Actually it'd be easier to not put the trigger for the Skywalker Boots on our hands, since we need those for other motions. Better to pull a Bakuda, and set the trigger on us crossing our toes or something similar.
I'd still argue it's better to figure out simple chakra-toggleable KRS. Fewer points of failure, and we already have an understanding of a similar mechanism in the form of the store/release toggle in storage seals.
Hm. Was it ever stated if we could activate seals with our toes? That could be a useful method.
I believe we were given a "no" for normal seals. They'd probably have to be built to do so.

e: ...Wait. What if we made the Skywalker seal activate on the amount of chakra that'd be necessary to treewalk? That way, it doesn't require learning any new style of movement.
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Hm. Was it ever stated if we could activate seals with our toes? That could be a useful method.
I believe we were given a "no" for normal seals. They'd probably have to be built to do so.

e: ...Wait. What if we made the Skywalker seal activate on the amount of chakra that'd be necessary to treewalk? That way, it doesn't require learning any new style of movement.
That was the idea, I thought?
That was the idea, I thought?
I found a fix for the Walking in the Air Technique (Skywalker Technique?).

What we need is to invent a pair of seals, A and B, where A attaches to another seal, and will activate that seal if B is activated.

We then put a KRS-A composite on our shoes, and B on our gloves. Then we can activate the KRS on our shoes, using our hands.

Edit: Come to think of it, meta-seals seems a better specialty, if we want one, than storage seal variants.

Doesn't read that way to me. On that note, meta-seals strike me as a great specialty, especially for a Kurosawa.
We could ask for references with like mined people that Jiraya knows around the world to get them on board with a general uplift plan. We can't be the only ones who want to world better and will act on that want.
So, for the sake of my curiousity I kind of want to get a couple mini-scenes in the next chapter: What Mari was thinking during the times Hazou opened his mouth. (probably a lot of "oh my god kid you are interrupting someone who's called the god of ninja what the fuck are you doing"... but I'm more seriously interested in what she was thinking of his talk to Jiraiya.

e: Clarification
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It's a bit early for a full plan, but here's a proto-plan to get the discussion going.

For the rewards, I went with a priority list, since it is kinda vague what we can ask for and what Jiraya is ready to give us.

There's commentary in red to explain my reasoning and point to areas that need attention or further decisions.

