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Wait what? I thought we were in front of like every single Clan rn, otherwise why would Hazou be like "none of them will trust me now that they saw this"
I don't think we should try and convince any Pangolins. That seems pretty much impossible right now imo. Avoid pissing them off, sure
We're trying to convince the Pangolins to release this guy to Hazou's custody. That means we gotta argue with them and not the rest of the delegates right? How are we going to get custody except from the Pangolins?
We're trying to convince the Pangolins to release this guy to Hazou's custody. That means we gotta argue with them and not the rest of the delegates right? How are we going to get custody except from the Pangolins?
That's true. I guess I meant more about the injustice of the bonds but I don't think either of you were really supportive of that aspect anyways.
We're trying to convince the Pangolins to release this guy to Hazou's custody. That means we gotta argue with them and not the rest of the delegates right? How are we going to get custody except from the Pangolins?
That's a goal, but not a win condition. Our primary win condition is getting the other Clans to still believe Hazou cares about the Condors. Our secondary win condition is keeping the Condor alive.
IMO Hazou's primary goal (getting the Clans to believe Hazou cares) can be best served by making an obvious, immediate, and visible effort to save that Condor's life. Not necessarily one that would work, but one that would be clear, even on serious examination, that we care and we are trying.
ok not suuuuuuper satisfied with this but just putting this out here for now, suggestions welcome rah rah. Important (and [un]fortunate) thing to note: we don't ACTUALLY need to save the Condor's life, we only need to show the other clans that we really tried so we can win them over again.

[x] [Conclave] One Day We Shall Have Our Honor Duel
Word Count: 275
  • General approach
    • Communicate ideas with Kei/Noburi in handsign
    • Lean on Kei's authority as Pangolin Summoner to justify our narrative
    • Speak with little room for Pangolins to interject, have trio maintain control of the narrative
    • Leave politically charged comments to Hazou, as Noburi would just piss off Toads. Kei can remain impartial, up to her.
    • Where appropriate, if trio signs consensus agreement, have the trio try to rope the crowd into supporting their claims.
    • Should the 'Oathbreaker' argument spring up, rebuttal by reminding them Hazou was told they were defending themselves from Condors, but their behavior doesn't seem like self defense. He broke no oath.
  • Confrontation
    • Audibly ask Kei what the Bonds of Civilization signify
      • The Pangolins assert that Condors are weak, so obviously the Condor couldn't have broken free on their own.
        • The question is, did the Pangolin who failed tying them up properly do it because of malice or incompetence? (Speculate between each other.)
          • This execution is a clear attempt to cover up poor Pangolin discipline.
    • Pangolins have declared responsibility for Condors. Hazou was the attacked party. Therefore, Hazou was endangered by the Pangolins due to poor discipline/malice, and they owe him.
      • Executing his attacker doesn't repay him. As the wronged party he demands compensation by claiming ownership of the Condor's life.
    • If Pangolins won't budge, insult their honor and challenge the one who tied up the Condor to a duel for the Condor's life.
  • Duel
    • Flaunt seals, win quickly and efficiently.
      • Don't use MARS, but manually activate a banshee, then throw goo bombs. Manually activate additional debuffs as needed.
  • Condor
    • As their new lord, demand they travel to Arachnid in preparation to face the Dragons.
First round of updates.

@Sir Stompy @faflec I hope this is more to your liking. I'm not uh, exactly sure what we were intending to do with the Condor afterwards? I have down to have them go to Arachnid since Enma wants to move them to Archaeopteryx but that was just cuz I didn't have any better ideas. I think "Go rejoin Conjura" may get us lambasted but maybe it's inflammatory enough to impress everyone else at the expense of making the Pangolins hate us even more. Even though the Condor can obviously just go wherever they want afterwards I think what we virtue signal here does matter.
@Shrooms My revised idea for your confrontation. Please note that departs significantly from yours.
  • Confrontation:
    • Go over to the fallen Bonds, and examine them loudly.
      • No cuts or damage on them. They were tied loosely enough to enable an escape.
      • Hazou cannot tell which is worse: the idea that the Bonds were tied loosely due to incompetence or malice. Or perhaps malicious indifference?
        • Hazou speculates on how many Condors have been harmed because the Pangolins refuse to properly do their self-appointed duty.
        • Regardless, this execution is a clear attempt to cover up poor Pangolin discipline.
    • It is clear that the Pangolins here are not taking their own duties seriously in this regard.
      • Hazou insists on a separate authority to handle oversight over the Condors since the Taxiarchos clearly is not doing so properly.
      • Kei is the Pangolin Summoner, and is an authority under only Pantsa of the Adamant Scales.
      • Clearly she should handle this...clearly difficult duty.
    • Abuse Kei's status as an extralegal agent here.
[X] [Conclave] One Day We Shall Have Our Honor Duel
I'm not uh, exactly sure what we were intending to do with the Condor afterwards? I have down to have them go to Arachnid since Enma wants to move them to Archaeopteryx but that was just cuz I didn't have any better ideas. I think "Go rejoin Conjura" may get us lambasted but maybe it's inflammatory enough to impress everyone else at the expense of making the Pangolins hate us even more. Even though the Condor can obviously just go wherever they want afterwards I think what we virtue signal here does matter.
I do think that "go rejoin Conjura" would be too inflammatory for our goals here, because as far as the Pangolins are concerned that's basically like saying "go join Akatsuki". We may not be in their direct chain of command so as to make the statement treason, but it's openly saying that we actively oppose the current administration and are working towards its downfall, which imo cuts our prospects at the Conclave very short.

