Probably I'd mechanically model it as its own skill, the equivalent of a jutsu that takes no chakra but does require use of special timed storage seals. Gets a special "Surprise" Aspect with free tag for any opponent who has never seen it before.
You would model something that fires off at the speed of a literal gun as an aspect bonus?
I do think it would be a reasonable ruling that even with the Iron Nerve, it's just too tough to reliably get the timing right. Hazou might have to try hundreds of times to get it to work once, and even then Iron Nerve can only repeat it if his body is in the exact same starting position and pose and the whip end goes off at exactly the same place... something unlikely to be achievable in an actual fight where everyone has to be constantly dodging and moving round.

Theoretically it's just Trial + Error til he gets the motion down with a timer that jives, right? Ex: starting position of holding the tip (where the storage scroll is) with one hand while the base of the whip with the other. Activate seal + start motion of whipping it forward, and you just have to have the timing for the release down. The limitation would be more he has to memorize positions to be able to send it at angles different from straight ahead/whatever he memorized. You could factor in a Weapons skill check which takes into account his ability to aim/predict trajectory/etc. (akin to aiming to throw a Kunai)?

Edit: What's also great is that it's not like anyone other than a Kurosawa can steal the technique from him, and there's no danger to someone even getting his whip (should it be deduced how it works). It's something only he can use, and we already have a great deal of the research done a la PMYF. I could see this being a smart thing to do in training time before the tournament, if we make the tournament - with enough of the research done etc., it would be feasible to get this ready in time for the tournament AND if we were to face other Leaf ninja/friends they wouldn't see it coming either!
Last edited: want to use weapons which in your own words is about as good as a gun, in a tournament where we're supposed to be acting nonlethally?
The last time we discussed unstoring lots of air in one place the term "Schwarzchild radius" got thrown around a lot.

It is basically impossible for us to unstore something that precisely. Last I did math, radius for a black hole with the energy output of a really strong nuke was something around the radius of a hydrogen atom. I don't remember exactly, but point is that we just can't squeeze stuff that much.

Yeah, it's more the specific combination of the observations "Whips move faster than the speed of sound (which is NOT obvious)", "storage seals release their contents at the speed the seal is moving", and "Iron Nerve allows safe replication of the whip movement."

It's a good trick. Something we could do immediately is replicate a weaker version with kunai: slap an explosive tag and half a dozen timed storage seals with really heavy(100kg) granite spikes on kunai. First storage seals activate unleashing 600 kg of sheer mass moving as fast as a 200 gram piece of metal (that itself moves fast enough to cleanly pierce human bodies and walls), then standard explosive tag activates, cleaning up the OPSEC of having kunai with storage seals on them laying around the battlefield. This gives combined effect of a standard explosive kunai as well as insuring that any idiot who thought they could block the kunai before the explosion goes off gets squished into fine mush by 600 kg of fast-moving rock.

You would model something that fires off at the speed of a literal gun as an aspect bonus?

Interesting thing: according to this, tank penetrator rounds have muzzle velocity (i.e. when leaving the barrel-then it drops off from air resistance) of around 1500 m/s and weigh around 5kg, for a kinetetic energy of 5.6 million joules. A 100 kg granite spike moving at 350 (just above the speed of sound) has 6.1 million joules. Kinetic energy doesn't quite directly translate into destructive or penetrating power, but it's certainly correlated. This video claims that the tip of the bullwhip is traveling at 2472 kilometers per hour, or 686 meters per second, giving 23.5 million joules for a 100kg spike.

I could see this being a smart thing to do in training time before the tournament, if we make the tournament - with enough of the research done etc., it would be feasible to get this ready in time for the tournament AND if we were to face other Leaf ninja/friends they wouldn't see it coming either!

It's a technique for killing S-Rankers. Especially when combined with skytowers for clear sight lines. Showing it in a tournament is the last thing we need.
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Speaking of seals, did we ever get around to testing PMYF macerators? As in, Macerators that can be activated remotely?

Always wanted to use a ranged stupid box.
You would model something that fires off at the speed of a literal gun as an aspect bonus?

