I don't honestly know what to do here. As it's been said, it seems like we've got all of three options.
Plan 'Watchtower' has the faults that the team will have to explain somehow that they let two of Leaf's sealmasters, one of whom is now a murderer, walk free and go right back into missing-nin status. We lose sight of our goals, Jiraiya is fucked and loses all remaining credibility because those missing-nins he stuck his neck out for fucked up again. Leaf plunges into civil war, Mist probably takes advantage and initiates the first strike, Great Ninja War starts all over again. Oh, and there's probably a nonzero chance that the new regime will imprison/torture/kill Mari (and the others, if they decide to return), or turn them over to Mist. Bad end.
Plan 'Kagome Must Die' has the faults that even if we catch him off guard, there is still a significant chance that Kagome will just kill us. He's on edge already. On the plus side, reporting that Kagome was swiftly dealt with as a threat puts us in a slightly more positive light; we merely made a colossal lapse of judgement in trusting a highly-paranoid sealmaster who proceeded to snap in the worst way, at the worst possible moment, which is probably preferable to 'aided and abetted in the murder of a leaf ninja'. Following that, the team is dead. Not literally, probably. But emotionally? Dead. We'll be effectively killing who these characters are right now, and there's no real easy way to recover that. They'll probably have a future, at least, which is better than we can say for plan Watchtower. The Team Uplift ideal is, at any rate, done. Bad End.
Plan 'Commit Suicide' has the faults that, obviously, Hazou is dead. Team still has to clean up Kagome's mess, only without Hazou or any input from us. It's a moot point, since we don't have any stake in it beyond the point where Hazou sticks an explosive tag on his face. It might make Kagome easier to subdue, at least, having seen that he's caused the death of his protege. Bad End.

With no sense of where to go from here...

[X] Lore update

Maybe this'll all blow over somehow, or someone smarter than I am will think of something.
[X] Hiatus
[X] Lore Update

A few points:

1. I've really enjoyed this quest, both for the content itself and for the community (including the QMs' interactions). Thanks to everyone who's made it such an interesting thread to follow.

2. I agree with @Rihaku on the importance of @Veedrac's point about Vampire Dew being minor compared to other things we've shared.

3. (minor) I think maybe part of why some people are upset, besides the already-discussed issue of common sense, is what the medium term looks like post-update. I feel like my ideal plan would mostly be "make seals, shut face, and dogeza at everyone" for a long-ass while once we get back to Leaf.

4. (minor) Agree with @Veedrac's point that it helps for things like this to be hinted at in prior updates. For (now) mostly-lurkers like me, it's good to know when things are seriously screwed and every bit of input is helpful. Obviously that doesn't work in this case, where the QMs came to their conclusion only after seeing the current plan.
Yeah, when we freak out we freak out hard.

Least mods didn't show up. I got banned over the whole youthsuit incident.

Actually, the mods did step in. There was a big warning symbol about five pages after the update. Someone said the QMs lost any regard for politeness and the mod was like...

"Listen here fucker, everyone on SV gets politeness."

(Swearing is mine.)

Also, I made that big green PSA a few pages back and managed to time it so it was at the top of a page, but a comment got deleted and it moved to the bottom of the previous page. I'd personally place better than even odds on a moderator tidying the thread.

They're just being quiet, for the most part.

I kinda wonder what their thoughts on this situation is, with how the playerbase is handling things.


[alert=Warning]Polite interaction is part and parcel of posting on the forum. I understand you may be displeased with the latest developments, but you will express that disapproval politely or not at all. Keep the feedback constructive, don't let salt override your better judgment. This goes for everybody.[/alert]
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[X]Plan: Commit suicide
[X]Plan: Mental breakdown

Well, I've had a good night's sleep, and I'm still pissed about this. Grr... But I'm staying to see what the voters pick, and how horribly plan watchtower will fail as we get eaten alive by a failed seal infusion after a month ;)
Ah, so he did fuck us over. Have the other QMs weighed in yet?

