More briefings re countries
Do Inoue and Keiko (or the others) have a good sense of how densely populated the farther reaches of northern Earth or Lightning would be?
  • Have Inoue or Kagome heard anything about Bear? All we know is civilian merchants aren't supposed to go there, but it could be relatively safe for missing-nin with reasonable preparations (ie high explosives).
  • Is it plausible that Waterfall's really completely closed off to foreign civilians?
  • Consult the Bingo Book (and team's knowledge) for ninja in/from any small nations near Snow (Bear, Waterfall, Grass, Rice, Frost), to get a sense of what kinds of abilities or bloodlines we might encounter if we travel there.
  • Mari doesn't know much about northern Earth. Lightning is sparsely populated in general - it's said to mainly be composed of inhospitable mountains - and she has no comment on the north in particular.
  • Bear is a hole in Mari's knowledge. If it has a ninja village, then Mist certainly doesn't know about it, nor any civilian community with a bearing (sorry) on Mist's interests. With nothing to infiltrate and no famous notable features, Mari has never cared enough to try to learn about it. Nor does the common knowledge she's been exposed to have anything to say except Do Not Go to Bear. Kagome is reasonably confident it is home to an advanced chakra beast civilisation that kidnaps travellers to serve as slaves and experimental subjects - though, then again, that might be just what their human collaborators want us to think.
  • Keiko thinks that Waterfall can't really allow all their trade to be bottlenecked in three Grass towns, for both logistical and political reasons, but she lacks the data to guess what criteria Waterfall might use for allowing in foreigners, or what procedures they might use to do so securely.
  • Grass's top three missing-nin are a Wind and Water ninjutsu expert, a taijutsu master with a deadly Bloodline Limit-boosted syncretic martial arts style, and a tool user specialising in reach melee weapons. You already know the specialisations of a number of Rice clans. Frost's top three missing-nin are an Earth and Lightning user, a swordmaster with unknown mobility-enhancing powers, and a Water Clone adept. Waterfall's current top three missing-nin are two ranged Bloodline Limit users (Geyser and Corruption Elements) and an immortal taijutsu master. There is no section for Bear.
So, I've said it before, but we do eventually need to discuss our long term strategy to help the world with our teammates. We want to help the world, but we're not likely to be able to do much if we stay an independent team of five or six ninjas. We need to discuss both our primary options - joining Leaf and trying to create our own organization.

The discussion with our teammates should involve both options, since there's still contention on what exactly we want to do. This could wait until after the Skywalkers are finished, but shouldn't wait for too long after that because we need to actually make a decision so we can actually start moving towards one or the other. Dithering on one or the other will probably see us accomplish neither option.

I've written up summaries of what we might present to our teammates of the two options below.

The Leaf option is fairly well defined in terms of what we need to do and generally how to do it - invention and politics, pretty much. Exact details will be fluid as the situation with Leaf evolves. Discussion on this would revolve around getting an idea of anything we might have failed to consider that our teammates might notice, or terms we should add or remove from the potential deal.

The option to make an organization is much less well defined because our current ability to actually make an organization is rather lacking. This discussion would largely revolve around determining what we would need to do to move forward and better enable ourselves to accomplish these goals.

Option: Join Leaf
- General Goals: Use our sealing research to provide Leaf with enough of an advantage to win and then influence Leaf to help civilians.
- Step 1: Finish Skywalkers
- Step 2: Negotiate Citizenship With Leaf
-- Concerns: If we join Leaf, we must negotiate the best deal possible. We need to ensure we are positioned in such a way that we have enough agency to influence Leaf politics in a positive direction.
--- Possible Terms: Standard rights afforded to Leaf shinobi, paid for work (not thrown into a seal sweatshop), security control over our own research facility (gives Kagome greater peace of mind about not being thrown into a seal sweatshop), conditions for Hazou eventually being allowed outside the village (reach a certain level - jounin or S-Class perhaps - and maybe have ANBU guard?), continued training, extraction of Hazou's mother from Mist (desirable, but not mandatory?), summoning contract for Hazou (desirable, not mandatory)
--- Possible Concessions: At least one of our bloodline members agrees to settle down and have kids when old enough, establishing a new bloodline clan in Leaf (might be ideal for political positioning anyways)
--- Security For Deal: Have Toads and Pangolins witness the deal, ensuring political fallout in the summon realm for Leaf if they violate the agreement.
- Step 3: Make Leaf Win through innovation (concurrent with Step 4)
- Step 4: Influence Leaf politics to positive ends for civilians (concurrent with Step 3)

