I have no spoons to engage with this development. Once the playerbase comes up with a consensus, I'll edit my plans accordingly.

Have the QM said anything about if this is possible / if they would allow it?

The rules doc says that "Aspects are true." A mundane spear, forged by a Master Blacksmith, using the very best materials that money can buy? With supernaturally high quality ore, sourced from Earthshaping? That seems like it would merit an Aspect (maybe "Made by a Master Blacksmith," or "Forged from Earthshaped Iron"), since those things would be true.

We're not trying to make our own version of Mist's Seven Swords, we're just trying to upgrade Yuuma's gear as much as we can, thus investing in his survival. The other ninja got access to our good shit (and each other's good shit), the sealmasters got access to the Orochimaru lootboxes, Yuno has Satsuko, so now it's Yuuma's turn for an upgrade.
Chapter 605: Mending Discord
Servers down again, eh?
the Iron Nerve wasn't completely rigid, but it definitely emphasised fidelity over flexibility
YUNO: why don't you go for flexibility?
HAZŌ: there are risks. Seizures, coma, death even, so-
YUNO: so about not being a pussy,
"Masatsumura–or was it Massatsumura?
I too never remember if I'm going to Rubtown or Nope-city
"It was really sad. Right before he died, he was boasting how Ami said she thought he was ready for a higher position in the FGP, and she was even willing to pull some strings to fix his reputation with the rank-and-file by getting him onto one of those deep raiding squads that are really only meant for ANBU and jōnin candidates. I hope he got to massacre lots of enemy civilians like he wanted before he died."
Kagome: I warned you about the torch squads in my seminal inspiration to Uplift, "the torch squads are wrong"
Yuno: Good news! We have a positive relationship with the torch squads from Kagome's seminal work,
"That's the perfect analogy. Right now, too many prey animals, which is to say civilians, are dying, and the world's heading in the direction where they get wiped out and then the predators, which is to say ninja, end up starving to death." Actually, that analogy got more disturbing the more he thought about it.
Hahahaha. Don't worry, Hazō, that's just what analogies do
He wants me to take over Birth. Will you help me with that?"
Open mouth, insert regrets (foot flavour)
but I only want one man to father my children, and it's Noburi, the second he's old enough for the Perpendicular Anointment Ceremony and I figure out how to get the Isanese priests to brew me the Nectar of Joy
So much to unpack there. So. Much.
"I see," Yuno said after a second. "So you want me to help you get the human population to a stable level."
Why oh why do I keep making the mistake of reading this before sleep? This is horrifying. Bravo.
You have to make sacrifices to Lord Jashin part of the fabric of society now, so nobody thinks to question them when the time comes for mass sacrifice, just like Akio made the rules about being cruel to the unclean, so when I was growing up, nobody thought to question them even though I almost never did anything wrong
Well I'm convinced.
It's why all the seals you invent for the sake of Uplift are seals for killing people, not seals for, I don't know, making the soil more fertile or making women more fertile.
Well Hazō might have achieved both if he hadn't got his Temporal Mastery seal project burnt by Kagome... For both agriculture and reproduction, the waiting is most of the issue.
That said, a disinfectant seal... hmm...
and that's why I know that tradition is the most powerful force in the world if you can shape it, and a wall that you can't break down by being nice to people or using arguments that make sense or giving them things they ought to want.
Yuno stared at the bodies. "Hazō, what if we've got it all wrong? What if they weren't all slaughtered by chakra beasts?"
Flying chakra beast

???: ??? + ? = ?

Yuno tags "Hear No Evil".

Yuno: Resolve ?? + ? + ?= ??

Yuno resists.

Hazō: Resolve 54 + 6 = 60

Hazō resists.
Hazō: Hi! No. :) No.
"It's been nearly two days since the Great Prophet revealed your allegiance. Everyone in Leaf must know by now, and you haven't done anything to deny it."
A Chivalrous friend taught us that you can't beat a rumour with denial. Perhaps we should go with "PSA: everyone's a Jashinist when Hidan asks, so you don't die, you're welcome"
and then I'm sure Kei will join to support her sister-lover-whatever they are
Which one?
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Woooo another Yuno focussed update let's fucking goooooo!!