Generally the QMs have solidarity together. Mechanics issues are the places I feel like there were moments when one has said "now hold on a minute" and another would go "ah, okay."

Anyway, please don't try to turn the QMs against each other.
@Gamerlord yes, the QMs all agree. I think that they discuss what they'll post beforehand anyway, so there's no point in trying to get them riled up against each other. All it does is make the thread angry at you when if left alone, they might well be angry at the characters or the QMs

Anyway, plans offered include "Watchtower" where we run away and hide for years doing a seal research timeskip or something, "Commit Suicide" or "Mental Breakdown" where we crack, and even things like "Kagome must die" where we decide to be rational all of a sudden and kill our sensei and teammate.
Jeez, this situation is the kinds of thing that might turn us into Kakashi 2.0, the edgier (because fan fiction) and weaker reboot.
Well, catching up took a while. I think I'll just say this: I have had and still have serious disagreements with the way SV is run, but this particular thread's community is one of the best I've ever been a part of.

I wish our QMs had the resources to keep up with us better, to the point that I'd trade one of the few roles I really enjoy here (magic developer) for the role of QM, just because they need help. I think they do need help; by my read, this latest situation came about because they didn't have the time and attention to notice the (somewhat minor) opsec failure last time, and they responded by overcompensating this time. And it can be really hard to hear criticism of things you did when you were tired, particularly if they felt difficult but necessary at the time.

So I'm going to let this frustration go. If the quest ends this update, I'll be kind of sad, but I'll accept it. I imagine there are more 'real world useful' things we could be focused on, if we stay as a community, and if nothing else, it could be fun to switch to an original setting where the magic is easier to balance and the meta-knowledge is scarcer. Just... let's all stay friends, alright? I'd miss that more than I missed Marked for Death itself.
Since nobody seems to have proposed a not insane option taking into account all the arguments people have raised in thread yet:

[X] Action Plan: Best of a Bad Situation
  • Dispell.
  • Regarding Kagome: What Kagome did was inexcusable, and demonstrates that he should not be sent on field missions, or exposed to new people again. That said, he is, in addition to being our friend, a valuable Leaf sealing R & D asset, and thus should not be disposed of when it has been proven that he can be contained in the past, so long as he is not exposed to new people and has better handlers.
  • Regarding Hazou: Minami was our team leader. Of course it made sense to share mission appropriate material with her. By using more of our abilities, we directly increased our likelihood of survival. Given that Noburi and misterators are our primary source of crowd control, it made sense to use him, instead of trying manually to disable the enemies, potentially letting them sound an alarm and ninja to arrive. We meant to leave opportunity for Noburi or others to stop us from mentioning Noburi's mist draining during the team discussion if they had wanted to do so, and are sorry we did not. We certainly had no idea that our mistake could lead to Minami's death: especially given that we had all already shared things like skywalkers and skytowers with her.
  • Regarding what we do now: Keiko needs to tell Jiraiya that Kagome killed Minami because he was paranoid. We will attempt to minimize further casualties. We know that what Kagome did was inexcusable and will accept any and all punishments decided for us. We understand that the political situation is volatile right now, and plan on continuing our mission unless instructed otherwise, and suggest that Kagome be used only for sealing R & D from now on. We will do as Jiraiya instructs.
I'm open to editing this until tomorrow.
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Somewhere along the way, @eaglejarl (I think) pointed out that he and the other QMs are each putting in around 20 hours a week on this quest, while dealing with all their real-life stuff. First off, I want to tell them that I appreciate and admire their efforts. It's been a great read, and that's very much because of your extraordinary efforts. Thank you.

I also think your extraordinary efforts make the quest fundamentally untenable. Simply put, you guys know the world of MfD much better than any of us reasonably can, because you each put in 20 hours a week thinking about it and talking with other people that spend 20 hours a week thinking about it. You are experts in the world of MfD, and we are dabblers, and we cannot make plans that will have good outcomes when interpreted by experts. (I say "we" loosely, aware that I have never cast a single vote.)

