I... actually made note of this in discord a few minutes before you posted this. But it feels a little... bad-incentive-structure-y to have this kind of thing in place.
I mean, if you wanted it to be more of a Thing stated somewhere I'd be cool with that, but as an unstated principle, having to police our thoughts in thread to avoid Hazou being conceited in ways that weren't expressed through plans, such as that and the Tsunade thing (though it's entirely possible that was just characterization, it bears close enough resemblance to the cynicality espoused in-thread in contrast to how Hazou normally acts to be marked with suspicion) isn't really ideal. That's not to say it's all bad, just... well, the bad things jump out in a way the good things don't, the same for us as y'all.
I'm sure Radvic would also appreciate the opportunity to have a structured way to put thoughts into Hazou's head, too.
e: To be clear, I'm fine with everything that's happened thus far as a result of it, and the writing is fantastic anyway, but I'm a little concerned about the incentives that could develop as a result of this.