Pros: Overall meta-goals are fairly well understood. Higher degree of safety for the team, access to Leaf training, leverages an existing large organization, Akane can be with the team again, Hazou's mother possibly extracted, possible fast end to next ninja war if inventions are powerful enough.

Cons: Loss of current degree of freedom, trying to convince an established organization to adopt our goals (though Leaf is the best village for this given their stated values, and Jiraiya is likely to help), likely to start a war (which is likely to happen anyways), scale of war might be escalated

Victory Modes:
- Leaf wins totally and starts helping the civilians of the world.
- Leaf wins enough that other villages won't dare attack, Leaf starts helping its own civilians, other villages must follow suit or become non-competitive
- Status quo is largely maintained, but enough small improvements are made across the board to stop the decline of humanity

Failure Modes:
- Leaf wins, becomes tyrannical.
- Leaf loses
- We get assassinated or otherwise die before accomplishing our goals

Option: Create Organization (Hidden Heaven?)
- General Goals: Create a new organization or hidden village whose goals are to help better the world for civilians everywhere. Use sealing innovations to help the world.
- Steps and meta-goals are fairly ill defined due to our lack of resources and power. Many steps are likely concurrent, so can't be ordered.
- Meta-Goal: Create an information network.
-- Currently looking into establishing contacts with various traders. Use our ability to potentially attain and transport rare goods to establish the relationships and trade of information. This may help with funding this organization as well.
- Meta-Goal: Recruit people into the organization. Ninjas will be required for this to be effective.
-- Issue: The only likely ninjas we can recruit will be missing-nins. Quality will be variable, as will receptiveness to our goals and their general trustworthiness. Finding them may also be problematic.
-- Issue: Maintaining control of a group of ninja will be very difficult unless we are a lot stronger. We may need to train to get everyone to jounin at least before we can seriously start recruiting in earnest.
--- Sub-Issue: Getting training and new jutsu on our own to get ourselves to a high level may be difficult. Buying training from Jiraiya/Leaf may be an option for a while.
- Meta-Goal: Establish a permanent base of operations. Maintaining a large organization without a place to meet is problematic. Construction of Hidden Heaven using seals, MEW, and a lot of elbow grease might be viable.
-- Issue: Maintaining security of the location would require enough people to ward off attacks, as well as preserving secrecy for as long as possible.
-- Issue: Building something like Hidden Heaven will take a lot of time, as well as design effort.
-- Issue: A viable location will be needed.
- Meta-Goal: Use organization's resources to help civilians
-- Issue: Existing countries are likely to try to hinder our efforts
- Meta-Goal: Maintain good relations with Leaf. Operating will be a lot easier if at least one major village doesn't want us dead.
-- Issue: We have to maintain a clear read on Leaf's goals so we don't step on their toes.
-- Benefit: Possible means of getting Akane back to being able to work with our group as a liason.

Pros: Freedom is largely maintained, organization will be run by us so will be easier to get it to do what we want

Cons: Highly difficult due to current lack of resources and power (makes figuring out how to do it rather difficult), problems associated with being in charge, organization likely to be viewed with suspicion and hostility by most existing polities

Victory Modes:
- Organization is established and works as intended. Decline of humanity averted and possibly reversed.

Failure Modes:
- Organization is destroyed.
- Organization is subverted from within by recruits, our sealing tech is used for nefarious purposes.
- We get assassinated or otherwise die before accomplishing our goals
@Enjou I'd argue death isn't a failure mode as much as it is an inconvenience. It's not like us dying automatically results in the destruction of humanity.
@Enjou We really have no counter-intel abilities and limited spying abilities, and it's mostly on Mari-sensei, as she is the deception expert.