I read the plan before reading the chapter @Shrooms , and I gotta say das good shit.

Yuno gave a warm smile. "Thank you, Hazō. Satsuko and I were worried. It happens all the time, this thing where I share my feelings and people freak out and then won't tell me why.

Awww, you precious murder-y cinnamon roll.

"Speaking of massacring civilians"–Hazō said some words he never expected or wanted to say in his life–"


If humanity goes extinct, that means no more sacrifices, right?"

"Sure," Yuno said, "but it's not like that's ever going to happen."

"It's not," Hazō agreed, keeping the fierce determination out of his voice because that wasn't what this conversation was about.

Hell yeah brother!

"Mass starvation," Yuno said. "Too many predators kill too much prey, and then they starve because the prey can't breed fast enough to maintain the food source. Not enough predators, and the prey breed too much and run out of their food source, and the same thing happens. If that food source is important for other things, it can ripple out and do terrible damage to the entire habitat.

Clever girl...
(said that in Albert Wesker's voice, not for any particular reason other than the fact that I love his voice actor)

He wants me to take over Birth. Will you help me with that?"

The silence stretched a while, long enough for Yuno to notice the tracks of a greater needlemouse and make sure they gave it a wide berth.

"I'm very flattered you'd see me that way, Hazō," Yuno said carefully, "but I only want one man to father my children, and it's Noburi, the second he's old enough for the Perpendicular Anointment Ceremony and I figure out how to get the Isanese priests to brew me the Nectar of Joy."

LMAO, actually spat out my water, thanks hahahaha
NTR is a trash fetish anyway

"Then we figure out the replacement rate and sacrifice everyone who isn't needed to maintain it, and that way Lord Jashin gets the greatest possible number of births and deaths, and we don't risk any of the problems of overpopulation or decline. Hazō, that's brilliant! Of course I'll help."

Whoaaaa nah, chill fam, we're just sticking with step 1 of increasing life, nothing further.

You have to make sacrifices to Lord Jashin part of the fabric of society now, so nobody thinks to question them when the time comes for mass sacrifice, just like Akio made the rules about being cruel to the unclean, so when I was growing up, nobody thought to question them even though I almost never did anything wrong."

Why you tryna copy Akio and Isan when their shit clearly didn't work out. Like, it made you feel like shit, and I guess maybe you wanna find some reason in that, but nah. We're not copying their models.

Also, we gotta make sacrifices to Jashin now? What form does a sacrifice take, Yuno? Who are you going to sacrifice, and how are you going to pick them? What if we told you to sacrifice kids, would that be right? What if Hidan told you to?

Obviously, we'd be wrong in that situation. So there's a right and wrong way to sacrifice people, if you wanna sacrifice at all. There's a lot to discuss on the nature of sacrifice, so slow down.

Also, we're not even interested in sacrifice. If Hazou is even remotely trying to make sense of Jashinism, it has to be something he'd believe in, and he for sure does not believe in sacrifice. The only aspect he'd represent is more life. If he's doing that, he has no reason to be sacrificing. Jashin is clearly happy with him doing his own thing even without sacrificing. Let Hazou go his own way, and Yuno, please follow his lead if you can support him.

"Then make them," Yuno said without any particular emotion. "Nobody outside the cult accepts being sacrificed either, so you sacrifice them through force because it's what's right. Lord Jashin is already guiding you in that direction.

No, see above.

It's why all the seals you invent for the sake of Uplift are seals for killing people, not seals for, I don't know, making the soil more fertile or making women more fertile.

Hazou's kill count is low, so I don't really accept that as evidence. If we're talking about whether Hazou has overall caused more deaths or caused more lives to be saved, it's definitely the latter.

It's why he gave you Mari, who hurts people for you without ever telling you, instead of Ami, who ends wars by persuading people to be nice to each other.

OK, I'll allow it.

It's why he sent the Great Prophet to teach you about murder instead of leaving you alone to carry on with the Uplift you were already working on.

OK, I'll allow it.

"The more I talk to you about this, the more it makes sense," Yuno said with a trace of exaltation in her voice. "Everything I went through in Isan… maybe it was for this moment. Isan is defined by tradition, and my life was defined by tradition, and that's why I know that tradition is the most powerful force in the world if you can shape it, and a wall that you can't break down by being nice to people or using arguments that make sense or giving them things they ought to want.

