Akane as Hokage, Noburi as Mizukage, Hazou as the Kage of Hidden Heaven, and Keiko as the Summoner Kage of the Seventh Path unified under the Pangolins.
Yeah, I don't think their relationship is unrecoverable, just... not now. Not until the Goketsu are stable and Akane's standing on her own and they can approach each other as equals again.
Akane sees a power disparity between her and Hazou, both in terms of social standing and in personalities. Hazou's personality is goal-oriented and his plans, great and small, require that he 'use' the people near him to accomplish those goals. Not bad, if the goals are good, but if Hazou leads and Akane follows, Akane can't be in a relationship with Hazou as an equal. Even worse, Hazou is going to have tons of societal power from his position as Goketsu clan heir, making the power disparity worse.
Power disparity can be worked around, but so far they kinda haven't. Hazou and Akane have been behaving like their relationship is equal at the same time as Hazou orders her around because he needs to in order to accomplish their goals. They can start again, later, with the power disparity in mind so they can work around it.