Even Mari-sensei's deception skills have their limit, especially against spy-spec ninja. We should be able to easily vet civilians, though. The problem is smoking out any ninja conducting stakeout.

For that, we need to research casino seals for chakra sensing abilities. That would be our first tradecraft tool.
You know how I really like the implosion+5sb nukes? I made a small subplan for kickstarting that project:

[X] Nuke Module: The Einstein–Szilard Letter
  • Propose to Kagome the idea of an "implosion engine."
    • DO NOT mention this may level cities.
    • Bring it up in the context of a proof-of-concept for bigger explosions without needing new seals.
      • Because less seal-development means a lower chance of summoning Cthulhu.
  • Discuss the key components:
    • Hardened implosion seals.
    • Air-tight 5SB.
    • Remote detonation.
  • Ask for suggestions/feedback on realizing these components.
  • This should be a small, possibly off-screen discussion.
    • We have more pressing projects to work on.
@Veedrac what other things would you suggest we do in snow right now? Noburi has his medical research project. The only other thing I see doing is messing with pangolins. Everything else that I can think of is either collect resources or interact with civilians. While I'm down interacting with civilians figured most of the hivemind paranoia of Zabuza makes that unlikely to win
Also I really want to start getting better at plan making. So if anyone has suggestions comments or advice to make my plan better I would love to hear your feedback
I want us to finally prototype a skybase.

For those who don't recall, a skybase is a 10m3​ wooden box, where every wall is a 10m*10m*1m wooden box with two loops of ninja wire wrapped around interior struts. We attach 5SB to one loop (with all the seals inside the hollow wall, and accessible via a trapdoor), and when the seals are halfway used, we add seals to the second loop. Then when the first loop runs out, we switch them out for a new set. This allows us to keep the skybase in position indefinitely by cycling seals as they run out.
So, I've said it before, but we do eventually need to discuss our long term strategy to help the world with our teammates. We want to help the world, but we're not likely to be able to do much if we stay an independent team of five or six ninjas. We need to discuss both our primary options - joining Leaf and trying to create our own organization.

The discussion with our teammates should involve both options, since there's still contention on what exactly we want to do. This could wait until after the Skywalkers are finished, but shouldn't wait for too long after that because we need to actually make a decision so we can actually start moving towards one or the other. Dithering on one or the other will probably see us accomplish neither option.

I've written up summaries of what we might present to our teammates of the two options below.

The Leaf option is fairly well defined in terms of what we need to do and generally how to do it - invention and politics, pretty much. Exact details will be fluid as the situation with Leaf evolves. Discussion on this would revolve around getting an idea of anything we might have failed to consider that our teammates might notice, or terms we should add or remove from the potential deal.

The option to make an organization is much less well defined because our current ability to actually make an organization is rather lacking. This discussion would largely revolve around determining what we would need to do to move forward and better enable ourselves to accomplish these goals.

Option: Join Leaf
- General Goals: Use our sealing research to provide Leaf with enough of an advantage to win and then influence Leaf to help civilians.
- Step 1: Finish Skywalkers
- Step 2: Negotiate Citizenship With Leaf
-- Concerns: If we join Leaf, we must negotiate the best deal possible. We need to ensure we are positioned in such a way that we have enough agency to influence Leaf politics in a positive direction.
--- Possible Terms: Standard rights afforded to Leaf shinobi, paid for work (not thrown into a seal sweatshop), security control over our own research facility (gives Kagome greater peace of mind about not being thrown into a seal sweatshop), conditions for Hazou eventually being allowed outside the village (reach a certain level - jounin or S-Class perhaps - and maybe have ANBU guard?), continued training, extraction of Hazou's mother from Mist (desirable, but not mandatory?), summoning contract for Hazou (desirable, not mandatory)
--- Possible Concessions: At least one of our bloodline members agrees to settle down and have kids when old enough, establishing a new bloodline clan in Leaf (might be ideal for political positioning anyways)
--- Security For Deal: Have Toads and Pangolins witness the deal, ensuring political fallout in the summon realm for Leaf if they violate the agreement.
- Step 3: Make Leaf Win through innovation (concurrent with Step 4)
- Step 4: Influence Leaf politics to positive ends for civilians (concurrent with Step 3)

Pros: Overall meta-goals are fairly well understood. Higher degree of safety for the team, access to Leaf training, leverages an existing large organization, Akane can be with the team again, Hazou's mother possibly extracted, possible fast end to next ninja war if inventions are powerful enough.

