I feel like there are a number of reasons for this, and none if it is because of thread desire/voting habits.
To piggyback off of what Heleor said, our XP per day is, effectively, Hazo's power-seeking actions, abstracted and put into the background. Any time we get XP, thats from training or researching or whatnot in an effort to get power. That includes all the SC xp, the 'Ami style training' Xp, and so on.
However in terms of a written story, this writers don't want to write 'numbers go up simulator', and the thread, although trying to optimize constantly, is forced to deal with actual story elements. I'm not blaming the QMs for this, an actual story is much more fun to read than a spreadsheet, but the kind of power-seeking obsession you are talking about here is not functionally possible with the format of the quest. Again, ignoring that all the XP we are constantly gaining IS actually that exact power seeking going on in the background, but is evidentially not enough.