Alright, the only suggested plans are going for the sealing research but there are few problems with it that need answers before we can implement such a plan. I don't think it's enough to just say "do sealing research".
  1. We are going to need a safe place to conduct the research in, since the research will require Sealing rolls which, if failed, will lead to bad things
  2. The sealing research area needs to be safe and hidden from the eyes of observers, unless we want to reveal our actual power levels to the villagers
  3. If we build a big closed fort away from the village, the villagers will get suspicious and rumors will start to spread and we will take political damage
  4. If we use Yoshida's sealing facilities, they will require us to disclose what sort of sealing we are doing, which will lead to us revealing our powerlevels and Hazou's sealing skill
  5. Yoshida might require concessions for the use of their facilities, we could make it a part of the sealing exchange they suggested earlier
  6. Interaction with Yoshida on this point could be considered to be political in nature, meaning we might also need Takahashi's blessing

If we just start building new forts, the first idea villagers will get is that we are preparing something villainous. "Maybe they are building a superweapon to take over the village!" I don't see them calming down at all if we just tell them that "Hey! We are only doing Sealing research, one of the most harmless and safe activities in the Elemental Nations! Oh, and don't mind the explosions or screams of horror you might hear, those are just swamp gas coming to surface, no need to worry about them!"
Alright, the only suggested plans are going for the sealing research but there are few problems with it that need answers before we can implement such a plan. I don't think it's enough to just say "do sealing research".
  1. We are going to need a safe place to conduct the research in, since the research will require Sealing rolls which, if failed, will lead to bad things
  2. The sealing research area needs to be safe and hidden from the eyes of observers, unless we want to reveal our actual power levels to the villagers
  3. If we build a big closed fort away from the village, the villagers will get suspicious and rumors will start to spread and we will take political damage
  4. If we use Yoshida's sealing facilities, they will require us to disclose what sort of sealing we are doing, which will lead to us revealing our powerlevels and Hazou's sealing skill
  5. Yoshida might require concessions for the use of their facilities, we could make it a part of the sealing exchange they suggested earlier
  6. Interaction with Yoshida on this point could be considered to be political in nature, meaning we might also need Takahashi's blessing

If we just start building new forts, the first idea villagers will get is that we are preparing something villainous. "Maybe they are building a superweapon to take over the village!" I don't see them calming down at all if we just tell them that "Hey! We are only doing Sealing research, one of the most harmless and safe activities in the Elemental Nations! Oh, and don't mind the explosions or screams of horror you might hear, those are just swamp gas coming to surface, no need to worry about them!"
Given that there shouldn't be swamp gas within a hundred miles, I imagine that wouldn't be particularly comforting.
The underground stuff would probably require some specific Earth Jutsu which we don't know. Maybe Kagome could help? We could definitely blow up enough rocks with him. The problem is telling him what qualifies as enough. Or Hidden Crater will quickly be realized.
Could we expand our camp underground?

That doesn't seem very safe, especially since we are dealing with Sealing. Imagine poison gas or explosions indoors. Even if Kagome had knowledge about building mines I wouldn't dare to do Sealing in them. It would also have to be hidden from the villagers, otherwise it would lead to same problems as just building an outdoors testing area.

Whatever plan we go with, we could also have rest of the group work on sealing related support tasks that don't require the actual Sealing skill. Here's a start but now would also be a good time to pitch in if anyone has good ideas what to do with our current resources. (Current resources being: We have explosives!)

Explosive tag delivery method workshop, think about what is useful and see if we can build some of them with our current resources or easily accessible ones. Note down what hard to get resources we would need so we can acquire them later.
  1. Explosive tags inside Water and Earth Clones
    1. Kagome attached seals to floats earlier*, could we miniaturize this in order to put the tags inside water clones?
    2. We need a method for the clones to trigger the explosions fast, so Noburi time explosions without Sealing knowledge
    3. How many tags would we need to put inside one clone to achieve an efficient blast radius and how does it differ between the clone types? Kagome and Keiko can probably answer this before we get to test it properly
  2. Explosive tags delivery with Water Whip
    1. Can we use the same system as with Water Clones?
    2. How can Noburi trigger them poperly? Just standard timing?
    3. Water carries explosions rather well, will Noburi lose his hand if the tag explodes while still in the whip? Even at max range?
  3. Has Akane implemented explosives to her traps already?