Honestly, at this point I think the story would be a lot better and more interesting if you spent less time on it, or else just wrote it yourselves without input from the reader base.

I'm not going to register any votes, because I don't think that would be fair to the actual long-time voters, but if I were, I'd be going with Action Plan: No more votes on anything
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I hope we'll all be posting the looks on our faces when it turns out that her paranoia about being killed in her sleep was really foreshadowing and Kagome actually just blew up a stuffed sleeping roll in the dark- especially when it is revealed just after Plan Suicide is implemented.
Oh, by the way:
[X] Lore Update
[X] Poll: Move MfD to a weekly update to take some strain off the GMs
[X] Poll: (Agency) Yes, give Hazou emergency veto
[X] Action Plan: Best of a Bad Situation
Since nobody seems to have proposed a not insane option taking into account all the arguments people have raised in thread yet:

[X] Action Plan: Best of a Bad Situation
  • Regarding Kagome: What Kagome did was inexcusable, and demonstrates that he should not be sent on field missions, or exposed to new people again. That said, he is, in addition to being our friend, a valuable Leaf sealing R & D asset, and thus should not be disposed of when it has been proven that he can be contained in the past, so long as he is not exposed to new people and has better handlers.
  • Regarding Hazou: Minami was our team leader. Of course it made sense to share mission appropriate material with her. By using more of our abilities, we directly increased our likelihood of survival. Given that Noburi and misterators are our primary source of crowd control, it made sense to use him, instead of trying manually to disable the enemies, potentially letting them sound an alarm and ninja to arrive. We thought that we left opportunity for Noburi or others to stop us from mentioning Noburi's mist draining during the team discussion if they had wanted to do so
  • Regarding what we do now: Keiko needs to tell Jiraiya that Kagome killed Minami because he was paranoid, we are continuing our mission, and suggest that Kagome be used only for sealing R & D from now on. We will attempt to minimize further casualties.
I'm open to editing this until tomorrow.

We shouldn't attempt to excuse our opsec error to that extent. Because of how significant the fallout of it was, we're being treated as if it were a more major/inexcusable error, but we did mess up. I'm mainly referring to the last line of the section, which effectively has Hazou say 'and why didn't you stop me?!' to the team, which is valid but unhelpful for defusing tensions. As much as I dislike these situations, we should take blame for what we did wrong and no more (we didn't kill Minami, Kagome did. We didn't know that our mistake would lead to Minami's death, and did not in any way desire that outcome), and dull the anger directed at us by not being argumentative about it. It should be fine to point out that we, as a collective, should've been better prepared now that Mari isn't around to keep Kagome in check, but we can't appear like we're deflecting blame away from us and onto the rest of the team.

With the Keiko section, we can also mention that we know what Kagome did is inexcusable and that we will accept any and all punishment he decides for us. If we suggest Kagome be put under house arrest or something similar that keeps him away from people he might kill, we must first mention that we know the political situation is unstable and that Jiraiya might not be able to afford to follow protocol lest he risk civil war.
THEORY: And then we get rid of Kagome, play for another three months - and discover that Miami, fearing being killed in her sleep, wasn't in her bedroll.
So we get back to Konoha and discover that everyone there got an... interesting account of what happened.
[X] Action Plan: Best of a Bad Situation

This one also makes me consider cancelling some of my other votes.

Oh, and @Radvic, we also seriously need to Kai.
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We shouldn't attempt to excuse our opsec error to that extent. Because of how significant the fallout of it was, we're being treated as if it were a more major/inexcusable error, but we did mess up. I'm mainly referring to the last line of the section, which effectively has Hazou say 'and why didn't you stop me?!' to the team, which is valid but unhelpful for defusing tensions. As much as I dislike these situations, we should take blame for what we did wrong and no more (we didn't kill Minami, Kagome did. We didn't know that our mistake would lead to Minami's death, and did not in any way desire that outcome), and dull the anger directed at us by not being argumentative about it. It should be fine to point out that we, as a collective, should've been better prepared now that Mari isn't around to keep Kagome in check, but we can't appear like we're deflecting blame away from us and onto the rest of the team.

