Well, this didn't take as long as expected.

You do not have to hold the hand signs after activating a technique, although some techniques require you to maintain concentration. Hozūki's Mantle does not require concentration.
Alright, perfect. That makes perfect sense with my newest technique, which I'll post as soon as I do the XP efficiency calculations.
Okay I'm apparently doing a bad job explaining. Currently air Domes require 2 seal which define the circumference of the dome. This gives you the ability to arbitrarily define the domes size. What I am imagining is a variant that has one seal which defines the radius of the sphere and have that set when the seal is infused. You then put one on each of your feet with different radius. Ideally they would be pressure sensitive as there trigger. So you are running and every time you step down a new dome is created. When you lift your foot up it breaks one dome but you still have the other one there. So you always have an airdome protecting you.

I'm still not certain I follow. Do you mean that there would be two seals per foot, one of large radius and one of small radius, and when standing we use both small radius seals but when we lift up a foot we transition to neither seal active on one foot and large radius seal active on other foot?
Doton: Seismic Psychic

Attribute Costs: Control * 1, Wits * 1, Manipulation * ⅔, Living Roots * ⅓

Chakra Cost: 10 per 5 minutes. Not boostable, even if Living Roots is.


A little testing showed that Living Roots wasn't able to do much more than pinpoint moving indivudals -- but with a little tweaking here and there, he knew it could be much more. The modifications Hazō made limit its effective range, but in exchange, it provides an understanding not just of where targets are, but also their physical state -- tension in the shoulders so slight as to be imperceptible under clothes, the movement of the tongue inside the mouth, and the very heartbeat of those Seismic Psychic bears witness to -- which has uses in interrogation and improving one's social understanding.


It is not possible to stack the bonuses of Living Roots and Seismic Psychic.

The user may conceal this technique's use from others (though not its activation), but it does require a fair amount of focus to use. To do so, roll Deception versus Deception (possibly Awareness, or the higher of the two?). Success indicates that you hid its use. Failure indicates that your lack of attention is obvious -- the conclusion that you're focusing on a technique isn't obvious, but the inattentiveness is.

Seismic Psychic has a range limited to two times its level in meters. Within that range, it provides the following enhancements while both the user and target are in contact with the ground or something connected to it:

It provides the following bonuses to awareness, but note that, unlike Living Roots, it requires the user be aware of the targets:

While user is motionless and target is moving: (level x 150)/(distance to target in metres/5)
While user is moving and target is moving: (level x 150)/(distance/3)

[The following are optional, but made sense to me -- if necessary for balance, they may be struck out]

Unlike its parent technique, it also provides the following bonuses:

While user is motionless and target is motionless: (level x 150)/(distance to target in metres/3)
While user is moving and target is motionless: (level x 150)/(distance to target in metres)

Those, however, are not the intended effect of the technique, but useful side effects of its use.

The user of Seismic Psychic also rolls Deception + Seismic Psychic versus the higher of the target's Diplomacy and Deception. If they succeed, they get a bonus to Deception and Diplomacy dice against the target equal to the level of Seismic Psychic.

XP Efficiency:

For someone to get to level 6 (arbitrarily chosen) in this skill would require a total of --

40 XP to get Control 6
40 XP to get Wits 6
88 XP to get Manipulation 9
171 XP to get Living Roots to 18 (this would be discounted if the user already had an earth technique at a higher level)
7.5 XP to get Seismic Psychic to 6.

For a grand total of 349.5 XP

Compare to the cost for getting 6 additional points of deception and Diplomacy (at what Hazō's stats, under the assumption that his Diplomacy was 16 already, would support):

38 XP to get Composure 10
60 XP to get Presence 11
84 XP to get Manipulation to 15
165 XP to get Deception to 30
117 XP to get Diplomacy to 22.

For a grand total of 464 XP.

This is, of course, setting aside the time and XP it would take to learn Technique Hacking and develop the technique itself.


This is written as if Hazō had technique hacked it himself. It's entirely possible that someone else in Konoha or elsewhere developed this technique as a variant -- a little reflavoring would resolve that.

Also note that while it provides level * 200 as opposed to Living Roots' level * 100, it requires four points of Living Roots per point of this.