*Oh dear, now I'm imagining actual baby seals wearing swimming floats, this is entirely too much.
@Twofold, I agree that we shouldn't do Sealing research for the reasons you pointed out.

I propose we focus on all other side projects we neglected, and leave Sealing for later, when we are safe and alone in our Doom Fortress of Doom.
@Twofold, I agree that we shouldn't do Sealing research for the reasons you pointed out.

I propose we focus on all other side projects we neglected, and leave Sealing for later, when we are safe and alone in our Doom Fortress of Doom.

I'm not completely against doing Sealing research. There are just some hurdles we need to plan around and trade-offs we need to make if we want to do sealing research while in the village.

For example, Yoshida elder doesn't have absolute confidence that Hazou can do Sealing but she definitely suspects. Revealing that Hazou can do sealcraft is not a huge thing, and it might be worth to do if it led to better access to the villages sealing resources. As it probably will, since it's better for the village to trade Sealing knowledge with a bunch of missing-nin than with an actual village. We can give them the basics of modern sealing just as well as a major village but for a far better price.

We could still keep Kagome's skills as a mystery. Hazou is decent enough at sealing (~200XP spent) that his craft won't reflect badly on Kagome. Meaning the village won't suddenly underestimate the threat Kagome poses even if we reveal Hazou's not-so-scary sealing levels.
@Twofold, I agree that we shouldn't do Sealing research for the reasons you pointed out.

I propose we focus on all other side projects we neglected, and leave Sealing for later, when we are safe and alone in our Doom Fortress of Doom.
I'm going to put here a list of the side projects that I remember being talked about in the thread, just so we have a starting point for deciding what to do.
  • Vamperic Dew Research - Noburi could redo the science experiments we did with Vamperic Dew from earlier, now that he has more dice. If it gets misty around here, he could check whether he can sense and/or drain chakra through mist.
  • Explosive Seal Tweaking - Hazou has the ability to write the explosive seal that he knows really small, but how does that work mechanically? Does he need to make a successful roll to draw the seal the first time? If so, we probably need a full research protocol for this. If not, we could make a small explosive seal and then test it to see how powerful it is. We would still want to be able to set it off without disturbing the village, though, and I don't know that the fort is far enough away/sound proofed enough for this to be doable.
  • Tiny Seal Use - If we can figure out the parameters of making tiny seals, Hazou, Noburi, and Akane can work on using them in inconspicuous ways. (Keiko is busy, so she can't really help.) Step 1 is probably hiding it on a kunai, either real or black-painted wood. Then moving on from there.
  • Seal Research - Finish the storage seal. We'll need to come to some sort of accommodation with the village to be able to pursue this. Any research of clever seal ideas - PMYF, Macerator - would require that our accommodation allow us to do our research in private, or that we wait until we leave.
Have I forgotten anything?

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Jackercracks, storage and explosive seals seem to be pretty standard, in that all of the major villages and any minor village with a sealmaster would be able to produce them. Are there any other seals that we know of that are standard in this same way?
Could you add Social Link stuff to your plan? I'd like to make sure the team's in good mental conditions, moreso after that little interlude with Mari.
So, @Dictator4Hire had the right idea with his plan but Instead bombing him for edits I'll just make my own plan. This is a higher level technique some participants like to call "Stealing everything that is not nailed down". It's very effective and I recommend it for everyone.

The sealing research will probably be the divisive element so I made it an additional element by splitting the initial plan in to two different plans.

In the first plan we just chill, make an attempt to learn local customs through Yoshida, try to get Akane some fire jutsu training and see if we can prepare explosives in different ways. Pretty safe plan all things considered.

In the second one we take a bit of a risk and trade sealing knowledge with Yoshida, infuse some storage scrolls and basically reveal Hazou's sealing competence. This might open up further sealing exchange between us and Yoshida, but it also gives them information about us. It also gives us more cover for why we are still here, if Takahashi figured us out the others might too. Vote as you see fit.

