I mean, what is the
worst most annoying-thing-that-is-still-within-reason that could happen?
INO: Hazou, hey listen. Hazou, hey, hey, Hazou. Tell me about how you made Keiko cry.
INO: Hazou, come on!
INO: Hazou!
HAZOU: OK, you make a great argument. Here is what happened...
KEIKO: Good evening, blood traitor.
HAZOU: Umm. *looks behind him at the off chance she was talking about Noburi instead but no luck*
KEIKO: Did you know that Shikamaru tells me everything now that he has been sufficiently chastened by my demonstration of what I would do to his wood if he kept me in the dark? I assume you know what I am talking about, don't you?
HAZOU: Uh, I don't suppose you could wait around 12 to 24 hours for me to come up with a plan?
KEIKO: What do you think?
KEIKO: He told me all sorts of interesting things. Like how Ino knew more about your plans regarding Ami than you volunteered to me. Her sister. You still remember what those are, right? What with how little consideration you give yours?
HAZOU: I can explain!
KEIKO: Really? Alright, go ahead.
HAZOU: It was one sentence!
KEIKO: One sentence? You only told her one sentence?
HAZOU: Yes- no, I mean. I only forgot one sentence in my plan and it all went haywire. Just one!
KEIKO: Well, in that case... I forgive you.
HAZOU: ...really?
KEIKO: Absolutely. Just as long as I get to say one sentence as well.
HAZOU: That sounds fair. Thank you for being so understanding, Keiko.
KEIKO: No problem. Are you ready? Here it is: 'Summoning Technique: Panjadrum-Sitting-On-Imbecile-Brother Variation.'
HAZOU: Oww, my everything!
KEIKO: That should do it. *begins to walk away, then stops and turns back to Hazou* Actually, dearest brother of mine, what is
your favorite color?