Repost, changes in ORANGE

[X] Action Plan: Bracing For Tea
  1. Continue the mission as per previous protocol
    1. Trust our instincts, especially if they start screaming to shove our feet in our mouths
    2. Follow previous precedent and orders from Minami
      1. Do not reuse Henge, but keep it up when teammates do not make up all of the people who can conceivably see us.
      2. Send regular messages to Jiraiya via the Pangolins. If Akatsuki appears, tell Keiko to delve into Frozen Skein just long enough to come up with a plan to escape without her providing fire support, and then have her reverse summon. Have her report to Jiraiya immediately.
      3. Let Minami decide team composition and how to approach contacts.
      4. If any enemy ninja or action is spotted, report it to Minami immediately unless we have a clear and compelling reason to do otherwise.
    3. Ask around for rumors about Mist and Water Country, but do it with all the subtlety that we can use and still get usable information.
  2. A comedic scene of Hazou digging through his set of nigh infinite storage seals to see everything that we have in there would be appreciated, but if the GMs don't have the bandwidth a summary of his complete inventory would work too.
  3. We'd like Jiraiya's input on a few things as we send progress reports via pangolins
    1. Most pertinent and time sensitive will be Akane's icemaking abilities and how we can leverage that, but this is dependent on Akane's approval/ whether we had a chat with Akane.
    2. Ask him what he's heard out of Mist and whether a Hana extraction mission is possible.
      1. If it is, is that mission time-sensitive?
    3. Ask the entire team if they want to tell Jiraiya what happened. A single veto will result in none of us sending the message.
      1. If approved, inform Jiraiya of what's happened vis a vis our sealmaster and team captain. Jiraiya will be able to read between the lines.
    4. Lastly, bug Keiko a bit over whether the pangolin mission failed or was scrapped thanks to the utter domination of the pangolins over the condors.
  4. Ask Akane whether she'd be okay telling Minami about her ability to create ice, and with selling some ice to merchants.
    1. (definitely not a thinly veiled excuse to hang out with Best Girlfriend, no matter what anyone says and what the rainbow genjutsu indicates)
  5. Talk with Minami. We're aiming to brief her on everything we know, and get some information about the places we're headed.
    1. Brief her on Akane's ability to create ice, and ask whether it'd be a good idea to sell or otherwise use this over the course of our mission.
      1. Only do this if Akane approves
    2. Inform her that we're going to be asking around for rumors of Mist because our mom's there, mostly because our mom means a whole lot to us.
      1. Reassure her that Jiraiya already knows how much we care about mom, and it won't unduly impair our performance on mission.
    3. Ask her whether Jiraiya gave us any information about the other locations we're visiting.
      1. Are there any different customs that we need to be aware of ?
      2. What kind of threats do we need to watch out for? Just because we killed basically every kind of hostile in Fire and Iron doesn't mean we've done the same in Bear.
      3. Is there anything that Jiraiya particularly wants us to pick up as delicacies over there? Our endless pile of storage seals means that we can also trade for stuff.
  6. SCIENCE talk with Kagome
    1. Can we reduce the LBF down to a single seal and only require a chakra pulse to activate?
      1. Can we make the activator seal trigger on proximity detection? Would that be simpler than the single seal LBF?
      2. Can we make a different activator seal that triggers based on the activation of a paired seal? (whoever came up with the ARF, this is all you)
        1. Note: This is different from the LBF because there's no chakra tripwire, and the activation pulse will work in any direction, without requiring the chakra tripwire to be perfectly aligned.
      3. How difficult would such a seal be to infuse?
    2. Can we make seals that activate upon tearing? The idea is like the implosion seals that we've used before.
    3. How dangerous would it be to mount Force Barriers on Fuma Shurikens to act like invisible Wind Release: Vacuum Blade? How much for regular shurikens? What about a set of force barriers, placed to sharpen to an edge or point?
    4. Can we check out the Mountain seals? Have we already? What did they do?
    5. Really crazy idea - if we used a bunch of seals to delimit a volume of chakra water very precisely, would it be possible to seal that chakra water? Would we be able to unseal it safely?
I can very clearly visualize a future wherein we botch a Hana retrieval mission and Jiraiya scolds us for interfering in a field better handled by him. He has agreed to it as part of our condition for joining, it seems like any specific plan should be run by him before implemented, considering the potential negative consequences if something goes wrong.

Also, didn't everyone from Mist die in the Akatsuki ambush? Is it possible Mist doesn't even know that Akatsuki was involved and are just gearing up for a war with Leaf? Doesn't seem particularly likely, Jiraiya or Shikaku probably would have noticed if something like that was likely, but it popped into my head and I figured it was better to get it into the thread than not.
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@huhYeahGoodPoint Suggestions for the Bracing For Tea plan:
  • 1: Regarding the mission.
    • 1.1 I'd suggest adding a "talk to the team about personal things before asking Minami" to avoid a repeat of the Mist Drain Incident".
    • 1.3 This is stated again in 5.2; I'd suggest adding a note along the lines of "talk to Minami first, see below".
  • 3: Regarding messages to Jiraiya.
    • Assuming we're discussing this stuff with the team, suggest we ask Mari-sensei instead of Jiraiya, and have her discuss with Jiraiya over dinner or something. This could bypass a team veto if it comes up.
    • 3.3 Do not ask the "entire team"; ask the entire team sans Minami, since Minami has already shown willingness to keep her mouth shut, and putting her in the position of "if I put this in the mission report I'm betraying Kagome, if I don't I'm betraying Hokage-Jiraiya who knows what happened".
    • 3.4 This is worded awkwardly, it sounds like you're asking Keiko instead of Jiraiya (although maybe you're doing that??).
I can very clearly visualize a future wherein we botch a Hanna retrieval mission and Jiraiya scolds us for interfering in a field better handled by him. He has agreed to it as part of our condition for joining, it seems like any specific plan should be run by him before implemented, considering the potential negative consequences if something goes wrong.

