To be clear, the merchant empire plan refers to us using merchants as ways to get intel? Because I'm not entirely sure the Hinago Medical Facility is the sort of place merchants would commonly go to. As compared to Tea, where the town near the former Capybara Summoner's clan is definitely gonna have stuff.
Plus if it's about the summoning scroll, Jiraiya's network is already in place and probably more reliable than whatever we could set in place in Rice. For our own network we're better off working it into nearby friendly countries first.
While we're on the topic of doing horrible things to physics, can we make some time to study up on what passes for chemistry in the EN? I remember @Velorien saying something about not having built that part of the world yet, so I want to give our QMs a chance to do that :)

To start to piece this together, here are things involving some small amounts of chemistry knowledge that I can think of that we know exist in the EN:
  • Clear glass
  • Concrete
  • Possibly inks, depending on what kinds and colors they use
  • Possibly medicines, but they're probably using plant and animal sources still
  • Possibly poisons, but they're probably using plant and animal sources still, especially since there are apparently super deadly chakra species to get poisons from
Do they use acid, ever?

What else can people think of?
Ultra-high risk / reward : Mari needs absolution. She promised to return to account to a Rice mayor and tavernkeeper. Considering the service rendered, done well, with humility, in her new capacity, it might even be a major diplomatic opening...
Do we have any speculation on places Akatsuki might be operating out of, or places they are highly unlikely to be operating out of?

Getting a spy network somewhere we might get clues to Akatsuki's whereabouts might be a priority.
I prefer some degree of separation of concern. We could use it to find leads to expand Jiraiya's network.
Thats not really the point though.

The point is that it serves as a means to acquire actionable info (given the nature of the setup, this will be primarily economic info or random hearsay about international events/goings on) and provide a vector through which action may be taken on said info (Ex: Having them do some spice and wolf bullshit based on the price of a certain good).

"Acquire business intel" is a small facet of that, and isnt the most accurate description from a top down perspective.
Also, okay, that'd be what, 32 atmospheres of PSI? Well, 33, I guess.
Aye, 33

I can't give you exact details, but according to the math people I talked to it'd probably kill everyone within 40 meters or so instantly, probably wouldn't destroy buildings, and might kill others in LOS of the explosion due to debris being flung at supersonic speed, but the overpressure would quickly fade out similarly to how decibels do.
Excellent, that fits closely with the way I did the calcs based on threadmarked info.
What else can people think of?

Birdduke said something about them having access to sulfur I think? This came up in the last chemistry conversation that I don't remember super clearly. They may have access to potassium nitrate, which we historically had by the first century in China. With sake, they have access to at least simple distillation, and given that it doesn't seem to just be Jashin-damned firewater that blinds people every so often they almost certainly have fractional distillation. They can forge and work steel, which implies things not just about their mining and metallurgy advances, but also that they have access to high energy fuels such as coke. If we've ever seen etched glass, that almost certainly implies the presence of strong mineral acids. They have soap, so they have lye. I'm not sure if they understand the distinction and relationship between bases and acids yet though.

All in all, a good place for us to estimate around is probably somewhere around where the Islamic alchemists were in their golden age.
Unhairing agents, or are you thinking of tannin and lime? A true chemical replacement for tannin apparently didn't come about until the industrial revolution.

Nah, tannin and lime it is.

Birdduke said something about them having access to sulfur I think? This came up in the last chemistry conversation that I don't remember super clearly. They may have access to potassium nitrate, which we historically had by the first century in China. With sake, they have access to at least simple distillation, and given that it doesn't seem to just be Jashin-damned firewater that blinds people every so often they almost certainly have fractional distillation. They can forge and work steel, which implies things not just about their mining and metallurgy advances, but also that they have access to high energy fuels such as coke. If we've ever seen etched glass, that almost certainly implies the presence of strong mineral acids. They have soap, so they have lye. I'm not sure if they understand the distinction and relationship between bases and acids yet though.

All in all, a good place for us to estimate around is probably somewhere around where the Islamic alchemists were in their golden age.

Sake is more a wine, than liquor - it doesn't need distilation. Here're specifics. I guess pasterization stage is omitted in EN, but everything else seems doable.

I don't think distillation is available yet, but we need to check with medics - spirit should be used for disinfection if it exists.

And AFAIK chemistry was mostly trial and error almost up to Mendeleev

e: according to wiki distillation was known since 3000 BC though much simpler than modern is. However, we can assume it is known in EN.

[jk] Emperror of Salt and Tequila
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As things stand, the next update is only going to feature the lunch with Shin. I'm open to you voting in a little more content for Thursday. Bear in mind that you have less than half a day left until the gaming night, so you might only have one plan's worth of content remaining (depending on plan length).
I'm comfortable hanging out with Hana post-Shining, and then using any extra time to do game night stuff. In light of this, @faflec 's current plan seems like it pretty much does that?
If distilling isn't a thing in the elemental nation then we need to figure out a way for Hazō to figure out because that would make our bars so much more profitable

Edit: never mind kurohige's revenge is distilled liquor
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I feel like they might have distilled alcohol already?

If not.... well, thats an easy path to dominating a kajillion dollar industry...
I feel like they might have distilled alcohol already?

If not.... well, thats an easy path to dominating a kajillion dollar industry...

They should have since they're 12th century Japan and distillery in our world was known from 1200-3000BC in various areas. Sake doesn't need distillation and is the most common alcohol around, but it isn't the only one. So, we should assume distillery is known in EN

I wonder if we can fasten the process with Sealing somehow.