I don't agree that tradition is the most powerful force in the world, but if you believe that it's cool and I respect your opinion, Yuno

This is how I help you–not just by killing people who need killing, but by making sense of my life in Isan and teaching you how to use the same power, but in Lord Jashin's name."

I respect that you wanna make sense of your pain and past. I don't get what power you want to teach Hazou to use, though.

Yuno mutters something under her breath on seeing Hazō's actions.

"lmao he's trying to enter combat with those stats, git gud"

"The blood," Yuno explained. "I thought at first it was lime, but it's not. It's a kind of greenish-yellow I haven't seen before. I'm going to have to go find a dye seller and ask them what it's called. Do you know how exciting that is?"

Hazō decided not to press the matter further.

Shitty brother, at least be happy for her smfh

"I take it you killed the discord pigeon?"

"Sure did,"



Talk to the loremasters, she said. How would Yuno feel when she learned Isan had been annihilated? Would she be heartbroken? Would she be heartbroken that she didn't get to do it herself? Hazō had no idea how to navigate the complexity of her feelings about Isan. He only knew that, whatever her reaction, he would be the one responsible, and EM OPSEC meant he'd never be able to ask her forgiveness for as long as he lived.

Hazō moved on before his expression gave anything away.

Ooof, good man.

and given Jashin's the god of Birth and Death and murder and blood and possibly peppermint tea

I believe it's considered evil to link to TVtropes, but this is truly "Murder, Arson and Jaywalking".
... Does MfD have a TVtropes page?

"Sorry," Yuno said. "It seems like Isan's the only place where people have taken lots of care to preserve ancient lore and don't have rules about keeping everything secret. Maybe that's another thing we can change when we take over the world."

Yes, Yuno. We'll be sure to make plenty of places juuuuuust like Isan.
Hehehehe... AHAHAHAHAHA!

"So it's fine if I convert the rest of the family," she concluded. "Maybe not Kagome, because the other day I taught him a secret Isanese charm to keep the hair grease demons away, and within a week it was an Academy playground rhyme, but I certainly have to bring my husband into the cult, and I already told you what I thought about Snowflake, and then I'm sure Kei will join to support her sister-lover-whatever they are. Also, Mari has no problem with torturing and killing people for a higher cause, and I may still be unhappy with her over the whole Orochimaru thing, but I'm not the kind of cultist who'd keep the joy of Lord Jashin from someone just because they did bad things in the past."

Lmao I wanna see her trying to convert Mari to Jashin-ism, ahahahaha
Also man, she's salty about Mari's Orochimaru thing too? Smh, haters. Whatever though it's in the past and we'll leave it be.

Hazō opened his mouth to object.

"Hazō," Yuno said severely, "are you ashamed to be a cultist of Lord Jashin?"

"That's not it. It's just–"

"Do you trust the rest of our family less than you trust me?"


"Good," Yuno said. "I finally have a family, Hazō, and I don't want to see us divided. I'll talk to Noburi tonight, once he gets back from the hospital. Now come on, we have to reach the safe zone before it gets dark and the chakra chinchilla swarms erupt."

My brother in Jashin, when she asks you if you're ashamed and being all disapproving-like just fucking say "No". He's got nothing to hide. He was doing pretty good at not being a noodle but then it just kinda hit him at the end, smfh maidenless behaviour.

I feel like Hazou was kinda not engaging with her openly which ain't right, but I see from chat it's because it's not clear what Hazou's opinion on Jashin is, so that's fine. FWIW the way I think about it is
  • Jashin possibly exists because of all of the fuckery that has been pulled off when we pray to it
  • We got very little idea what it wants, but the fact that it supports us means we must be doing something right, or that it digs our style
  • If it's supportive of us, we'll keep doing what we think is right
  • That doesn't mean we agree with anything Hidan says. We're doing our thing, he can do his.
Regarding Yuno, I fucking LOVE how she was portrayed this chapter, perfecttttt job @Velorien
Absolutely fucking NAILED the cult-like vibe I'd expect. 10/10 portrayal, bravo!
She needs to engage with the family very heavily to get outta that headspace. I still don't understand what she's thinking nor do I get her beliefs rn. It's not making sense to me.
I wanna know what she thinks sacrificing people means. In her ideal world does she just go around randomly killing people? Are people chosen at birth to be sacrifices?

