[X] Hazou: Stonecarving Strategy

Do we...do we have to do this? What is the purpose of us discussing something Snow is certianly shy about and/or probably doesn't want to talk about?
I suppose we could not. As I said, I have no strong opinion. Done.
There might be a way to frame this as being less adversarial, like maybe asking her if she knows who Scarf Guy is and/or who he works for.
I'm not certain that spending our token on helping Yuno and Noburi's relationship is the best idea, especially since Akane is already on the task (and we trust her). Ideally we'd spend the favor on something important like helping to fix Mari's relationship with [take your fuckin' pick]...
That was my second idea, yes. I suppose I could substitute this in. Does "improve Mari's social life towards a state that'd be considered healthy by Akane's standards, perhaps by ensuring she has true friends outside the Gouketsu" sound good?
I feel strongly against doing this, though my reasoning is less coherent. I keep thinking stuff like "he's a clan head and has low opinions of civilians!", "asking other clan heads for advice makes us look weak!", "what is the point of even doing this?", and "wouldn't it be smarter to ask Ino or Shikamaru, who are more goal-symmetrical?".
In order:
  • We could just not take his advice, if it's bad.
  • But he'd specifically offered! In a way that didn't seem like a political play!
  • In order to facilitate greater mutual knowledge and familiarity in anticipation of a potential long-term relationship.
  • Maybe. Honestly, it's less about actually getting advice and more about strengthening this particular relationship. He's a useful ally, he's amicable, we've been neglecting him, and now we have a neat opportunity for a positive interaction.
Only implies we talked to Cannai about it (so, yes, that part was redundant). No indication we ran it by Kumokogo, and I'm pretty sure none of the passed plans instructed to run it by the Toads and the Pangolins.
Why is this a priority right now? And so many words going towards it as well...
Because Hazou being oblivious is extremely annoying and the sooner it can stop, the better. I really don't want a repeat of the Keiko/Tenten incident.

Edit: On that note, I should probably make Hazou aware of the recently-unearthed additional implications of the Karasu notes. Done.
What's the point of asking this? What actionable information would we gain? Is it worth alienating her by showing ourselves as a bumbling idiot with no subtlety? If anything, better ask her if she has any ide who could have done it, instead of accusing her.
The tone was meant to be a casual inquiry, with the lack of subtlety entirely deliberate, signalling not an inability to be subtle, but a lack of desire to bother for something so minor. Rephrased, in any case.
I'm okay with asking for advice, but this is beyond creepy and, because we/Hazou is crap at keeping his mouth shut, Noburi might eventually find out and massively resent us for it.
It's not creepy! It's just like non-consensually signing someone up for couples therapy to an... evil... therapist.

Bah, fine, if no-one likes it, I'll replace it.

[x] Action Plan: The Trick is to Pair the Problems Off and Make Them Solve Each Other
Word count: TBD
  • Run Ami's Crusader idea by Kumokogo, if you hadn't already. Ask Noburi and Kei to run it by their Clans' Bosses as well.
  • Meet with Snowflake.
    • Thoughts:
      • While Kei isn't attracted to men, that doesn't mean Snowflake isn't.
      • Some time ago, Snowflake asked for your opinion on her appearance, while wearing a ribbon signalling her unmarried status, and proceeded to blush upon your saying she's cute.
      • Put this way, the subtext and the implications seems obvious, yet you missed them.
      • Resolve to avoid such oversights. Keeping the "outside view" of any situation in mind might help: it wasn't obvious in-context because one thing led to another, but it'd have been clear to any hypothetical external observer.
      • Not the best time to discuss her apparent crush, though.
    • What's her standing with Mari? Does her view of the situation somehow differ from Kei's?
      • What would be an appropriate resolution of this conflict? For her? For Kei, in her estimation?
  • Meet with Ami.
    • If available, bring her the Summons' responses to her Crusader proposal, to iterate on.
    • Any idea who might be responsible for the Scarf Guy?
    • So, you'd been advised to delegate more. Except you can't, because half the stuff on your plate is Dragons-related, which only you have the skills and the logistical means to accomplish, while the other half is ensuring there aren't emotional catastrophes in progress, which, again, only you seem to never have.
      • How does she control for the emotional realities of human beings? How do her organizations not collapse without micromanagement?
    • Medium favour: Improve Mari's social life, towards a state that'd be considered healthy by Akane's standards.
      • Perhaps by ensuring she has true friends outside the Gouketsu.
  • Background:
    • Start working on decrypting the Karasu letters.
      • In retrospect, Ami gifting it to you could be seen as Mori-style courtship. Troublesome.
    • Schedule a meeting with Sasuke. He'd offered advice on running a Leaf clan.
    • Arrange widespread (but covert) search for jutsu that temporarily increase mental fortitude (Resolve).
      • Query Kumokogo, Cannai, the Toads and the Pangolins (by proxy).
      • Ask Kei to search the Leaf Library, ask Yuno about (non-secret) Isan jutsu.