[] Proto Plan: In the Shadow of Leaf

  1. Check up on Akane
  2. Agree on rewards
  3. Start training
  4. Don't cause an incident
  • Ask Jiraya is there a specific reason why he wants us to be in Leaf?
    • If there's a reason, ask how long do we have before it comes to a head
  • Haggle for rewards
    • Most of these rewards are centered around making us stronger and better assets, so it's against Jiraya's interests to be stingy here
    • Hazou's suggested list of rewards, ordered by priority (naturally, everyone gets to veto the parts that affect them)
      1. Medical training for Nobby
        • Konoha has the best mednin around, this should be an easy thing to do
        • It makes us way more useful, and keeps us alive
      2. Information on our families in Mist
        • Is mom still in active duty? Prisoner? Alive?
        • Whatever the others want to know
      3. Free Pass to cross Fire borders
        • This should come packaged with Akane's reinstatement
        • Akane is not much of a carrot if we can't come to see her
      4. MechApt specialization for Akane //We should use training plans to choose the MechApt specialization
        • She needs something to pass the time
        • Get a tutor and reading material
      5. New Sealcraft for Kagome and Hazou
        • We showed you ours, now show us yours!
        • There's a very good chance we will make improvements, we can kick those back at you
        • Priority on what Kagome deems necessary
        • Hazou specific sealcraft requests: //We need to decide what to ask for specifically, here are my two favorite approaches. I guess we could use training plan vote here too?
          • Deep approach
            • Heavy specialization
            • Everything Jiraya has on storage scrolls //My current favorite path
          • Wide approach
            • Low-to-med utility stuff
            • Examples in order of priority
              1. Communication devices
              2. Advanced alarm seals
              3. SCBA
              4. Night vision
              5. Eye/ear protection
              6. Sound muffling seals
      6. Mist generation jutsu for Nobby and Mari
        • You do have water ninjutsu specialists in Fire, right?
        • Or just Mari if Nobby is busy
      7. Earth Jutsu for Hazou
        • Didn't you agree to this last time?
        • Hazou has room for two 10 dice jutsu, we need something good and rare //We need to decide what kind of jutsu we want
          • Tunneling jutsu
            • Personal combat tunneling
            • Tunnel building for out of combat
          • Sensory jutsu (Tremor Sense, See Through Stone, etc.)
          • Nintaijutsu (Doomu, Earth Fist etc.)
          • Ranged attack with a roll tied to another skill or attribute
      8. An up-to-date bingo book or comparable intel
  • Talk to Nobby and Keiko about changing our main Diplomancer //Really don't want to do this now, but I don't think we can afford to leave it for later either
    • Talk to Nobby first //Not really confident about this, it seems kinda sprawling
      • Our reasoning
        • Diplomacy is really hard, and Nobby is already pursuing two other hard subjects (Medicine, Water Jutsu)
        • Keiko will have to learn to maneuver social situations with the pangolins anyway
        • Vampiric Dew and keeping out of sight go so well together
        • It would be nice if our only medic wouldn't be the most obvious target to attack in the party
      • Our emotions
        • Nobby is an incredible ninja and has nothing to prove to anyone
        • He is obviously the most socially adept out of the genin, but that goes for his chakra control and capacity for a ninjutsu specialist too
        • It is his call, job designation won't work in the long run if people are not 100% behind them
    • Talk to Keiko second
      • Have Nobby figure out how to sell the idea to Keiko //This is me being a bit lazy, but I kinda like the idea of Nobby passing the torch himself
  • Meet our minders
    • Try to get along with them
    • Use them for social practice
      • Keiko
        • Try to build bridges and make nice with them (Diplomacy)
      • Hazou
        • Create an extra youthful personality, and see how long it takes them to see through it (Deception) // I'm open for other personality ideas. Maybe we should try to swap between multiple ones to throw our minders off?
    • Ask to spar with them a bit to assess their skills to cultivate our bonds of YOUTH!
      • Since Nobby's barrel is a bust, only have Hazou and Keiko do sparring
      • Only use standard skills and academy jutsu
      • No chakra boosting or combat styles
    • Contingencies for Kagome //We need something good here if we want to avoid casualties
  • Check on Akane //If anyone has something touching they want to say here, I'm all ears (just remember, so are our enemies)
    • Tell her about Jiraya's unilateral decision to reinstate her
    • If she decides to stick with us, Hazou has some training plans prepared!
  • Go out and explore Konoha
    • Akane
      • Get better
      • If able, read MechApt specialization books and get tutored
    • Noburi
      • Med-nin Intern Quest
    • Mari
      • Socialize with the older Leaf ninjas
      • Ply her trade
      • Plow some jounin
      • You know, Mari stuff
    • Kagome //This is the risky bit
      • Learn new Sealing stuff!
      • I'm sure they have a library an old grumpy man we can poke with a stick somewhere
      • I doubt Kagome is the first insane sealmaster they have entertained
    • Hazou + Keiko (The New Team Talky)
      • Talk to civilians and low level ninjas
        • Learn about Konoha, its people, and the relationship between ninjas and civilians
      • Hit the library
        • Study the non-restricted texts for Law, History, Management, etc. //If someone has a good curriculum or study techniques in mind for our two mental bloodline users, I'm all ears
      • Learn Socialism!
Contingencies //This section is rather sparse for the moment...
  1. Assume we are being spied on at all times by multiple hostile parties
  2. Nobby shouldn't move around in public with his barrel
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@Twofold boy howdy is that formatting tough on mobile. One thing to consider is that depending on timing and QM approval, we may have been able to retroactively check up on Akane between our meetings.

Also we should totally spar with Roki.
"Will you help us?"

Jiraiya looked at him. Just looked him in the eye, for what seemed like forever.

Hazō met his gaze without fear. Behind the fog of uncertainty and confusion through which he viewed so much of his life, deeper than all of the cracks and the flaws, this was who Kurosawa Hazō was.

Then Jiraiya chuckled.

"You know, kid, I think you and I could learn to get along."