  • Yuno either already talked to her husband about Jashinism or will do so tonight (depending on how above time skip worked out)
  • Yuno quotes Hazō
  • Noburi is horrified like never before and unable to hide it from his wife. He's also unable to reconcile with her.

Nobby is chill and already knows the many ways Yuno is fucked up in the head, I do not foresee this being his reaction at all.

  • Noburi is very resentful of Hazō because Hazō carries a large amount of fault for Hidan being in Leaf and also handled the fallout miserably while subsequently retreating to the sealing lab and/or focusing on other issues. If Noburi survives that is.

I also don't see this as in-character for him tbh

  • Be fully open and honest about this whole Jashin thing and Yuno's involvement with at least someone in our family as soon as freaking possible. Hazō is not the right person to solve it alone. I suggest Mari or Snowflake or both.
  • After having touched ground with less involved family, actually just talk to Noburi. It's his wife and our last attempt to make things better probably just made things worse. Regardless of Jashin's true will, Gokētsu is not the Clan of indiscriminate mass human sacrifice, nor should it ever be. And yet Yuno is family. And she is most likely right about nothing ever previously having resonated with her the way Jashinism did.

It's good to be open, and for Yuno's sake it'll be good for everyone to be on the same page

I don't want a specific conversation with Noburi reaction on-screen unless QMs think that would be fun, personally I think it's boring and slow-paced again. Just move to the action-part which is shower love 'n care onto your murder cinnamon roll and get her to actually talk about this stuff with the inner family as we go about doing other things. If it doesn't make sense, it'll become more obvious with time.

Looks like just really being into killing is a core part of her and that's cool, there's plenty of ways for that to fit into this world. Still ain't no reason to butt heads.

Make it clear she's not supposed to kill other people or take egregious action outside of the family without our OK. She can talk to the inner family about her beliefs as much as she wants though, and in fact I'd generally strongly encourage it.
[X] Action Plan: Yuno/Jashin
Words: 201
  • Starts as soon as possible.
  • Hazō recognizes that he can't solve the mess on his own.
  • Priorities in order:
    1. Do not lose any Clan members.
    2. Do not become a Clan that proactively sacrifices innocents to any deities. (Avoiding the sacrifice of people Asuma wants dead is not ideal but not currently a priority)
    3. Preserve Yuno as a long term member of Clan and family.
    4. In good standing.
    5. Do not commit unsanctioned heresy.
    6. Do not continue commiting open heresy that would damage Gokētsu reputation.
    7. Remain able to engage Hidan as we have previously without dying.
    8. Keep open the option of experimenting with Jashinism/with communication with Jashin.
  • Mari
    • We need her help.
    • Tell her about Yuno's conversion to Jashinism and our attempt to channel it.
    • She probably already talked to Noburi.
    • How do we stop this from becoming a complete disaster?
    • Hazō-pilot reconciles her advice with listed priorities and, if useful, discusses it further with Mari. Together they come up with a plan.
  • If Mari agrees, pull in Snowflake and/or Kei and/or Noburi.
    • Keep priorities in mind.
    • Apologize to Noburi.
    • Don't lie to them.
  • Enact plan.
    • Hazō is personally involved if possible.
  • Update should take less than 24 hours.
This is not only a very rough outline, it also leave most of the work to Mari/the QMs. On the one hand that's against the spirit of this being a game. On the other it currently feels like the most sensible thing for Hazō to do. Suggestions very welcome. Taking the plan apart for pieces to add to your own even more welcome.
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OTP any chance you could add a line for DRAGONWAR assistance in the seal trade?
Maybe offer to teach a sealmaster of theirs some nice specifically invented for them utility seals after the year passes or dragonwar ends?

