Omit Needless Words
I don't think it's very elegant as a plan. We'd be essentially voting to have Hazou think things. Also, we'll be talking at Hana about issues caused by contexts she has no information on. She doesn't know about Uplift, doesn't really know Keiko/Noburi/Akane, doesn't know what we've been doing those last two years. I think we need to give her that information first, then talk about our current issues.On the contrary I think that no expense is too great to begin tackling this issue in unambiguous detail.
This is how I'd prefer the plan to be structured, including my suggestion on how to formulate the discussion with Hana:
- [Manage Hazou's mental state.]
- [Greet Hana, properly introduce her to the clan.]
- [Be ready to intervene in Mari/Hana interactions.]
- [Scream, eat, get hookers, write poetry, whatever.]
- [Bake OPSEC cookies.]
- Talk to Hana in your room. Ensure privacy with seals.
- Catch up:
- Explain your dream of uplift, concrete steps made in bringing it into reality.
- Talk about your team.
- Give her highlights of your adventures (keep OPSEC in mind!).
- Vent about:
- Pressure your goal put on your shoulders.
- Recent doubts about morality of your actions (OPSEC: No specifics!).
- Trouble with: social interactions, respecting agency of others.
- Break-up with Akane, which made you: feel miserable, start lashing out at close friends or strangers.
- Reflect on your thoughts regarding Tsunade at yesterday's dinner:
- Exemplify several issues: reduce Tsunade to a political tool, demonstrate willingness to sacrifice international medical work for more power, put your dream as the most important thing.
- Catch up:
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