How much testing do we think the firebomb would require? Is the answer "sufficiently little that we'll be able to do it in Mist"? If it isn't that, can someone design a new AoE attack which we could quickly fine-tune for use in the tournament?
an unplanned trip to Toad territory is a reasonable thing to have come up just in casual conversation
Wasn't Keiko already stationed in the Toad territory, at the moment? It's how she meets with Jiraiya. (Or was it vice versa?) In any case, Jiraiya could give the Pangolins some excuse for Keiko's trip himself, and he presumably has enough power and influence over Toads to ensure acceptable privacy.

But... fair enough. Starting to explicitly hide things from the Pangolins is a horrible idea, probably even worse than openly testing our weapons in their territory.

I concede. I've removed testing it on the Seventh Path.
Didn't the Pangolins already ask recently to see a list of all the seals we know? I remember us freaking out about that a little before getting distracted by more immediate things.
They did.

Can someone please help me with taking ISC to pieces?

If nobody helps, we'll be trying to win using a combination of social maneuvering, game-theoretic blackmail, impromptu engineering, and zany schemes — like sensible people. I heard something called "combat tactics" could help us, but I'm not sure what that is (a kind of... tea?), so I'll be putting none of that in.
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Right, if you want to beat ISC, you just have to outsmart the discord.

Think of everything our team can do. EVERYTHING. Now try to beat it. I don't care what skill is needed to beat it, just pretend you have it. Now make 20 of these plans. ISC knows every single one of those and knows how to fake it.

Use MEW to hide then go underground and pop up elsewhere to attack? Throw random junk laced with whatever you need everywhere. You pop out you're screwed.

Just spam explosives? Easy to hide underground. Or use a shield. The smoke casts a shadow. You lose.

Make a plan and I'll defeat it.
Remember, the other method to victory is to simply take your strongest advantage and press it as hard as you possibly can. Clever tricks can only accomplish so much in the face of overwhelmingly superiority, and if you have that kind of power then broadening your perspective to clever tricks of your own just equalizes a playing field that was tilted in your favour.

Basically, weigh every strategy against the utility of 'summon stronk Pangolins turn 1 and wreck face'.
How much testing do we think the firebomb would require? Is the answer "sufficiently little that we'll be able to do it in Mist"? If it isn't that, can someone design a new AoE attack which we could quickly fine-tune for use in the tournament?

Wasn't Keiko already stationed in the Toad territory, at the moment? It's how she meets with Jiraiya. (Or was it vice versa?) In any case, Jiraiya could give the Pangolins some excuse for Keiko's trip himself, and he presumably has enough power and influence over Toads to ensure acceptable privacy.

But... fair enough. Starting to explicitly hide things from the Pangolins is a horrible idea, probably even worse than openly testing our weapons in their territory.

I concede. I've removed testing it on the Seventh Path.

They did.

Can someone please help me with taking ISC to pieces?

If nobody helps, we'll be trying to win using a combination of social maneuvering, game-theoretic blackmail, impromptu engineering, and zany schemes — like sensible people. I heard something called "combat tactics" could help us, but I'm not sure what that is (a kind of... tea?), so I'll be putting none of that in.

I appreciate you listening to me on the testing thing.

In terms of solutions...

Honestly? I think part of the reason for ISC's big displays during this tournament is that a typical response to an enemy who uses clever plans is to try a clever plan yourself. After all, an intelligent person can do just about anything, and playing defense is hard. So you focus on trying to pull out some big trump card before they can. The problem is, when you do that, unless you're pulling out a proven capability they simply haven't seen yet, you're fighting on the enemy's terrain. Shikamaru is smarter than us and may have superior resources.

So, what's our relative advantage? Brute force, in the summons, and brute force, in that we have explosives. (A lot of explosives.) Also Keiko's ability to act coldly and to intimidate.

Therefore, my honest suggestion is this:
- Before the fight, tell Shikamaru that you have a very high opinion of his intelligence and his skills in deception. You don't plan to compete there.
- Instead, you're just going to summon a Pangolin, and the two of you will throw explosives at him until he gives up or can't continue to fight.
- It's his job to concede before he dies.

Remember, the other method to victory is to simply take your strongest advantage and press it as hard as you possibly can. Clever tricks can only accomplish so much in the face of overwhelmingly superiority, and if you have that kind of power then broadening your perspective to clever tricks of your own just equalizes a playing field that was tilted in your favour.

Basically, weigh every strategy against the utility of 'summon stronk Pangolins turn 1 and wreck face'.

Make a plan and I'll defeat it.

During the speech Noburi leaves to signal to Panache that the 2-3 Pangolins already buried deep underground should begin their assault.

Keiko starts off the match with "Multiple Summoning Jutsu: Underground Variant" and a loud bang.

The horde of Pangolins emerge from underground. Shikamaru either surrenders or gets thrown around like a ping pong ball.

