Reactions time cuz the scenes demand it:
(each was individually more experienced than her, and their group bond seemed practically telepathic)
Hivemind confirmed to be leaking into the other PC's.
All is going better than expected. Soon we will have complete control over all of Team Uplift.
(not counting Kagome, the classic nerdy victim turned bully).
Oi, don't you start resenting best-paranoid uncle. He's
earned that level of cynicism.
Not "Captain Minami". Not yet. But she would earn that much respect from them. Minami Nikkō did not give up after a single failure. could just ask us to call you captain..?
Why must everything be so complicated with normal people, just be rational,
Kurosawa glanced back at one of the girls forlornly. Not good at hiding his feelings, this one.
We're working on it...
Apparently we need to level his Deception even higher guys.
"It's called the Clear Communication Technique. The idea is that you describe what you're thinking and feeling as clearly and neutrally as possible, so that the other person can understand where you're coming from. We all use it to manage conflict situations in particular.
"Here's an example. I regret the way I treated you during the briefing, and would like to apologise for it. I was uncomfortable with a new leader being appointed in place of Mari-sensei, who has led our team since its formation, and with whom we all have strong personal bonds, and I essentially decided to carry on as if it hadn't happened and your presence didn't matter. However, regardless of the circumstances, you are our team leader, and you deserve a certain amount of respect from us."
Ah look, conflict resolution in the chapter to immediately deal with the former outlined problems. Good on you Hazou (and thread) for addressing this issue ASAP, now we ju-
Which was a load of crap. Nobody deserved respect for being a team leader. Respect was something you earned with your actions and the way you presented yourself. Even Kurosawa knew it, or he wouldn't have qualified that statement so heavily.
Well... alrighty then.
It seems we need to convince dumb-butt that when Hazou says something in CCnJ, he means it literally with no subtleties, undertones, or double meanings. It's why we have it after all; we probably just have to tell her that we mean what we say exactly when we say it using said technique, but this shouldn't be an issue for much longer.
Politeness it one thing, but endangering the mission by not resolving your interpersonal issues now when you have the opportunity is reckless behavior.
We should include that in our post-mission report to J-man. She has a lot to learn before she should be entrusted to lead a team on her own again.
(and giving him an OPSEC headache in the process)
Well, it's the painful thoughts that count.
how was he supposed to explain Keiko's circumstances without touching on clan secrets or the very personal elements of her relationship with Mari-sensei (which Hazō himself still didn't fully understand)?
"That seems like a matter that involves girl-thoughts. I am completely incapable of parsing such thoughts due to my own social ineptitudes. Can we move on now? I really can't help you in that regard, sorry."
When Minami finally let him go, it was with a promise that they'd make camp earlier tomorrow, to let him get extra sleep if he needed it. Hazō had refrained from mentioning that going forty-eight hours without sleep was part of Mist's standard Academy endurance training.
Good on you for having the wherewithal not to humble brag, Hazou. Have a cookie.
She'd also pointed out, with a smile that was much more like the Minami he remembered, that dawn was a very romantic time of day—though for once his brain had somehow come up with the same insight on its own.
Oh, snap, romantic character development in bound.
Part of Hazō's mind wondered what scale of explosive he would need to reproduce this degree of illumination.
Bigger, always bigger.
They turned back to watch the rising sun and, as naturally as a cloud being guided by the wind, Akane's hand found its way into his.
"I've actually been in Leaf for a little while now, and…"
Akane tensed. Hazō had no idea why.
He isn't completely romantically savvy at this point, but I'm satisfied with all of the growth he has made so far.
...just don't
make any babies at this point, please.
"When I came to see you, your father was there instead. He told me I couldn't see you because I was a missing-nin."
Akane relaxed.
Ah, minor crisis averted.
Akane nodded. "And how's Noburi taking the fact that Keiko is now his sister?"
Hazō blinked. "I… I don't know."
That honestly seems like something Noburi can take care of on his own. He hasn't really displayed any outward signs of still liking Keiko and he hasn't said anything about her all-but-confirmed engagement with Shikamaru either. Maybe we should talk to him, but saving Leaf takes priority, imo.
Akane didn't look surprised. "You two should really talk more. You'll regret not taking those opportunities when life suddenly takes your friends away from you."
Subtle as always QM's. Permadeath is still a thing, guys; plan accordingly.
"It's OK," Akane shook her head, "I knew you would. And things weren't too bad here.
Oh? How so?
Ino visited me in hospital.
*Apprehension intensifies*
At first, I think she was feeling sorry for me, but we actually get on quite well now.
Do I dare get my hopes up?
She's very youthful in her own way."
Hazō didn't know what to make of that. Akane and Yamanaka getting closer seemed like it should have implications, but he didn't know what implications, or whether it having implications was a good thing or a bad thing.
Oh, it has implications alright.
Many, many implications.
*cackles maniacally*
"Did you and Yamanaka…"
"Not now, Hazō-sensei," Akane said. "I know all that is important and needs talking about, but right now," she gestured towards the rising sun, "let's catch up, just the two of us."
Hmmmm, deflection...
I really can't blame her for wanting to be a bit selfish after not seeing Hazou for so long, but Jashin-dammit do I want to have the poly-talk with Akane and Ino sooner rather than later. Of course, I want Hazou to be as prepared as possible for such a discussion, but procrastinating on it doesn't help anyone either.
Hazō looked down at their held hands, feeling the unfamiliar warmth in his palm. This would be most definitely a good moment for that barely-existent romantic part of his brain to unleash its powers and find an elegant way of putting what he was feeling into words.
It was probably the power of the high-altitude dawn, but for once his prayers were answered.
Hazou gets romantic when he's high confirmed.
Naughty QM's, tsk, tsk.
"You've earned another romance point," Akane said mischievously. "Have you been practicing on someone while you were away?"
"What?" Hazō choked out. "No, I haven't been practicing on anyone, well, unless you count training with Mari-sensei, I, uh, mean, you definitely shouldn't count that because it wasn't romantic in any way, and it now occurs to me that she and I changed to first-name basis while we were away, but that in no way means—"
Shit, what's our current tally on romance points?!?!? It's another type of XP therefore we must optimize for it to see what in-game benefits it will give our little no-longer-a-murder-hobo PC.
On the other hand, it's still nice to see Hazou being his socially awkward self in non-dangerous situations.
If only we could make him get flustered on command it would make romantic encounters
so much easier...
All in all, a fun chapter to read and I'm looking forward to the next one.