Fuck it, it's only 5 people. VOTE FOR THIS ONE PEOPLE.

[X] Action Plan: Iced Tea UPDATED
  1. In general: Follow protocol and do things by the book. If we're about to tell Minami person A something about literally anybody else person B, clear it with person B!​
    1. Offer suggestions to Minami, and nothing else if not asked. She's team captain, not us.
      1. Let Minami decide team composition and how to approach contacts. Rapport is going to take a while to build back up again.
      2. Send regular messages about our progress to Jiraiya via the pangolins. If Akatsuki has been spotted, send word immediately.
      3. Keep watch for enemy action. Report all enemy action to Minami unless a clear and compelling reason is given. (the QMs will at least give us a cliffhanger right? Right?)
    2. Trust our instincts. Especially if they scream "insert both feet in your mouth now!"
    3. On the side, ask for rumors coming from Water Country, especially about Mist. Be subtle about asking.
  2. Continue the mission.
    1. We've done this so many times, just follow the protocol/standard we used for the Rivers contracts.
      1. Make sure Noburi's barrel is covered by Kagome's present, for stealth purposes.
      2. Make sure to not REUSE HENGE.
    2. Make sure to keep an eye out for potential enemy ninja. We've been in Tea before.
  3. Talk with Keiko. Gotta go round the circle.​
    1. Discuss a few ideas for a ranged weapon style. We're looking for something that plays well with a whole bunch of massive friendly melee combatants(her summons to be).
      1. This might require integrating the Frozen Skein into her combat techniques. Ask her what her opinion is on it.
        1. Much as we'd like extra firepower, Keiko w/o Frozen Skein style is worth infinitely more to us that Vegetable!Keiko that had a Frozen Skein style.
        2. If it sounds like a self esteem issue, gently remind her that she almost hasn't made a mistake since the moment we were on a team.
      2. If Keiko shuts down the Frozen Skein idea, keep considering what might work.
        1. Maybe Misterator distribution could be her thing, with all sorts of nasties in them.
        2. Or maybe crowd control, with her shutting down flanking maneuvers so that her summons and us can utterly dominate the taijutsu ranges without us worrying about flanking attacks.
      3. Ask Keiko what kind of seals she wants to augment her style. Possible ideas include:
        1. Force Barrier Shuriken
        2. Improved Macerator
        3. Different Payload Macerator
        4. etc.
    2. While we're at it, offer ourselves as a discussion partner of what her next summon contract should be. Much fun as Pandaa is, we need heavier firepower.
      1. (niggling suggestion for Hazou: wonder what would happen if we asked Akane to be the local Naraka Rollers branch head)
      2. Primarily though, we're looking for a lot of firepower. Losing Mari hurt in more ways than one, especially since she was the Jonin CQC champ.
      3. Genjutsu Pangolins are also good ideas, especially because their number one weakness is mitigated by being a summon
      4. Also, what's gonna happen about that mission the Pangolins gave us? Is it still available, or is it called off due to the Condor Clan being in a state of complete vassalization?
    3. Ask her what she thinks we should do about Kagome, since he's basically offered Minami's clan millions of ryo's worth of labor.
      1. If she suggests that we need to discuss this with Noburi and Kagome, discuss it with Noburi and Kagome.
    4. Ask what she thinks of trying to expatriate mom. If she shoots it down, we forget about it, but if she's okay with the idea we ask Jiraiya.
  4. As a comedic scene, have Hazou rifle through his stuff. A lot of random stuff has accumulated in a nigh infinite well of storage seals, better check out everything we have.​
  5. Talk with Kagome.
    1. Research topics
      1. Can we analyze the Mountain seals that we've had so long? What was their purpose?​
      2. Can we create a seal to remotely activate another seal?​
      3. Could we weaponize force seals? Put them on Fuma Shuriken to start, or maybe miniaturize them to put on regular shuriken. Either way, we're looking to replicate Wind Release: Vacuum Blade with force seals.​
      4. The implosion seal detonates when the seal is ripped. Can we make other seals activate when they're ripped in half?​
    2. Ask Kagome how he'd infiltrate Jiraiya's network as an exercise to try and see how to catch any infiltrators.
      1. Tell him that lupchanz is not a viable tool for the purposes of this exercise.
  6. Ask Akane whether she'd be comfortable making ice commercially, and whether she's okay with telling Minami about it.
    1. Make it clear that Akane's our girlfriend; chain of command just demands that we ask Minami to clear stuff all the time, and interclan secrecy demands we ask Akane for her permission.
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Continue the mission.
  1. We've done this so many times, just follow the protocol/standard we used for the Rivers contracts.
    1. Make sure Noburi's barrel is covered by Kagome's present, for stealth purposes.
    2. Make sure to not REUSE HENGE.
  2. Make sure to keep an eye out for potential enemy ninja. We've been in Tea before.
Added some minor points to protocol.
Dammit, I want Iced Tea to win but I don't want to be voting against Iced Tea updated. Argh.