I don't think there's anything in the rules preventing this.
Just a couple of obvious inferences:
  1. Revealing a secret this large does not make sense in response to "a bungled attempt at kidnapping". Either Nara are lying, which has its own issues, or the issue is significantly bigger than they made it sound. The latter has consequences.
  2. Keiko fighting a serious Shikamaru is a stupid idea. Almost anything should be done to avoid the Nara spending significant effort to figure out how to counter Keiko and then demonstrating this to the world. At the least we should talk to Shikamaru ahead of time.
As I said I would, I did some work on the wiki.
Cool, thank you.

Also, small questions: can we rename Kekkai Genkai to Bloodlines, and refer to Hidden Villages by their common names, like Mist and Leaf?
It would certainly make my life easier. I can never remember the Japanese for any of them besides Konoha.

Pangolins are sharks
No they...ohhh, that was metaphor. nm

I think we're ignoring the elephant in the room here, so let me spit it out:

We're between two flames here because even though I would were much like plans like this we're getting punished for them because of wordcount limits.

If we don't elaborate so much there could be dozens of small mistakes that we ignore and set aside, making them as 'this should be common sense'. But if it is just implied that Hazou should do something, but not explicitly stated, QMs can mess with Hazou however they want, which they sometimes do. Yes, often it is our plan that specificly firces Hazou act stupid, but that not always the case.

Result: we get punished by being very explicit (less XP) and we get punished by being ambiguous (IC stupidity that we didn't expected)

I understand that its easier for QMs to work with short plans, but we're really stuck here. And, guys, please, don't take it personally. You're great People that pooled together a fantastic story and I really appreciate the amount of time you've put in it.

However, the thing everyone are saying right now is 'Hazou should start acting smarter by default' in dozen different flavours.

What hivemind is missing here, from my perspective, is that we need to establish an agreement with QMs on what they should treat as default reactiin from Hazou. Until it is aquired, all IC we're proposing is going to work one-two chapters and then get erasied again.

Whether the reactions would be developed or receive as a reward for doing something perfectly, trained or aquired for doing things properly for set amount of in-game time is not as important as receiving recognition that we can change Hazou's default reactions and, probably, some sort of manual on how to do this. Because I haven't found any unambiguous way of achieving this in mechanics. Othervise things'll just continue to go downhill...
Ah, look, this is an even-numbered month, time for the QMs to be accused of being unfair and acting in bad faith. </humor>

But then, he spills beans about Akane's EM when SHOULD HAVE LEARNED BETTER. Its the things that would be reasonable for him to remember, but every time we don't specify them explicitly, Hazou just f*cks up.
My recollection is that during voting it was acknowledged that the plan involved compromising one of her techniques and it was decided that that was acceptable given the circumstances.

So, is there a way in mechanics to justify learning things so that they would stick. Is there a skill 'mind your damn OPSEC'
Unfortunately, no. The mechanics are descriptive, not normative.

It is reasonable for him to remember such things, especially when he already was hit hard by doing other way around.
Once something gets promoted to your attention there's a tendency to notice things that are related to it. If you read an interesting book about high-frequency trading then you'll suddenly start noticing things in the news related to HFT, or to ancillary things that were mentioned in the book. I'm sure there's a technical term for this, but I don't know what it is. It isn't confirmation bias -- I'm talking about what you notice, not about how you interpret it. It isn't cherry-picking, because this isn't a question of deliberately choosing examples that reinforce your position. It's not apophenia because there are actual connections. Anyone know? Eh, I'll just call it zubble until I know what the right word is.

The problem with zubble is that it's easier to notice things that are exceptions instead of defaults -- it's the curse of the sysadmin and the sewage technician: no one thinks about you until something goes wrong. @TarzanNn, you're angry because Hazō has OPSEC failures, but you aren't considering them in balance with his OPSEC successes because the latter don't get promoted to your attention.

Three quick examples, the first ones that came to mind:
  • Chapter 186: Hazō needs to tell N&K about Jiraiya's directions re: Team Bloodrage. He takes them to an isolated rooftop.
  • Chapter 214: Hana, his mother and the person who Hazō loves and misses the most out of everyone in the world, whom he has been desperate to reconnect with for two years, shows up on his doorstep. He has a long conversation with her, telling her all about his travels...while keeping OPSEC in the forefront of his mind and not leaking anything at all.
  • Chapter 218: Hazō needs to tell Noburi and Keiko about Mari-sensei selecting them for the swamp mission. He does not do it in the middle of the street, or even in the well-warded Gōketsu residence. He takes them outside the city and puts domes over them.
Again, these were just the first three examples that popped to mind; I could easily find more if I actually looked. In none of these cases did the plan say anything about OPSEC; Hazō's success was completely down to the QMs recognizing that he's improving and implementing his behavior in that light.