There are a couple other snags I've seen:
  • This is a Condor who hates Hazou enough to throw away his life for a chance to kill him. Even if they are released into our custody, they will still likely hate us and everything we stand for and generally not cooperate with us.
  • "Go fly to Arachnid" seems to me to be a death sentence on paper. One lone Condor flying through multiple foreign territories does not sound like something done casually.
    • (I could be wrong, flight is OP and Condors made it to Archaeopteryx before, but that was a proper trained squad instead of one rando.)
  • Of course, people will be watching what we do with them after they're released into our care, and see that "Go fly to Arachnid" is nothing more than setting them free to go join Conjura. It's not openly saying we're telling them to go join Akatsuki, but it leaves us with only a fig leaf defense against that accusation.
I feel the best revision here would be to either keep the Condor with us until we can "accidentally lose them", which would be embarrassing for us and pretty sus but much easier to stave off the worst of it, or to tell the Condor to stay here until the Crusade marches out, and then follow them to Arachnid, which would, I dunno, help point the topic in the direction of the Dragons again? It's a tough situation.
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This is a Condor who hates Hazou enough to throw away his life for a chance to kill him. Even if they are released into our custody, they will still likely hate us and everything we stand for and generally not cooperate with us.
I did wonder about what we're supposed to do if we release them and they just... immediately try to kill Hazou again lmao. Would be pretty hard to spin that one

"Go fly to Arachnid" seems to me to be a death sentence on paper. One lone Condor flying through multiple foreign territories does not sound like something done casually.
Hmm... Could tell them to stop in Dog first? (Obviously they probably aren't going to actually do anything we ask the minute they're home free but it's a more plausible demand.)

Of course, people will be watching what we do with them after they're released into our care, and see that "Go fly to Arachnid" is nothing more than setting them free to go join Conjura. It's not openly saying we're telling them to go join Akatsuki, but it leaves us with only a fig leaf defense against that accusation.
Well, Hazou did start the chapter out going around and saying how the Western Clans really admire Conjura so maybe.....that's fine? And it'll impress all the people we're hoping to impress
First round of updates.

@Sir Stompy @faflec I hope this is more to your liking. I'm not uh, exactly sure what we were intending to do with the Condor afterwards? I have down to have them go to Arachnid since Enma wants to move them to Archaeopteryx but that was just cuz I didn't have any better ideas. I think "Go rejoin Conjura" may get us lambasted but maybe it's inflammatory enough to impress everyone else at the expense of making the Pangolins hate us even more. Even though the Condor can obviously just go wherever they want afterwards I think what we virtue signal here does matter.
I feel like we could credibly have Kei and/or Noburi bring up that time we sentenced Haru to a fate worse than death as a way of implying that we aren't taking it easy on him.
Velorien already told us Hazou doesn't know about this, and it kinda seems like this whole strategy hinges on it...

I can still add in physically examining the bonds and such
I mean, the strategy mostly hinges on abusing Kei's status as someone directly under Pantsa's authority, and the extralegal agent thing can just be removed or substituted. Kei, and not Hazou, could easily step in once Hazou introduces the idea of setting up Kei in charge of the situation here.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped If we're trying to annoy/taunt someone, what kind of social roll would that be? Intimidation doesn't really fit being inflammatory imo, nor do Presence or Deceit. Empathy maybe?
I would say it's situational, and depends on the approach. Being obsequious and irritating to get them to punch you could be more Rapport, finding their insecurities and exploiting them could be Empathy, challenging their honor could be Presence. I would pick on the fly, depending primarily on the way that the scene is playing out (and secondarily on the content of the plan).

