Well, I would have considered myself a pretty firm "leaver" of the @acidshill camp, but now I feel called out by the PSA. What's the line in HPMoR - 5 minutes by a clock before you give up on generating ideas? I have 9 minutes left in this Uber ride, so here's a first shot at no-negativity pure brainstorming, with apologies if these have been thoroughly discussed already:
I really appreciate this energy.

How much do we really know about Rock/Cloud/etc, politically? They hate Leaf, but do they hate Hazou? Surely they would also be anti-Pain bad end.
what advantages do they have over Leaf? defecting to Rock removes none of our problems, and getting then to risk annihilation by turning on Akatsuki on Leaf's word about raising the dead seems very unlikley.
(but this gives me a thought)

How sure are we that Pax Konoha is still out of scope?
  • I don't find most Leaf clans convincing in light of Akatsuki and The Rift (new band name), but a bit of Runic hax might stack very well with Naruto's extant hax, and we just saw the power of Wakahisa-backed Sannin.
    • I guess this runs into Orochimaru Bad End pretty easily, but that's more of an implementation problem...
  • What if we read Naruto in fully on what we know of WHOOSH so long as he includes Gouketsu and personal loyalists?
  • Runes have such a wide surface area of "potential game changer" for a static location. More chakra, more permanent summons, stronger defenses, time manipulation...
mmmmaybe. if we can counter Deidara's bombing and Itachi's.... general bullshit, and invent some other tricks then leaf might have a shot against Akatsuki, but certainly not AMITY.
this would presumably be paired with a premptive strike on at least one Akatsuki pair.
also dooms AMITY's chance of actual lasting peace.

One major blocker for any non-missing plan is the loot-pinata syndrome. Can we impress the seriousness of this on Naruto and prioritize it? He's pretty level headed about Hazou, Orochimaru, and Akatsuki
he's taking it pretty dang seriously, and the best he came up with was "go missing".

Fuck it, let's go to Bear.
Do Not Go To Bear.
right, new plan.

send Noburi out on a(genuine!) scroll hunt with Mari, Kei, and Yuno. we can probably get this approved. Naruto dosen't think this is Noburi going missing, because Hazou and Kagome stay behind.

In two months, when Hazou's TH training is done, we grab Kagome and book it, linking up with the others.

EDIT: this even gives us 2 months where we have to option to have a messy breakup with Ino, thus protecting her from retaliation.

Just saying, congrats on being the quarter-millionth post on the thread!
some other ideas:

Rift Research as an AMITY project: go public with the rift and Akatsuki 's plans. make it an international effort with the condition that Pain won't unilaterally attempt another super-ritual. the world either works together to get a happy end, or we see a total world war over the rift site and A/S rank sealmasters.

Rift Sacrifice: hope the rift site isn't guarded. sacrifice a genin to attempt Kagome's original block-it-from-both-sides rift-opening plan. send in a search team, and plan to reopen the rift the same way in a few months

Premptive strike: EM-nuke Rain, the rift site, and the wandering Akatsuki pair(bait with AMITY incident) all at once. proceed at leisure.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Question for y'all: Roadwild has started an awesome quest named 8 Seconds to impact, and one of the major differences in their setting so far is the existence of training jutsu, which operate as a two jutsu pair. One is a training jutsu, and is generally weaker/easier/more specific, while the other is a a trained jutsu, and is easier to learn while following in the training jutsu's footsteps.

Mechanically that looks like getting to buy a directly better jutsu for quarter cost rather than half cost, until the trained jutsu level matches the training jutsu level.

Any chance in hecc we could use these mechanics for earthshaping as the training jutsu, and BoC as the trained jutsu?

I know that potentially opens up a huge can of worms, but I'd personally respect a "please don't poke this" in the veins of shadow clones.