The aspect bonus is for no one having any idea how it works until they see it in action. The exact stats of the pseudo-jutsu would have to be worked out. It would have a pretty good Weapon rating, but remember that a huge-ass sword that can bisect you if it hits is about a Weapon 3.
The aspect bonus is for no one having any idea how it works until they see it in action. The exact stats of the pseudo-jutsu would have to be worked out. It would have a pretty good Weapon rating, but remember that a huge-ass sword that can bisect you if it hits is about a Weapon 3.
I mean... honestly, if @Winged_One is right about the speeds a whip could shoot it, no-save just-die sounds about right for long distance play.


Ranged stupid boxes?

Not ranged stupid boxes, but timed macerators.
The aspect bonus is for no one having any idea how it works until they see it in action. The exact stats of the pseudo-jutsu would have to be worked out. It would have a pretty good Weapon rating, but remember that a huge-ass sword that can bisect you if it hits is about a Weapon 3.

This is literally more energetic than a thing that is used to pierce actual tanks. You know, ones with centimeters of hard steel armor. How is it even comparable to a sword? This is more of a "if it hits at all you are dead" thing.
I mean... honestly, if @Winged_One is right about the speeds a whip could shoot it, no-save just-die sounds about right for long distance play.

It's a technique for killing S-Rankers. Especially when combined with skytowers for clear sight lines. Showing it in a tournament is the last thing we need.

This is literally more energetic than a thing that is used to pierce actual tanks. You know, ones with centimeters of hard steel armor. How is it even comparable to a sword? This is more of a "if it hits at all you are dead" thing.

You aren't actually any deader from exploding into a bunch of bloody chunks than you are from being cut in half.

Anyway, you couldn't use this for anything but relatively close range. Without rifling and an aerodynamically shaped projectile, the payload will just go tumbling off in a random direction. You couldn't snipe with it or anything. Much more promising for throwing a bunch of high-mass rock moving at high velocity at very short range.

But frankly, I'm not sure it would be worth the xp investment to level it up high enough to hit anything.
You aren't actually any deader from exploding into a bunch of bloody chunks than you are from being cut in half.

Anyway, you couldn't use this for anything but relatively close range. Without rifling and an aerodynamically shaped projectile, the payload will just go tumbling off in a random direction. You couldn't snipe with it or anything. Much more promising for throwing a bunch of high-mass rock moving at high velocity at very short range.

But frankly, I'm not sure it would be worth the xp investment to level it up high enough to hit anything.
"Make the contents of a storage seal spin at the same velocities they are released at" seems pretty easy to figure out to me. I mean, Kei can tell you to spin something you're throwing. :p
"Make the contents of a storage seal spin at the same velocities they are released at" seems pretty easy to figure out to me. I mean, Kei can tell you to spin something you're throwing. :p

If you declare the difficult parts to be easy, anything seems achievable. Look at how you just sped past building a seal function that can measure what velocity the seal is moving it and a seal function that can impart that amount of spin on an object being released from storage (despite the fact that this entire trick is built on the object it's releasing being at exactly zero relative movement to each other).
You aren't actually any deader from exploding into a bunch of bloody chunks than you are from being cut in half.

Anyway, you couldn't use this for anything but relatively close range. Without rifling and an aerodynamically shaped projectile, the payload will just go tumbling off in a random direction. You couldn't snipe with it or anything. Much more promising for throwing a bunch of high-mass rock moving at high velocity at very short range.

But frankly, I'm not sure it would be worth the xp investment to level it up high enough to hit anything.

>You aren't actually any deader from exploding into a bunch of bloody chunks than you are from being cut in half.

Pretty clearly you are, that's what weapon rating is supposed to model.

>Without rifling and an aerodynamically shaped projectile

Why would you need rifling? You can make aerodynamic projectiles with MEW, I believe. Spin-stabilisation can be achieved by adding fins to the projectile during manufacture, or you can just make it a ball and be done with it.

>payload will just go tumbling off in a random direction.

Not really random, no. It'd deviate from a perfect straight path, but how much that matters depends on how precise you want to be with your shot and how far you are shooting. Smaller distance-less deviaton. Bigger target-less worry about deviation. And given that our payload can be cannonball-shaped and will be really heavy, it's not going to be affected by air resistance much anyway.