Is there an actual reason for this to be the case beyond Mari and/or the QMs trolling :HazouLook:
...why is Noburi sworn to secrecy?
A jōnin never reveals her secrets.

Speaking of EarthShaping, @eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped What is the status of the telescope proposal with Shino, and the mine Asuma wanted us to accidentally?
Telescope proposal TBD -- likely Shino would have provided you with some reference lenses so you could learn how to make them better, under the condition that you don't undercut the Aburame's existing deal with the Tower. Instead, once you learned how to make telescopes, you would join the Aburame's deal as a supplier and the Aburame would take a small cut of the profits in exchange for having taught you how to make the lenses in the first place.

Mine status to be clarified in an upcoming update.

Important questions for the Conclave plan:

Who ties the Bonds of Civilization?

How many points are necessary for the pole to be the appropriate punishment?

(presumably Hazou doesn't know these but they can be answered by Kei; a lack of answers to these questions will likely lead to a poor/overly/underly-specified plan.)
Also, forgot to ping the QMs with this. @eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
The local representative of the Ministry of Doctrine is nominally responsible for ceremonially tying the Bonds (and untying them once the condor has proven their loyalty and is raised to the ranks of the Elite). However, the bonds may need to be removed and retied occasionally -- practically, this is done by whichever pangolin is closest (e.g. if an overseer sees that the Bonds look too loose on a condor, they may order a random soldier to retie them).

Eighteen points gets the pole.

Also did we refresh any FP? Hazou began this update with 1 FP.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Also I wanted to ask, how does spending and buying FP during the retroactive updates work? If we're going to be in combat we'll want to spend and possibly buy FP, but the time for that has passed.

My suggestion: You could generate a reasonable amount for Hazou to refresh over 10 days and spend that. Say 3 or 4 FP. Or you could spend some FP and bill the players for it after the fact. I won't be mad as long it's a reasonable amount.
Hazō has refreshed 1 FP, yes. Will add later.

Good point on the Conclave FP spending. I'm inclined to just tie it into the same pool as his normal FP for simplicity's sake, but that probably won't work. Let's say that Hazō has 4 FP to spend in the Conclave, and will gain 1 per update and 1 per conflict (if he ends up above 4 at the end of the Conclave mini-arc, we'll credit it to his sheet).
  • Audibly ask Kei what the Bonds of Civilization signify
    • The Pangolins assert that Condors are weak, so obviously the Condor couldn't have broken free on their own.
      • The question is, did the Pangolin who failed tying them up properly do it because of malice or incompetence? (Speculate between each other.)
        • This execution is a clear attempt to cover up poor Pangolin discipline.
  • Pangolins have declared responsibility for Condors. Hazou was the attacked party. Therefore, Hazou was endangered by the Pangolins due to poor discipline/malice, and they owe him.
    • Executing his attacker doesn't repay him. As the wronged party he demands compensation by claiming ownership of the Condor's life.
  • If Pangolins won't budge, insult their honor and challenge the one who tied up the Condor to a duel for the Condor's life.

It doesn't seem it's hard to escape those ropes, if random Condor#64734 can do it. So the Pangolin can just argue that a Condor that removes the Bonds willingly if they are loose is simply not ready to be part of civilization. A loyal Condor would have informed a Pangolin officer to correct them after all, not drop them to attack someone.

And the offense for fighting and attacking Hazou is just three points. Next they are giving him 30 points for "attacking a foreign dignitary".

If the end goal is showing that Hazou wants to help the Condors, then I am unsure if the other clans will all interpret this as Hazou trying to be helpful rather thanjust being aggressiv. From the outsider perspective this can easily be seen him trying to humiliate the Condors and then starting beef with the Pangolin when given the chance.

And nobody wants an incompetent ally, so just signaling intent while looking dumb isn't that ideal for us.

We should probably play the whole situation down with something along the lines of: "Of course a Condor would try to kill me".

Audibly ask Kei what the Bonds of Civilization signify

What is that supposed to do? Because the answer is obvious and Hazou's internal monolouge acknowledges that they are reserved for Condors that aren't loyal/ready:

Still, Constarainu the lumber merchant was among the so-called "Elite", condors that had "earned" the right to have their wings unbound by the Bonds of Civilization, and so was one of the best choices for Hazō's political plays. Most of the other condors representing the former Condor Clan were likewise wearing their wings freely by their side, though none of them would dare to stretch them for the fear that a Pangolin might see them getting ready to take flight without proper authorization.

