It wouldn't work because you need an extremely flat surface to keep the seal from having imperfections during the "writing" phase. Otherwise the seal will read something slightly different which would result in something vastly different. Like instead of a standard explosive seal you'd have a nuke or something. Pretty sure eaglejarl said that or someone else.
Inoue-sensei looked up as Hazō approached, and put the borrowed scroll of village philosophy down on the bench next to her.

Hazō glanced around, and then spoke to her very quietly. "Inoue-sensei, I'm worried about what Takahashi might be doing to Keiko behind closed doors. Maybe you should use Truth Lost in the Fog to question her about it?"

Inoue-sensei's eyes grew cold. "No. I'd only do it in the most desperate circumstances, if I thought he was doing something unacceptable, and I had to resort to questioning her to find out what, and she refused to tell me anything.

"Hazō, genjutsu users as a community don't have many rules, and some of them are more flexible than others, but arguably the most important one is that you do not use permanent mind-modifying genjutsu on friends, family or teammates without their consent, unless it's a matter of life and death. Even in a profession that violates people's minds for a living, it's considered incredibly morally wrong, and every single person who does it ends up as a deeply fucked-up individual incapable of normal human relationships.

"If they weren't one to begin with."

She stood up sharply.

"Excuse me. I need to go wash my hair."

I didn't expect there to be so many new systems.

If there is a thing only Madara can do, it is best to assume by default that in MfD he cannot do it. This will save you a lot of theorycrafting.

If I did have to model it with MfD rules, I'd say "gets a roll at all because Sharingan hax -> wins Taijutsu vs Weapons by a huge amount (would be screwed if he hadn't) -> Weapons to throw kunai back -> Taijutsu to do the rest".

While I love stunt rolls of various sorts in RPGs, MfD doesn't presently have a mechanic for them because a) players don't have fine-grained control over combat and b) you would die.

Could you clarify the conditions for this? Or do you mean a generic battle between the two?

As it happens, "Takahashi" is a very common Japanese surname. Typically, the kanji used are "high bridge" ("taka" from "takai" meaning "high or tall").
This has yet to be threadmarked. Also, is there a reason that only the very latest Interlude is posted in the Story Only Thread?

Also, it's a tad late, but:
Man I wish we had a voice amplifier. If we could even speak to everyone before they leave, we have a shot.
Chakra Boost.
Meh. Just file the portion you want to write the seal on down flat.
Just like... a flattened notch in the middle of the kunai. That's why it'd take a LOT of effort and time.
Sneaky, if time consuming. This does remind me of the wooden kunai idea from way back.
What idea was that, painted black wooden kunai shrapnel?

e: Actually... we should suggest this option to Kagome. He likes wood carving, right? He can combine his hobbies! This'd also give us an option for gifting him stuff related to woodcarving that'd appeal to him as part of that hobby AND his penchant for explosions.
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I'm not sure if we need to practice it first or if it is just another small benefit of our Iron Nerve, but according to the player knowledge doc we can make seals as small as a thumbnail. Whether or not the size of a seal makes a difference on the effects of a seal has yet to be determined (please correct me if I'm wrong), but if we got a flat enough kunai we might be able to put a teeny tiny seal on one side of the blade.

Before we do that, though, I would like to test to see if the size of a seal has any effect on the output of a seal. It would suck if we went to all of this trouble to put a tiny seal on a kunai only to have it explode with less than the force of a small firecracker.
So, I'm thinking of going back to the idea of using all of this to buy time while Kagome reverse engineers the summon seal from their sealing-style (which Hazou copied).

To steal a metaphor, it would remove power from the ant.
So, I'm thinking of going back to the idea of using all of this to buy time while Kagome reverse engineers the summon seal from their sealing-style (which Hazou copied).

To steal a metaphor, it would remove power from the ant.

This triggers the same "this person is ludicrously optimistic" filters as old physicists.

Too much of the high order structure of the seal will be lost over years of being remixed into seals with totally different functions. The style and core primitives might be saved, but none of the high-level logic of the summoning seal is likely to be preserved. (Assuming sealing has engineering-y dynamics.)
So, I'm thinking of going back to the idea of using all of this to buy time while Kagome reverse engineers the summon seal from their sealing-style (which Hazou copied).

