With that said, we're making good headway on the ninjutsu. As you can see, we've basically got the Amazing Ninjutsu of Awesome that Hazō Doesn't Get to Know About nailed down.

Neat! We've also got Spurious, Headache-inducing Three-Page Treatise On How to Break the Setting With the Amazing Ninjutsu of Awesome that Hazō Doesn't Get to Know About ready to go the moment it's posted.

(In case it isn't obvious, I'm mocking us for doing this on the regular and making it harder for everyone while hoping we don't actually do that this time.)
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The Leaf travellers had made camp for the night. Somewhere out there, a ring of traps sufficient to keep out a determined chakra rhinoceros kept the group safe (Hazō had offered to help, only for Jiraiya to look at him like the world's greatest sealmaster looking at a young upstart who didn't think he could make a comprehensive array in under thirty seconds if he so desired). Jiraiya still hadn't learned the true powers of paranoia Kagome-sensei's apprentice could wield in the wilderness, but Hazō was choosing not to hold that against him. Few appreciated the full glory of Kagome-sensei's teachings; you could recognise such people by the dozens of small rectangles of paper they carried with them at all times like good luck charms (which in a sense they were).

Right now, Hazō was being extra-patient with Jiraiya's lackadaisical ways (a mere chakra rhinoceros! What was he going to do if there was a horde of trained tapirs?) because he had an important question that needed answering straight away, as most of his questions did.

Hazou's inner missing-nin is showing. <3

"What is it? Keiko mentioned you two had already talked about it, but she didn't give me a full run-down."

"She's a prodigy, that one, for reasons I'm not touching with a ten-foot pole. You should ask her sometime if you dare, might provide a bit of insight.

That's a shame, I was hoping he could shed some light on why Keiko is... well, Keiko.

"And you want to develop a jōnin aura fast why? So you can weaponise it like you weaponise everything you lay hands on plus some things that only exist in theory?"

Not sure if this a good or bad reputation to have. Both, maybe?

"How many times have you walked into danger certain that you weren't coming back? How many of your loved ones have you betrayed for power? How many times have you begged at your worst enemy's feet so they would spare someone you'd failed to protect?

I got the feeling is he is talking about his experiences - at least in part - since I don't remember Jiraiya being the power hungry traitor type. The other bits though? Yeah, I could see that happen.

He had no voices in the back of his head, and I doubt I could have made him submit if I wanted to.

Not sure if that's a dig at the hivemind or not. :D

"There are others out there. I once knew a man who'd dedicated himself to the protection of Leaf to the point where nothing else existed for him. If you could be used to protect Leaf, he would use you. If you were a threat to Leaf, he would remove you. That was the sum total of his world. He wasn't even a Kage, but his aura could floor jōnin too.

I know that the thread basically latched on the idea that this was Danzou but on my initial read I actually instantly thought of (canon) Itachi and his willingness to murder his own clan because they became a threat to Leaf.

Keiko and Noburi were sitting around a fire at the other end of the Leaf camp, discussing something with a passion that had Noburi making wild arm movements and Keiko working her way through her chicken skewers at a less precisely timed rate than usual.

"So for the Phase Four of the Master Plan," Noburi said, "I think we should—oh, it's you, Hazō."

At this point I am 80% sure they are just trolling Hazou.

The survey part was also amazing.

Also, since this was fresh on my mind, and with Hazou trying multiple times to convince Jiraiya but failing reminded me of this. I figure you could appreciate that as a fellow Trails player:

Also, since this was fresh on my mind, and with Hazou trying multiple times to convince Jiraiya but failing reminded me of this. I figure you could appreciate that as a fellow Trails player:
Snerk. But I note that while the player fled in the end, presumably to make a point, they did have two S-Breaks ready to go at the start of the battle.
Snerk. But I note that while the player fled in the end, presumably to make a point, they did have two S-Breaks ready to go at the start of the battle.

That player was me actually and the S-Breaks aren't actually enough to kill a single dog so all that happened was that you end up even lower on the initative queue and get even less chance to react. Not that it matters since the NPC gets one-shot anyway and I only had one Earth Guard to go around for three potential attacks in a row.

SC on Hard is definitely more difficult and RNG reliant than FC so far, that's for sure.
The prologue chapter was even worse.
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I'm going to be largely offline until the deadline, so don't expect much from me in the way of plans.

I will make one last observation in regards to the jounin aura, though: We don't need it. It's not crucial to our goals, and really just a fancy combat modifier. And it's inherently limiting. It sacrifices flexibility for power and weaponizes trauma, which is great if you want to personally murder lots of people, but doesn't help much otherwise.

