pave the way for civilian revolt against the merchant council. Then we can do whatever we want.
We are getting another shipment of gold at the end of the month. Plus Kei learned summoning in less than 55 days from someone who had never actually done it. We will be fine. If not just enact plan ice and salt
The shipment of gold was included in my estimate. Without that, we wouldn't have enough for one month.
We should probably enact plan ice and salt pretty soon, it sounds like something that could potentially take a while, and even once we get the blood money rolling in again we'll probably want it.

Honestly, I was very surprised at how little we're actually getting paid for selling our souls. Because of us the pangolins won a war that had been going on for centuries, and gained a massive strategic advantage they never had before. And yet they're only paying us a few hundred thousand dollar equivalents? I'm probably vastly overestimating the size and richness of 7th path clans, but the US military would pay billions of dollars for a comparable advantage. I suppose the difference can be partially accounted for in that the pangolins don't have capitalism or globalization, so they're not generating even a fraction of the wealth that modern countries can. Plus they're a lot smaller than irl countries (Keiko could see the sky above neighboring clans when she visited). Still, I would have hoped for quite a lot more.

Does this make sense? Maybe we should try and renegotiate for a better deal, since one of the obvious possibilities is that the pangolins are just being really stingy.
Jiraiya said that the blood money was a lot, but he also got us into a mortgage which demanded payments that were more than our total income before we got into this deal, so I don't really trust his financial knowledge.
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The shipment of gold was included in my estimate. Without that, we wouldn't have enough for one month.
We should probably enact plan ice and salt pretty soon, it sounds like something that could potentially take a while, and even once we get the blood money rolling in again we'll probably want it.
Nahh we've got 2.5 months of savings plus another month once we get the pangolin gold. Plenty of time to renew the deal.

10,400,000 ryō in the bank.
Your monthly expenses are $400,000. You will receive one more payment of Pangolin blood money in the amount of $520,000.