The actual nitty gritty of the mechanics functions similarly to Roki, only it will have lower numbers for the bonuses it provides to the Deception rolls.

I leave it up to the QMs whether use of this would provide bonuses to deceiving someone with Roki.


Hazō uses this technique before stepping around the corner to talk to a merchant about a brooch he wants for Akane. They exchange greetings and Hazō rolls deception against the Merchant to see if Merchant notices his distraction.

Hazō: 24d100 = 1168
Merchant: ?d100 = 947

Hazō manages to conceal his distraction. This bodes well for actually using the technique. When they get around to negotiating, Hazō rolls Deception + Seismic Psychic versus the higher of the Merchant's Deception and Diplomacy.

Hazō: 30d100 = 1692
Merchant: ?d100 = 1355

Despite the merchant being signficantly better at Diplomacy than Deception, he still fails. This provides Hazō a +6 dice bonus to his Deception and Diplomacy rolls against the merchant.
I'm still not certain I follow. Do you mean that there would be two seals per foot, one of large radius and one of small radius, and when standing we use both small radius seals but when we lift up a foot we transition to neither seal active on one foot and large radius seal active on other foot?

Let me try one more time. We design a seal that will produce an air dome which requires one seal to produce the dome. Using that one seal it produces a dome with a fixed radius with the seal being at the center of the dome. We put a seal that produces a dome with a radius of 4 meters on our left foot and a dome with a radius of 5 meters on our right foot. Ideally we can make this pressure sensitive so it can be used with skywalkers. So when you are standing still you are surrounded by a 2 domes. One of 4 meters centered on your left foot and one of 5 meters on your right foot. You move forward and the dome on your left foot breaks because the seal moved. However an air dome still encases you. You then set down that foot and it reactives the dome. You then repeat with your right foot. This way you are always protected by an air dome
Let me try one more time. We design a seal that will produce an air dome which requires one seal to produce the dome. Using that one seal it produces a dome with a fixed radius with the seal being at the center of the dome. We put a seal that produces a dome with a radius of 4 meters on our left foot and a dome with a radius of 5 meters on our right foot. Ideally we can make this pressure sensitive so it can be used with skywalkers. So when you are standing still you are surrounded by a 2 domes. One of 4 meters centered on your left foot and one of 5 meters on your right foot. You move forward and the dome on your left foot breaks because the seal moved. However an air dome still encases you. You then set down that foot and it reactives the dome. You then repeat with your right foot. This way you are always protected by an air dome
Hm. This is actually quite clever -- it allows you to use Skywalkers at the same time as air domes.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Working on Pangolin's Reach; do you see it as a supportive combat technique, direct combat technique, or what? Disarming is a very specific wording which could mean multiple things. :p Setting that aside I could see a technique intended for disarming folks of gear being used in various other ways to harry (grabbing a limb, hair, clothes, tripping, etc).
Well, Hozuki's Mantle is meant to function in conjunction with water whip, so I imagine one or both of them don't have held handsigns or share an identical one.
fake edit: nvm

I figured out a use for skywaddlers in the case that we don't have access to skywalkers.

Bowl Half Empty no Jutsu
  • Noburi creates 2 water clones. They hold on to each other like so.
  • Each clone uses their hands to activate/deactivate the other's skywaddlers.
  • Both have Hozuki's Mantle active, cocooning themselves in a watery sphere.
  • Point at enemy and start rolling.
  • Optional: Stuff a bunch of explosive seals inside, with them.
The issue with skywaddlers is that you need to be touching the seal with your hands in order to activate it. You can't do that while holding on to someone else. Also, Air Dome is immobile. You cannot roll in it.

Ideally we can make this pressure sensitive so it can be used with skywalkers.
Note that:

* Air Dome only lasts 20 minutes
* Skywalkers last an unpredictable amount of time that's about 15 minutes
* The reason you have two per foot is so that when the first gives out you don't fall.

Also, what is the advantage of having the Air Domes be different sizes?
Also, what is the advantage of having the Air Domes be different sizes?