With the Keiko section, we can also mention that we know what Kagome did is inexcusable and that we will accept any and all punishment he decides for us. If we suggest Kagome be put under house arrest or something similar that keeps him away from people he might kill, we must first mention that we know the political situation is unstable and that Jiraiya might not be able to afford to follow protocol lest he risk civil war.
I agree with this critique, and have edited it into the plan accordingly.

[X] Action Plan: Best of a Bad Situation

This one also makes me consider cancelling some of my other votes.

Oh, and @Radvic, we also seriously need to Kai.
Fair. I've added a dispell to start. Current plan is here:
[X] Action Plan: Best of a Bad Situation
  • Dispell.
  • Regarding Kagome: What Kagome did was inexcusable, and demonstrates that he should not be sent on field missions, or exposed to new people again. That said, he is, in addition to being our friend, a valuable Leaf sealing R & D asset, and thus should not be disposed of when it has been proven that he can be contained in the past, so long as he is not exposed to new people and has better handlers.
  • Regarding Hazou: Minami was our team leader. Of course it made sense to share mission appropriate material with her. By using more of our abilities, we directly increased our likelihood of survival. Given that Noburi and misterators are our primary source of crowd control, it made sense to use him, instead of trying manually to disable the enemies, potentially letting them sound an alarm and ninja to arrive. We meant to leave opportunity for Noburi or others to stop us from mentioning Noburi's mist draining during the team discussion if they had wanted to do so, and are sorry we did not. We certainly had no idea that our mistake could lead to Minami's death: especially given that we had all already shared things like skywalkers and skytowers with her.
  • Regarding what we do now: Keiko needs to tell Jiraiya that Kagome killed Minami because he was paranoid. We will attempt to minimize further casualties. We know that what Kagome did was inexcusable and will accept any and all punishments decided for us. We understand that the political situation is volatile right now, and plan on continuing our mission unless instructed otherwise, and suggest that Kagome be used only for sealing R & D from now on. We will do as Jiraiya instructs.
I'm open to editing this until tomorrow.
I feel like I should start out by saying that I really appreciate what @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail have done in creating this quest. You guys have done a truly incredibly job in making a simulationist quest that feels this viscerally real. You've made me care about the characters in ways that most stories never even come close to managing. You guys visibly put an insane amount of work into doing this, and I really appreciate it. From a simulationist perspective, this most recent twist makes perfect sense, and I support you guys if you want to stick with it.