(Like, I won't suddenly go pushing for every other jutsu to be a trained jutsu for earthshaping. If the qms like it and introduce that cool, I'll always take easy pyramid filler, but that's not the point)

Edit: This even still works really well with the Lore established around Hazō/Oro's investment into Earthshaping and Boc. BoC can do the thing *way* earlier, but is still mostly a normal earth jutsu for Oro, vs Earthshaping Georg over here getting 1/4 cost to 50 if he wants it
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Feels like there is something there with making all of AMITY aware of the rift. Would not shed tears if they attacked Akatsuki together to close the rift, especially if we could slip anchor runes through in the chaos.
"I had actually been wondering that," Naruto said. "Could we try to unite AMITY against Akatsuki and take them down before they get into the rift? Perhaps by citing Asuma's death as a reason why they need to be killed before they can turn AMITY into pure tyranny. I don't think it'll work out well though – Akatsuki will absolutely destroy Leaf if they realize that we betrayed their agreement, and even if we're winning, they can just tell the rest of the alliance about the rift and blow up our chance of secretly owning it afterwards. Plus, that ignores the possibility that, say, Rock decides to fight on the side of Akatsuki instead of on our side, in exchange for a promise of literally anything Akatsuki can offer."

"Moreover," Nara said, "We cannot pin them down to kill them with an army. They can leave Rain and complete the research elsewhere, then return to the rift at their leisure. They can raze Leaf similarly at their leisure, as soon as AMITY forces are no longer defending it, thereby eliminating our ability to compete with them over the rift."

"A hypothetical war between AMITY members over control of the rift would be highly complicated, and as the second-weakest major village at present in terms of non-S-ranker manpower, I would recommend we avoid such eventualities with all possible prudence," Kei said.

"The ambush-the-rearguard plan sounds almost viable," Haruno said. "If we pulled it off and kept it secret from the rest of AMITY… well, it's the first plan I've heard so far that feels like it has a meaningful shot at making Leaf anything more than a particularly flat section of forested rubble."

"What does it require?" Naruto asked. "We'd need to overcome their static defenses. We'd need to kill all their minions, because if one gets away, that would spell the end of AMITY, and I think they could potentially pull in a lot of Rain ninja and Jashinists. We'd need to kill however many Akatsuki members they left on this side of the rift – maybe all six if we picked the wrong time. There are too many moving parts.

"Even if we went with it, ensuring Orochimaru's cooperation in attacking the site, including potentially summoning Manda, is critical. He will definitely find out about the rift that way. Is that okay?"

"We need his firepower," Uchiha said. "It's the same situation as Lord Seventh faced. If we don't use his firepower, we face annihilation. If we do use him, then, in the event we actually stop Akatsuki, we have only traded one problem for another."

"One problem for another, immortal, torture-happy problem," Haruno said.

"Setting aside the cost of his research in lives, Orochimaru has demonstrated no proclivity for world-altering rituals," Uchiha said. "He's a problem, but not on the same scale as Pain's return."

"Add in the fact that he can work on the rift seals," Naruto said, "I think we have to bring him in. Any objections?"

He looked across the table, seemingly half-hoping that someone would object. No one did.

"Fine," Naruto said. "I'll workshop how to tell him in a controlled way."

Naruto sighed and addressed the room. "Our failure modes are: Akatsuki successfully resurrects Pain, Akatsuki finds out about our plans to oppose them and razes Leaf in response, AMITY in general finds out about actions we took against Akatsuki and razes Leaf in response, and other AMITY members find out about the rift and plunge the world into war over control of the rift. Three of these failure modes need us to pull off ridiculously ambitious stuff in absolute secrecy. Unless Orochimaru has some secret technique that makes any of these crazy plans viable," Naruto's face twisted in disgust, "I think we need to throw in the towel on opposing Akatsuki. AMITY is strong and a year or two of work will make it stronger. As long as Pain is even slightly less psycho than Hidan, I'd rather work with him and have a chance of Leaf surviving than have Deidara bomb it to dust."