[X] Action Plan: Iced Tea
[X] Action Plan: Iced Tea UPDATED
As it turns out sleep is a critical function. Sorry about not saying that I went to sleep and couldn't respond.:oops:
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CounterBot, version 2.1

Plan name: Iced Tea UPDATED

Voters: @Cariyaga, @ContextBot, @huhYeahGoodPoint, @Inferno Vulpix, @traverseda, @faflec
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Tea Time
Voters: @Inferno Vulpix, @Kiba, @traverseda
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Akane: Stealthy Catchup
Voters: @faflec, @TalonofAnathrax
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Hazou: Social Puncher
Voters: @faflec
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Hazou: Stealthy Social Puncher
Voters: @TalonofAnathrax
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Iced Tea
Voters: @Oneiros43
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Keiko's Turn
Voters: @Oneiros43
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Keiko: Stealthy Placeholder
Voters: @TalonofAnathrax
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Noburi: Cloning
Voters: @faflec
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Stir Things Up for faflec with Thinly Disguised Metagaming
Voters: @Raxner
Num votes: 1

Plan name: auto mission
Voters: @Oneiros43
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 10

EDIT: Note that a couple of mistaken votes were clipped; the people in question put the entire plan on one line.
Last edited:
Plan name: Iced Tea UPDATEDIn general: Follow protocol and do things by the book. If we're about to tell Minami person A something about literally anybody else person B, clear it with person B! Offer suggestions to Minami, and nothing else if not asked. She's team captain, not us. Let Minami decide team composition and how to approach contacts. Rapport is going to take a while to build back up again. Send regular messages about our progress to Jiraiya via the pangolins. If Akatsuki has been spotted, send word immediately.Keep watch for enemy action. Report all enemy action to Minami unless a clear and compelling reason is given. (the QMs will at least give us a cliffhanger right? Right?)Trust our instincts. Especially if they scream "insert both feet in your mouth now!"On the side, ask for rumors coming from Water Country, especially about Mist. Be subtle about asking.Continue the mission.We've done this so many times, just follow the protocol/standard we used for the Rivers contracts.Make sure Noburi's barrel is covered by Kagome's present, for stealth purposes.Make sure to not REUSE HENGE.Make sure to keep an eye out for potential enemy ninja. We've been in Tea before.Talk with Keiko. Gotta go round the circle. Discuss a few ideas for a ranged weapon style. We're looking for something that plays well with a whole bunch of massive friendly melee combatants(her summons to be).This might require integrating the Frozen Skein into her combat techniques. Ask her what her opinion is on it.Much as we'd like extra firepower, Keiko w/o Frozen Skein style is worth infinitely more to us that Vegetable!Keiko that had a Frozen Skein style.If it sounds like a self esteem issue, gently remind her that she almost hasn't made a mistake since the moment we were on a team.If Keiko shuts down the Frozen Skein idea, keep considering what might work.Maybe Misterator distribution could be her thing, with all sorts of nasties in them.Or maybe crowd control, with her shutting down flanking maneuvers so that her summons and us can utterly dominate the taijutsu ranges without us worrying about flanking attacks.Ask Keiko what kind of seals she wants to augment her style. Possible ideas include: Force Barrier ShurikenImproved MaceratorDifferent Payload Maceratoretc.While we're at it, offer ourselves as a discussion partner of what her next summon contract should be. Much fun as Pandaa is, we need heavier firepower.(niggling suggestion for Hazou: wonder what would happen if we asked Akane to be the local Naraka Rollers branch head)Primarily though, we're looking for a lot of firepower. Losing Mari hurt in more ways than one, especially since she was the Jonin CQC champ.Genjutsu Pangolins are also good ideas, especially because their number one weakness is mitigated by being a summonAlso, what's gonna happen about that mission the Pangolins gave us? Is it still available, or is it called off due to the Condor Clan being in a state of complete vassalization?Ask her what she thinks we should do about Kagome, since he's basically offered Minami's clan millions of ryo's worth of labor. If she suggests that we need to discuss this with Noburi and Kagome, discuss it with Noburi and Kagome.Ask what she thinks of trying to expatriate mom. If she shoots it down, we forget about it, but if she's okay with the idea we ask Jiraiya.As a comedic scene, have Hazou rifle through his stuff. A lot of random stuff has accumulated in a nigh infinite well of storage seals, better check out everything we have.Talk with Kagome. Research topics Can we analyze the Mountain seals that we've had so long? What was their purpose?Can we create a seal to remotely activate another seal?Could we weaponize force seals? Put them on Fuma Shuriken to start, or maybe miniaturize them to put on regular shuriken. Either way, we're looking to replicate Wind Release: Vacuum Blade with force seals.The implosion seal detonates when the seal is ripped. Can we make other seals activate when they're ripped in half?Ask Kagome how he'd infiltrate Jiraiya's network as an exercise to try and see how to catch any infiltrators. Tell him that lupchanz is not a viable tool for the purposes of this exercise.Ask Akane whether she'd be comfortable making ice commercially, and whether she's okay with telling Minami about it. Make it clear that Akane's our girlfriend; chain of command just demands that we ask Minami to clear stuff all the time, and interclan secrecy demands we ask Akane for her permission.