I get the feeling that reverse engineering the summoning seal from a few derived seals copied hastily by Hazou that Kagome has barely seen himself would be like having Kagome try to copy the Mona Lisa because Hazou showed Kagome which colors are in the painting (because Hazou saw other paintings that were inspired by the Mona Lisa and supposedly all of the tribute pieces used the same complete color palate as the Mona Lisa) and then told him the finished painting should look like a smiling woman.

Remember that if Kagome fails to perfectly recreate the Mona Lisa he dies.


E: :ninja:
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We also should probably come up with an action plan. Might do one myself pretty soon, since I have several thoughts on what we should do.
Before we do that, though, I would like to test to see if the size of a seal has any effect on the output of a seal. It would suck if we went to all of this trouble to put a tiny seal on a kunai only to have it explode with less than the force of a small firecracker.
Well Kagome would approve of your focus on explosive seals, I'm sure our collective hive-mind can think of seals which don't need a lot of raw power, but can be very impactful when they're a surprise, especially front-loaded on a flying kunai.
For example: use one kunai to set up a tripwire at range, behind the enemy, ala Ten-Ten's Storage seals.

Edit: Actually, if this works out, we could weaponize storage seals by putting the storage function on delay. If the weapon hits someone, boom, they've just lost a chunk of flesh. Even a small chunk can be a pretty big deal. (sever a limb, remove the heart, etc)
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Well Kagome would approve of your focus on explosive seals, I'm sure our collective hive-mind can think of seals which don't need a lot of raw power, but can be very impactful when they're a surprise, especially front-loaded on a flying kunai.
For example: use one kunai to set up a tripwire at range, behind the enemy, ala Ten-Ten's Storage seals.

It's more of isolating one variable at a time to see if there is any meaningful difference. We obviously know that explosive seals explode, but by making an explosive seal smaller we can test if it has any effect on the explosion. We aren't messing with any other variables to keep our results as definitive as possible by using proper experiment procedure.

Once we have a result, positive or negative, we can move on to recreating the experiment with a simple storage seal. If we get the same proportional result as the explosive tag test, we can reasonably assume that the size of a seal can influence the seal's results.

All of this is a moot point though if Kagome already knows what happens if you change the size of a seal (as noted by @faflec ). However, if he doesn't know, this would be the simplest way to test messing with explosive seals to see if it is even possible to improve upon and/or specialize the seals we already have in new ways. We already have the theory down for PMYF which involved adding a timer to a storage seal...

Actually, could we make a seal like PMYF that would not unlock for months? If we can, we could seal a message inside the scroll and send it to Jiraiya's contact as a ticking deadman's swtich. If we do not arrive in time to destroy the package, the contact will receive the sealed letter detailing the location and other vital information of the Village Hidden in the Mountain. We would have to attach a note to the scroll explaining why it is so important and we would have to demonstrate to the village that we are capable of making such a delayed seal so we can prove the threat as we issue it, but it might be a way to forcibly pacify the village if need be. Best case scenario, the village never needs to know about it, but if they try to capture us they doom themselves to being found out by the strongest country in the Elemental Nations (aka, their worse nightmare). Of course, we would have to make sure the seal can't be cracked before its scheduled opening (and we might accidentally reveal to Jiraiya that we know sealing), but I think discussing amongst ourselves about such a time capsule seal could prove promising.
*hasn't read discussion, proposes action plan anyways*
[X] Action Plan: Research
Lay low with respect to the village, let things calm down. Modify part of the fort for safe seal research and finish Storage Seal research, then start delayed release storage seal research (poor man's yellow flash). Suggest Noburi continue attempting to store and drain chakra from water clones.
Actually, could we make a seal like PMYF that would not unlock for months? If we can, we could seal a message inside the scroll and send it to Jiraiya's contact as a ticking deadman's swtich. If we do not arrive in time to destroy the package, the contact will receive the sealed letter detailing the location and other vital information of the Village Hidden in the Mountain. We would have to attach a note to the scroll explaining why it is so important and we would have to demonstrate to the village that we are capable of making such a delayed seal so we can prove the threat as we issue it, but it might be a way to forcibly pacify the village if need be. Best case scenario, the village never needs to know about it, but if they try to capture us they doom themselves to being found out by the strongest country in the Elemental Nations (aka, their worse nightmare). Of course, we would have to make sure the seal can't be cracked before its scheduled opening (and we might accidentally reveal to Jiraiya that we know sealing), but I think discussing amongst ourselves about such a time capsule seal could prove promising.
I very much like the idea of a kill switch as a threat. Maybe Kagome can help us out with this? ...Honestly, I just want to see Kagome more. He and Akane are amazing and I love them both.
While we're talking sealing, are there any advantages to more elegant or efficient seal designs? Less possibility of error, faster activation, less waste heat?
While we're talking sealing, are there any advantages to more elegant or efficient seal designs? Less possibility of error, faster activation, less waste heat?
From what I know, if a seal works, it works; it'd... probably help to be elegant/efficient, in researching it, though.
So we know we need to discuss size/power relation of seals with Kagome, and potentially run experiments on it to determine exact functional change.
Then we need to figure out delayed seals.
And we have to continue to play nicey-nice with the village so we can take the summoning scroll once our minion has learned how to use it.
Anything specific you guys can think we should do/have done? (Besides unaliving Kouta, because that will cause problems).
Good heavens, is it time for vote-able plans already? I'll finish this later, not quite statisfied with it and I have stuff I have to get done. Ugh.