  • Our ongoing projects, responsibilities, and goals are:
    • Skysliders
    • Aqueducts/sewage
    • Harumitsu
    • Eyeglasses
    • Necromancy
    • CHAOS suit, reactive armour
    • Salterns
    • Mini-chuunin exams
    • The Great Seal/DRAGONWAR
    • Canvass' ancestors
    • Managing Dog relations
    • Bear/Squirrel/Otter/Kangaroo scrolls
    • The clan's finances
    • The famine
    • Haru
    • Asuma's economic council
  • Can anyone help with any of that?
Okay, this what I'd been talking about on Discord. Most of these are either already delegated, or can't be delegated even in theory, or don't need to be delegated because they aren't consuming much/any resources.
  • Skysliders, aqueducts, sewage, and other low-level Uplift projects are already mostly handled by Gaku.
  • Eyeglasses, the CHAOS suit, the salterns, and Canvass' thing seem to be frozen.
  • The economic council, if I'm not misremembering what it is, hasn't demanded any of our time at all yet, and is something Asuma presumably wants Hazou specifically to be on.
  • The mini-chuunin exams... didn't they already run their course (@faflec?), and in any case not really our concern beyond funding?
  • Harumitsu can't be delegated except to Kagome (and Kagome seems unfairly biased against the poor boy), managing Dog relations can't be delegated either physically or socially, Necromancy is partly delegated to Kagome and partly something that can't be delegated.
  • We don't want to be delegating the Dragonwar, maximizing the time for the Dragonwar is why we're doing the delegating in the first place.
  • The famine is probably mostly handled, clan finances should be automatically partly delegated to Mari/Kei now that they're back, and Haru is dealt with and/or will be handled by Akane on her own.
I suppose we could pass the Scroll hunting to someone else, and delegate Haru to Akane specifically, but that's pretty much it. We could also figure out some additional ways the others could help with necromancy and the Dragonwar, and maybe unfreeze some of the frozen projects and pass them onto the clanmates, but that would be coming up with new tasks to give them, not easing Hazou's current workload.
We should remember to confront Gaki about any issues he has with our delegation/recent decisions because he seemed slightly upset
Gaku's issue is with what we did to Haru.
I am pretty sure that Gaku was against making restitution to the families of career criminals, specifically. He sounded disapproving, as in disapproving of the specific command, not just generally unhappy about the subject.
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[x] Action Plan: The Trick is to Pair the Problems Off and Make Them Solve Each Other
Discuss Snow's apparent crush. Or don't.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this.
Lock Snowflake and Hazo-clone in a sealed room with a container that will release poison after a random amount of time?
Bad news! This means that it's now frequently in our best interests to write plans focusing on tedious meetings, economics, and politics . . .
So, how do we solve this problem?
With the complete termination of Hidden Leaf as a geopolitical entity?
Okay, this what I'd been talking about on Discord. Most of these are either already delegated, or can't be delegated even in theory, or don't need to be delegated because they aren't consuming much/any resources.
Delegation is only part of what I want to achieve by discussing delegation. The main goal I have is to communicate. Letting people know what we have on our plates and offering them the chance to take some of it, even if it's already mostly-delegated, even if it isn't something that needs delegating, communicates trust and respect, help normalize relations, and increase cohesion. Mari announcing a sudden interest in aqueducts might not help us all that much directly, but it's a pretty big improvement on a meta level, and if her direct involvement actually speeds it up (quite plausible) then that's a win.

Akane and Ino both told us that we need to be delegating more, that we're running ourselves ragged, that trying to take on all of this and keep it spinning on our own is not only hurting us but hurting the clan. I trust them. Saying, 'okay, here's the list, help me delegate' is either going to help folks realize that no, actually, we can't really delegate any more, let's be supportive in other ways, or they'll surprise us and have some great ideas.