Both plans involve trying to get Akane some fire ninjutsu training. Since we are giving the Takahashi one jutsu, we should get one jutsu back, so we should be able to get Akane training in two jutsus (Firefly and some other). I think we should get something long range AoE for situations when enemies are out of Firefly range or there are just too many of them to punch efficiently. The idea is to not level the second jutsu any time soon, but to get just one level at it so Akane can train it later if we deem it necessary.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Jackercracks, If we can wrangle fire jutsu training for Akane out of Takahashi, could we get some options like we did with wind jutsu for Keiko back when? Or is the best we can do just hope that they don't give us anything useless?

Additions appreciated, especially in the creative explosive tags department. It currently has what I came up and some things @HyperCatnip suggested but I'm sure those are not the only ideas that have been floated in this thread. Also, does anyone have any idea how many storage we could risk infusing at the moment?

[X] Action Plan: Just Chill

Additions underlined.

I added some spoilers for easier viewing, if you want to know what the plan does in detail just go clickety-click on the spoilers.

Latest edit: Fixed some typos.

Things seem pretty calm, lets make nice with the villagers, train and see if we can get some equipment prep done before the next crisis hits.

  1. Prevent hostilities from breaking out
  2. Learn Summoning
  3. Learn village customs and promote congenial relations with the village

Interacting with the village:

  1. Learn village customs
    1. Inform Takahashi of our intentions through Keiko beforehand
    2. Contact Yoshida and see if she can get us a trainer in village lore and customs
    3. We don't mind leaving the fort for training
    4. If there's different things to be learned between men and women, we don't mind splitting up to groups
    5. Remind Kagome that we do need to make nice with these people to get what we want
  2. Get fire ninjutsu training for Akane from Takahashi
    1. Inquire if the Takahashi have anyone competent in fire ninjutsu and if they would like to teach Akane in exchange for a fire scroll
    2. Have Akane learn the Firefly Jutsu (assuming they are confident in their ability to teach it)
    3. ...and the basics of one other fire jutsu (enough for self study), maybe the Takahashi family has good suggestions? (Our first instinct would be long range and AoE)
    4. If they want more jutsu in exchange for better jutsu, see if Inoue has something she could teach without giving away too much information and jeopardizing her combat potential against the village
    5. Trust Inoue's judgement whether teaching something would be safe
    6. Make a copy of the scroll to give to Takahashi
    7. Have Inoue and Noburi tag along for the training sessions
Private research and preparation
  1. Talk to Kagome about his quick temper
    1. Check with Inoue what she thinks about Kagome's mentality
    2. Tell Kagome how happy we are that he is feeling protective about us
    3. Remind him, that we don't want to start killing people because of a misunderstanding
    4. He has to find the way to control his temper, so he can react properly when we ACTUALLY need him to blow everyone up
  2. Work on explosive tag delivery methods.
    • Do the ones we can now and note down what resources we would need for the others
    • Explosive tags inside Water and Earth Clones
      • Kagome attached seals to floats earlier, could we miniaturize this in order to put the tags inside water clones?
      • We need a method for the clones to trigger the explosions fast, so Noburi time explosions without Sealing knowledge
      • How many tags would we need to put inside one clone to achieve an efficient blast radius and how does it differ between the clone types? Kagome and Keiko can probably answer this before we get to test it properly
    • Explosive tags delivery with Water Whip
      • Can we use the same system as with Water Clones?
      • How can Noburi trigger them poperly? Just standard timing?
      • Water carries explosions rather well, will Noburi lose his hand if the tag explodes while still in the whip? Even at max range?
    • Non-obvious thrown explosives for surprise explosions
      • Wrap explosive tag around kunai handle, under the usual handle wrap
      • Prepare explosive tag look-a-likes to fool our enemies
      • Make explosive tag compartment inside kunai handle?
      • Make kunai made of two parts, like Kegome's bouys, put explosive tag inside?
  3. Have Kagome take a look at the seals we have acquired
    • The storage scrolls we acquired from the village: Can he get anything else useful out of them? Counters or something like that?
    • The seals we acquired from the casino in Iron, what do they do? How hard would they be for Hazou to research?
  4. Cheer up the team with our sunny disposition and encouragement!
    1. Show support to Keiko, she's probably working hardest between us all, that's admirable.
    2. Commend Noburi for being consistently non-trouble-generating (which is rare in this team), thank for healing and bringing in goodwill
    3. Praise Akane for overall improvements and helping diffuse Kouta mess
    4. A quiet thanks to Mari for keeping our traveling circus together.
  1. Don't move alone outside the fort, if party has to be split make sure one of the adults is with each group
  2. Keep working on quick exit strategies
  3. If we decide to do some other kind of training (through training plans), contact Yoshida and see if we can get something set up that doesn't end up with mauled kids and screams of terror