The idea Oneiros is discussing is not intended to be used for Skywalking, to my understanding -- it's the basic air dome, only triggered by pressure instead of a chakra pulse. As such, while your feet are on -- well, something (to my understanding it would function in concert with Skywalkers if you put it atop them) -- the air dome remains active and protecting you.

So the process is such:
  • Both feet on the ground, both Air Domes active (double layer up provides additional protection)
  • Step forward with one foot, relieving pressure against the Air Dome, deactivating it. The other foot remains on the ground and its protection remains.
  • Moving foot steps down inside the other one's Air Dome, forming the second Air Dome around/inside it. e: Thinking on it, it might be necessary for there to be more than one seal per foot of varying size to make this work. Still.
  • Back foot picks up and repeats the process.
This way, there is no time during which the user is not protected, so long as they aren't airborne.
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The real advantage of cutting the skywalker seal down to one seal is the ability to create a predefined air dome that isn't constrained in size by how far apart the two parts of the airdome seal. This is a fantastic idea if you're trying to build portable shielding, but a really bad one to also double as movement. Really, it depends on whether there's an "inner Air Dome Boundary", so that only the volume between the inner boundary and outer boundary is solid air. If the entire Air Dome is solidified air, you're hosed if you try it as a movement technique, or at least you lose a lot of the sheer flexibility of three dimensional movement, especially with regards to direction change, that the original skywalkers grant in exchange for a few seconds of safety from below. The reason is because if the air dome seal is ever activated above the height of whatever you have that's lower than the activation height, that "whatever" will get stuck in the solidified air and prevent you from moving. If there is an inner Air Dome Boundary that contains enough space for the same functionality as Skywalkers this makes things considerably simpler, but also likely not to work, as the seals are responsible for defining boundaries.

Care to chime in, everybody?
I don't think single-seal skywalkers were what was being talked about... but I could be wrong.
I don't think single-seal skywalkers were what was being talked about... but I could be wrong.

I think I get it at this point. You have the two Skywalkers working as normal, but you also have single-seal Air Domes on each foot, activated with pressure so as to trigger when the foot is pressed down on a Skywalker. The Air Domes are large, each enough to protect you fully from most angles beneath you. The primary hiccup is that if you have such large domes, they're going to interfere with each other, but that can be avoided by making one of the Air Domes significantly larger than the other so that the seals nest.

From standing, both of your feet would be on Skywalkers, and your left foot would be projecting a 5m dome and your right foot would be projecting a 4m dome. Since the left foot's dome is so large, the right foot's dome is entirely within the dome formed by the left foot. Then you lift one of your feet, and one of the domes stops but the other one is still there, and even the smaller 4m dome can protect you. If the large dome is large enough compared to the small dome, the ninja can take a full step with the small dome's foot and when it reforms the small dome will still be nested within the large dome, and similarly the ninja can take a full step with the large dome's foot and when the large dome reforms it will still encompass the smaller dome.
I think I get it at this point. You have the two Skywalkers working as normal, but you also have single-seal Air Domes on each foot, activated with pressure so as to trigger when the foot is pressed down on a Skywalker. The Air Domes are large, each enough to protect you fully from most angles beneath you. The primary hiccup is that if you have such large domes, they're going to interfere with each other, but that can be avoided by making one of the Air Domes significantly larger than the other so that the seals nest.

From standing, both of your feet would be on Skywalkers, and your left foot would be projecting a 5m dome and your right foot would be projecting a 4m dome. Since the left foot's dome is so large, the right foot's dome is entirely within the dome formed by the left foot. Then you lift one of your feet, and one of the domes stops but the other one is still there, and even the smaller 4m dome can protect you. If the large dome is large enough compared to the small dome, the ninja can take a full step with the small dome's foot and when it reforms the small dome will still be nested within the large dome, and similarly the ninja can take a full step with the large dome's foot and when the large dome reforms it will still encompass the smaller dome.

