Yeah I figured the place had iron since they had a blacksmith but wood works. I still note that you haven't answered my question though: would this work to filter out chakra monsters?
Enough iron to keep a blacksmith busy is not enough for public works.

Japan historically had less iron than other places, which is what lead to a lot of construction that did not involve nails. Iron was too valuable to waste on them. If we consider that inspiration, we are likely to be in a rare iron situation unless we find people doing Dotun Mining, and if they are doing that at useful power levels, they already have a reason to want it...
My Initial plan was to have a civilian dig a ditch to the place and then use a metal water pump to bring the water up. Then I read Madscientists plan and realized that was a better idea so I wanted to make sure that the Archimedes screw wouldn't get destroyed by random chakra monsters. So I thought of making a pipe that runs through the lake through some meter or so of pipe and then have the civilians make a ditch for the rest of the way and then use the Archimedes' screw.

But I'm still unsure if the pipe will be enough to keep out the monsters. That would depend on how small the chakra monsters are and/or if they can squeeze through the pipe. So I'm hoping that there can be a GM ruling on the subject.
We could add filter teeth to the screw as a way of repelling the water bugs. Do we know of any plants or other animals that repel the water bugs that we could plant around the pipe entrance point. Do they avoid areas where others of their kind where killed?
An easier to build, more sturdy alternative to the Archimedes screw after @faflec's pipe would be a water wheel with clay pots/cut bamboo tied to it along the edge at an angle. As the waterwheel turns, it lifts water out of the pool and spills it into a trough at a higher elevation. The waterwheel then has rungs coming out of the circle part so it can be climbed like a ladder to turn it. I'm bad at explaining, so here's a gif.
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On XP spending: Mostly, I want the XP we spend to help keep us alive, before spending it on things which just make us more successful. To me, this means we want the things which we are forced to roll (such as awareness) at a high level. Social skills are important, but we're more able to rely on Inoue if we need to, at the very least, that's what I expect we'll do when we get somewhere actually dangerous (socially), or we can just avoid social encounters until we're confident in our ability. This is not true of awareness. Also awareness is BY FAR the most bang for our buck purchase. I don't really see investing one or two points in diplomacy being the difference between life and death in the next five or six updates. I can see one dice of awareness being a difference between life and death in the next couple of updates. This makes me want to heavily prioritize it, even if it means we don't spend 100% of our XP every time. If I thought that one or two dice in diplomacy would be the difference between life and death rather than just relative effectiveness, then I'd agree that we should split it. If you wanted to make sure we spend all our XP, I could see spending it on something like tactical movement, which I think could potentially be the difference between life and death, and doesn't require improving any attributes to improve (we could take it from 2-4 using 5 XP).

On the Black Hunter, after clicking on the explosion release link, I found this ninja, which honestly concerns me. We're in an area where missing-nin might want to go, in an area with a lot of clay, found a (probably missing-nin) who has an overfondness of and apparent access to explosives. This is a hypothesis we should look for evidence for and against.

On making irrigation: I suspect using a soil water filter may help with the filtering out of monsters - basically, dig a hole near the lake which has water seep into it from the bottom, this water should be relatively free of chakra beasts (then use something else to raise the water into an elevated irrigation ditch). That said, I doubt this would work as a long-term solution (eventually something's likely to get into the filtered water area), and am unsure if it would work at all (this is a quite ambitious project, and there are a number of ways it could fail).
I say we try to make amends to Black Hunter-san. Perhaps we could leave a gift basket? Food wouldn't work though, could be poisoned. That rules out a good old mashed potato apology. What else do we have that could make a good gift basket for a ninja?
[j] Send a gift basket to Black Hunter-san
[X] Constant Vigilance

Chakra animals are always going to be an issue. The only solution I see working long term for that lake is getting (mild) chakra plants that'll serve as a natural barrier for the chakra bugs. If they get too close they'll get eaten.
Why are people getting so excited about the irrigation now? I thought we didn't want to start public projects in the village? Anyway, the villagers can't really expand the farmland before they shore up their defensive perimeter, so they don't really need the irrigation system at the moment. At least that's what Mariko said when we came to the village.

