Don't want to wipe out the whole world.
Lupchanz got--
I'm totally fine with bombing chakra beasts to death.
False alarm. That said, maybe we could make a bomb that targets everything above a certain chakra level -- it'd kill ninjas in the area, sure, but civvies would be fine. Then just carpet bomb the countryside with them. Though we'd need to be careful not to let the designs for them leak...
That said, I certainly don't intend for my entertainment to cause real suffering and can stop making unasked for commentary on progress towards my personal goals since that makes you uncomfortable, which should (I think) resolve the issue.
Nah, I wouldn't want you to do that, I guess I was just a little uncomfortable with the joking[?] about increasing tensions with Minami, given that that was part of what my plan was intending to address, however poorly it may have turned out to do so.
False alarm. That said, maybe we could make a bomb that targets everything above a certain chakra level -- it'd kill ninjas in the area, sure, but civvies would be fine. Then just carpet bomb the countryside with them. Though we'd need to be careful not to let the designs for them leak...
Hmm... maybe some sort of amplification seal which quarduples people's chakra, thus making them (or chakra beasts) explode, but civies remain basically unharmed? I'm down.

Nah, I wouldn't want you to do that, I guess I was just a little uncomfortable with the joking[?] about increasing tensions with Minami, given that that was part of what my plan was intending to address, however poorly it may have turned out to do so.
I do expect tensions with Minami to increase due to the wording of how we're proposing things to her. I didn't read anything past your first three bullet points before the voting period ended (so there was no intentionality there). I give it about 50-50 odds on if tensions with Minami wind up increasing or decreasing as a result of the next update.
I do expect tensions with Minami to increase due to the wording of how we're proposing things to her. I didn't read anything past your first three bullet points before the voting period ended (so there was no intentionality there). I give it about 50-50 odds on if tensions with Minami wind up increasing or decreasing as a result of the next update.
The context of the plan, though, was that Hazou made the plan with the team as part of a discussion, though. See:
  • Brainstorm with whole team on plan. Accept critiques and suggestions, especially from Keiko and Minami.
It doesn't help that Minami is inclined to view our words and deeds in bad light.
Le sigh.

We should sic Akane on her. She is a fellow Leaf nin who knows the team well, is effortlessly friendly, and is better at figuring out boundaries.

Let her explain the team weirdness, including Hazou's penchant for eating his feet.
Why do we care about Minami? She's a political nobody. She's not super powerful. She probably won't be with the team long term. Getting her to like the team won't help our long term goals. So we should just not be a bitch to her. Give her the opportunity to win the team over but we shouldn't go out of our way
Why do we care about Minami? She's a political nobody. She's not super powerful. She probably won't be with the team long term. Getting her to like the team won't help our long term goals. So we should just not be a bitch to her. Give her the opportunity to win the team over but we shouldn't go out of our way
I don't want to make an enemy of her, no matter how ineffectual she might be. She'll be reporting our performance to J afterwards. I wanna leave a good impression. She's already at disadvantage, so giving her an opportunity to win team over involves some going out of our way by default.

And I don't like offending people accidentally.
Why do we care about Minami? She's a political nobody. She's not super powerful. She probably won't be with the team long term. Getting her to like the team won't help our long term goals. So we should just not be a bitch to her. Give her the opportunity to win the team over but we shouldn't go out of our way

If a Leaf Bigwig requisitions the reports of our first ever mission as Leaf nin, we want that report to show we made an effort to cooperate, so they have no excuse to say we aren't integrating properly into Leaf society.

(Also, I'd quite like us to be friends with her for its own sake, but that isn't what you asked.)
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If a Leaf Bigwig requisitions the reports of our first ever mission as Leaf nin, we want that report to show we made an effort to cooperate, so they have no excuse to say we aren't integrating properly into Leaf society.

(Also, I'd quite like us to be friends with her for its own sake, but that isn't what you asked.)

I mean yeah don't be a dick to her. Also we are the hokage children so not worried about leafs bigwigs
I mean yeah don't be a dick to her.

No, no.

We don't want to give them any room to say we aren't integrating.

Not just

"They weren't dicks, but they still didn't make an effort to make a connection with their comrade, and that shows that they lack the will of fire." or whatever Hiashi is dying to say, but literally

"...Alright, fine. They're perfect Leaf material. *hrmph!*"

Also we are the hokage children so not worried about leafs bigwigs

The bigwigs are looking for any excuse to kick J out once 3 months are up. Attacking him through us will be easy if we give them any openings.
On that note, maybe we should plan a party near the end of the mission to thank Minami for putting up with our team's collective shit (as she perceives it, etc. etc.) and not throwing a fit?

It would notably improve her opinion of us right before she gives her report, and since at least some of us (me included) are indeed grateful for her maturity it isn't even an insincere gesture. Just a sincere gesture that also happens to make us look good, and progresses our goals (E: and isn't that the most slytherin thing I've said all day).
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HPMOR said:
"No," said Harry. "No, no, no! That's giant-spider thinking! Come on, what would you do if you heard that Rita Skeeter was looking for rumors about you? "

That made it obvious.