Yeah it's trying to get another turn it upside down type of advancement. It's great for ranged fighters because the only time they will be exposed is when they attack. It also turns Noburi into a combat god since he can drain through air domes as long as mist is present before the dome forms. It also lets Hazō and Akane be able to safely close with ranged fighters as well as giving them a much safer way to retreat if they get over there heads. Lastly it grants the team protection from friendly AOE attacks.
rely on Minami to be a decent person and cut the deal off herself when he's payed his debt
She's a ninja. Strong presumption that she'll exploit it to the hilt for the benefit of herself and her clan.
Adhoc vote count started by Raxner on Jun 13, 2017 at 10:37 PM, finished with 762 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Training Hazou: Face Puncher
    [X] Training Noburi: Living Water
    [X] Action Plan: Iced Tea UPDATED
    [X] Bracing for Tea
    [X] Action Plan: Stir Things Up for faflec with Thinly Disguised Metagaming
    [X] Training Hazou: Stealthy Social Puncher
    [X] Training Keiko: Stealthy Placeholder
    [X] Training Akane: Stealthy Catchup
    [X] Training Keiko: Chakra Buff
    [X] Action Plan: Bracing For Tea
Guys, How about we actually tell Jiraya that Kagome attempted to kill Minami because of a secret leak we made, ending in her having us in a pinch?

It would probably let Jiraya work something out against that, and maybe even find a counter-hook on her and her Clan, giving us freedom and nullifying Kagome's Pledge.

Seriously - We have a Hogake Spy-Master of leaf as our backer. Im pretty sure, that since we have a good method to contact him, we can give him an early warning. Early warnings are OP, especially when it goes about being Jiraya-Level.

I hope i gave you some insights. . . And acutally a potential way to dodge a bullet.


Btw - We should probably contact Jiraya before we get back to leaf. Makes it better on the account that Minami won't have a chance to send the info to her clan, making them get ready for attempts in infiltraion and dirty-secret finding.

We really DON'T have to deal with it alone. I think we're kinda stuck in the mind set that we have to deal with everything alone. And Jiraya, even if he's busy, can split off some time to just order his little spy-minions to do something. And i bet he'd be happy to know of a potential blow to his reputation and eventual drop from Hokage position that's kinda coming out of his blind-spot. . . Because as you noticed - he mainly sent us out to make sure we didn't fudge up any politics . . . And we still managed to do it, with the only person out of our basic team.

So yeah, Foreknowledge wins the game, GG WP, We're not alone, Joining leaf didn't only give us more to worry about, but also more ways to get at things and work them out.

(Including where we were when we sent the letter might be wise too. A good way for Jiraya to know how much time he has left without explicitly telling him to hurry the F*** up with anything he's doing there. And maybe a way to make sure Leaf didn't blow up in the time we were off... In which case Jiraya probably WON'T respond to us.)
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Guys, How about we actually tell Jiraya that Kagome attempted to kill Minami because of a secret leak we made, ending in her having us in a pinch?

It would probably let Jiraya work something out against that, and maybe even find a counter-hook on her and her Clan, giving us freedom and nullifying Kagome's Pledge.

Seriously - We have a Hogake Spy-Master of leaf as our backer. Im pretty sure, that since we have a good method to contact him, we can give him an early warning. Early warnings are OP, especially when it goes about being Jiraya-Level.

I hope i gave you some insights. . . And acutally a potential way to dodge a bullet.


Btw - We should probably contact Jiraya before we get back to leaf. Makes it better on the account that Minami won't have a chance to send the info to her clan, making them get ready for attempts in infiltraion and dirty-secret finding.

The other reason why we're letting the pledge stand is for Kagome. He needs to really learn the consequences of his actions, and as per the previous chapter, it's also for his own self esteem and image. Hopefully his pledge will tide it over until Minami also stands to benefit from covering up the information, as well as needing to do it subtly (having Kagome show up out of the blue is going to raise a lot of awkward questions as to why, many of them involving a Yamanaka).

Keiko said:
It is for his own sense of self-worth and self-determination. In the long term it lets him feel that he is taking control of his destiny, cleaning up his own mess, and growing as a person who is aware of his own weaknesses. In the more immediate future it is to preserve the safety of his team and the secrecy of Noburi's technique.

Of course, hoping that Minami and their clan will try to be subtle about it is basically not going to work, because everyone except Minami in Minami's clan is going to have an incentive to make Kagome spill what he did and then execute him anyway (because there's going to be a Kagome equivalent that says the only valid response to a threat to a family member is to kill everyone that threatened them and their family, then salt the fields), but that's for another time.