Should the 'Oathbreaker' argument spring up, rebuttal by reminding them Hazou was told they were defending themselves from Condors, but their behavior doesn't seem like self defense. He broke no oath.

That would maybe work for our first agreement that gave us a shit Wind jutsu and a fat Pangolin. But our second agreement was this:

"I'll tell you what," the enormous pangolin said at last. "Five jutsu for your clan; you may divide them among yourself as you see fit. This is a significant gift, Summoner; the Pangolin Clan is not fond of letting our military secrets out of our control, since they could easily be stolen by someone on the Human Path and then make their way back to the Summoner of an enemy clan." He raised a massive claw in admonishment. "I'm trusting you a great deal here. Our jutsu are to be secrets of the Gōketsu Clan. They will not be shared outside your clan, studied, or modified."

"So," Keiko said carefully, "the upfront payment will be three pounds of diamonds, the full-time availability of Pankurashun and five elite pangolin of my choice, plus the training jutsu for each member of Gōketsu and five other jutsu of our choice. After that, we agree to a monthly payment of sixty pounds of gold in exchange for ninety of the Pantokrator's Judging Eyes." She paused, considering, then nodded. "My clan leader will probably be angry with me for doing such a poor job of bargaining but I suspect he'll accept the deal rather than shaming me by forcing me to go back on my word with such an important ally as the Pangolin Clan."

Pantsā snorted but took no other notice of her addition to the upfront cost. "I shall ensure that the diamonds are all of good quality," he said magnanimously. "You, however, will acknowledge the terms of our jutsu training, since it seems to have been left out of your statement of the bargain." He paused, then leaned in slightly. "You will ensure that our jutsu are kept secret, Summoner. Nor will you attempt to study or modify them." His tone had shifted from the nearly playful one he'd had while bargaining, a note of warning hanging just barely out of sight behind the words. A shiver ran down Kei's spine on icy feet.

"Yes, Pantsā," she said, trying and failing to keep her voice from squeaking at the implied threat. "I will. We will. Keep the Pangolin jutsu secret, that is. And not study or modify them."

"Excellent," the lord of the Pangolin Clan said, a smile back in his voice. "Then I believe we have a bargain. Someone is on the way with the diamonds right now. We will expect delivery of ninety Pantokrator's Judging Eyes within three days, with ninety more to follow every thirty days thereafter. A pleasure doing business with you, Summoner." He gave her a nod that was both polite and also very clearly a dismissal.

The excuse doesn't work with that, we only supplied them for three months. Not exactly a long time and Kei just cut the deal, there was not even some form of new agreement.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

I note, sadly, that a lot of the imgur links to art posted in thread over the years are now no longer available, so a lot of the linked art in the info post and in the Media tabs are not showing up. :cry:
I can only find the two watercolour painting links being broken. I've replaced those in the info post, and contacted the original artist to ask them to replace the links in theirs. What else isn't loading for you?
A jōnin never reveals her secrets
Honestly, I could see Mari either understating how much chakra she needs (or accepting a 5% free overcharge) to keep her chakra capacity secret.

And if Noburi is able to see through that via his bloodline then Mari is social spec enough (and knows Noburi's levers well enough) to secure his silence against anything Hazō might think to try while also preventing any loss in Noburi's goodwill.
Kinda-sorta fork of Shrooms' plan.

[x] [Conclave] Malicious Indifference
Word Count: ???
  • General approach
    • Move quickly; we need to act before Confute leaves.
      • Still try to communicate plan with Kei/Noburi in handsign as we act. We trust them to pick up the idea and speak up .
    • Don't leave room for interjections. We want to maintain control of the narrative.
    • Where appropriate, if trio signs consensus agreement, have the trio try to rope the crowd into supporting their claims.
  • Confrontation:
    • Go over to the fallen Bonds, and examine them loudly.
      • No cuts or damage on them. They were tied loosely enough to enable an escape.
      • We cannot tell which is worse: the idea that the Bonds were tied loosely due to incompetence, or malice. Or perhaps malicious indifference?
        • Speculate on how many Condors have been harmed because the Pangolins refuse to properly do their self-appointed duty.
        • Regardless, this execution is a clear cover-up.
    • It is clear that the Pangolins here are not taking their own duties seriously in this regard.
      • Insist on a separate authority to handle oversight over the Condors since Pankratos clearly is not doing so properly.
      • Kei is the Pangolin Summoner, and is an authority under only Pantsaa in the Seventh Path.
      • Clearly she should handle this duty.
    • If things devolve, one of us claims mortal insult and demands a duel to win control over the Condors here.
      • Win quickly and efficiently.
      • Use Earbusters, activating Banshee slayers before the fight.
      • Don't use MARS, but manually activate a banshee, then throw goo bombs. Manually activate additional debuffs as needed.
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Why, exactly, is chuunish Hazou demanding to duel people? This is a horrible idea. We are closer to a genin than a jounin in terms of combat stats, because no one ever bothers to vote for raising them in the perennial chase of Sealing, Resolve and Earthshaping, none of which have a direct combat application.