Voters: @faflec
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Iced TeaIn general: Follow protocol and do things by the book. If we're about to tell Minami person A something about literally anybody else person B, clear it with person B! Offer suggestions to Minami, and nothing else if not asked. She's team captain, not us. Let Minami decide team composition and how to approach contacts. Rapport is going to take a while to build back up again. Send regular messages about our progress to Jiraiya via the pangolins. If Akatsuki has been spotted, send word immediately.Keep watch for enemy action. Report all enemy action to Minami unless a clear and compelling reason is given. (the QMs will at least give us a cliffhanger right? Right?)Trust our instincts. Especially if they scream "insert both feet in your mouth now!"On the side, ask for rumors coming from Water Country, especially about Mist. Be subtle about asking.Talk with Keiko. Gotta go round the circle. Discuss a few ideas for a ranged weapon style. We're looking for something that plays well with a whole bunch of massive friendly melee combatants(her summons to be).This might require integrating the Frozen Skein into her combat techniques. Ask her what her opinion is on it.Much as we'd like extra firepower, Keiko w/o Frozen Skein style is worth infinitely more to us that Vegetable!Keiko that had a Frozen Skein style.If it sounds like a self esteem issue, gently remind her that she almost hasn't made a mistake since the moment we were on a team.If Keiko shuts down the Frozen Skein idea, keep considering what might work.Maybe Misterator distribution could be her thing, with all sorts of nasties in them.Or maybe crowd control, with her shutting down flanking maneuvers so that her summons and us can utterly dominate the taijutsu ranges without us worrying about flanking attacks.Ask Keiko what kind of seals she wants to augment her style. Possible ideas include: Force Barrier ShurikenImproved MaceratorDifferent Payload Maceratoretc.While we're at it, offer ourselves for discussion of what her next summon contract should be. Much fun as Pandaa is, we need heavier firepower.(niggling suggestion for Hazou: wonder what would happen if we asked Akane to be the local Naraka Rollers branch head)Primarily though, we're looking for a lot of firepower. Losing Mari hurt in more ways than one, especially since she was the Jonin CQC champ.Genjutsu Pangolins are also good ideas, especially because their number one weakness is mitigated by being a summonAlso, what's gonna happen about that mission the Pangolins gave us? Is it still available, or is it called off due to the Condor Clan being in a state of complete vassalization?Ask her what she thinks we should do about Kagome, since he's basically offered Minami's clan millions of ryo's worth of labor. If she suggests that we need to discuss this with Noburi and Kagome, discuss it with Noburi and Kagome.Ask what she thinks of trying to expatriate mom. If she shoots it down, we forget about it, but if she's okay with the idea we ask Jiraiya.As a comedic scene, have Hazou rifle through his stuff. A lot of random stuff has accumulated in a nigh infinite well of storage seals, better check out everything we have.Talk with Kagome. Research topics Can we analyze the Mountain seals that we've had so long? What was their purpose?Can we create a seal to remotely activate another seal?Could we weaponize force seals? Put them on Fuma Shuriken to start, or maybe miniaturize them to put on regular shuriken. Either way, we're looking to replicate Wind Release: Vacuum Blade with force seals.The implosion seal detonates when the seal is ripped. Can we make other seals activate when they're ripped in half?Ask Kagome how he'd infiltrate Jiraiya's network as an exercise to try and see how to catch any infiltrators. Tell him that lupchanz is not a viable tool for the purposes of this exercise.Ask Akane whether she'd be comfortable making ice commercially, and whether she's okay with telling Minami about it. Make it clear that Akane's our girlfriend; chain of command just demands that we ask Minami to clear stuff all the time, and interclan secrecy demands we ask Akane for her permission.
Voters: @huhYeahGoodPoint
Num votes: 1
oh god
All of my non-MfD creative time is going to the rewrite. The problem is that that's not very much. I know some people can just sit down and churn out X words a day whatever the weather, but I can't write at the peak quality I'm aiming for unless I'm in the right frame of mind, which requires hard-to-attain things like decent sleep and a motivated mental state.