[x] Action Plan: A Mild Timeskip, with SCIENCE (Barrier Version)
[X] Action Plan: Yuno/Jashin
voting for this because I think this topic is important to address, but as-presented I don't think this particular plan is something EJ will enjoy writing at all. Would like to see other plans mentioning Yuno

[ ] Action Plan: Exploring Viability
This is probably my preferred plan, if not for the whole Yuno thing we probably need to wrangle or table somehow.
The issue in the context of the plan/update is that people disagree how honest Hazō was with Yuno. A poll in which we get half a dozen simultaneously very exact and very vague options like this will not help us establish whether he believes in Jashin in any way that would be recognised as belief by someone like Yuno (or most of the rest of the world, which will have a lot of relevance when someone with Deceit 60 asks if he believes in Jashin).

I think that "wishing to carry out Jashin's will above even his own" is one kind of worship, but count me in with the rest of the voices that "doing things of your own will which are pleasing to Jashin and thereby being granted boons" is just as relevant, and afaik is actually a more common frame for worship in non-judeo-christian theology. I think the latter form of "worship" is likely more legible in-universe (vibes-based reasoning)
[X] Action Plan: Yuno/Jashin
voting for this because I think this topic is important to address, but as-presented I don't think this particular plan is something EJ will enjoy writing at all. Would like to see other plans mentioning Yuno

[ ] Action Plan: Exploring Viability
This is probably my preferred plan, if not for the whole Yuno thing we probably need to wrangle or table somehow.
Wait why do you think that a plan with 4 sub meetings is one that's better for EJ

Mari meeting, Hazō-pilot specific meeting, Mari meeting pending results of Hazō-pilot specific meeting, kei/nobby meeting, all to make a plan for an intervention meeting for Hazō-pilot and friends to fill out
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"Good," Yuno said. "I finally have a family, Hazō, and I don't want to see us divided. I'll talk to Noburi tonight, once he gets back from the hospital. Now come on, we have to reach the safe zone before it gets dark and the chakra chinchilla swarms erupt."

You have received 6 + 2 (Brevity) + 1 (Fun-to-Write) = 9 XP.
Sounds like Yuno and Hazou made it back before the end of the day, so for SC purposes I feel it's fair to say he got in 1/3 of his usual training on the first day. The second day would have an SSA mild so the multiplier is lower.

Day 1: (3 * .6) = 1.8 XP
Day 2: (3 * (1.9 - .4 (SSA milds + not wanting a medium)) = 4.5 XP
Total: 6.3 XP

2 * 3 * 1.7 = 10.2 XP
We will not be publishing any exact discounts. Instead, in rough (i.e., not exact) order of how useful it is to Hazō, going from least useful to most useful:

Having a blank of the seal
Having an IN download of the seal
Having research notes for the seal
Having someone that knows the seal actively guiding your research
You know, if we get Kagome's help (see above) we might be able to finish this in a single cycle.
Uh I think you might not be looking at the right plan? The yuno/jashin plan has nothing in it except responding to yuno
The first plan I mentioned, I explicitly said I don't think EJ would like it...? I just think it's important and should be addressed in other plans
voting for this because I think this topic is important to address, but as-presented I don't think this particular plan is something EJ will enjoy writing at all
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Sounds like Yuno and Hazou made it back before the end of the day, so for SC purposes I feel it's fair to say he got in 1/3 of his usual training on the first day. The second day would have an SSA mild so the multiplier is lower.

Day 1: (3 * .6) = 1.8 XP
Day 2: (3 * (1.9 - .4 (SSA milds + not wanting a medium)) = 4.5 XP
Total: 6.3 XP

2 * 3 * 1.7 = 10.2 XP
I don't think you can start SC training at the end of the day. You need Noburi available, you need him to have enough chakra ready after a day of whatever it is Noburi does with his chakra, and you need to be able to go train in the woods without people wondering what you're doing going out into the woods in the evening after you've spent the whole day out hunting chakra beasts.
I don't think you can start SC training at the end of the day. You need Noburi available, you need him to have enough chakra ready after a day of whatever it is Noburi does with his chakra, and you need to be able to go train in the woods without people wondering what you're doing going out into the woods in the evening after you've spent the whole day out hunting chakra beasts.
Hmm, alright just ignore that one then
[ ] Action Plan: Exploring Viability
This is probably my preferred plan, if not for the whole Yuno thing we probably need to wrangle or table somehow.
It's already been a day, (hopefully) another day won't make a huge difference. If anyone has suggestions for things Hazō can do off-screen (e.g. warn Team Uplift about what happened, ask Mari to keep an eye on Yuno) I have room to add that to my plan, but probably can't do a full scene. A scene might be a good idea here but, then again, that would be a meeting about meetings, which I hate probably nearly as much as the QMs. I would really like to believe that Hazō and Team Uplift can handle this without too many directions, although I don't know if that's true.
You know, if we get Kagome's help (see above) we might be able to finish this in a single cycle.
Kagome's help means need to max prep which is a total waste for RBs. Hazou is almost comfy doing SSA w/ no prep, we can probably get away with 3 prep days if we want to be v. safe and 2 if we're feeling the heat.