None of our combat jutsu are trained much if at all. Our Taijutsu, Athletics, Physique and especially Alertness are all inadequate, which is to say low for even a chuunin! Which, even if we counted as one in combat (and we don't!) would still be wildly inadequate a power level to make demands like that in front of possibly elite Pangolin warriors. There is likely at least one jounin equivalent within their number, if not more.

We nearly died to a bunch of random Hyenas that were mostly low chuunin and genin. We actually would have died, despite being able to unsummon in a blink, had we not been saved by a dog who got killed in our stead. And people want to demand a duel with a possible jounin?

...I don't understand how Hazou survived this long in this quest, or is it simply that people lighthoused for years on end and don't realize that combat is dangerous, and that Hazou's combat skills have basically not whatsoever improved for years in the story now? Yes, Hazou has a few seals, but he could still lose to a good combat specialist genin with average luck on the dice!

We have :
33 Alertness (Mid Genin)
37 Athletics (High Genin)
35 Physique (High Genin)
40 Taijutsu (Low Chuunin)

Our Calligraphy is higher than any of our combat stats.
Our Resolve is 20 higher than our Calligraphy.
Our Sealing is 34 higher than our Calligraphy.

If we are unlucky, we could end up fighting with someone whose average combat stats are akin to our Resolve, and end up a splatter on the floor in one round (and even if we don't get killed... literally accidentally, because people assume us to be much stronger than we are, that would be the end of any conclave ambitions and reputation).

@faflec Your plan looks good overall, but please do not demand combat, especially not as Hazou. It could have disastrous consequences.
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Why, exactly, is chuunish Hazou demanding to duel people? This is a horrible idea. We are closer to a genin than a jounin in terms of combat stats, because no one ever bothers to vote for raising them in the perennial chase of Sealing, Resolve and Earthshaping, none of which have a direct combat application.

None of our combat jutsu are trained much if at all. Our Taijutsu, Athletics, Physique and especially Alertness are all inadequate, which is to say low for even a chuunin! Which, even if we counted as one in combat (and we don't!) would still be wildly inadequate a power level to make demands like that in front of possibly elite Pangolin warriors. There is likely at least one jounin equivalent within their number, if not more.

We nearly died to a bunch of random Hyenas that were mostly low chuunin and genin. We actually would have died, despite being able to unsummon in a blink, had we not been saved by a dog who got killed in our stead. And people want to demand a duel with a possible jounin?

...I don't understand how Hazou survived this long in this quest, or is it simply that people lighthoused for years on end and don't realize that combat is dangerous, and that Hazou's combat skills have basically not whatsoever improved for years in the story now? Yes, he has a few seals, but he could still lose to a good combat specialist... genin, with bad luck on the rolls.
Our goal isn't to win the duel; it's to virtue signal hard enough to the other Clans that we give a shit.

Also, Hazou doesn't necessarily have to be the one to duel, though I should probably change that to be more clear...
[x] [Conclave] Malicious Indifference

If things devolve into shouting, claim mortal insult and demand a duel to win control over the Condors here.

Are we trying to give Kei control? Because I don't think a foreigner can just take control of them.

Also, Hazou doesn't necessarily have to be the one to duel, though I should probably change that to be more clear...

As the Dog Summoner, who also accuses a high ranking Pangolin, we probably have to fight ourselves.

And while we are trying to virtue signal to the pacifist Rat clan that we don't like slavery, we signal that we use whatever means we have to start a fight.

If we win we are at least considered a competent strong ally.

If we lose the fight, we will likely lose the respect of a bunch of clans.
I mean, the strategy mostly hinges on abusing Kei's status as someone directly under Pantsa's authority, and the extralegal agent thing can just be removed or substituted. Kei, and not Hazou, could easily step in once Hazou introduces the idea of setting up Kei in charge of the situation here.
It seems like it hinges on Kei having authority that she doesn't (or rather, that we don't know she has.)
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