So, I myself read through the proposed plan wherein we revealed Noburi's mist draining ability without noticing the problem. Before the Great Rebalancing, I modeled mist draining as something almost no Wakahisa could do, and a clan secret. However, I misinterpreted the Great Rebalancing posts. I believed the Great Reblancing had altered things such that the mist draining was something the vast majority of Wakahisa who were at least high genin could do (as it only takes 120 EXP, or a month or two of investment for a normal ninja) and thus the ability itself was not a clan secret, or even something reasonable to be a clan secret. I assumed, as it was something the majority of Wakahisa could do and using it would make them both more useful and less likely to die, it would be widely known as something that at least some Wakahisa could manage. In fact, my exact model was that it was well known that this was something some Wakahisa could do, but the clan was keeping the ease of learning the ability secret, rather than its very existence. This was incorrect. I went back and reread the Great Rebalancing posts, wherein it is stated that:
  • Is Noburi still a VD prodigy? or is draining through mist something every Wakahiza has by the time they're chuunin?
We don't think it's too much of a spoiler to disclose: Noburi's skill with VD is well above those of his age mates and yes, draining through mist is still a legendary technique among Wakahisa youngsters. This is for two reasons:
  1. Most Wakahisa genin are being trained for things other than their bloodline. Since they are intended as second-rank support there is no expectation that they'll need to use it in combat, so it doesn't matter if it's slow. Noburi has been able to be much more self-directed in his study, so he's focused on it enormously more than his peers.
  2. There's two reasons the draining through mist technique is legendary:
    1. It's an ace-in-the-hole that the clan doesn't want spread around. Kids are not good at keeping secrets so you don't tell them about it until they figure it out on their own, by which time they're grownup enough to keep quiet.
    2. Because there's an informal rule among the grownups to not talk about it. They got sick of all the youngsters going "when will I learn to drain through mist, huh?" and "sensei, I wanna learn how to drain through mist" and "ooh, I got it, I got it! There's definitely something over there, honest!" etc. Easier
I simply didn't remember 2-1, which makes it pretty clear that the ability as a whole is being kept secret. I don't know exactly why; it's clearly a pretty important thing to remember. I do have some ideas, though. It's possible I may have been reading quickly and made my mistaken assumption due to that. However, the interesting thing seems to be that basically the entire thread made that mistake with me, and that wouldn't explain the issue: it's not likely that everybody would make the same error as me if my error was simply reading too quickly and thus misinterpreting something. I think I know why the error was so common.

The Kurosawa aptitude for sealcrafting is a secret relatively easily kept. The ability to suddenly copy seals isn't going to get a Kurosawa out of a life or death situation; a Kurosawa isn't going to be in a position where keeping that ability secret means death. They certainly aren't going to frequently be in ones where not using a secret ability makes one drastically more likely to die. In addition, the Kurosawa use that ability to have a few sealmasters every generation for the good of the clan, and the ability can be leveraged without quickly becoming common knowledge. The Kurosawa can get the benefit of the ability to some degree while keeping it secret.

The Wakahisa ability to drain chakra through mist is quite different. Suddenly draining someone through mist is going to relatively frequently be something that would get a Wakahisa out of certain death. Wakahisa are going to often come up against situations where their chance of living is much higher if they use the ability, even if death isn't certain without it. The Wakahisa gain greatly from having a few people every generation make use of the ability, much like the Kurosawa do. A ninjutsu specialist jonin who can drain through mist is a recipe for an S rank, or at least a high A rank, and it would be incredibly useful to the Wakahisa to have one of those every generation. However, the Wakahisa can't do that and get the benefit of the ability while keeping it secret.

It would be incredibly valuable to the clan if they pumped out 1 or 2 A or S rank ninja every generation, even if the clan was otherwise known for being support ninja. Combined with the difficulty of keeping it a secret that Wakahisa can drain through mist at all, and its likely that the clan would aim for keeping "all Wakahisa can do this" as the trump card, rather than "this is possible at all". One secret is much easier to keep, and more advantageous to keep. The ability or the clan to use their trump card is a one time thing, only useful once to prevent the clan from being destroyed in a single all out attack. It makes way more sense for the secret to be that it's not actually a legendary technique, rather than the secret to be that it's a possible technique at all.

The secret that draining chakra through mist is possible only needs one desperate Chunin in a life-or-death situation to get out. Or one very dumb Wakahisa to brag to his friends/rivals. And if people find out about it, its an ace they don't have, but the sensible way to react to the knowledge getting out that draining through mist is a possibilty at all is to keep how widespread the ability is secret and have a few people every generation "master the legendary technique" and become incredibly valuable combat specialist A or S rank jonin. The Wakahisa might get more out of that state of affairs, actually. If under attack they can suddenly have half the clan drain through mist rather than 2 of them, which is still a useful ace to have, and they also get famous A or S rank ninja they wouldn't have out of the deal.