"If Orochimaru can't do anything, we cooperate. If he can," Naruto continued, "I'll be asking him to destroy the rift. Frankly, Leaf is too weak to win any conflict over the rift, whether with Akatsuki, AMITY, or whoever. If it's destroyed, especially by Orochimaru acting 'independently' to prevent Akatsuki from trying another ritual, we run the least risk we can. Hells, maybe it won't be a bad thing if they destroy the basement and run Orochimaru out of Leaf. Still, if we can do anything with the rift, the first priority needs to be making sure it can't fall into enemy hands. That means destroying it."
Hey, guys. What color have Hazo's eyes always been?
Kurosawa Hazō: Medium-length black hair, blue eyes (agent 137 reports characteristic of Kurosawa Clan), medium height for a 13-year-old. Solid, muscular build with little excess fat. Constant analytical gaze, as if taking notes on surroundings. Habitual slight frown. Strange resemblance to category 44, especially in information processing.
This sounds good to me. Hazou's tracking summons guarantee he gets to go, looks good.

Naruto might assign us a bigger escort because if something took down Mari+Yuno, it'll take more firepower than Hazou+Kagome have to settle things. this might end with us either having to kill leaf-nin, or expand the party large enough that "get everyone a summoning scroll" becomes a total pipe dream(which may already be the case)

we'll be giving up 2 months of FOOMing if Noburi is out of leaf, which totally sucks, but were weren't gonna get to keep monopolizing leaf's chakra like that

yeah, this plan seems good and I would like to vote for it,

During the Naruto Pepperoni incedent, Mari explained how TLitF works to him, and used in on his SC while others watch.
also "kidnap Hazou and Kagome, but let the other leaf-nin go as witnesses" is really weird behavior for an attacker, and just raises more suspicions.
and this gives the Tower a bunch of specific intel about our aleged dissapearance, vs the much more secure "???" that a clean disappearance gives.

I think we need to make anyone who joins this mission into either corpses or accomplices.

From skimming the chapter, he only knows about the memory erasure, not the mass targeting. How would he know her genjutsu breaks the rules in *two* different ways?

Though I was more envisioning that the genjutsu would include something of a fighting retreat where the kidnappers run, maybe with some fake "anti-skywalker" seal or something to explain how they got away so cleanly.

If Mari snags them all, then their consistent testimony would make it seem less likely to have been an illusuon, too. Any she misses would probably have to die, though.
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"What does it require?" Naruto asked. "We'd need to overcome their static defenses. We'd need to kill all their minions, because if one gets away, that would spell the end of AMITY, and I think they could potentially pull in a lot of Rain ninja and Jashinists. We'd need to kill however many Akatsuki members they left on this side of the rift – maybe all six if we picked the wrong time. There are too many moving parts.
Woah. Actually. This is very doable.

We just need to get a high-yield weapon up and we can nuke the rift site after they go through. Kill all the akatsuki and any minions in one swoop. It reduces it to just a intel problem!
Thanks faflec. So to summarize some Discord discussion:

  • This conversation happened before Mari had her multiplicity realization with Ami
  • Genjutsu cannot erase memories
  • Truth Lost in the Fog seems to erase memories
  • When a split happens, memories and skills can be "lost" from one system member to the new system member
My current guess is that TLitF forces a split and assigns a new eye color to the new personality. That's not really how multiplicity works but normally it isn't being forced by chakra magic, either. A personality is a very complicated thoughtform and genjutsu create thoughtforms. Next up, we the audience know that Mari's used it on Hazo to suppress his memories and avoid the consequences of having a difficult emotional conversation with him.

[] A Conversation with Mari
  • Hey Mari, remember that conversation?
  • Have any personal realizations lately that might change your perspective?
  • The kind that might be related to, say, how a genjutsu can't erase memories but it could construct a new personality that takes thsoe memories and/or their emotional context, Mari?
  • Remember using Truth Lost in the Fog to avoid having to deal with Hazou remembering some difficult conversations, Mari?
  • Hey, Mari. Mari. What color have Hazou's eyes always been, Mari?
I think it may have been a typo for "use"- if you try to quote a post that's entirely quotes SV just gives you a blank post, iirc.
Well now I just feel silly.

tl;dr for @coldcutconvict:
  • Naruto thinks involving AMITY to take on Akatsuki isn't a viable option:
    • Akatsuki can destroy Leaf anyway.
    • Akatsuki can leak the existence of the rift, blocking Leaf from owning the rift.
    • Akatsuki can convince other AMITY members to work with them instead of with us.
    • Akatsuki is too mobile to be easily destroyed.
an alternative to rift being amity project. Is leaf could do rift with akatsuki. So they don't need to share the rewards with the other villages.