As to us "messing with Hazō however we want"...that's not a thing we do. In point of fact, there have been times when we went out of our way to fix something or smooth something over -- a recent example was Chapter 232, where the plan specified that the kids should go out gambling together, without taking into account that it had been specifically called out how terrified Keiko was of crowds and how she was unwilling even to walk down the street; she either went across the roofs or she sent the boys to buy stuff for her. I knew that the players had been wanting for quite a while to see some gambling, so I went out of my way to fix the plan. That is not the act of someone who operates in bad faith.

So, yes. I understand that it's frustrating to watch Hazō stumble sometimes. Keep in mind that he's 14, and a child soldier who spent almost two years with a social circle of 3, then 4, then 5 people. If he's not the smoothest operator on the planet...give him time. He is improving.

Okay, that ended up longer than intended, but hopefully it will allay your concerns.
Three quick examples, the first ones that came to mind:
In Ch 243, we also suggested to J that we do the whole "Half a mile underground with a bullshit amount of privacy seals and whatever funky jutsu you can manage" shebang when we debriefed him about the Ami stuff. Progress!
Just a couple of obvious inferences:
  1. Revealing a secret this large does not make sense in response to "a bungled attempt at kidnapping". Either Nara are lying, which has its own issues, or the issue is significantly bigger than they made it sound. The latter has consequences.
  2. Keiko fighting a serious Shikamaru is a stupid idea. Almost anything should be done to avoid the Nara spending significant effort to figure out how to counter Keiko and then demonstrating this to the world. At the least we should talk to Shikamaru ahead of time.
It might be possible to come to a negotiated outcome with an exhibition fight. In that negotiation Keiko could offer Nara the win in exchange for some sort of political payback to help Jiraiya, if Keiko wanted. Jiraiya would be delighted, I'm sure, but it'd risk making Keiko feel like even more of a tool subordinated to the needs of others.


I just realized something really important. Does shadow possession work on summons? Keiko might need to ask Jiraiya. If it only works on things that are actually alive, great, Shikamaru is in severe trouble. If it does work on chakra constructs then we've got to take that into account.
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I just realized something really important. Does shadow possession work on summons? Keiko might need to ask Jiraiya. If it only works on things that are actually alive, great, Shikamaru is in severe trouble. If it does work on chakra constructs then we've got to take that into account.
Shikamaru seemed to strain himself just holding that one Mist guy.

Giant summons might be outside his weight class.
Shikamaru seemed to strain himself just holding that one Mist guy.

Giant summons might be outside his weight class.

A fair point. He's probably also in trouble even if he can affect summons. Keiko can still attack him if he grabs a summon, and the summon can attack him if he grabs Keiko. The situation gets worse if Keiko can get two summons out.
The situation gets worse if Keiko can get two summons out.
I note that she would certainly be able to do this if we overcharge her a bit with Noburi's chakra water beforehand.

The drawback is she wouldn't have any chakra for buffs, like at all. Enough for one cast of Pantokrators Hammer and thats it, I think. Also this gives her a Mild to Moderate consequence. Not sure if worth.

So I think having Panashe and 1-2 others hiding out underneath the arena would be beneficial, if J thinks we can do it.
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During the speech Noburi leaves to signal to Panache that the 2-3 Pangolins already buried deep underground should begin their assault.

Keiko starts off the match with "Multiple Summoning Jutsu: Underground Variant" and a loud bang.

The horde of Pangolins emerge from underground. Shikamaru either surrenders or gets thrown around like a ping pong ball.

I don't think there's anything in the rules preventing this.

How does Noburi make the signal?

Also, if we have time to put Pangolins underground, Shika has time to set up deterrents underground. He can put anything down there. 500 explosive tags? Done. "Hey Keiko, love of my heart, it would pain you if your Pangolins turned into chunky salsa, and wherever pains you hurts me, so dismiss them and surrender because while you were wasting chakra like the Goketsu waste your talent I already captured your shadow."
How does Noburi make the signal?
Doesn't need to be Noburi. The signal is the loud bang from a garage sized monster crashing to the ground after being summoned in midair.
Shika has time to set up deterrents underground. He can put anything down there. 500 explosive tags? Done.
I don't think thats feasible. Our bullshit amount of tag usage is very rare, and Panashe can likely spot traps.

In fact, we can probably just keep Panashe underground at the very least. She's fairly fast underground, and has shown the ability to think well on her feat. Just do the Burning Bunker of Bums Redux, where she disrupts Shikamaru's footing and concentration by dropping him into a massive spike pit.
We don't even know what Keiko's new jutsu is, do we?

Any chance we could have retroactively asked her in case it is useful for her match against Shikamaru?

Also, maybe I missed it but what is the plan about... the plans?