IMO 2 prep days is the right call. We can probably do it in ~3 cycles at that speed, which is 15 days.

I estimate 2 full prep research cycles, which would be 22 days, and considerably slow MS8.
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He wants me to take over Birth. Will you help me with that?"

The silence stretched a while, long enough for Yuno to notice the tracks of a greater needlemouse and make sure they gave it a wide berth.

"I'm very flattered you'd see me that way, Hazō," Yuno said carefully, "but I only want one man to father my children, and it's Noburi, the second he's old enough for the Perpendicular Anointment Ceremony and I figure out how to get the Isanese priests to brew me the Nectar of Joy."
Pffft- I really should have seen it coming! Dammit Yuno, you're adorable. When killing stuff is out of the question.

It's why he gave you Mari, who hurts people for you without ever telling you, instead of Ami, who ends wars by persuading people to be nice to each other.
Hazou didn't quite catch that, huh? And how the hell is Yuno aware of Mari-murders but not us?! This got to be a conspiracy. ...Wait, it is!

This is how I help you–not just by killing people who need killing, but by making sense of my life in Isan and teaching you how to use the same power, but in Lord Jashin's name."

Hazō fell silent. He didn't know where to start with that. He just didn't. Hazō had never really had to face religion in his life
I'd like that a lot, actually. 1) It may help us increase the effectiveness of our Jashin rituals (Yuno might enjoy attending those). 2) that's an excuse to stall: "let's figure out the details of how to make Leaf jashinist in one fell swoop". That's treason?! ...Woops?

More directly than the dishonesty, this chapter really drove home for me how much we (as in both Hazou and the playerbase) infantilize, distrust and disrespect Yuno. We're not treating her like an equal in personhood, we are acting like we're trying to trick a not-especially-bright child.

...Maybe we can argue that Yuno shouldn't be improvising theology because she's not the Chosen of Jashin? That doesn't seem especially persuasive. Maybe we can try to discover theology empirically by communicating with Jashin? But then we might, you know, actually receive instructions from Jashin.
Agreed. So how about we do both: how about we do Jashin experiments with Yuno?

Why yes, I think we should ask ANBU for their report on the mindwalk they did.
Yes. It is time...

Having the conviction to believe God is on your side, instead of the converse, seems to be something they would be strongly in favor of.
I had something similar in mind.
Hazou has faith in Jashin in the sense that Jashin is supporting him. It's not a mercenary relationship, although there's still at that stage a lot of give and take. Jashing doesn't have to help Hazou, and Hazou doesn't have to subordinate himself. They are partners, hopefully with the same endgoal. They probably want the same thing (the continuation of civilization). When they don't, that requires some degree of flexibility so both parties keep faith in each other. For Hazou it means 'allow me to do neat, unreplicable stuff sometimes', for Jashin it's "sacrifice me some people sometimes".

Also: the civilian massacres are Hidan doing what he thinks Jashin wants. We have reasons to believe Hidan is a Hindrance even to Jashin Himself; so I don't rule out that Hazou could honestly believe in the Jashin-that-wants-prosperity; if Jashin actually wants us to massacre innocents, then our faith is broken because that is not how we saw our relationship.

A Chivalrous friend taught us that you can't beat a rumour with denial. Perhaps we should go with "PSA: everyone's a Jashinist when Hidan asks, so you don't die, you're welcome"
"And don't forget to sacrifice your firstborns in our neat Church, Yuno'll be checking."