Or hazou could individually take itachi's previous offer to help with rift. So he doesn't need to share the rewards with leaf. Sure they will be more suspicious now, but we can probably convince them. Especially by showing off runes
A question. Has anyone tried modeling Pain, and whether he even would resist the memory-erasing pull of Samsara? Like, he literally ended things on his own terms, he's not going to be clawing with all his might. Frankly, I believe that 'ressurecting Pain' is impossible. There is an excellent possibility that he has already passed on in the wheel of Samsara. Jiraiya and Akane? They'd fight it. But nothing of what we know of Pain fits the profile of someone who was in a state of mind to resist the gentle erasure that would let him let go of the strife and horror of his life. He also has zero expectation of someone 'coming to save him'. Hell, the Rinnegan itself might let him 'see' the reasons for the system from that vantage point.

I honestly do not believe that with what is known to the Hivemind that the 'resurrection of God-King Pain' is a threat at all really. If I've missed something, please let me know.
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What structural problems do you see, @acidshill ?
The main issue is that between the Great Seal / dragonwar plotline and the rift / necromancy race plotline, we have two endless sinks in which to pour Hazou's XP, time, and our time (in terms of what our plans focus on and what makes it onscreen). It's difficult to justify spending nearly as many of those resources as I'd like on fun stuff, like having adventures. We, and the narrative, are trapped, because if we don't spend most of our energies working on these two extremely important problems, we increase the risk of very bad stuff happening. Either one of those plotlines would be fine in isolation, but the two of them combined just suck all the air out of the figurative room.

I was originally going to write a longer post/diatrabe about this, but I had trouble putting my thoughts into words. Do you think this post adequately explains my position to you, or should I say more?
A question. Has anyone tried modeling Pain, and whether he even would resist the memory-erasing pull of Samsara? Like, he literally ended things on his own terms, he's not going to be clawing with all his might. Frankly, I believe that 'ressurecting Pain' is impossible. There is an excellent possibility that he has already passed on in the wheel of Samsara. Jiraiya and Akane? They'd fight it. But nothing of what we know of Pain fits the profile of someone who was in a state of mind to resist the gentle erasure. I honestly do not believe that the 'ressurection of God-King Pain' is a threat at all really.
Who says it's a thing you can choose not to resist? We (maybe) saw Jiraiya trying to fight it, but who is to say his outcries actually did anything to resist the effects? We don't know enough to make declarative statements like this. And the consequences of being wrong could be the literal end of the world (as with many things in this setting). To say nothing of how little we really know about Pain's motives.
Thank you.

  • Mari goes around Naruto's back and Leaf refuses to join the rest of AMITY in closing the rift. No one wants Pain back, with or without Leaf's involvement and they will leave traces confirming our information before fully believing. Are they so indiscriminate to not limit themselves to those responsible?
  • With anchor runes, our position should be for AMITY to permanently close the rift. Never say it is a rift to the afterlife.
  • It would be enough to claim they have a dimensional ritual to revive Pain. No reason to work with Akatsuki if they cannot risk confirming it is fully general revival.
  • If Orochimaru closes the rift, all the heat is on Leaf. AMITY is there to make retaliation too costly in a world without a rift. Close the rift and wait out Akatsuki's tantrum. Akatsuki with sober minds do not want to live in a world of ashes.
Hope this answers some questions.
I...don't have questions? I found the quote (and summarized it in a separate post) because it related to your thoughts on involving the rest of AMITY.
The main issue is that between the Great Seal / dragonwar plotline and the rift / necromancy race plotline, we have two endless sinks in which to pour Hazou's XP, time, and our time (in terms of what our plans focus on and what makes it onscreen). It's difficult to justify spending nearly as many of those resources as I'd like on fun stuff, like having adventures. We, and the narrative, are trapped, because if we don't spend most of our energies working on these two extremely important problems, we increase the risk of very bad stuff happening. Either one of those plotlines would be fine in isolation, but the two of them combined just suck all the air out of the figurative room.