The other problem with including it in the report is invariably it's going to go through some desk chunin or reviewed by Minami herself, in which case we create the exact situation that we were sent out on a several month mission to avoid.

Also, I really dislike my plan right now, and am tempted to scrap it, given the low amount of responses and poor focus of it.

[] Action Plan: Where's My Lab Coat?
  1. Continue the mission as per previous protocol
    1. Trust our instincts, especially if they start screaming to shove our feet in our mouths
    2. Follow previous precedent and orders from Minami
      1. Do not reuse Henge, but keep it up when teammates do not make up all of the people who can conceivably see us.
      2. Send regular messages to Jiraiya via the Pangolins. If Akatsuki appears, tell Keiko to delve into Frozen Skein just long enough to come up with a plan to escape without her providing fire support, and then have her reverse summon. Have her report to Jiraiya immediately.
      3. Let Minami decide team composition and how to approach contacts.
      4. If any enemy ninja or action is spotted, report it to Minami immediately unless we have a clear and compelling reason to do otherwise.
    3. Ask around for rumors about Mist and Water Country, but do it with all the subtlety that we can use and still get usable information.
  2. A comedic scene of Hazou digging through his set of nigh infinite storage seals to see everything that we have in there would be appreciated, but if the GMs don't have the bandwidth a summary of his complete inventory would work too.
  3. Talk with Kagome (needs work, hence why I haven't voted for this plan)
    1. Research topics
      1. Is there a seal that can activate another seal? Can we make such a seal?
        1. If we can, can we make the activator seal trigger on proximity detection?
        2. Can we make a different activator seal that triggers based on the action of a paired seal? (whoever came up with the ARF, this is all you)
        3. How difficult would such a seal be to infuse?
      2. Can we make seals that activate upon tearing? The idea is like the implosion seals that we've used before.
      3. How dangerous would it be to mount Force Barriers on Fuma Shurikens to act like invisible Wind Release: Vacuum Blade? How much for regular shurikens? What about a set of force barriers, placed to sharpen to an edge or point?
      4. Can we check out the Mountain seals? Have we already? What did they do?
  4. We'd like Jiraiya's input on a few things as we send progress reports via pangolins
    1. Most pertinent and time sensitive will be Akane's icemaking abilities and how we can leverage that, but this is dependent on Akane's approval/ whether we had a chat with Akane.
    2. Ask him what he's heard out of Mist and whether a Hana extraction mission is possible.
      1. If it is, is that mission time-sensitive?
    3. Lastly, bug Keiko a bit over whether the pangolin mission failed or was scrapped thanks to the utter domination of the pangolins over the condors.
  5. I'd like to have a more indepth Akane chat, but if we're going straight to Leaf, ask her how she feels about selling ice (thank you Elemental Mastery) and telling Jiraiya and/or Minami about it. (Read: I understand if you do this because you want to get the mission on, but please please leave it out)
    1. Brief Minami on Akane's ability to make ice only if she approves. Let Minami decide what to do as team leader, but suggest we ask Jiraiya for advice.
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    1. Ask Kagome how he'd infiltrate Jiraiya's network without Jiraiya knowing, since he was part of a crypto department before. This is merely a hypothetical exercise to see if we can't catch an infiltrator if we find one
      1. Lupchanz is not a viable option for the purposes of this thought exercise

I thought this was crossed out? Why is it included again?
Because there is no reason not to. Especially since we know for a fact that Jiraiya's network is already compromised so we can start to lay the groundwork of fixing it.

No, there are better ways of doing this.

Kagome is not a spy. He's a cryptographer and intelligence analyst. Why are we asking him when he doesn't have much human intelligence expertise?
No, there are better ways of doing this.

Kagome is not a spy. He's a cryptographer and intelligence analyst. Why are we asking him when he doesn't have much human intelligence expertise?

Actually you have zero knowledge if he does or does not have human intelligence experience because he keeps everything secret. Regardless he is the best resource we have to started
I like some of these jutsu ideas! Well done thread, have a cookie!

I guess I'll vote for this then: [X] Action Plan: Where's My Lab Coat?
It has a Kagome scene, and I like those.