[X] Action Plan: Just Sealing and Chill

Follow the Action Plan: Just Chill with the following additions.
  1. Trade a storage seal with Yoshida
    1. Inform Takahashi beforehand through Keiko
    2. Tell Yoshida we have been working on a storage seals and if they can give us access to their seal infusing facilities we will be happy to gift them one once our research is finished
    3. addition to an explanation on how their own storage seals work
    4. If the deal is made, finish researching storage scrolls
    5. Infuse 3 storage scrolls and give one to Yoshida (Does anyone have any ideas what would be a safe number here? I'll change it later once I've heard some opinions on that.)
    6. Compare the information about storage scrolls we get from Yoshida to our copies or the village storage scrolls and see if they match
    7. PRIORITY: Don't reveal Hazou's bloodline abilities
  2. Make sure either Kagome or Inoue is with us when we go to the sealing testing facilities.

I'll probably make training plans later if I remember. If someone else wants to take a crack at them I suggest getting Noburi up to TacMove 10 at least and reserving some XP for Akane's potential fire jutsu training.
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So, @Dictator4Hire had the right idea with his plan but Instead bombing him for edits I'll just make my own. This is a higher level technique some participants like to call "Stealing everything that is not nailed down". It's very effective and I recommend it for everyone.

The sealing research will probably be the divisive element so I made it an additional element by splitting the initial plan in to two different plans.

In the first plan we just chill, make an attempt to learn local customs through Yoshida, try to get Akane some fire jutsu training and see if we can prepare explosives in different ways. Pretty safe plan all things considered.

In the second one we take a bit of a risk and trade sealing knowledge with Yoshida, infuse some storage scrolls and basically reveal Hazou's sealing competence. This might open up further sealing exchange between us and Yoshida, but it also gives them information about us. It also gives us more cover for why we are still here, if Takahashi figured us out the others might too. Vote as you see fit.

Both plans involve trying to get Akane some fire ninjutsu training. Since we are giving the Takahashi one jutsu, we should get one jutsu back, so we should be able to get Akane training in two jutsus here (Firefly and some other). I think we should get something long range aoe for situations when enemies out of Firefly range or there are just too many of them to punch efficiently. The idea is to not level the second jutsu any time soon, but to get just one level at it so Akane can train it later if we deem it necessary.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Jackercracks, If we can wrangle fire jutsu training for Akane out of Takahashi, could we get some options like we did with wind jutsu for Keiko back when? Or is the best we can do just hope that they don't give us anything useless?

Additions appreciated, especially in the creative explosive tags department. It currently has what I came up and some things @HyperCatnip suggested but I'm sure those are not the only ideas that have been floated in this thread. Also, does anyone have any idea how many storage we could risk infusing at the moment?

[X] Action Plan: Just Chill

Things seem pretty calm, lets make nice with the villagers, train and see if we can get some equipment prep done before the next crisis hits.

