Our plan amounts to "Punch opponent in face."

I am not sure that counts as particularly clever.
Sometimes punching someone in the face is the optimal strategy. In those cases trying to do something clever is dumb.

Whether righteous face punching is the optimal strategy in this particular case, I don't feel qualified to comment. I don't understand the combat system well enough. My sum total experience with it is playing a little bit of the Dresden RPG.
Sometimes punching someone in the face is the optimal strategy. In those cases trying to do something clever is dumb.

Whether righteous face punching is the optimal strategy in this particular case, I don't feel qualified to comment. I don't understand the combat system well enough. My sum total experience with it is playing a little bit of the Dresden RPG.
More experience than most of us have!
Huh, I just realized something.

If we're forced to pop a bunch of his blood clones with explosives, and their feedback works similarly to Shadow Clones, it'll disable the shit out of him.
I doubt blood clones work like that, otherwise it would increase the fragility of Kotsuzui in combat. At the same time, they probably don't receive experience and memory from their blood clones.
@MMKII I just realized you forgot to add the most important part.

When we beat Kotsuzui we should have used...

...a Righteous Face Punch.
I left this up to dealers choice because I don't necessarily want to stipulate we try to punch him in the face with the gauntlets on , like five times.
For the record, I think the straightforward face punch strategy is perfectly fine here, especially given that we try to turn Kotsuzui's attention towards our affinity for explosives and sealing in the pre-match banter. The reason we trained Alertness in the first place was to make this kind of Taijutsu alpha strike more effective. It definitely looks like our best shot.
I would have suggested something else if I thought it'd be more likely to get us to win, so I have no regrets.
Probably should have practiced Sleight of Hand/ handsigns more so that we can do stuff like activating Living Roots secretly before the match, but hindsights 20/20...
You think Kagome wouldn't go on a murderous rampage against the stinkers who murdered us? Tsk tsk.

But Honoka should be fine. I think.
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet, but Honoka would be decidedly not fine if Kagome and Hazou died. Presuming that Kagome has taught her enough for her to it the rest of the way to make genin (not definite, but certainly quite possible), she has only been taught part of the philosophy of how explosives solve everything. She knows how to solve problems with massive amounts of explosives, but she doesn't actually know how to get massive amounts of explosives. She's not a sealmistress (yet?), and she isn't a clan heir or logistics expert who can just buy tons of seals. The only way she has to acquire sufficient amounts of explosives is through Kagome or Hazou. If they both died, she'd be out of luck.
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet, but Honoka would be decidedly not fine if Kagome and Hazou died. Presuming that Kagome has taught her enough for her to it the rest of the way to make genin (not definite, but certainly quite possible), she has only been taught part of the philosophy of how explosives solve everything. She knows how to solve problems with massive amounts of explosives, but she doesn't actually know how to get massive amounts of explosives. She's not a sealmistress (yet?), and she isn't a clan heir or logistics expert who can just buy tons of seals. The only way she has to acquire sufficient amounts of explosives is through Kagome or Hazou. If they both died, she'd be out of luck.

I meant fine in the ninja world definition, as in "not decisively dead". You do bring up a good point though: teaching something the art of explosive problem solving, then limiting their access to explosives for years (if not decades) would be truly mean.
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet, but Honoka would be decidedly not fine if Kagome and Hazou died. Presuming that Kagome has taught her enough for her to it the rest of the way to make genin (not definite, but certainly quite possible), she has only been taught part of the philosophy of how explosives solve everything. She knows how to solve problems with massive amounts of explosives, but she doesn't actually know how to get massive amounts of explosives. She's not a sealmistress (yet?), and she isn't a clan heir or logistics expert who can just buy tons of seals. The only way she has to acquire sufficient amounts of explosives is through Kagome or Hazou. If they both died, she'd be out of luck.

I'm, like, 90% certain that Kagome has already made arrangements for her to receive or stumble upon periodic care packages just in case he has to die or flee back into the woods. Paranoid sealmaster jounin are prepared, and she's part of his team now.
I'm, like, 90% certain that Kagome has already made arrangements for her to receive or stumble upon periodic care packages just in case he has to die or flee back into the woods. Paranoid sealmaster jounin are prepared, and she's part of his team now.
To do: figure out a way to ensure the safety and continued education of our successors, with Kagome
I've always estimated Kagome's fighting skill as low Chuunin, but that's probably just a long-held cached thought from when he was just the Black Hunter.

Tsunade essentially walked right through his trap array, but I've estimated her at S-rank. Kakashi could probably get through it, but I think it would definitely give him pause.