Also, didn't everyone from Mist die in the Akatsuki ambush? Is it possible Mist doesn't even know that Akatsuki was involved and are just gearing up for a war with Leaf?
Yes, I agree, we should absolutely run this by Jiraiya and see if he has any contacts that can help us with this, but all that the plan is addressing is looking for rumors, to my knowledge? occurs to me that we could use Silence Mines for talking to people privately.
@huhYeahGoodPoint Suggestions for the Bracing For Tea plan:
  • 1: Regarding the mission.
    • 1.1 I'd suggest adding a "talk to the team about personal things before asking Minami" to avoid a repeat of the Mist Drain Incident".
    • 1.3 This is stated again in 5.2; I'd suggest adding a note along the lines of "talk to Minami first, see below".
  • 3: Regarding messages to Jiraiya.
    • Assuming we're discussing this stuff with the team, suggest we ask Mari-sensei instead of Jiraiya, and have her discuss with Jiraiya over dinner or something. This could bypass a team veto if it comes up.
    • 3.3 Do not ask the "entire team"; ask the entire team sans Minami, since Minami has already shown willingness to keep her mouth shut, and putting her in the position of "if I put this in the mission report I'm betraying Kagome, if I don't I'm betraying Hokage-Jiraiya who knows what happened".
    • 3.4 This is worded awkwardly, it sounds like you're asking Keiko instead of Jiraiya (although maybe you're doing that??).
Implemented all of those, except for 3.? and 1.3/5.2 because we can't get a message to Mari without also getting the message through Jiraiya, and as for 1.3 and 5.2, we're pretty much going to ask anyways, but we're letting our team captain have a headsup in 5.2
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Implemented all of those, except for 3.3 because we can't get a message to Mari without also getting the message through Jiraiya. As for 1.3 and 5.2, we're pretty much going to ask anyways, but we're letting our team captain have a headsup in 5.2
Why can't we just say "clan stuff"? Or "classified"? The latter is a lie but the former is clan-related.
What, the message to Mari? The fastest way we can get the information to them and still have time to extract Hana is via summon realms, who would report to Jiraiya directly.
I'm referring to 3.3, which is the message to Jiraiya regarding the Mist Drain Incident/Kagome's attempted murder of Minami. That was not clearly stated, my apologies.
I'm referring to 3.3, which is the message to Jiraiya regarding the Mist Drain Incident/Kagome's attempted murder of Minami. That was not clearly stated, my apologies.
That, and I cannot read points for shit so I put down 3.3, talking to everybody except Minami, when I meant that I left off going to Mari first. Sorry about that
[X] Action Plan: Where's My Lab Coat?
Adhoc vote count started by Raxner on Jun 13, 2017 at 10:40 PM, finished with 763 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Training Hazou: Face Puncher
    [X] Training Noburi: Living Water
    [X] Action Plan: Iced Tea UPDATED
    [X] Bracing for Tea
    [X] Training Hazou: Stealthy Social Puncher
    [X] Training Keiko: Stealthy Placeholder
    [X] Training Akane: Stealthy Catchup
    [X] Training Keiko: Chakra Buff
    [X] Action Plan: Where's My Lab Coat?
    [X] Action Plan: Bracing For Tea
[X] Bracing For Tea

@huhYeahGoodPoint I forgot to make a note, but it might be good for Mari's mental health if we give her a letter anyway, just to touch up on her and make sure she's doing well.
I still miss the part of the plan where we at least give Kagome a hug.

Ask the entire team sans Minami if they want to tell Jiraiya what happened. A single veto will result in none of us sending the message.
I don't know if Kagome should necessarily have a veto option on this. But maybe I'm just paranoid about his paranoia.

Why can't we just say "clan stuff"? Or "classified"? The latter is a lie but the former is clan-related.
Um... Jiraya is head of said clan. All we can do when we want to message Mari through the summon realm is ask Jiraya nicely not to read it and to respect a moment of privacy, getting on his sense of magnanimity. And given how this is a message from someone like Hazou to someone like Mari I know that in Jiraya's shoes I would definitely at least skim it either immediately or later.
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I wonder if we can make time-dilation storage seals.

Like, put an object into the storage seal, and when you take it out the object is X years older.
I wonder if we can make time-dilation storage seals.

Like, put an object into the storage seal, and when you take it out the object is X years older.
Speaking from a non-QM perspective, you'd first have to deal with the fact that time doesn't pass inside a storage seal at all. It wouldn't be so much a matter of dilating time inside a storage seal as creating an entirely new type of seal that happens to have storage as its central concept.
Speaking from a non-QM perspective, you'd first have to deal with the fact that time doesn't pass inside a storage seal at all. It wouldn't be so much a matter of dilating time inside a storage seal as creating an entirely new type of seal that happens to have storage as its central concept.
If we asked Kagome, would he say it was impossible, harder, or easier, when compared to researching a regular storage scroll from scratch?
If we asked Kagome, would he say it was impossible, harder, or easier, when compared to researching a regular storage scroll from scratch?

Well, not quite in those words...

Kagome: "Are you MAD!? You want to mess with time?" *gives horrifying example of someone he knew who tried to mess with time* "Certain death! Certain death I say!"