My brother in Jashin, when she asks you if you're ashamed and being all disapproving-like just fucking say "No". He's got nothing to hide. He was doing pretty good at not being a noodle but then it just kinda hit him at the end, smfh maidenless behaviour.
Yeah... it feels like Hazou-pilot is very put-off by (even scared of) her and is kinda forcing himself to "be family". She's got issues - her psychopathy is probably not going away - but tbh the whole family is weird (Nobori being the exception). Acknowledge her, and let her be herself... so long as she stays within the bound of the family's rules (no massacre plz). More cynically, we need her completely bound to our family's rules instead of Hidan's Jashinism.

[X] Interlude: Legitimately Anything Wholesome. The Last Few Weeks' Updates Have Been Stressful AF
[X] Interlude: Hazou and Family Goes on a Picnic and to the Onsen
[X] Interlude: Hiruzen and Jiraya Teach the Hyūga Elders the Pink Pony no Jutsu
[X] Interlude: Legitimately Anything Wholesome. The Last Few Weeks' Updates Have Been Stressful AF
[X] Interlude: Hazou-Pilot and Ino Fairly Negotiate for Goo Bombs, in Good Faith, Like Reasonable Adults

[X] [Jashin] Jashin is a real and powerful entity that has legitimately chosen us to carry out Uplift. We're going along for the ride because we intend to Uplift anyways, and Jashin is more than welcome to support that.
(We're also willing to make small compromises to Jashin's will if his favour if doing so grants us additional boons.)

[x] Action Plan: A Mild Timeskip, with SCIENCE
Words: 357
Timeline: Idk, whatever EJ approves
  • Ino
    • We're willing to trade Goo Bombs with you. What's the Yamanaka Clan offering?
      • Yamanaka promise not to reverse engineer them.
      • One Year Duration (revisit deal afterwards)
      • Supply is for genin-use only,
        • Each get three seals
        • Resupplied upon returning from missions
      • We're willing to trade in cash (would help explain our wealth, disguise ES) but we don't need it.
      • Hazou-the-sealmaster's time is valuable, but this commission is pro-Uplift, Youthful (Akane would approve), and from an allied Clan. Accordingly, Hazou-the-Clan-Head can trade fairly and in good faith, with a mild pro-social discount.
      • Let Hazou-pilot and Ino take it from there.
  • Ōshirō
    • Show ES-Sourced iron.
      • (Humbly) Please assess the quality of this ore.
      • Properly processed, is it suitable for Leaf's smiths?
      • Would he be interested in partnering with us to ensure it's processed correctly?
        • We lack his years of knowledge and relationships within Leaf's metalworking community.
      • Deflect questions about source by moving on to the next point.
      • Commission two new spears from him, for Yuuma.
        • Immediately: One made of the highest quality metals/materials (ES-iron, maybe?)
          • (Meta-Goal: it has invokable Aspects related to its craftsmanship)
        • Longterm: One made using corundum/corundum blends
          • (Meta-Goal: same as above, but better).
  • After SSA Milds Heal...
    • Offscreen
      • Ask Noburi to look into Tenketsu opening
      • Hazou publicly declares he's not a Jashinist, asks Mari how to recoup his reputation
      • Make Calligraphy Art for Hazou's office.
      • Sealing
        • Sealing (Prime + 1 SC, use Hazou's intuition)
          • Jinchūriki Chain #7, continue to #8
          • Rocket Boots
    • Onscreen
      • 3D Sealing
        • Sanity check/optimize with Kagome
          • Use one material (diamond?) to form chakra pathways inside another (corundum?), like putting ink on paper
            • Pilot (using blackboxed Sealing knowledge): Consider infusing without withdrawing chakra from ink-analogue (Use SC)
          • If Hazou pushes chakra into regular granite, does the chakra radiate outwards in all directions?
            • Use smoothened, densified, purified stone, surrounded/insulated by regular granite. Chakra flows through the stone, and is blocked/channeled by granite
          • Begin infusion from point such that the chakra must flow in a single direction.
Extracting iron takes way to much of Hazou's time. IFF the QMs confirmed that a spear from EM-metal was worth an aspect, I'd like to extract enough metal for a spear. we definitely shouldn't do this in bulk, and I can't tell if your plan is suggesting that or not. clarify?
I'd prefer it if you specified giving non-SSA goo bombs to the Yamanaka genin. It significantly reduces the incentive for their Chunin/Jounin to defect and try too grab the seals, which seems good for both parties.

