So something like this:
Prophet of the Beyond
XP Cost: N/A
Prereq: Etc etc, Have died at least once, etc etc Jashin something
Something about how the user has managed their relationship with the Out; Perhaps they have moved the Out to their subconscious, making it useful for non-Research acitivities without consequence in exchange for making it's research usage harder and more annoying. They can consciously draw out this understanding into their conscious mind still, but this involves great exertion, meditation, etc, and cannot be trivially repeated within short time span. Still, their subconscious having milled away at research with Out understanding means that when they do draw out this understanding, they manage unnatural leaps of knowledge, as though they had spent weeks or months on dedicated research - Because in a way, they have.
- User gains +TYS bonus to non-Research rolls for Sealing & Sealing-Related Disciplines.
- Once a week, the User can instead gain a 2x TYS bonus to a Research Infusion roll (and/or 'free' Timeladders down). Longer timespans between research infusions or various inspirational events* may yield a higher multiplier at the QM's discretion, potentially allowing the work of months to be compressed into hours of relevations.
*Examples might be gaining new sealing-related lore by studying seals of another sealmaster, or [stuff structured to provide incentive towards punching].