I'm not sure how other people can help - I mean, beta readers are always good, in theory, but that's not the bottleneck here. With that said, I'd really appreciate any feedback on things that I should take advantage of the rewrite to fix, like weak sections, implausible twists and plot holes.
The only thing that comes to mind, in retrospect, was Mizuki. Either he's crazy/brainwashed enough to do something stupid, like try to subvert Naruto without befriending him, or he's a Chūnin that a moderately competent Leaf is willing to pay to train their soldiers. But that does come with a built-in fix. You can foreshadow a future storyline (Akatsuki, probably) by having Mizuki actually be brainwashed, acting erratically, and maybe-possibly trying to sabotage his orders by implementing a stupid plan.
Also, as I think about it, the prison scene with the captured Demon Brother was internally consistent, but struck a rather less quirky and fun tone than the rest of the story. Surely captured missing-nin are far more likely to use suicide jutsu if they don't think there's some chance of escape? It might be interesting to have the Cardboard Prison thing enforced deliberately, as a means of getting not-functionally-enemy ninja into the field.
Okay, so I wanna take a closer look at how combat at all ranges works. For that purpose, Imma need a mook. Is there a blank character sheet I can use for character generation, or do I have to cannibalize it from the existing character sheets?
Wind Release: Pangolin's Reach

Attributes: Capacity * 2, Control * 3

Chakra cost: 5CP per use

Summons an invisibly thin strand of chakra which can move freely within line of sight. It can move up to (25 * level) kg worth of material, and move it at speeds up to (5 * level / object mass in kg) m/s. Fine manipulation of objects and accuracy (especially of smaller objects) is significantly lowered due to the nature of this technique.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Here's a suggestion for the Pangolin's Reach Technique. I wasn't sure what values would be good for mass and speed manipulation, but feel that this template would be a good base for discussion.
Okay, so I wanna take a closer look at how combat at all ranges works. For that purpose, Imma need a mook. Is there a blank character sheet I can use for character generation, or do I have to cannibalize it from the existing character sheets?
You'll need to cannibalize one, but it shouldn't be too hard.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Here's a suggestion for the Pangolin's Reach Technique. I wasn't sure what values would be good for mass and speed manipulation, but feel that this template would be a good base for discussion.

Cool, thanks. Note that the PR technique only pulls things towards you, it doesn't allow for free manipulation. It's intended for disarming opponents.