What makes you think he's a jōnin?
In the Taijutsu training chapter with him vs Hazou + Akane a long time ago he beats the shit out of them, shrugs and says "Jounin."

Whether thats necessarily true is another matter.

E: I'm misremembering
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I'm fairly certain that sealmaster combat ability can't be measured on standard tests. :p
While true, genin-chuunin-jounin is not descriptive explicitly of skill; they're military ranks.

e: Chuunin in particular depicts leadership capability, which Kagome is, um... not generally good at.

e2: He could be a good leader of specific people, but not generally enough for the chuunin rank to apply to him, to be clear.
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I don't think we know if Kagome's a Jonin or not, but we know he's at least a Chunin:
Kagome-sensei nodded distantly. "Died right before I made chūnin. Decades of perfect sealing research, then one day he forgets to turn on the dispersion seal before experimenting, and bam! Self-replicating crystals everywhere. Oh, we got rid of them in time – damn things turned out to be weak to fire – but they drained all the moisture in your body if they touched you, and he'd been right in the epicentre…"
More experience than most of us have!
I didn't pay much attention to it, to be honest. The magic system was more fun. You could call up as many shifts of power as you wanted, but you'd have to roll to see how many you could actually control afterward. Extremely clever mechanic. Both thematic and mechanically interesting.
Kagome can't lie. Like, at all.
I've just come up with a new pet theory; Kagome clearly bargained away his ability to lie to some extradimensional entity after a sealing failure when conventional containment methods failed. Think about it, nobody who survived ninja training could possibly be that bad at lying. He HAD to have been better at some point, and that means something happened to make him utterly incapable. It was either a deal with some extradimensional entity that likes gnawing on pieces of human souls, or it was the result of repeated head trauma from being too close to explosions, and which of those answers is more interesting?

Now it's just a matter of time until there's a sealing failure and Kagome shows up in the nick of time to help Hazou close it, except it won't actually be Kagome.

Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet, but Honoka would be decidedly not fine if Kagome and Hazou died. Presuming that Kagome has taught her enough for her to it the rest of the way to make genin (not definite, but certainly quite possible), she has only been taught part of the philosophy of how explosives solve everything. She knows how to solve problems with massive amounts of explosives, but she doesn't actually know how to get massive amounts of explosives. She's not a sealmistress (yet?), and she isn't a clan heir or logistics expert who can just buy tons of seals. The only way she has to acquire sufficient amounts of explosives is through Kagome or Hazou. If they both died, she'd be out of luck.
If she really wanted she could probably find a seal master to apprentice herself to. Everyone knows sealing is stupidly dangerous and most of the prospective students who do try probably find it horribly tedious and boring compared to the usual ninja skills they're used to and drop out, so I imagine there's a shortage of good prospective seal masters.
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I've just come up with a new pet theory; Kagome clearly bargained away his ability to lie to some extradimensional entity after a sealing failure when conventional containment methods failed. Think about it, nobody who survived ninja training could possibly be that bad at lying. He HAD to have been better at some point, and that means something happened to make him utterly incapable. It was either a deal with some extradimensional entity that likes gnawing on pieces of human souls, or it was the result of repeated head trauma from being too close to explosions, and which of those answers is more interesting?

Now it's just a matter of time until there's a sealing failure and Kagome shows up in the nick of time to help Hazou close it, except it isn't actually Kagome.
...ooooor it's because Kagome spent the last 15-odd years alone in the woods with pretty much no social interaction whatsoever.
...ooooor it's because Kagome spent the last 15-odd years alone in the woods with pretty much no social interaction whatsoever.
Sure, that'd explain why he got no better at lying, and it makes for a decent cover story, but it's not like people unlearn things to the point of being that utterly incapable. Children with their mouths covered in cookie crumbs are better at fibbing than Kagome is.
I would bargain away Hazou's ability to lie for a healthy pile of XP.

Being Deceitful without directly lying isn't even hard!
I would bargain away Hazou's ability to lie for a healthy pile of XP.

Being Deceitful without directly lying isn't even hard!
I mean, until people figure it out. Then it becomes obvious what you're doing and you're kind of screwed.

"Hazou, have you ever invented any superweapons?"

"How did you-I mean, no! Of course not! Um. How about you?"

"So, how do they work, Hazou?"

"Sage damn it! How do you people keep figuring it out? Jiraiya is running out of places to put the bodies."

"Wait, what?"

*sound of a neck being snapped from behind*

"Again, kid?"
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I mean, until people figure it out. Then it becomes obvious what you're doing and you're kind of screwed.

"Hazou, have you ever invented any superweapons?"

"How did you-I mean, no! Of course not! Um. How about you?"

"So, how do they work, Hazou?"

"Sage damn it. I'm running out of places to put the bodies."
Inability to lie doesn't mean that you're required to answer the question. We would just say that we aren't going to answer that question.
@eaglejarl manages to Literal Genie us with confusing statements and implications on the daily, and I don't think he's ever technically lied flat out to us (knowingly).
We know he's being deceptive, we just don't know what he's hiding. For most lies that's a failure state. Effectively lying usually requires that people don't /know/ that you're trying to deceive them.

Look, I'm not proud of this but one of my parents was a really terrible person and I had to get good at deception when necessary to protect myself. I know what I'm talking about. If someone thinks you might be lying, the game's already over. A deception has to be unsuspected to work, it must not give people any reason to question in the first place.