Cons: Loss of current degree of freedom, trying to convince an established organization to adopt our goals (though Leaf is the best village for this given their stated values, and Jiraiya is likely to help), likely to start a war (which is likely to happen anyways), scale of war might be escalated

Victory Modes:
- Leaf wins totally and starts helping the civilians of the world.
- Leaf wins enough that other villages won't dare attack, Leaf starts helping its own civilians, other villages must follow suit or become non-competitive
- Status quo is largely maintained, but enough small improvements are made across the board to stop the decline of humanity

Failure Modes:
- Leaf wins, becomes tyrannical.
- Leaf loses
- We get assassinated or otherwise die before accomplishing our goals

Option: Create Organization (Hidden Heaven?)
- General Goals: Create a new organization or hidden village whose goals are to help better the world for civilians everywhere. Use sealing innovations to help the world.
- Steps and meta-goals are fairly ill defined due to our lack of resources and power. Many steps are likely concurrent, so can't be ordered.
- Meta-Goal: Create an information network.
-- Currently looking into establishing contacts with various traders. Use our ability to potentially attain and transport rare goods to establish the relationships and trade of information. This may help with funding this organization as well.
- Meta-Goal: Recruit people into the organization. Ninjas will be required for this to be effective.
-- Issue: The only likely ninjas we can recruit will be missing-nins. Quality will be variable, as will receptiveness to our goals and their general trustworthiness. Finding them may also be problematic.
-- Issue: Maintaining control of a group of ninja will be very difficult unless we are a lot stronger. We may need to train to get everyone to jounin at least before we can seriously start recruiting in earnest.
--- Sub-Issue: Getting training and new jutsu on our own to get ourselves to a high level may be difficult. Buying training from Jiraiya/Leaf may be an option for a while.
- Meta-Goal: Establish a permanent base of operations. Maintaining a large organization without a place to meet is problematic. Construction of Hidden Heaven using seals, MEW, and a lot of elbow grease might be viable.
-- Issue: Maintaining security of the location would require enough people to ward off attacks, as well as preserving secrecy for as long as possible.
-- Issue: Building something like Hidden Heaven will take a lot of time, as well as design effort.
-- Issue: A viable location will be needed.
- Meta-Goal: Use organization's resources to help civilians
-- Issue: Existing countries are likely to try to hinder our efforts
- Meta-Goal: Maintain good relations with Leaf. Operating will be a lot easier if at least one major village doesn't want us dead.
-- Issue: We have to maintain a clear read on Leaf's goals so we don't step on their toes.
-- Benefit: Possible means of getting Akane back to being able to work with our group as a liason.

Pros: Freedom is largely maintained, organization will be run by us so will be easier to get it to do what we want

Cons: Highly difficult due to current lack of resources and power (makes figuring out how to do it rather difficult), problems associated with being in charge, organization likely to be viewed with suspicion and hostility by most existing polities

Victory Modes:
- Organization is established and works as intended. Decline of humanity averted and possibly reversed.

Failure Modes:
- Organization is destroyed.
- Organization is subverted from within by recruits, our sealing tech is used for nefarious purposes.
- We get assassinated or otherwise die before accomplishing our goals

Option: Conquer/Destroy Mist
With second most dangerous of the Big Five allied with Leaf or at least rendered impotent, a prepared Leaf and its ally Wind, as the most powerful and influential by a suddenly magnified margin, win the Great Game.
Re: making our own empire: I'm pretty sure it's gonna be hard. Personally, I'm fairly indifferent to if we go with Leaf or if we go on our own (both have interesting challenges), but I will note that while we can switch to "with Leaf" at almost any time, but cannot do the opposite.