  1. Prevent hostilities from breaking out
  2. Learn Summoning
  3. Learn village customs and promote congenial relations with the village
  1. Learn village customs
    1. Inform Takahashi of our intentions through Keiko beforehand
    2. Contact Yoshida and see if she can get us a trainer in village lore and customs
    3. We don't mind leaving the fort for training
    4. If there's different things to be learned between men and women, we don't mind splitting up to groups
    5. Remind Kagome that we do need to make nice with these people to get what we want
  2. Get fire ninjutsu training for Akane from Takahashi
    1. Inquire if the Takahashi have anyone competent in fire ninjutsu and if they would like to teach Akane in exchange for a fire scroll
    2. Have Akane learn the Firefly Jutsu and the basics of one other fire jutsu, maybe the Takahashi family has good suggestions? (Our first instinct would be long range and AoE)
    3. Make a copy of the scroll to give to Takahashi
    4. Have Inoue and Noburi tag along for the training sessions
  3. Work on explosive tag delivery methods.
    1. Do the ones we can now and note down what resources we would need for the others
    2. Explosive tags inside Water and Earth Clones
      • Kagome attached seals to floats earlier, could we miniaturize this in order to put the tags inside water clones?
      • We need a method for the clones to trigger the explosions fast, so Noburi time explosions without Sealing knowledge
      • How many tags would we need to put inside one clone to achieve an efficient blast radius and how does it differ between the clone types? Kagome and Keiko can probably answer this before we get to test it properly
    3. Explosive tags delivery with Water Whip
      • Can we use the same system as with Water Clones?
      • How can Noburi trigger them poperly? Just standard timing?
      • Water carries explosions rather well, will Noburi lose his hand if the tag explodes while still in the whip? Even at max range?
    4. Non-obvious thrown explosives for surprise explosions
      • Wrap explosive tag around kunai handle, under the usual handle wrap
      • Prepare explosive tag look-a-likes to fool our enemies
      • Make explosive tag compartment inside kunai handle?
      • Make kunai made of two parts, like Kegome's bouys, put explosive tag inside?
  4. Have Kagome take a look at the seals we have acquired
    1. The storage scrolls we acquired from the village: Can he get anything else useful out of them? Counters or something like that?
    2. The seals we acquired from the casino in Iron, what do they do? How hard would they be for Hazou to research?
  5. If we decide to do some other kind of training (through training plans), contact Yoshida and see if we can get something set up that doesn't end up with mauled kids and screams of terror
  1. Don't move alone outside the fort, if party has to be split make sure one of the adults is with each group
  2. Keep working on quick exit strategies

[X] Action Plan: Just Sealing and Chill

Follow the Action Plan: Just Chill with the following additions.
  1. Trade a storage seal with Yoshida
    1. Inform Takahashi beforehand through Keiko
    2. Tell Yoshida we have been working on a storage seals and if they can give us access to their seal infusing facilities we will be happy to gift them one once our research is finished
    3. addition to an explanation on how their own storage seals work
    4. If the deal is made, finish researching storage scrolls
    5. Infuse X number of storage scrolls and give one to Yoshida (Does anyone have any ideas what would be a safe number here? I'll change it later once I've heard some opinions on that.)
    6. Compare the information about storage scrolls we get from Yoshida to our copies or the village storage scrolls and see if they match
    7. PRIORITY: Don't reveal Hazou's bloodline abilities
  2. Make sure either Kagome or Inoue is with us when we go to the testing facilities.
    1. If Kagome is the one who comes with us, make sure to talk to him beforehand about not killing everything.
      1. We understand that these guys might have weird sealcraft practices, but we are guests and we should not try to rock the boat

I'll probably make training plans later if I remember. If someone else wants to take a crack at them I suggest getting Noburi up to TacMove 10 at least and reserving some XP for Akane's potential fire jutsu training.

Would like social link stuff added to this plan too! :D Also Goal #1 should be survive, as always.

...On the topic of floats. I wonder if we could rig up a hot air balloon? It's... relatively low tech, though it may require semi-advanced materials. Not sure what we'd use it for (other than aerial bombardment), but still...

e: I'd also like us to give some particular attention to training Kagome in social situations. 1 Diplomacy Die is... not ideal. Although do so carefully. Maybe roleplay it?
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Would like social link stuff added to this plan too! :D Also Goal #1 should be survive, as always.

I would also like to practice socialism, but the plan is already pretty long and I don't want to give Velorien a heart attack. He probably won't have time to go through everything as is, but luckily most of the stuff is easy to skip or answered in few lines.
I would also like to practice socialism, but the plan is already pretty long and I don't want to give Velorien a heart attack. He probably won't have time to go through everything as is, but luckily most of the stuff is easy to skip or answered in few lines.
Well, you can dilineate different sections of the plan so he doesn't immediately pass out upon seeing it. Interpersonal relations with the team, actions done toward the village, etc.

