What do people think about shitty self-insert fanfics here?
Everything burns
Droplet of water was drying on a blade of grass. Grass didn't care, it just kept being grass. It didn't startle when two boys passed into the forest clearing, chatting about something. It didn't blink when they were attacked, or when the assailant popped the head off one of the boys.
Grass didn't care. It never cared. It just kept being grass.
Hazou stared into the sky. His tears have long since dried, but emptiness in his soul remained. Some small part of his mind was wondereing if hs should be doing something urgent. The rest of it though...
All this knowledge, all these plans...and you couldn't even save your closest friend.
"Say hi to Jiraya for me". That was what enemy said, as he casually tore Noburi's head off. And then he dissapeared into the forest, far too quick to follow.
Everywhere you go you bring ruin. Hot Springs. Yakuza ship. Remember the kill box? You almost killed everyone that day. Give up. You only make things worse. You will never succeed.
Hazou sighed. No, he would not, could not give up. His plans for the better future might have been impossibly naive, but the least he could do was avenge Noburi's death. Bastard would pay.
He closed his eyes and reached deep into himself, to the place where the Voices were whispering. In hindsight, he always knew that they were there, always heard their suggestions, but something prevented him from paying attention to it. Made it all seem entirely irrelevant, like dreams you forget right after waking up. No more, though-he would not allow himself to be distracted like that.
11:45 [Black white woman] "...I am just saying, Jiraya is clearly terrible at being a spymaster if he missed this. We shouldn't rely on-"
11:45 [Hazou] "How do I kill him?"
11:49 [Many-winged figure] "Well what do you know, he can hear us again."
11:51 [Hazou] "Look, I remember how you work. You give ideas, plans. I have a question:what do I do to kill him?"
11:52 [Gray floating masculinity symbol] "Oh no, this is so not happening"
11:53 [Many-colored shell curling in on itself] "First, you'll need to get a lot of sealing paper and Kagome..."
"Earth Release Technique:Multiple Earth Wall. Multiple Earth Wall. Multiple Earth Wall."
This was the last of walls they would need, if Voices were to be believed. Some of them seemed to be arguing about "taking control back", but it didn't seem like they would get anywhere in time. Hazou looked at the thin granite tower he has just created. Shell and winged lady tried to explain what it would do, but he honestly didn't care. He knew that he had to put implosion seals and a time-activated explosive tag into the little spot at the bottom, close the hole with another wall, and activate Five Seal Barrier on the other side of the column. These last touches only took a couple more minutes. Settling to wait for the now inevitable, he reached inside himself for one last time.
17:20 [Hazou] "Will it hurt?"
17:25 [Many-winged figure] "After Five Seal Barrier is destroyed you'll die faster than your eyes could realise what is happening."
17:25 [Hazou] "I see."
Even though Hazou knew that explosive tag would have exploded by now, outwardly nothing changed in the column. Five Seal Barrier prevented it from being affected by what was inside in any way. It looked so fragile-just five pieces of paper, holding in what Voices forebodingly called "Heat of a thousand suns". There was nothing more to wait for, however.
Hazou reached over and tore a seal off.
And there was light.