- Location
- Somewhere over the rainbow
Meh. Nothing against you, faflec, I just want to present a more focused plan and one that doesn't take so long, because Tea Time is kind of really mediocre, spreading attention out over too long of a period and over too many things.
[X] Keiko's Turn
[X] Keiko's Turn
- Remind ourselves of our goals. We might want to start making this a habit. (what do I want?)
- Long Term Priorities: We aimed for the destruction of the scorch squads - we're still aiming for that now. We think this might be best accomplished by a supra village organization, but we don't know how that might come to be right now.
- Medium Term Priorities: Our priorities are to complete the mission, both stated and unstated, to make our Hokage as happy as possible. We'd also like to get momma out of Mist if possible, but if Mama is Mizukage that's obviously not happening.
- Short Term Priorities: We've got a hell of a lot of broken bridges to fix. Good thing we're Mr. MEW. Talk with Keiko, Kagome, and Minami to continue to try and repair the bridges that we've burnt. Be careful not to dig ourselves in deeper.
- Have a talk with Keiko. We're looking specifically into how can we turn Keiko into the scariest kunoichi this side of Tsunade.
- Discuss a few ideas for a ranged weapon style. We're looking for something that plays well with a whole bunch of massive friendly melee combatants(her summons to be).
- This might require integrating the Frozen Skein into her combat techniques. Ask her what her opinion is on it.
- Much as we'd like extra firepower, Keiko w/o Frozen Skein style is worth infinitely more to us that Vegetable!Keiko that had a Frozen Skein style.
- If it sounds like a self esteem issue, gently remind her that she almost hasn't made a mistake since the moment we were on a team.
- If Keiko shuts down the Frozen Skein idea, keep considering what might work.
- Maybe Misterator distribution could be her thing, with all sorts of nasties in them.
- Or maybe crowd control, with her shutting down flanking maneuvers so that her summons and us can utterly dominate the taijutsu ranges without us worrying about flanking attacks.
- This might require integrating the Frozen Skein into her combat techniques. Ask her what her opinion is on it.
- While we're at it, discuss with her what her next summon contract should be. Much fun as Pandaa is, we need heavier firepower.
- (niggling suggestion for Hazou: wonder what would happen if we asked Akane to be the local Naraka Rollers branch head)
- Primarily though, we're looking for a lot of firepower. Losing Mari hurt in more ways than one, especially since she was the Jonin CQC champ.
- If we contact anybody, ask for any rumors out of Water Country and Mist. Say you had friends in the area, or something else that's plausible.
- Discuss a few ideas for a ranged weapon style. We're looking for something that plays well with a whole bunch of massive friendly melee combatants(her summons to be).
- Open up our inventory and double check everything. We've been waiting to do this for a while, and we are not getting caught off guard by dead chakra skunks that we left at the bottom of our scrolls.
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