Grins slowly started on the faces of Fred and George.

"Start rumors about ourselves," they replied.

"Exactly," said Harry, grinning widely. "But these can't be just any rumors. I want to teach people never to believe what the newspaper says about Harry Potter, any more than Muggles believe what the newspaper says about Elvis. At first I just thought about flooding Rita Skeeter with so many rumors that she wouldn't know what to believe, but then she'll just cherry-pick the ones that sound plausible and bad. So what I want you to do is create a fake story about me, and get Rita Skeeter to believe it somehow. But it has to be something that, afterward, everyone will know was fake. We want to fool Rita Skeeter and her editors, and afterward have the proof come out that it was false. And of course - given that those are the requirements - the story has to be as ridiculous as it can possibly be, and still get printed. Do you understand what I want you to do?"
On that note, maybe we should plan a party near the end of the mission to thank Minami for putting up with our team's collective shit (as she perceives it, etc. etc.) and not throwing a fit?

It would notably improve her opinion of us right before she gives her report, and since at least some of us (me included) are indeed grateful for her maturity it isn't even an insincere gesture. Just a sincere gesture that also happens to make us look good, and progresses our goals (E: and isn't that the most slytherin thing I've said all day).
That could work. If we're friendly enough by the end of main mission she probably won't think it's fake, and some kind of fun thing on the last night on Skytower before reporting in sounds neat.
Assuming things go relatively well.

Ah, that brings back memories. Thanks :)
Why do we care about Minami? She's a political nobody. She's not super powerful. She probably won't be with the team long term. Getting her to like the team won't help our long term goals. So we should just not be a bitch to her. Give her the opportunity to win the team over but we shouldn't go out of our way

I don't get why we shouldn't go out of our way to be friendly and cooperative with her.

Unit cohesion and the ability to execute our plans efficiently is incredibly important to our survival. We can't afford to be apathetic to her.
Unrelatedly, Kagome's first project when we get back needs to be impulse seals (MORE tac move bonuses!!), but after that we should see if he can make reusable shaped charge seals and reusable LBF. Because automated destruction is yes.

Also as an aside, I'm considering writing up an approximate guideline to technique creation, unless you guys already have one, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail, in terms of XP cost per dice.

It would include such things as the relative cost of targetting non-fighting skills (such as Tac Move or Awareness). For instance, targetting those might impose a times 1.2 XP cost modifier -- which could be expressed in whatever way is appropriate (for instance, using an "off"-attribute for the archetype, or requiring more of an attribute than a skill that targetted the enemy's Fighting skill would).
No, no.

We don't want to give them any room to say we aren't integrating.

Not just

"They weren't dicks, but they still didn't make an effort to make a connection with their comrade, and that shows that they lack the will of fire." or whatever Hiashi is dying to say, but literally

"...Alright, fine. They're perfect Leaf material. *hrmph!*"

The bigwigs are looking for any excuse to kick J out once 3 months are up. Attacking him through us will be easy if we give them any openings.

We're the freaking Cold Stone Killers. And we threatened a Leaf doctor. And Kagome may be from Rain or Sound.

They already have plenty on us. :whistle:
Like the fact that we bullied Leaf's spymaster into adopting us, letting us into Leaf, and making us into a major clan; then giving Leaf information that, faulty or not, directly lead to the loss of the Hokage, nearly a dozen ANBU, and their Jinchuriki?

We didn't bully Jiraiya into adopting us, we asked for it as the highball starting point when we were negotiating skywalkers. We weren't expecting him to just accept our terms outright, but they happened to perfectly match his agenda. He's said as much to us and to Sarutobi (though we don't know that IC).

I'm not aware of any such information we gave Leaf. All we gave them were skywalkers, they decided to set up the Mist showdown on their own and then got ambushed by Akatsuki. None of this is our fault, and the bigwigs know it. You could argue that we caused this by giving skywalkers to Leaf, but that seems like a rather flimsy argument.
We didn't bully Jiraiya into adopting us, we asked for it as the highball starting point when we were negotiating skywalkers. We weren't expecting him to just accept our terms outright, but they happened to perfectly match his agenda. He's said as much to us and to Sarutobi (though we don't know that IC).

I'm not aware of any such information we gave Leaf. All we gave them were skywalkers, they decided to set up the Mist showdown on their own and then got ambushed by Akatsuki. None of this is our fault, and the bigwigs know it. You could argue that we caused this by giving skywalkers to Leaf, but that seems like a rather flimsy argument.

One of the factors was the Capybara scroll info, which we relayed.

TBH most of the blame falls on either (if we don't believe Kagome) Nara and J for sending too small a force or (if we do believe Kagome) the Sage for failing a routine body transfer.