This is basically the situation I assumed existed. After the Great Rebalancing I thought the ability was "legendary" in the sense that people knew it existed but didn't expect anyone except maybe the clan head and heir to be able to use it. I think I arrived at this understanding because it makes more sense than the Wakahisa successfully and obsessively keeping the ability entire secret for centuries. After all, the only reason to do so would be because it would be a useful trap to spring on a sudden attacker, whereas the Kurosawa are keeping their ability secret because its use would be fundamentally opposite to their philosophy, and if it became known their entire way of life would be destroyed and they'd all be used as sealing factories. On the other hand, the Wakahisa gain about as much from the ability being completely secret as they do from it being thought of as a "legendary technique", and that's a much easier secret to keep.

I think this is the reason why nobody thought of telling Minami as giving away valuable clan secrets. As time passed, we filled in the actual world with one that made more sense to us. We didn't expect the ability itself to be a secret because we hadn't been thinking of it as one it was viable long term to keep, or as something that wasn't already known to be possible, if not common. I would have expected a summary of Wakahisa abilities by someone who had heard a bit about them to be something like, "They have way more chakra than normal and can store it in barrels full of water that they carry on their backs. They can transfer chakra to allies by letting them drink some of their chakra water. Apparently they can drain chakra through water, and rumor says the clan head can even drain through mist."

If something does get retconned, I think this would be the best way to do it. It's a relatively minor change, and the only result is that the Clan Leader and their Heir are known to be badasses. This would change the secret Hazou carelessly gave up to the fact that Noburi knows the secret technique, rather than that its possible at all. The retcon would also have minimal impact on the world and on the update. At most, this most recent update would be rewritten (maybe with a new plan voted in? I don't know how this would work) and the Wakahisa would be known to churn out 1-2 combat specialist Jonin every generation. They'd still be a support clan, and this seems to both be a reasonable change that retcons what the QMs would want retconned, and also correct for what seems like a holdover from joining a pre-TGR and post-TGR mechanics system.

EDIT: Of course, as long as I'm giving out "things to retcon iff you feel like doing that" ideas I might as well throw out the very obvious "retcon last update so Hazou realized the plan voted in required giving up clan secrets and instead he only proposes the plan that didn't do that." However, I'm sort of assuming you guys are opposed to that for reason of "seriously, you guys should have known" and other reasons of player agency. However, if we end up going with giving Hazou more agency from hereon out and you guys want to retcon things in the very nice way that we probably don't deserve given how dickish we've been, this seems like the way to go.

There's also the obvious "insert a scene where we realize the mistake we made last chapter, have us vote in a new plan for this one" if y'all decide that you erred on the amount of information to give us.
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I have my own personal fights with ideation and this is one of the biggest fucking reasons. You're not entirely wrong. But watching your words and actions constantly like that fucking sucks.

Holy crap. Like, seriously? You mean I'm not a broken human (at least in this particular way), and other people have this same exact problem for the same reasons?!

Woooow. This changes everything. One of my major weaknesses I barely managed to compensate for just became a superpower.

Tremble, mortals, and despair!

and even things like "Kagome must die" where we decide to be rational all of a sudden and kill our sensei and teammate.


Following that, the team is dead. Not literally, probably. But emotionally? Dead. We'll be effectively killing who these characters are right now, and there's no real easy way to recover that. They'll probably have a future, at least, which is better than we can say for plan Watchtower. The Team Uplift ideal is, at any rate, done. Bad End.


[X] Action Plan: Best of a Bad Situation

@Radvic did convince me on Discord that something like this has more potential (if we can pull it off successfully) than killing Kagome outright. (Honestly, I think turning him in is better, but he's almost certainly going to be tortured to death for information if we don't succeed at something like this, and I thought that would be a harder sell.)

Still has the issue though, that while this could be covered up, Hazou and the rest of the team remains an opsec risk.

Will consider more when I'm not dead tired. Still, probably doesn't matter atm since we're likely to get a Lore Update or kill ourselves.