[X] Action Plan: Yuno/Jashin
Words: 201
  • Starts as soon as possible.
  • Hazō recognizes that he can't solve the mess on his own.
  • Priorities in order:
    1. Do not lose any Clan members.
    2. Do not become a Clan that proactively sacrifices innocents to any deities. (Avoiding the sacrifice of people Asuma wants dead is not ideal but not currently a priority)
    3. Preserve Yuno as a long term member of Clan and family.
    4. In good standing.
    5. Do not commit unsanctioned heresy.
    6. Do not continue commiting open heresy that would damage Gokētsu reputation.
    7. Remain able to engage Hidan as we have previously without dying.
    8. Keep open the option of experimenting with Jashinism/with communication with Jashin.
  • Mari
    • We need her help.
    • Tell her about Yuno's conversion to Jashinism and our attempt to channel it.
    • She probably already talked to Noburi.
    • How do we stop this from becoming a complete disaster?
    • Hazō-pilot reconciles her advice with listed priorities and, if useful, discusses it further with Mari. Together they come up with a plan.
  • If Mari agrees, pull in Snowflake and/or Kei and/or Noburi.
    • Keep priorities in mind.
    • Apologize to Noburi.
    • Don't lie to them.
  • Enact plan.
    • Hazō is personally involved if possible.
  • Update should take less than 24 hours.
This is not only a very rough outline, it also leave most of the work to Mari/the QMs. On the one hand that's against the spirit of this being a game. On the other it currently feels like the most sensible thing for Hazō to do. Suggestions very welcome. Taking the plan apart for pieces to add to your own even more welcome.
It's very important that we talk to Noburi *before* Yuno. Please make a note that we send here to report the mission to the tower while Hazou runs home to speed-brief Noburi and anyone else available. If you prefer, stalling Yuno personally while a SC runs home would also work.
I intend to vote for this plan if you make this change(or if you satisfactorily explain why it's a bad idea)
I'd prefer it if you specified giving non-SSA goo bombs to the Yamanaka genin. It significantly reduces the incentive for their Chunin/Jounin to defect and try too grab the seals, which seems good for both parties.
I don't think such a thing exists, as I understand it all Hazou's Goo Bombs have TN 60. Also if they defect with 3 Goo Bombs it's fine. Anyone who reverse engineers it will get only their own Sealing as a TN and that's fine. It's why Jiraiya felt fine showing em off at the exams.
Meet with Mari, Kei, Snowflake, Noburi (Offscreen?)
  • Relay both our conversations with Yuno about Jashinism
  • Heads up, she'll probably try to convert you
  • We'd appreciate your advice and help with making sure she doesn't cause any incidents or massacres
I've added a short section to my plan to brief the family about what's going on with Yuno. Hopefully they can figure it out on their own; this is written with the desire to avoid a meeting about meetings and the (possibly unwarranted) assumption that we don't need a detailed plan to prevent disaster. I have another 69 words to play with if you guys think I need more detail, but I'd prefer to keep it simple so it can possibly stay off-screen.

I think I'd prefer it offscreen anyways.
Thoughts on this?
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It's very important that we talk to Noburi *before* Yuno. Please make a note that we send here to report the mission to the tower while Hazou runs home to speed-brief Noburi and anyone else available. If you prefer, stalling Yuno personally while a SC runs home would also work.
I intend to vote for this plan if you make this change(or if you satisfactorily explain why it's a bad idea)
It's already been a day since the events of the last chapter (due to sealing research).
I don't think such a thing exists, as I understand it all Hazou's Goo Bombs have TN 60. Also if they defect with 3 Goo Bombs it's fine. Anyone who reverse engineers it will get only their own Sealing as a TN and that's fine. It's why Jiraiya felt fine showing em off at the exams.
Where did the 60 come from, I expected 74? If we can sandbag our Goo Bombs, it removes the incentive for Chunin/Jounin to bum/buy/swipe S-rank Goo Bombs from the Genin. removing this incentive seems helpful, and easy to do.
If we can't sandbag our Goo Bombs, this is all moot.