It's a good plan, but I'd wait until the update so vote tally bots can see your training plan.

Edit: To be clear, I'd make sure that you repost this after the update. Not that you shouldn't post these things RN.

Yeah was always the plan to repost it. Was just trying to see if anyone had any reasons why we might want to go down another route.

Though I really like this + your water clone plan for Noburi. Let's Hazō bring 53 dice to a fight
Yeah was always the plan to repost it. Was just trying to see if anyone had any reasons why we might want to go down another route.

Though I really like this + your water clone plan for Noburi. Let's Hazō bring 53 dice to a fight
Yup, if we spend all Noburi's XP on Water Clones we'd get level 18, with 7XP left over. I'll post a training plan and just copy-paste it for the next update. Who knows, maybe if we're lucky we'll get enough XP for him to get Water Clone 21 :D

[X] Training Noburi: Living Water
Water Clone 13 [6.5]
Water Clone 14 [13.5]
Water Clone 15 [21]
Water Clone 16 [29]
Water Clone 17 [37.5]
Water Clone 18 [46.5]
Save 7XP
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Akane was weak at the start because she only ever received Academy training, and was forced to go missing-nin before officially graduating and becoming a Genin. After that point she joined the Liberator and FMPOV never got ninja training until Hazou showed up. Edit: I mean Genin training, which has to be a tier above the Academy.

Since then Akane's been spending XP after XP in Taijutsu and Taijutsu-related skills. Almost nothing else. Hazou has spent XP in Sealing and Social, which are massive sinks.
Ok, fine, plus she has the Pangolin technique, which is major. But still, how in the world is a mediocre perma-genin serious competition for Hazo and Co, all of whom are above-average and FAR more experienced than village-sheltered ninja?
Ok, fine, plus she has the Pangolin technique, which is major. But still, how in the world is a mediocre perma-genin serious competition for Hazo and Co, all of whom are above-average and FAR more experienced than village-sheltered ninja?
I think there are two counterarguments here, first, there isn't really such a thing as a "perpetual genin," and second, post great repalancing, real combat doesn't provide significantly more experience. Sweet Summer Child has 4 years of experience. Even if we assume an insane prodigy (i.e. 8 XP per day every day), that's still about a year's worth of experience. Given that our team has around a year worth of experience and are each probably better (and certainly more versitile) than SSC, it seems to make sense. The way combat and stuff works now is that it basically just gives you mildly more XP, and badass points (Thousand Yard Stare), not experience points. This is why we can intimidate people with our experiences.
Ok, fine, plus she has the Pangolin technique, which is major. But still, how in the world is a mediocre perma-genin serious competition for Hazo and Co, all of whom are above-average and FAR more experienced than village-sheltered ninja?
Mostly because we've been at it for just over a year and a half, including the Academy. The permagenin has been at it for four years, thus her XP totals are actually higher than ours. Add in the fact that our survival basically depended on us spamming tools to punch way the hell above our weight class, and our stats actually end up remarkably less than what you'd expect from our performance. Frankly, our team only works as well as it does because Team Uplift has stuck together so long - just reassigning us as chunin is not going to work because our style is dependent on all the cool shit we make. The mediocre permagenin status is only competition if we remove all the stuff that makes our team work (read: cool seals and shit). Otherwise Sweet Summer Child is a lightly parbroiled and brutalized pancake thanks to Poor Man's Grand Fireball and Poor Man's Yellow Flash, plus or minus a living chakra battery for Nobby, or rolled over by Keiko's friends.
Anyone have any thoughts on training plans for Kei? I'm not seeing any super obvious options for her so would love to hear if anyone has any thoughts
Anyone have any thoughts on training plans for Kei? I'm not seeing any super obvious options for her so would love to hear if anyone has any thoughts
If Pangolin's Reach is as useful as we hope, then we level it. If not, I'd suggest leveling Capacity for now, since it's desperately needed for summoning Pangolins while still maintaining enough chakra to boost Weapons/TacMove.
Speaking of which, do we have any place where we list our inventories? I honestly completely forgot about the Pangolin Claws, so I'm a little nervous about what else we could have missed.
If Pangolin's Reach is as useful as we hope, then we level it. If not, I'd suggest leveling Capacity for now, since it's desperately needed for summoning Pangolins while still maintaining enough chakra to boost Weapons/TacMove.

Could buy her capacity 18 and tacmove 22. A decent upgrade
The character sheets?
We can't access those, and only Keiko has equipment listed on her page. Everyone else is kinda sorta just hoping that we have something.

Edit: Can we just call the burning log macerator the Poor Man's Grand Fireball Technique? Or do we want to call it the burning log macerator?
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Probably, yes. Would want the whole team to have a group goal of TacMove 30, to match with Akane. But that's a longer-term goal, and should be done secondary to other goals (e.g., Water Clone, Sealing) which may take priority.

Yeah it's easy-ish to get Kei and Hazō tacmove. Noburi is the problem child
Don't worry friends I still live. I'm actually working on future plans for various WMDs as I type and am simply waiting to see where sealing and the like advances to before I unleash them.
So as it turns out superheated flammable vapour is a very good payload for FAEs and could be achieved by sealing an airtight clay or ceramic vessel that has been heated to around 250 C. Filled with.... I dunno let's say lamp oil. A very big boom.
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So as it turns out superheated flammable vapour is a very good payload for FAEs and could be achieved by sealing an airtight clay or ceramic vessel that has been heated to around 250 C. Filled with.... I dunno let's say lamp oil. A very big boom.
That is a very good point. Would heating it even be necessary? Just seal it up inside a box that's on fire, add macerator and stir.