Re: recruitment, right now, we should be able to use henge to hire civilian informants to find out about the world. The primary thing we need is an income flow we can use to acquire it. I think our unique mobility (once we get sky-walkers) should let us do that: because we can hunt chakra beasts and sell them to random merchants or buyers all over the world with little concern for border patrols.

What I envision is basically this (for independent empire plan):

  • Spend a month or so in Snow
    • Finish Sky Walkers
    • Finish easy seals (so ones Jiraiya gave us notes on)
    • Do Noburi's medical & chakra water frankenstein experiments
    • Have Keiko get some Pangolin contacts (preferably of the burrow constructing nature: probably not military)
    • Hunt a small amount of bears, chakra animals and whatnot for sustenance and for rare chakra beast parts
    • Test implosion seal WMD idea (preferably on an island far away)
  • Begin to grow an information network
    • Acquire a reasonable amount of money in the currency of all the nations (because money will be an important part of information gathering)
      • Use travel ability combined with chakra beast hunting ability to sell animal parts to merchants in different countries. Randomize our stops.
      • Inquire about where merchants get their goods (so we can impersonate one of the sources)
    • Hire a civilian middle man to act as a source of goods for merchants
      • Have Inoue meet the middle man in person once (henged). Afterwards always contact via writing and dead drops. Have anyone aside from Hazou do the writing so that the handwriting isn't obviously Kurosawa.
      • Repeat in different nations so several merchants are carrying our goods (likely local chakra beast parts)
      • Note that the point here is NOT to make a ton of money. It is the information the middle man finds out about from the merchants they sell to. Finding a good middle man will likely be a couple week long project. Next level spy status would be to create recording seals, but that'll wait for a while.
  • Build a skybase or other semi-permanent, preferably mobile base (could be a zeppelin)
    • Because Snow is going to be very hard to live in come winter and we want a mobile base anyways
  • Get Akane back
    • Find out if Jiraiya has anything he wants done. If it's within our power, do it and get Akane back.
    • Alternatively, offer him a trade with something (likely a seal we make specifically for this purpose) for Akane.
  • Determine where civilians have better and worse lives and improve them
    • Have middle men collect information about civilian quality of life that merchants pass. Determine where it is higher and where it is lower and why
    • Address problems as they arise -> likely by having our middle man act in the village or sell a good to merchants going there
    • Keep an ear out for stories of villages like the one we found Kagome in which might have missing-nin we could recruit (as middle men to the middle men or as protection (if they share interests) or for technique hacking training or just new teammates, or a way to start an independent village/large organization)
  • Examine ninja nation response to civilian problems being addressed
    • If they do nothing, continue as we have been
    • If scorch squads arrive, determine where they came from, and nuke them.
Option: Conquer/Destroy Mist
With second most dangerous of the Big Five allied with Leaf or at least rendered impotent, a prepared Leaf and its ally Wind, as the most powerful and influential by a suddenly magnified margin, win the Great Game.

There was discussion of convincing Zabuza to stage a coup
I'm happy to do this, but am unsure where your plan is?
[] Action plan: Do you want to build a Merchant Empire?

While we are in snow there are certain things we can do to advance our long term goals largely divided into two subsections.

  • In which Kagome researches Our Glorious Life and then finish Skywalkers (we are finishing this now. No backsies)
  • Hazo starts working on his seal research plan.
  • Noburi works on research involving exposure to chakra. Though also suggest looking into poisons and different components to air
Trade and collection: Begin to gather resources to eventually start our merchant empire and establishing potential trade agreements with the pangolins
  • Begin by hunting Chakra beast and other animals for whatever resources we can get from them
  • seal ice and snow
  • Discuss with Panjandrum if there are any foods from the human realm that we can trade with Pangolins
  • Talk to Panda to see if there is a market for ice in the summon realm. If possible find a merchant in the summon realm who might give us advice on running the profit wing of merchant empire.
  • If possible see if there is a Pangolin spymaster Kei can contract with. If possible have the summon begin teaching Mari some of the fine arts of the intelligence community.
Third part of the plan: Write whatever character building scene that strikes your fancy.
Some Possible scenes:
  • Noburi and Hazou discuss the girls they left behind
  • Kei talks about her Love of Ice
  • Kagome and Panjandrum cooking together
  • Hazou trying to cheer up Mari
  • Hazou gets to write a list in the first time in days using his brand new brushes
  • show Kagome's artistic process.
  • Kei Ice skates with the Nara Roller
Man Kakuzu's really good at deception if all the EN knows about him is that he's a "immortal taijutsu master". Wonder if anyone's gotten strong enough to actually make him break out the ninjutsu.
A better question would be if anyone's gotten strong enough to actually make him break out the ninjutsu and lived to tell the tale.