@Velorien Would that be better for you?
@Twofold, I like the general idea of your plan, but some parts really bother me.
  • We don't mind leaving the fort for training
  • If there's different things to be learned between men and women, we don't mind splitting up to groups
I really hate splitting the party. Our previous experience with splitting the party was less than stellar. I would prefer to not split the party, even if it makes us unable to learn village customs.

  1. Inquire if the Takahashi have anyone competent in fire ninjutsu and if they would like to teach Akane in exchange for a fire scroll
  2. Have Akane learn the Firefly Jutsu and the basics of one other fire jutsu, maybe the Takahashi family has good suggestions? (Our first instinct would be long range and AoE)
I would prefer to ask Jiraya for a fire jutsu tutelage. I'm not sure we want to give the village firefly jutsu and expose Akane's inexperience in ninjutsu.

  • Have Kagome take a look at the seals we have acquired
    1. The storage scrolls we acquired from the village: Can he get anything else useful out of them? Counters or something like that?
    2. The seals we acquired from the casino in Iron, what do they do? How hard would they be for Hazou to research?
I think we should do this ASAP. I also think we should not do any more overt sealing research while inside the village.
I really hate splitting the party. Our previous experience with splitting the party was less than stellar. I would prefer to not split the party, even if it makes us unable to learn village customs.

Yeah, it's a risk but moving as a one clump will really limit our social options severly.

As for the fire jutsu, if we can get the fire training for really cheap here I don't see a reason to waste a Jiraya-favor on it. If they already have a fire jutsu specialist, the Firefly Jutsu won't really change things. I probably wont change it unless someone unveils a huge risk factor involved with it.

With the Sealing you are in luck, you can just vote for the Just Chill and not worry about it...Or make you own plan and possibly leave the jutsu exchange out of it.
Well, you can dilineate different sections of the plan so he doesn't immediately pass out upon seeing it. Interpersonal relations with the team, actions done toward the village, etc.

@Velorien Would that be better for you?
That might help, yes.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Jackercracks, If we can wrangle fire jutsu training for Akane out of Takahashi, could we get some options like we did with wind jutsu for Keiko back when? Or is the best we can do just hope that they don't give us anything useless?.
Depends how persuasive you are. I mean, if you were Takahashi, how inclined would you be to teach these people "something long-range and AoE"?
This being the case, @Twofold could you put each easily defined portion of the plan under descriptive spoiler tags?

e: Regarding getting Akane training from Takahashi, I think he might be more interested in teaching her unique ways to use ninjutsu in aid of her taijutsu rather than teaching us how to carpet bomb his village.
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Depends how persuasive you are. I mean, if you were Takahashi, how inclined would you be to teach these people "something long-range and AoE"?

I guess not. Then again since his current plan seemingly involves us getting out of the village soon after Keiko is done with her education and it's not like Akane will learn the jutsu immediately. So it might be doable. It also depends on how fire jutsus work. Is there a standard fireball jutsu that scales with levels or do you need to learn a new jutsu every time you want to make a bigger fireball?

Does anyone have ideas on how to get a grumpy village elder to give us access to heavy weaponry?
[X] Action Plan: Just Chill

I don't really want to reveal that Hazou is a sealmaster, or heavily imply that we have another one by showing that Hazou hasn't mastered the scroll we offered them earlier. Besides, they already have an example of our storage scroll, I believe.
Okay, I tidied up the plan and added the option to have Mari trade an additional jutsu for a good fire jutsu, if she thinks it's safe without lowering her combat potential against the village. Luckily nobody has voted for this yet. New things in PINK.
[X] Action Plan: Just Chill

Things seem pretty calm, lets make nice with the villagers, train and see if we can get some equipment prep done before the next crisis hits.