The real question is what do we want to do now that there are other ninja nearby. Do we immediately book it once the week is over? Do we still do the caravan? Do we stay and help the village build more infrastructure? Maybe we should investigate more? I know we would be best buds with Deidara.

Personally I'm tempted to do the caravan, it would be nice to see how trade is done in this world. But I guess the actual decision on that should wait till we get more details.

Constant Vigilance!
Resolve 2 [4]
Awareness 6 [10]
Wits 3 [16]
Awareness 7 [23]
Awareness 8 [31]
Bank 5 XP to use on awareness in future.

On the XP side of things, I approve leveling Awareness since we do need that. But banking 5 XP at our current powerlevel seems wasteful. For example we still only have 1 point in Tactical Movement, we could spend the 5 XP there and get it to effective 4. Besides, if old trends hold true next time we get XP it will be enough to raise Awareness to 9 anyways.

[X] Constant Vigilance and Movement!
Resolve 2 [4]
Awareness 6 [10]
Wits 3 [16]
Awareness 7 [23]
Awareness 8 [31]
Tactical Movement 2 [33]
Tactical Movement 3 [36]
I almost forgot. @eaglejarl Nice update! I think the characters are finally starting to flesh out and, you know, seem like characters. I had a hard time telling our genin apart in the beginning and kept forgetting what their names were and stuff. Now the little buggers are actually growing on me, lets hope they don't die too soon.
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[X] Constant Vigilance and Movement!

But I'm unsure if tactical movement is the best way to go; didnt we get out of the godxplosion just fine?
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I say we try to make amends to Black Hunter-san. Perhaps we could leave a gift basket? Food wouldn't work though, could be poisoned. That rules out a good old mashed potato apology. What else do we have that could make a good gift basket for a ninja?
[j] Send a gift basket to Black Hunter-san
A fruit basket would be good.

We weren't in range of it, it went off when Inoue went in and we followed afterwards.
So wait, the guy detonated them to tell us, several potential enemy nin on his trail, to piss off, as opposed to trying to kill us? Wow the guy is a pacifi...
So wait, the guy detonated them to tell us, several potential enemy nin on his trail, to piss off, as opposed to trying to kill us? Wow the guy is a pacifi...
No, they detonated it to kill (and presumably deter if that failed) Inoue, who was in range of the explosion. Three genin are just not a threat to them.
We were all in the same area, any explosion this person deemed able to kill Inoue should have been more than enough to kill us.
As for Deidara, there is at least one piec of evidence against that: He(she? Did anyone actually see?) used explosive tags, not clay, for the trigger/fuse/initial detonation.
No, they detonated it to kill (and presumably deter if that failed) Inoue, who was in range of the explosion. Three genin are just not a threat to them.

That is possible but the fact that Inoue said that the explosion was a "do not disturb sign" and the fact that he tried to sneak past us instead of attacking us until Inoue noticed him (awareness rolls) indicates that he did not try to kill any of us, just make us back of.

As for Deidara, there is at least one piec of evidence against that: He(she? Did anyone actually see?) used explosive tags, not clay, for the trigger/fuse/initial detonation.

Also, Deidara is far too arrogant and confident in his art to run away from a random ninja team when he could instead blow them up.
Sorry to keep posting about this, but I can't sleep because I'm thinking about it too much.
If we were to dig a shallow well within fifty feet of the lake, it would fill with water like when you dig a hole at the beach. If we were to then put a manually driven waterwheel inside the shallow well, we could raise the water 6-12 feet into an irrigation system.
To protect the well from water-loving critters, the villagers could build a house/building around the well on their own time.(their houses probably have anti critter technology built into them)

[X] Shallow Well + Water Wheel
[X] Constant Vigilance and Movement!
We were all in the same area, any explosion this person deemed able to kill Inoue should have been more than enough to kill us.

You were on the order of 100m away when things started exploding. Furthermore, if you ask Inoue, she will tell you that the first explosion was in front of her, clearly primarily intended to buy time for an escape and only secondarily to kill. She continued pursuit and the rest of the explosions were more serious although, again, knocking down the berm of trees was a delaying tactic that bought time and created cover while offering threat. The crater was a serious attempt to kill.