No, specifically the part about MEW sheets for 5SB use.
Ah, how are we making the sheets thin enough to be stored in a storage seal without...well, the stress of the storage seal breaking them? Recall that we have a storage seal limit of 100kg, and granite has a density of ~2.7g/cm3​; a storage seal's worth of granite would logicall be only able to hold ~37000cm3​ worth of granite, which is <1m3​. Making it thin enough to be viable might end with us having a bunch of granite shards.
Can we still at least be friends with Akane? I would like to think that Hazou can muster that much emotional maturity required to stay friend with his ex.
Ah, how are we making the sheets thin enough to be stored in a storage seal without...well, the stress of the storage seal breaking them? Recall that we have a storage seal limit of 100kg, and granite has a density of ~2.7g/cm3​; a storage seal's worth of granite would logicall be only able to hold ~37000cm3​ worth of granite, which is <1m3​. Making it thin enough to be viable might end with us having a bunch of granite shards.
I can get 1 m^3 a variety of ways of length width height that would probably serve our purposes?

Ill write up some dimensions later.
As far as how we make the sheets thin enough... Force Barriers solve the problems that explosions do not.
I mean, it's technically 0.03704 cubic meters. Which is...pretty small IMO.
Yes.. but we arent covering a volume, we're covering an area.

Saying you can stretch it arbitrarily thin and arbitrarily wide/long isnt practical IRL, but do something similar realistically and youll get something of the same volume that covers the 2D area we would like it to cover (might have to do a bunch of these, which means we might need to use a bunch of storage scrolls but those are cheap for us.)

Just imagine pancaking a cube of playdough.
Yes.. but we arent covering a volume, we're covering an area.

Saying you can stretch it arbitrarily thin and arbitrarily wide/long isnt practical IRL, but do something similar realistically and youll get something of the same volume that covers the 2D area we would like it to cover.

Just imagine pancaking a cube of playdough.
Except it's not playdough, it's a rock that will break under storage seal stress if it's too thin. Which is my worry.
Except it's not playdough, it's a rock that will break under storage seal stress if it's too thin. Which is my worry.
A meter is ridiculously thick.
~2-3 centimeters is still super thick.

Thats a sheet of grantite about an inch thick. You cant just snap that accidentally with sealing/unsealing.

Edit: Im pretty sure people have granite tiling much thinner than that. This suggests to me stress is not a super large issue unless we make this extremely thin.
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unless we make this extremely thin.
I do not have an issue with the plan unless we make the granite bits so thin they'll break. I worry that to get the dimensions we want we will have to make the granite bits too thin.

I recognize that I do not know what dimensions we want, and would appreciate clarification on this matter.
  • Our enemies likely won't be disadvantaged in Initiative during R2.
  • We won't have any Wakahisa-barrels except Noburi's.
  • OpSec on Earbusters is broken.
Given that, I strongly suggest to cheat harder in preparation for R2. One idea, which I already mentioned: compromise R2's assault so that it consists of two uncoordinated ~15-ninja waves, instead of one attack.

To do so, I suggest to suggest that Shikamaru suggests the following plan to SuperTeam Red:
  • One team (ISC, or someone with high mobility) will act as field coordinator during R2.
  • Once grace period is over, coordinator-team will scout our base from distance, analyze our defences, contact all other teams, and move them into optimal positions around our base.
  • The attack will commence during first hour of the event, from multiple directions, on signal from coordinator-team. We won't be able to defend against it due to lack of manpower and chakra.
In actuality, coordinator-team will be acting in our interests: they will give signal to attack before a good half of Red Teams was moved into positions.

This should ensure that we have to merely deal with two waves of ~fifteen misdirected contestants, instead of one wave of ~thirty contestants whose battle strategy was optimized by three cognitively-enhanced bloodline users.

I think we can confirm now after this update that whatever the defense engineer can cook up combined with Panashe will just roflstomp the earth tunneler guys.

Just because this set of genins didn't spot her doesn't mean the others can't. No harm in doubling up our chances of detecting with and messing up the plans of tunnelers.
  • Our enemies likely won't be disadvantaged in Initiative during R2.
  • We won't have any Wakahisa-barrels except Noburi's.
  • OpSec on Earbusters is broken.
Given that, I strongly suggest to cheat harder in preparation for R2. One idea, which I already mentioned: compromise R2's assault so that it consists of two uncoordinated ~15-ninja waves, instead of one attack.

To do so, I suggest to suggest that Shikamaru suggests the following plan to SuperTeam Red:
  • One team (ISC, or someone with high mobility) will act as field coordinator during R2.
  • Once grace period is over, coordinator-team will scout our base from distance, analyze our defences, contact all other teams, and move them into optimal positions around our base.
  • The attack will commence during first hour of the event, from multiple directions, on signal from coordinator-team. We won't be able to defend against it due to lack of manpower and chakra.
In actuality, coordinator-team will be acting in our interests: they will give signal to attack before a good half of Red Teams was moved into positions.

This should ensure that we have to merely deal with two waves of ~fifteen misdirected contestants, instead of one wave of ~thirty contestants whose battle strategy was optimized by three cognitively-enhanced bloodline users.

We only have 24 contestants to worry about (3 teams, minus team ISC), FWIW.
Alright, it appears we are unable to drug our opponents to sink their Alertness. It's a shame but that doesn't mean we have to shelve the idea. Why don't we take drugs ourselves then? We know people who sell them and there must be some kind of amphetamine on the market. Not sure if betel oil would work.
As to the barrel: everyone agreed that there was no point in bringing it. You're all freshly refilled on chakra and the minute the person you stole the barrel from reported in, you would be forced to give it back. Destroying it could have political consequences that you didn't have enough information to predict, so better to just give it back and avoid the lecture.

We still could have soaked an emetic into the wood or something. Teach them to appreciate the flavor of toad oil as a lasting reminder.

Well, I am British so I suppose that this is a traditional solution.

Could we forcibly inflict mental consequences by making captives inhale opium vapours. Since I doubt Hazou can fiat a heroin-purification seal, it'll be the best way to use it with all the captives.

...Opium misterators? we have any pharmacologists here who know of some reliably physically addictive chemicals that don't require the McDonalds Flavour Centre to synthesise?

Subcutaneous morphine and nicotine. Fairly safe and should mess them up nicely for a few days.
We only have 24 contestants to worry about (3 teams, minus team ISC), FWIW.
Do we? Team Kurenai isn't going to attack, but are we sure that their teammates won't go rogue on them? ISC is planning to convince everyone to attack us in R2, and they don't know who will be with Hinata's squad. If they're successful enough, or if Hinata's squad is grouped with someone who specifically wants to punch us, we may have to deal with exactly thirty enemies.