- Location
- Yes.
Fuck it, it's only 5 people. VOTE FOR THIS ONE PEOPLE.
[X] Action Plan: Iced Tea UPDATED
- In general: Follow protocol and do things by the book. If we're about to tell
Minamiperson A something aboutliterally anybody elseperson B, clear it with person B!- Offer suggestions to Minami, and nothing else if not asked. She's team captain, not us.
- Let Minami decide team composition and how to approach contacts. Rapport is going to take a while to build back up again.
- Send regular messages about our progress to Jiraiya via the pangolins. If Akatsuki has been spotted, send word immediately.
- Keep watch for enemy action. Report all enemy action to Minami unless a clear and compelling reason is given. (the QMs will at least give us a cliffhanger right? Right?)
- Trust our instincts. Especially if they scream "insert both feet in your mouth now!"
- On the side, ask for rumors coming from Water Country, especially about Mist. Be subtle about asking.
- Offer suggestions to Minami, and nothing else if not asked. She's team captain, not us.
- Continue the mission.
- We've done this so many times, just follow the protocol/standard we used for the Rivers contracts.
- Make sure Noburi's barrel is covered by Kagome's present, for stealth purposes.
- Make sure to not REUSE HENGE.
- Make sure to keep an eye out for potential enemy ninja. We've been in Tea before.
- We've done this so many times, just follow the protocol/standard we used for the Rivers contracts.
- Talk with Keiko. Gotta go round the circle.
- Discuss a few ideas for a ranged weapon style. We're looking for something that plays well with a whole bunch of massive friendly melee combatants(her summons to be).
- This might require integrating the Frozen Skein into her combat techniques. Ask her what her opinion is on it.
- Much as we'd like extra firepower, Keiko w/o Frozen Skein style is worth infinitely more to us that Vegetable!Keiko that had a Frozen Skein style.
- If it sounds like a self esteem issue, gently remind her that she almost hasn't made a mistake since the moment we were on a team.
- If Keiko shuts down the Frozen Skein idea, keep considering what might work.
- Maybe Misterator distribution could be her thing, with all sorts of nasties in them.
- Or maybe crowd control, with her shutting down flanking maneuvers so that her summons and us can utterly dominate the taijutsu ranges without us worrying about flanking attacks.
- Ask Keiko what kind of seals she wants to augment her style. Possible ideas include:
- Force Barrier Shuriken
- Improved Macerator
- Different Payload Macerator
- etc.
- This might require integrating the Frozen Skein into her combat techniques. Ask her what her opinion is on it.
- While we're at it, offer ourselves as a discussion partner of what her next summon contract should be. Much fun as Pandaa is, we need heavier firepower.
- (niggling suggestion for Hazou: wonder what would happen if we asked Akane to be the local Naraka Rollers branch head)
- Primarily though, we're looking for a lot of firepower. Losing Mari hurt in more ways than one, especially since she was the Jonin CQC champ.
- Genjutsu Pangolins are also good ideas, especially because their number one weakness is mitigated by being a summon
- Also, what's gonna happen about that mission the Pangolins gave us? Is it still available, or is it called off due to the Condor Clan being in a state of complete vassalization?
- Ask her what she thinks we should do about Kagome, since he's basically offered Minami's clan millions of ryo's worth of labor.
- If she suggests that we need to discuss this with Noburi and Kagome, discuss it with Noburi and Kagome.
- Ask what she thinks of trying to expatriate mom. If she shoots it down, we forget about it, but if she's okay with the idea we ask Jiraiya.
- Discuss a few ideas for a ranged weapon style. We're looking for something that plays well with a whole bunch of massive friendly melee combatants(her summons to be).
- As a comedic scene, have Hazou rifle through his stuff. A lot of random stuff has accumulated in a nigh infinite well of storage seals, better check out everything we have.
- Talk with Kagome.
- Research topics
- Can we analyze the Mountain seals that we've had so long? What was their purpose?
- Can we create a seal to remotely activate another seal?
- Could we weaponize force seals? Put them on Fuma Shuriken to start, or maybe miniaturize them to put on regular shuriken. Either way, we're looking to replicate Wind Release: Vacuum Blade with force seals.
- The implosion seal detonates when the seal is ripped. Can we make other seals activate when they're ripped in half?
- Ask Kagome how he'd infiltrate Jiraiya's network as an exercise to try and see how to catch any infiltrators.
- Tell him that lupchanz is not a viable tool for the purposes of this exercise.
- Research topics
- Ask Akane whether she'd be comfortable making ice commercially, and whether she's okay with telling Minami about it.
- Make it clear that Akane's our girlfriend; chain of command just demands that we ask Minami to clear stuff all the time, and interclan secrecy demands we ask Akane for her permission.
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