So, did we actually convince Jiraiya of anything? The scene just kinda ends there, with Jiraiya making a statement of appreciation, but we have no idea if Hazou actually convinced him to change anything about what he's doing.
So, did we actually convince Jiraiya of anything? The scene just kinda ends there, with Jiraiya making a statement of appreciation, but we have no idea if Hazou actually convinced him to change anything about what he's doing.
Hazou wasn't trying to convince Jiraiya to do anything differently there, he was just expressing to Jiraiya who he was and what the team's goals are.

Also @eaglejarl Don't think I didn't notice you giving Mari and Anko something to bond over in how graciously the former treated Arikada. Anko can probably appreciate some good T&I.
@Twofold boy howdy is that formatting tough on mobile. One thing to consider is that depending on timing and QM approval, we may have been able to retroactively check up on Akane between our meetings.

I added some spoilers. Does that make it better or worse?

The plan is not really order dependent, except that we might want to have that talk with Keiko and Nobby before our minders show up.

Also we should totally spar with Roki.

I don't really want to throw our signature style around inside a Village with all kinds of sensory powers. They will just observe and dismantle it. :(

@Twofold Didn't we talk about getting our team therapy at some point? Do you think this is a good idea in any capacity now?

I don't know really. Our relationship with Leaf is pretty adversary for now.

Maybe wait and see who that Yamanaka is and whether there are any clear issues we would like to fix?
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Hazou wasn't trying to convince Jiraiya to do anything differently there, he was just expressing to Jiraiya who he was and what the team's goals are.

Hazō had expected to feel stage fright, trying to convince Jiraiya of the Leaf Three, many decades his senior, and a man who had dedicated those decades to making the world a better place while Hazō had barely taken the first step.

I had gotten the impression that he was trying to get Jiraiya on board with the general Uplift plan. And the context included us being very unhappy with Jiraiya pursuing his own agenda over upholding our previous agreement.
Ftfy :p

That's a pretty good point :(
Hyuuga are pretty recognizable (should one be on the team guarding us). Even if they did realize what we were doing, it wouldn't help anyone except the Uchiha and Hyuuga, really. Actually... would our style be particularly effective against an Uchiha or particularly ineffective?
Also, I have to wonder how Orochimaru being Rational! fits with him using snake iconography all over the goddamn place. I mean, shouldn't he realize that that makes it obvious who it is?
I assume he's got secret and non-secret bases. Make it obvious where some are, then hide the others. That way you think it's easy to find his bases, and he can easily check to see if someone's feeding him false information.
  1. Check up on Akane
  2. Agree on rewards
  3. Start training
  4. Don't cause an incident

I'd argue a goal should be to determine if we want to work with Leaf or not. I see three general ways we can progress from here:
  • Mantain Status Quo: Just get healed, then head back out into parts unknown, with Akane enlisted as "spy" or something for Jiraiya
    • Maintains some independence
    • Doesn't grant us many benefits of working with a village
  • Work with Konoha openly: likely done by founding a minor village with an open alliance with Konoha, have Akane be a "liason" or something
    • Grants access to Konoha's resources
    • Limits what we can do
    • Ties us to ninja politics
  • Work with Jiraiya directly: rather than just occasional workers for Jiraiya, work for him directly and often. Have Akane become a disciple of Jiraiya or something
    • Grants access to some of Konoha's resources
    • Limits what we can do
    • Ties us to Jiraiya's politics
There are positive and negatives to each of these courses of action, but as I'm unsure how we want to about uplift quest, I'm unsure which is the best suited.

I will note that as a result of our actions, we have given Konoha a major military boost, and I expect ninja aerial warfare to become a thing in the next year or two. Konoha might go to war soon since it has a large temporary military advantage.
I will note that as a result of our actions, we have given Konoha a major military boost, and I expect ninja aerial warfare to become a thing in the next year or two. Konoha might go to war soon since it has a large temporary military advantage.

Meaning we have now just completely screwed over a large amount of civilians by embroiling at least two nations into war. *Sigh* Team Uplift ftw...
Meaning we have now just completely screwed over a large amount of civilians by embroiling at least two nations into war. *Sigh* Team Uplift ftw...
Clearly the solution is to come up with several more militarily-applicable things similar to this to make Leaf's victory so crushing and sudden that the other nations are forced to capitulate or die.