Does the bingo book have any more detail on this? Noburi needs an immortality tutor.
The Bingo Book gives the year Kakuzu became a missing-nin, which suggests he is around a hundred years old, and still an active ninja. In addition, his reported abilities include imperviousness to all harm. Mari says that since he's not listed as a sealmaster or Bloodline Limit bearer, he is probably a user of unique ninjutsu. Kagome says Waterfall is probably lying, and Kakuzu is all of the above. It wouldn't be the first time stinking village stinkers lied to the bounty office in order to protect their horrifying secrets.
[] Action plan: Do you want to build a Merchant Empire?

While we are in snow there are certain things we can do to advance our long term goals largely divided into two subsections.

  • In which Kagome researches Our Glorious Life and then finish Skywalkers (we are finishing this now. No backsies)
  • Hazo starts working on his seal research plan.
  • Noburi works on research involving exposure to chakra. Though also suggest looking into poisons and different components to air
Trade and collection: Begin to gather resources to eventually start our merchant empire and establishing potential trade agreements with the pangolins
  • Begin by hunting Chakra beast and other animals for whatever resources we can get from them
  • seal ice and snow
  • Discuss with Panjandrum if there are any foods from the human realm that we can trade with Pangolins
  • Talk to Panda to see if there is a market for ice in the summon realm. If possible find a merchant in the summon realm who might give us advice on running the profit wing of merchant empire.
  • If possible see if there is a Pangolin spymaster Kei can contract with. If possible have the summon begin teaching Mari some of the fine arts of the intelligence community.
Third part of the plan: Write whatever character building scene that strikes your fancy.
Some Possible scenes:
  • Noburi and Hazou discuss the girls they left behind
  • Kei talks about her Love of Ice
  • Kagome and Panjandrum cooking together
  • Hazou trying to cheer up Mari
  • Hazou gets to write a list in the first time in days using his brand new brushes
  • show Kagome's artistic process.
  • Kei Ice skates with the Nara Roller
Akatsuki are going to be so salty when they find out we got our hands on a village-destroying superweapon before them, and didn't even have to kidnap any jinchurikki to get it.
On implosion+5sb nukes, did we determine they don't work? If not, running them by Kagome may be a fun scene.
You haven't tested them, and we haven't given an OOC ruling. As far as I know.

At least one of our bloodline members agrees to settle down and have kids when old enough,
Jiraiya: *looks between Hazou and Akane*. "Oh dear. What a concession, what an imposition on your time. Truly, Leaf is the cruelest of taskmasters."
It's time to start working on an actual plan.