Side note: At least one of the two following statements are true.
  1. If we kill ourselves, I consider this a loss condition for this quest, and thus will have no qualms about working with @Radvic, et al. to destroy the EN, and with it, everything any of you might hold dear about its inhabitants.
  2. 1+1=2
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Counterpoint: If Kagome gets to roll Awareness, he should also have to roll Deception to realize that we are betraying him.
Kagome automatically succeeds on all Deception rolls to recognise that someone is betraying him. He automatically fails on all Deception rolls to recognise that someone is not betraying him.

(Not an actual rule.)

No, it's Mist's Wakahisa trump card. We have exactly one user, and by the time we have a second on our team, Noburi will be S-Rank or dead. Keeping this secret from Leaf does nothing to make us safer, and everything to make us weaker. It is in our favour for our village to be aware of how to counter our bloodline's abilities. I've honestly found the kids' adherence to keeping these secret rather strange.

Whilst reasoning about this use in the long-term matters, it's uninteresting for a character like Kagome, who cares about the team now, not future generations of Leaf ninja.

If this ability sufficed to bring Noburi to S-Rank, the Wakahisa clan wouldn't be primarily in support, so the comparison is unsuited. Generally speaking, people don't get to hear about tons of other clan's special abilities, else (a sane) Mari would have told us about them. Ergo either these kidnapping-tortures are either sufficiently rare or ineffective for the risk to be particularly low, or most people don't get to hear about other clan's bloodlines. Note that the latter doesn't make sense, since it's not a good idea to keep your enemies' abilities secret. So if such information comes in useful it's either an unlikely coincidence or because Noburi is some kind of special character worth specific assassination.

If Noburi becomes is a special fighting prodigy, rather than going largely into, say, medicine, we've already concluded it's not going to be because of this ability. It's going to be because we've figured out a way to do something special. Ergo in that case the risk basically doesn't matter.

This is such a crazy hypothesis. If the only person we've told outside of need-to-know happens to be captured and tortured, rather than any of the many Wakahisa that know this technique, the capturers aren't Mist, they happen to consider this the most vital information they hear, rather than say skywalkers, the few people privileged to hear this information happen to then fight the one Leaf ninja with this ability, who happens to be relying primarily on this ability, which they happen to have prepared for (foreknowledge alone isn't a major deal against an ability this slow), rather than, say, a couple-hundred explosive tags, Skywalkers, macerator weapons, teammates, etc., then he'll be at a slight disadvantage relative to normal. So?

If Kagome was happy with us giving out Skywalkers and all that other jazz that actually kept us safe (both to Minami and to Leaf altogether) it makes no sense for him to betray us over what amounts to a rounding error.
I have counter-arguments, but frankly at this point I'd rather just wait for the other QMs to wake up so we can discuss a course of action going forward. Apologies if you were hoping for a proper debate.

He had one teammate turn and murder another for reasons that make no real sense to anyone. Then the other characters yelled at the PC and told him he was to blame.
Not cool, @Briefvoice. You're deliberately giving out biased and misleading information to somebody who lacks the facts.

@Gamerlord, this issue has received extensive discussion. Some players accept that the update was a natural consequence of player error but say that it's still a poor call from an OOC QMing perspective. Some players think the update was an excessive consequence for the scale of the error. Some players feel that the error should be attributed to insufficient information being provided to the players, rather than poor judgement, and therefore that it's unfair for it to result in massive negative consequences. There are even a few players who think everything that's happened is sad but reasonable. Nobody here is, as far as I can tell, reducing the issue to "a QM is being arbitrarily evil/stupid", and I think less of Briefvoice for attempting to do so just because you haven't caught up on the thread yourself.

If anyone thinks this summary is itself misleading, please feel free to correct me.

Edit: Also, now I think of it, a reminder to the people talking about the potential end of the quest:

If Hazō dies, you do get to restart with a new character. That was the basic premise of the quest from the start, when we QMs couldn't have imagined that you'd keep your first missing-nin alive this long.
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