I was originally going to write a longer post/diatrabe about this, but I had trouble putting my thoughts into words. Do you think this post adequately explains my position to you, or should I say more?
I would second this @eaglejarl. I know that the MfD world tries to be realistic and simulationist, but to a purely narrative perspective, it feels as if the player and Hazou keeps getting railroaded to deal with crises; These that we can't just ignroe that impede player independence in terms of what to do.

From the beginning of the great seal, EM nuke, and the necromancy research, it feels like we've been railroaded straight into the endgame of the quest. We were sorta slacking off on the necromancy department until we learn Akatsuki has discovered the same idea and is going to do the same thing, forcing us to commit entirely to it less the world will be turned into Nagato's peace. I know it might be less simulationist or whatever, but it'll feel nicer if the two happen in order, and not concurrently.

[Note: I'm aware that the Rift was technically our fault, in so far that we created it and developed the idea that people can be ressurrected. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Akatsuki figure out how to do necromancy on their own?]
This sort of thing has come up a lot in necromancy planning. Sure, it'd be nice if it turns out like this, if Pain is already too far gone or if Hidan doesn't even come hunting after us or if Sasori dies by sealing failure trying to get past a roadblock in the seal chain. It is certainly possible that the situation is much better than we fear and we can afford to not sacrifice anything in pursuit of our ambitions.

But I don't like leaving the fate of the world up to chance like that, not if we can help it. My anti-Hidan plans are designed to be safe even if Hidan reaches our exact location, because I don't want to gamble that he won't make it that far. I'm pushing for us to maximize necromancy research not because I am confident we only have a margin of a few days to work with, but because we could have a margin of a few days and every day faster we are shifts some amount of probability away from the "Sasori wins" outcome.

And when it comes to the afterlife, the dimension we know so so little about, I think it's really dangerous to make assumptions about how it works and then bet the farm on those assumptions. Pain may be too far gone to be revived, or he may be virtually as good as new, for any number of reasons we don't have the means to even start to predict. We've talked about this sort of angle before, I recall, on multiple occasions, but it doesn't really change our calculus much. We can't afford to trust the fate of the world to wishful thinking.
We were sorta slacking off on the necromancy department until we learn Akatsuki has discovered the same idea and is going to do the same thing, forcing us to commit entirely to it less the world will be turned into Nagato's peace.
Not quite. We were slacking off on it until we deciphered Minato's notes and got an actual lead that we believed would work. Until then it was an untractable problem, after that it was something we did our best to work on. Our work on it was still painfully fitful, because we chose to do things like spend a month searching for the Squirrel Scroll and stuff, but ever since we had the opportunity to progress necromancy we've been putting forth an honest effort to advance it. I would have perhaps preferred a stronger effort, trading off other things we wanted to do and chose to do, but it's been up there near the top of our priorities list this whole time.
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Who says it's a thing you can choose not to resist? We (maybe) saw Jiraiya trying to fight it, but who is to say his outcries actually did anything to resist the effects? We don't know enough to make declarative statements like this. And the consequences of being wrong could be the literal end of the world (as with many things in this setting). To say nothing of how little we really know about Pain's motives.
I mean, 'could be' is the operative there. Literally anything Hazou does with runes and stuff 'could be' the end of the world. Frankly the best interests of everyone in the EN is to just murder him. The probabilities here seem low enough that necromancy race should be a lower priority than fixing the Great Seal.

EDIT: We have four possible outcomes;
- Pain has already been erased
- Pain is not erased and ends the world
- Pain is not erased and can be worked with
- Pain is not erased and while he conquers the world, Hazou can at least fight and subvert him.

From my modelling of Pain, the first outcome is overwhelmingly most likely, then the fourth, third and second in order.
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[x] Armageddon Initiative

If we invent EM rune and destroy Leaf there's no chance for an Akatsuki reprisal. Then we *really* have to win the resurrection race.

I'm joking, honest.