Do we just come up with the plan to help Keiko with her match, the Ami response plan from last update cycle or can we do both and let QMs divvy them up for themselves with Keiko's fight being a flash back?

Any preference @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail?
Do we just come up with the plan to help Keiko with her match, the Ami response plan from last update cycle or can we do both and let QMs divvy them up for themselves with Keiko's fight being a flash back?
Is there any reason we shouldn't just leave the Ami response plan until after the Keiko vs Shika fight? More time to hash it out, and then we can do so with more info.
We could try to negotiate with the Pangolin a one time time trade of seals for a genjutsu specialist, Shikamaru is somewhat vulnerable to that. Of course, he can and probably has accounted for this in some way.

If Keiko summons a high chakra Pangolin it needs to count after all.
Does Keiko even want our help with planning? We should probably ask her this too.

It doesn't have to be explosive tags, but how many have we traded away as favors? Treat any seals given away as in the hands of ISC.

Shikamaru doesn't have to defeat the summons, just distract them long enough that he can capture Keiko. She can't come into close range. If he unsealed countless gallons of water, that's gonna cast a shadow.

He can unseal a battery and generate light in any direction to cast a shadow.

He can play up wood release and make another wooden castle in which he sets everything on fire again.

We don't know what THIS Shika is capable of. Also, presummoned Pangolins might get us disqualified.
I note that she would certainly be able to do this if we overcharge her a bit with Noburi's chakra water beforehand.

The drawback is she wouldn't have any chakra for buffs, like at all. Enough for one cast of Pantokrators Hammer and thats it, I think. Also this gives her a Mild to Moderate consequence. Not sure if worth.

So I think having Panashe and 1-2 others hiding out underneath the arena would be beneficial, if J thinks we can do it.
I would like to point out that a wax capsule containing chakra water, held under the tongue, would serve quite effective to administer it.
So, yes. I understand that it's frustrating to watch Hazō stumble sometimes. Keep in mind that he's 14, and a child soldier who spent almost two years with a social circle of 3, then 4, then 5 people. If he's not the smoothest operator on the planet...give him time. He is improving.

Okay, that ended up longer than intended, but hopefully it will allay your concerns.
I appreciate the reminder that Hazou is quite young and has time to grow into his own. Sometimes it feels like there's not going to be improvement, when really, every month that passes is a significant fraction of Hazou's life.

I also appreciate your patience with regard to the rest of that.
I would like to point out that a wax capsule containing chakra water, held under the tongue, would serve quite effective to administer it.
Must consume at least 0.5 L of the chakra water.

(I didn't come up with that "Use a sanitized pig intestine tied off on one end as a water bladder, swallow it and use the other end as some sort of crazy bendy straw." malarkey for no good reason!)
@TarzanNn It's called establishing habits. These things should be stuff that Hazō do automatically without us having to do constant input.

Its not about how we call them -- habits is fine with me -- its about him actually using them with out us having to mention it when habit is already developed. Sure, developing habit needs us to mention it, but afterwards it should be used automatically.

The problem with zubble is that it's easier to notice things that are exceptions instead of defaults -- it's the curse of the sysadmin and the sewage technician: no one thinks about you until something goes wrong. @TarzanNn, you're angry because Hazō has OPSEC failures, but you aren't considering them in balance with his OPSEC successes because the latter don't get promoted to your attention.

I am sysadmin, so I know exactly what you mean. It seems that I'm not immune. *surprise!*

Again, these were just the first three examples that popped to mind; I could easily find more if I actually looked. In none of these cases did the plan say anything about OPSEC; Hazō's success was completely down to the QMs recognizing that he's improving and implementing his behavior in that light.

And I thank you very much for all the effort. I also understand that players gone loose can be associated with rampaging tailed beast: There should be consequences for failures (or action in general) , otherwise it would not be a rational story but a Mary-Sue list of accomplishments.

However, there are two major patterns for aquiring a new habit:
  • Repetitive actions
  • Shock
The first one is somewhat implemented though we have no established timeframes and no means to confirm that habit is established. The second was used as a habit of being very careful when speaking with autority figure after KBI, but I can't see any other example.

And if @Kiba can decide to aquire a habit, Hazou should be able to as well. Just give us some means to do it explicitly, please. After all, being QM does not free you from being human with all the biases that package contains: you can sinply miss a habit we're trying to build because there is no agreed way to specify these things. The easiest approach I see is to put habit-building action in Training Plans, but I don't know whether it would mess with conventional Training.

Ah, look, this is an even-numbered month, time for the QMs to be accused of being unfair and acting in bad faith. </humor>

Not bad faith, no. Still probably messing with players' heads, but I don't see a reason to be a QM if that pleasure is denied to you ;) I really appreciate all the work you do, so I'm Sorry if that post came out as rude.

Speaking of appreciation, @PurposefulZephyr you're the hero we all needed! Thank you for working on the wiki stuff!