Given that said auras are largely exclusive to the most powerful ninja, they are, in a very real way, an emblem of what's wrong with the world. The process leading towards them, the brushes with death, the murder, the traumas, the fanaticism and singlemindedness, all of these make the world worse. They are Moloch's blessing. Consider how powerful of an aura Yagura had, and what that means.

We don't need it. That said, if we do want one, it's probably easiest to use Hazou's goal-orientedness. Where Danzou only cared about Leaf, Hazou would only care about the shortest path to victory. Obsessive optimization and weaponization of every resource. The anti-shounen route, if you will. It would cost us much, but I do think we could pull it off.

I personally prefer the idea of Hazou simply rejecting the auras outright as just another thing wrong with the world, though.
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I wonder if sufficiently strong ninja with multiple personality disorder can develop Jonin aura...

That was actually something I wanted to comment on originally but does the strength of the individual even matter all that much?
It's all about your mindset, and whether you are a civilian or a ninja, sacrificing your loved ones or begging for a superior opponent not to kill them would inflict the same mental trauma I imagine. Granted, you probably need some measure of chakra but the "Jounin" in "Jounin aura" might be a misnomer.

It's probably just that surviving long enough to be as strong as a jounin (i.e. special jounin) gives you more opportunities to become seriously unhingened than if you were a desk genin.
Alright, so what I got from this update is that the jonin aura is a thing about having a compressed sense of self. Hazou doesn't have that yet, but he has the next best thing. He has the hive mind, which is several different selves that decide to act in congress.

So, what we need to do is continually vote for something like "And the hive mind agrees to project their collective sense of self through Hazou as their vessel, and further agree that he is stronger than <whoever we're dealing with>" and we'll get... something. Probably. Maybe. It might induce insanity, so we should probably try it on someone we don't like first. Or maybe Jiraiya, just to see what happens and see if it freaks him out. But if we keep voting for that, eventually it'll be an aura of some kind, surely!
I'm going to be largely offline until the deadline, so don't expect much from me in the way of plans.

I will make one last observation in regards to the jounin aura, though: We don't need it. It's not crucial to our goals, and really just a fancy combat modifier. And it's inherently limiting. It sacrifices flexibility for power and weaponizes trauma, which is great if you want to personally murder lots of people, but doesn't help much otherwise.

Given that said auras are largely exclusive to the most powerful ninja, they are, in a very real way, an emblem of what's wrong with the world. The process leading towards them, the brushes with death, the murder, the traumas, the fanaticism and singlemindedness, all of these make the world worse. They are Moloch's blessing. Consider how powerful of an aura Yagura had, and what that means.

We don't need it. That said, if we do want one, it's probably easiest to use Hazou's goal-orientedness. Where Danzou only cared about Leaf, Hazou would only care about the shortest path to victory. Obsessive optimization and weaponization of every resource. The anti-shounen route, if you will. It would cost us much, but I do think we could pull it off.

I personally prefer the idea of Hazou simply rejecting the auras outright as just another thing wrong with the world, though.
Although, its not necessarily some demonic pact thats going to get you this. Gai, for example.

Perhaps if Hazou strives towards his goals with every fiber of his being, not attempting to shirk this planet-sized weight he has set upon his shoulders for the sake of his own health and safety... not attempting to be conservative, but instead going pretty damn far... then maybe this will be achieved in the due course of time.

If we are to be the hero... then let us be the hero.

Shirou Emiya said:
I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unaware of loss,
Nor aware of gain.
Withstood pain to create weapons, waiting for one's arrival.
I have no regrets. This is the only path.
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works.
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Neat! We've also got Spurious, Headache-inducing Three-Page Treatise On How to Break the Setting With the Amazing Ninjutsu of Awesome that Hazō Doesn't Get to Know About ready to go the moment it's posted.

(In case it isn't obvious, I'm mocking us for doing this on the regular and making it harder for everyone while hoping we don't actually do that this time.)
It was clear. I was about to post a reply saying "You think you're kidding, but..."


EDIT: Fixed autocorrect. Remember kids: do not post while dozing off in a post-turkey haze. Or, if you must, remember to proofread.
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@eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien

When would Hazou's match be scheduled, relative to our arrival in Mist?
About an hour earlier. After all, if a #1-16 competitor doesn't show up for the match then there's no choice but to let #17 into the event, right? I'm sure that Mist will be very sad to give that slot to Shin but, after all, you're both taijutsu types, right? What's the difference?
About an hour earlier. After all, if a #1-16 competitor doesn't show up for the match then there's no choice but to let #17 into the event, right? I'm sure that Mist will be very sad to give that slot to Shin but, after all, you're both taijutsu types, right? What's the difference?
Ah, yes. Of course.
So what we actually need to do is have a "Kage Game Night." We invite each Kage to participate once a month (eventually extending invitations to leaders of other nations), with Hazou acting the part of Game Master, and establish peace and cooperation through munchkinry.