  1. Prevent hostilities from breaking out
  2. Learn Summoning
  3. Learn village customs and promote congenial relations with the village

Interacting with the village:
  1. Learn village customs
    1. Inform Takahashi of our intentions through Keiko beforehand
    2. Contact Yoshida and see if she can get us a trainer in village lore and customs
    3. We don't mind leaving the fort for training
    4. If there's different things to be learned between men and women, we don't mind splitting up to groups
    5. Remind Kagome that we do need to make nice with these people to get what we want
  2. Get fire ninjutsu training for Akane from Takahashi
    1. Inquire if the Takahashi have anyone competent in fire ninjutsu and if they would like to teach Akane in exchange for a fire scroll
    2. Have Akane learn the Firefly Jutsu and the basics of one other fire jutsu, maybe the Takahashi family has good suggestions? (Our first instinct would be long range and AoE)
    3. If they want more jutsu in exchange, see if Inoue has something she could teach without giving away too much information and jeopardizing her combat potential against the village
    4. Trust Inoue's judgement whether teaching something would be safe
    5. Make a copy of the scroll to give to Takahashi
    6. Have Inoue and Noburi tag along for the training sessions

Private research and preparation
  1. Work on explosive tag delivery methods.
    1. Do the ones we can now and note down what resources we would need for the others
    2. Explosive tags inside Water and Earth Clones
      • Kagome attached seals to floats earlier, could we miniaturize this in order to put the tags inside water clones?
      • We need a method for the clones to trigger the explosions fast, so Noburi time explosions without Sealing knowledge
      • How many tags would we need to put inside one clone to achieve an efficient blast radius and how does it differ between the clone types? Kagome and Keiko can probably answer this before we get to test it properly
    3. Explosive tags delivery with Water Whip
      • Can we use the same system as with Water Clones?
      • How can Noburi trigger them poperly? Just standard timing?
      • Water carries explosions rather well, will Noburi lose his hand if the tag explodes while still in the whip? Even at max range?
    4. Non-obvious thrown explosives for surprise explosions
      • Wrap explosive tag around kunai handle, under the usual handle wrap
      • Prepare explosive tag look-a-likes to fool our enemies
      • Make explosive tag compartment inside kunai handle?
      • Make kunai made of two parts, like Kegome's bouys, put explosive tag inside?
  2. Have Kagome take a look at the seals we have acquired
    1. The storage scrolls we acquired from the village: Can he get anything else useful out of them? Counters or something like that?
    2. The seals we acquired from the casino in Iron, what do they do? How hard would they be for Hazou to research?
  1. Don't move alone outside the fort, if party has to be split make sure one of the adults is with each group
  2. Keep working on quick exit strategies
  3. If we decide to do some other kind of training (through training plans), contact Yoshida and see if we can get something set up that doesn't end up with mauled kids and screams of terror

[X] Action Plan: Just Sealing and Chill

Follow the Action Plan: Just Chill with the following additions.
  1. Trade a storage seal with Yoshida
    1. Inform Takahashi beforehand through Keiko
    2. Tell Yoshida we have been working on a storage seals and if they can give us access to their seal infusing facilities we will be happy to gift them one once our research is finished
    3. addition to an explanation on how their own storage seals work
    4. If the deal is made, finish researching storage scrolls
    5. Infuse X number of storage scrolls and give one to Yoshida (Does anyone have any ideas what would be a safe number here? I'll change it later once I've heard some opinions on that.)
    6. Compare the information about storage scrolls we get from Yoshida to our copies or the village storage scrolls and see if they match
    7. PRIORITY: Don't reveal Hazou's bloodline abilities
  2. Make sure either Kagome or Inoue is with us when we go to the testing facilities.
    1. If Kagome is the one who comes with us, make sure to talk to him beforehand about not killing everything.
      1. We understand that these guys might have weird sealcraft practices, but we are guests and we should not try to rock the boat

I'll probably make training plans later if I remember. If someone else wants to take a crack at them I suggest getting Noburi up to TacMove 10 at least and reserving some XP for Akane's potential fire jutsu training.

It would be much better if Mari taught her jutsu to us. In particular, Keiko could really use some Wind Walls.

But she doesn't know fire jutsu and Keiko's learning schedule seems pretty booked for the moment. Unless you want to spend XP to give Akane another element before she has learned anything in her first one, I think we should prioritize getting her something useful.
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