I'm going to be largely offline until the deadline, so don't expect much from me in the way of plans.
I will make one last observation in regards to the jounin aura, though: We don't need it. It's not crucial to our goals, and really just a fancy combat modifier. And it's inherently limiting. It sacrifices flexibility for power and weaponizes trauma, which is great if you want to personally murder lots of people, but doesn't help much otherwise.
Given that said auras are largely exclusive to the most powerful ninja, they are, in a very real way, an emblem of what's wrong with the world. The process leading towards them, the brushes with death, the murder, the traumas, the fanaticism and singlemindedness, all of these make the world worse. They are Moloch's blessing. Consider how powerful of an aura Yagura had, and what that means.
We don't need it. That said, if we do want one, it's probably easiest to use Hazou's goal-orientedness. Where Danzou only cared about Leaf, Hazou would only care about the shortest path to victory. Obsessive optimization and weaponization of every resource. The anti-shounen route, if you will. It would cost us much, but I do think we could pull it off.
I personally prefer the idea of Hazou simply rejecting the auras outright as just another thing wrong with the world, though.