I'll start with sealing research.
  • Skywalker research is #1 priority.
    • Convince Kagome-sensei the importance of having convenient skywalkers seals ASAP.
    • Unless it's urgent or that he thinks it's out of our skill level, Hazō will research Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier
      • Tunneler's Friend seal and other storage seal variants should contributed to lowering TNs.
  • Begin research on sound and sound related seals.
    • Banshee Slayer (BS).
    • Silence Mine.
    • Do Earbuster research.
      • Safety First
        • Get everyone banshee slayer(BS) earrings ASAP.
        • Set BS to correct sound level
          • Maximize situational awareness.
          • Allows ease of communication.
          • Disallow uncomfortable or unnecessary loud noise.
        • Lay silence mines(SM) along the perimeter of the research base.
      • Discuss with Kagome-sensei the fastest and/or safest way to research the alarm seal.
        • Make it loud as possible in the first try?
        • Gradually increase the dB rating of the alarm seal?
        • Prioritize safety over speed.
    • Do experiments on sound in conjunction with earbuster research.
      • Can we hear as normal outside the range of Silence Mine?
        • Hypothesis: The seals actually muffles the sound.
        • Hypothesis: The sounds are unaffected out of range.
      • How can we measure sound?
        • A standing body of hot water?
        • A small rock suspended by a string?
        • Relationship between size of waves? Frequency of vibration?
      • Sound harm and lethality:
        • Use unprotected clones for testing and reporting purposes.
        • If a clone pops, it's probably not a good thing.
        • Use animal models from local source if available. Dissect at end of experiment if necessary.
  • Finish the rest of Jiraiya's seals
    • Goo bomb
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Where "anything it hits" means the ground. Not only are you basically unable to aim these, so they will frequently hit the ground directly, but even when they hit a roof of some kind they're just going to pass through anything that isn't solid rock like butter. And then dissipate the vast majority of their energy into the ground.

A sixth of the explosion you link to wouldn't destroy a village, or even get particularly close. Optimistically you're looking at an explosion that's a third the destructive radius (or somesuch). Dropping rocks fares far worse because the rocks quickly embed themselves in the ground, after which they don't have the opportunity to do anything other than dispel their energy downwards, at which point it quickly becomes harmless.

First, I want to thank you for critiquing the idea. You raise some good points. However, I do think your intuitions for what happens with very heavy things moving quickly is a bit flawed. Same thing with "Fist of God"-style MEW assassinations.

By some rough calculations, each Tear will leave a crater almost 3m in radius and a little over 1m in depth. Assuming perfect spread, this would devastate an area of almost 3000 m^2, which is easily enough to cover the majority of a small town. We probably wouldn't get a perfect spread, but it will still be very devastating. I think "obliterate" is certainly the right word here. The spot on the map would no longer be recognizable afterwards.

This also does not take into account plastering the Tears with explosive seals, which you seem to have ignored. I haven't bothered to do those calculations, because the result should be fairly obvious.

[...] We can't feasibly exhaust our chakra supply (how much, exactly, do you want us to die?)

The given numbers would leave both us and Noburi with some chakra. We wouldn't die.

However, if that is a concern, we could always scale back slightly. Also, if we didn't optimize for chakra usage, we could create real granite projectiles, each under 100kg. These could be sealed away and released en-masse from a 5sb tower (or eventually from Skyship bomb bays). It would take longer to set up, but the plus side is that there aren't really any limits here except how many storage seals we have to spare, and how fast we can release them (and also tag them with a few explosive seals).

We could also teach our whole team MEW to increase the number of projectiles and our rate of production. It isn't that much of an xp expenditure to get another element and get a few points in MEW.

[...] And even if we do destroy basically all the buildings somehow, that's not going to stop us being murdered by the now-very-pissed-off jōnin that now all want our heads. Because pretty much all of them survived since the attack is multi-stage.

We are 5km in the air and can still run away. I don't think it's even a sure thing that we would be detected, but yes, we should definitely account for that possibility. But even if we were detected, it will be exceptionally difficult for them to retaliate immediately, as I am pretty sure no one (baring a handful of s-class exceptions) has the capability to close that gap or attack at that range.

I do agree however that this would be far more practical with Skywalkers. We could drop the payload and be on our way before they even hit. We'd have about 30 seconds from the first Tear being dropped to leg it as far as possible, which should allow us to put a lot of distance between us and the target.

All that aside, we don't have to kill everyone in the village to force them to capitulate. We don't even have to kill an appreciable fraction of them (though I do think that would happen). Think Pain vs Leaf, except Pain is still around afterwards.
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Learn the Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier from Kagome-sensei after he finished researching it.
To check, Kagome has decided to do this over Skywalkers? Could we not convince him that his time would be better spent researching Skywalkers and us to research Usamatsu's seal?

I dunno, I feel like Kagome's time is better spent working on the Skywalkers and our time is better spent on the (relatively) menial seals.