Doton: Seismic Psychic
Attribute Costs: Control * 1, Wits * 1, Manipulation * ⅔, Living Roots * ⅓
Chakra Cost: 10 per 5 minutes. Not boostable, even if Living Roots is.
A little testing showed that Living Roots wasn't able to do much more than pinpoint moving indivudals -- but with a little tweaking here and there, he knew it could be much more. The modifications Hazō made limit its effective range, but in exchange, it provides an understanding not just of where targets are, but also their physical state -- tension in the shoulders so slight as to be imperceptible under clothes, the movement of the tongue inside the mouth, and the very heartbeat of those Seismic Psychic bears witness to -- which has uses in interrogation and improving one's social understanding.
It is not possible to stack the bonuses of Living Roots and Seismic Psychic.
The user may conceal this technique's use from others (though not its activation), but it does require a fair amount of focus to use. To do so, roll Deception versus Deception (possibly Awareness, or the higher of the two?). Success indicates that you hid its use. Failure indicates that your lack of attention is obvious -- the conclusion that you're focusing on a technique isn't obvious, but the inattentiveness is.
Seismic Psychic has a range limited to two times its level in meters. Within that range, it provides the following enhancements while both the user and target are in contact with the ground or something connected to it:
It provides the following bonuses to awareness, but note that, unlike Living Roots, it requires the user be aware of the targets:
While user is motionless and target is moving: (level x 150)/(distance to target in metres/5)
While user is moving and target is moving: (level x 150)/(distance/3)
[The following are optional, but made sense to me -- if necessary for balance, they may be struck out]
Unlike its parent technique, it also provides the following bonuses:
While user is motionless and target is motionless: (level x 150)/(distance to target in metres/3)
While user is moving and target is motionless: (level x 150)/(distance to target in metres)
Those, however, are not the intended effect of the technique, but useful side effects of its use.
The user of Seismic Psychic also rolls Deception + Seismic Psychic versus the higher of the target's Diplomacy and Deception. If they succeed, they get a bonus to Deception and Diplomacy dice against the target equal to the level of Seismic Psychic.
XP Efficiency:
For someone to get to level 6 (arbitrarily chosen) in this skill would require a total of --
40 XP to get Control 6
40 XP to get Wits 6
88 XP to get Manipulation 9
171 XP to get Living Roots to 18 (this would be discounted if the user already had an earth technique at a higher level)
7.5 XP to get Seismic Psychic to 6.
For a grand total of 349.5 XP
Compare to the cost for getting 6 additional points of deception and Diplomacy (at what Hazō's stats, under the assumption that his Diplomacy was 16 already, would support):
38 XP to get Composure 10
60 XP to get Presence 11
84 XP to get Manipulation to 15
165 XP to get Deception to 30
117 XP to get Diplomacy to 22.
For a grand total of 464 XP.
This is, of course, setting aside the time and XP it would take to learn Technique Hacking and develop the technique itself.
This is written as if Hazō had technique hacked it himself. It's entirely possible that someone else in Konoha or elsewhere developed this technique as a variant -- a little reflavoring would resolve that.
Also note that while it provides level * 200 as opposed to Living Roots' level * 100, it requires four points of Living Roots per point of this.
The actual nitty gritty of the mechanics functions similarly to Roki, only it will have lower numbers for the bonuses it provides to the Deception rolls.
I leave it up to the QMs whether use of this would provide bonuses to deceiving someone with Roki.
Hazō uses this technique before stepping around the corner to talk to a merchant about a brooch he wants for Akane. They exchange greetings and Hazō rolls deception against the Merchant to see if Merchant notices his distraction.
Hazō: 24d100 = 1168
Merchant: ?d100 = 947
Hazō manages to conceal his distraction. This bodes well for actually using the technique. When they get around to negotiating, Hazō rolls Deception + Seismic Psychic versus the higher of the Merchant's Deception and Diplomacy.
Hazō: 30d100 = 1692
Merchant: ?d100 = 1355
Despite the merchant being signficantly better at Diplomacy than Deception, he still fails. This provides Hazō a +6 dice bonus to his Deception and Diplomacy rolls against the merchant.