[] Action Plan: Defusing Disasters

  1. Dispel (it's a good habit ok)
  2. Learn the culture of the people we are trying to assimilate befriend.
    1. Ask for a tutor/guide from our political backers, Takahashi, Gasai, and Yoshida, so we don't accidentally offend any more of the locals.
      1. Learn the simple, non-religious things about the village, like when the next festival is, or the villagers' favorite pastime, such as sports or gambling.
    2. Test out living their lifestyle as a means to later ingratiate ourselves to the village at large (i.e. we dress the same way, eat the same foods, etc. in private in our base so that we our quarantine is up we won't make buffoons of ourselves once said quarantine ends).
      1. Barter with anyone willing who comes to our base; don't leave to buy things.
  3. Keiko continues her training with Takahashi.
    1. Whenever she comes home for the night, have Inoue check her (once she has given her permission) for any signs of subterfuge, emotional manipulation, worsening depression, etc.
  4. Noburi continues to experiment with his bloodline.
    1. He should concentrate mostly on trying to reabsorb chakra from his clones. When he gets bored with that, he can try turning his Vampiric Dew into Vampiric Mist with a focus on using it as a sensing ability.
  5. Hazou works with Kagome on sealing research.
    1. If needed, they will first expand our base away from the village as needed for safety reasons/concerns.
    2. In order of priority, research the following:
      1. Storage Seals
      2. PMYF
      3. Casino Seals (to simply learn how they operate, not make new ones)
      4. Longer delay version of PMYF to create a deadman's switch:
        1. Actually, could we make a seal like PMYF that would not unlock for months? If we can, we could seal a message inside the scroll and send it to Jiraiya's contact as a ticking deadman's swtich. If we do not arrive in time to destroy the package, the contact will receive the sealed letter detailing the location and other vital information of the Village Hidden in the Mountain. We would have to attach a note to the scroll explaining why it is so important and we would have to demonstrate to the village that we are capable of making such a delayed seal so we can prove the threat as we issue it, but it might be a way to forcibly pacify the village if need be. Best case scenario, the village never needs to know about it, but if they try to capture us they doom themselves to being found out by the strongest country in the Elemental Nations (aka, their worse nightmare). Of course, we would have to make sure the seal can't be cracked before its scheduled opening (and we might accidentally reveal to Jiraiya that we know sealing), but I think discussing amongst ourselves about such a time capsule seal could prove promising.
We do have a response to someone with 10 weapons dice throwing explosive kunai at Hazou. MEW. We can even use it to defend our allies, as well.

MEW can be used to defend from ranged attacks in place of TacMove.
PMYF is better than TacMove at everything except chakra cost (and, at maximum chakra boost, PMYF is cheaper)
With MEW and PMYF, TacMove seems obsolete.

Do we really need this much redundancy (MEW + PMYF + TacMove), or can we disregard TacMove in favor of some other skills?
My lightning release nin Sith apprentice laughs at such presumption!
More seriously, MEW won't work against a full fifth of ninjutsu(lightning). We know that as ninja level they tend to go for ninjutsu over shit like Taijutsu/Weapons. This gets progressively worse- jounin have two or three affinities. This is why MEW cannot be a defensive mainstay: a decent cloud chuunin would tear it apart. TacMov has no such penalties. Honestly, lets just get MEW 10 for XP discount and skip on to better Earth ninjutsu.

Anything specific you guys can think we should do/have done?
Explicitly put "researching the Mountain seals we saw" in the action plan. This means we can unlock their techs and figure out how to counter them.