I see no flaws in this plan.

No matter what anyone said, war was a horrid affair. A bloody struggle, with good men and women dying, on all sides.

Ōnoki had lived long enough to realize the truth of the matter, which was that one's village and one's allegiances did not matter so much in the grand scheme of things. But fate had rolled the dice, and he was chosen by fate to be on the side of Iwagakure.

So be it. War he must; to protect his people; to protect his family. Such was the way of the world.

Resigned, he signed the order. Five of his best Rock-nin would be consigned to their deaths this day, but five hundred others would be spared, and there was nothing else to be said about it.

"Ren rolls 8d6. Rocks fall, everyone dies."

"BULLSHIT!" screamed Ōnoki. "They each had Pauldrons of Earth Protection +3 equipped!"
JSYK this is most of the reason I post here. It's my way of giving back, in some respect at least. Hope ya'll are enjoying the holidays (or across the pond, that you're at least envious of our wanton excess). Thanks for consistently being so awesome. :)
Huh, wait.

This is just making the Kage practice taking the outside view. They can take a critical view of the game and then use that same mindset on the real world.

If they also build some minimal trust, and communication lines ...

Well, they're the most powerful people in the world. They are more able than anyone else to act on the outside view.
Huh, wait.

This is just making the Kage practice taking the outside view. They can take a critical view of the game and then use that same mindset on the real world.

If they also build some minimal trust, and communication lines ...

Well, they're the most powerful people in the world. They are more able than anyone else to act on the outside view.

They also have the least incentive to act on the outside view. I cannot think of a single time where the most powerful people in a given system gave up power without violence or the threat of violence
WC: 298
[X] Action Plan: (FTS) Mining the Ore

Maintain strict OPSEC

  • Hazou ponders what Jiraiya said.
    • Keiko is... Keiko!
    • Jiraiya, Gai, Tsunade... even Momma. None of them ever compromise on who they are. They just are.
    • Maybe we need to just be more... Hazou.
    • Break through obstacles standing in the way of fixing this world, and to hell with the cost?
    • And if we break ourselves? We'll just have to fix that too.
    • Let's start by winning everything : the tournament, gambling, and at creating international relationships.
    • Time to get serious.
  • In Mist:
    • Yakuza gambling
      • Meet with the Oyabun to discuss it.
      • Exchange pleasantries, be courteous and polite.
      • Proposition: Cheat rich foreign nobles out of their money in your gambling dens over the next few days.
      • Proposed split: 50% to us, 50% to you.
        • If this is unreasonable, we are open to alternatives.
        • But this would have to remain profitable to be worth our mutual time investment...
        • What do you say?
      • We are always thinking of our friends in the chivalrous organization.
      • Extend gratitude, leave gracefully.
    • Pre-Tournament:
      • Speak with the non-Leaf contestants.
      • Introduce yourself and apologize for the eardrum bursting from Event 5.
      • To make it up to you: some dinner or maybe drinks after the first round of matches...
        • Win or lose, we'd seriously like to get to know them all.
        • Historically, people have enjoyed our after-parties (Look at Doigama).
      • Be warm, friendly and inviting but not overly familiar.
      • Body language: Confident, relaxed, with a dash of "deadly apex predator".
  • In case of Hana:
    • Assess the temperature. Act accordingly.
    • Hug her. We love you, but please don't put us in a position like that again.
    • Hazou is mindful of Hana's potential biases.
  • Suggest "Kage Game Night" to Jiraiya
    • Each Kage can bring 2-3 Jonin to play too.
    • Team Uplift can GM.
    • Purpose: Foster cooperation and relations.
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Proposed split: 40% to us, 60% to you.

This seems excessive. I think we previously came to the conclusion that 50/50 would be sufficient.

[X] Action Plan: (FTS) Mining the Ore

E: Any chance of Kage Game Night? ^^

E2: Maybe include a few more details in the Hana section with contingencies based on available wordcount. Too drunk atm to offer any real suggestions, but this is my first impression.
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This seems excessive. I think we previously came to the conclusion that 50/50 would be sufficient.

[X] Action Plan: (FTS) Mining the Ore
Oopsies. I left that in an earlier draft before I put the next line in.

I tried to handle

  • Hazou stuff. Lay some building blocks for HAZOU!!!!
  • Gambling
  • International relations (we're still doing this right? this is still one goal we have here?)
  • Break In Case of Hana
Lemme know howya feel folks
E: Any chance of Kage Game Night? ^^
I am unironically supportive of this.

Raza + Jiraiya + Ren in a game night would be interesting. They can bring some of their honor guard/important ninja.

We could float this to Jiraiya. I don't see why he wouldn't be down. In the name of political relations etc.