What would characters we trust have to say in order to soften your stance on delegation to the point where you think that it's worth trying if for no other reason than to show willing?
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Lock Snowflake and Hazo-clone in a sealed room with a container that will release poison after a random amount of time?
Won't work, the system will automatically experience decoherence once the clones pop and their memories are re-integrated. In a few hours, given Kei and Hazou's current SC levels.
Delegation is only part of what I want to achieve by discussing delegation. The main goal I have is to communicate. Letting people know what we have on our plates and offering them the chance to take some of it, even if it's already mostly-delegated, even if it isn't something that needs delegating, communicates trust and respect, help normalize relations, and increase cohesion. Mari announcing a sudden interest in aqueducts might not help us all that much directly, but it's a pretty big improvement on a meta level, and if her direct involvement actually speeds it up (quite plausible) then that's a win.
Fair enough. Maybe elaborate on that in the plan, then? I'd suggest replacing the giant list with a generic "mention all projects you're working on and overseeing" (maybe with a link to @Shrooms' list), and follow up with the reasoning you just provided.
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Not if both of them are too awkward to admit that anything happened inside . . .
Even if that's how it worked, human thoughts are subject to the butterfly effect. Kei and Hazou's actions and reactions going forward would be heavily influenced by the events within the sealed room, guaranteeing causal connection. And even if they were able to somehow fully eliminate the influence from their conscious thoughts, humans leak information into the environment in astonishing volumes, and they'd be surrounded by social specialists. No chance they could prevent contamination.
I see, that...doesn't chance much for me outside of making it easier to plan for our eventual conversation with him. I hope we have enough FP to deny putting our foot in our mouth for long enough :V
Nitpick: Gaki are the soul-eating hunger spirits from the Preta Path. The nice civilian chancellor is called Gaku.

That makes me think, though. Do you think we can delegate some of our problems to gaki? Figuring out how to open a gate to their Path is implied to be relatively easy (as in, it has been done) and will probably help with necromancy, too. They can eat souls, apparently? And maybe explosions? That sounds like it'd help with some of our ongoing issues...
Nitpick: Gaki are the soul-eating hunger spirits from the Preta Path. The nice civilian chancellor is called Gaku.

That makes me think, though. Do you think we can delegate some of our problems to gaki? Figuring out how to open a gate to their Path is implied to be relatively easy (as in, it has been done) and will probably help with necromancy, too. They can eat souls, apparently? And maybe explosions? That sounds like it'd help with some of our ongoing issues...

I mean, we haven't celebrated Hidan's birthday yet and it must be coming up pretty soon. And what better gift for an immortal psychopath than an immortal (?) soul-eating hunger spirit? Alternatively, we can delegate them all to Kagome so he may use them as he wish.

There's absolutely no way either scenario could go wrong.
Eyeglasses, the CHAOS suit, the salterns, and Canvass' thing seem to be frozen.
  • The Aburame have increased their capacity slightly but don't know how to get from 5 pairs per month to 50 pairs per month and beyond.
  • What remains to be done?
  • No progress.
  • You hired ninja to look for the dogs; they didn't find anything that matched.
hole clan, including Gaku:
  • We want to delegate more. We trust you, but we haven't acted like it. We're sorry.
  • Our ongoing projects, responsibilities, and goals are:
    • Skysliders
    • Aqueducts/sewage
    • Harumitsu
    • Eyeglasses
    • Necromancy
    • CHAOS suit, reactive armour
    • Salterns
    • Mini-chuunin exams
    • The Great Seal/DRAGONWAR
    • Canvass' ancestors
    • Managing Dog relations
    • Bear/Squirrel/Otter/Kangaroo scrolls
    • The clan's finances
    • The famine
    • Haru
    • Asuma's economic council

I imagine necromancy is probably subject to OPSEC; at least to the junior members of the clans. Same for Reactive Armor, as both are Clan Secrets on a need to know basis.
This aside, i would suggest asking Noburi to ask the Toads regarding Training Jutsu/Resolve boost Jutsu.
  • The famine is probably mostly handled, clan finances should be automatically partly delegated to Mari/Kei now that they're back, and Haru is dealt with and/or will be handled by Akane on her own.
I suppose we could pass the Scroll hunting to someone else, and delegate Haru to Akane specifically, but that's pretty much it. We could also figure out some additional ways the others could help with necromancy and the Dragonwar, and maybe unfreeze some of the frozen projects and pass them onto the clanmates, but that would be coming up with new tasks to give them, not easing Hazou's current workload.

Clan finance being in dire strait means that we're vulnerable to economic attacks, which means undesirable political consequences(like owning big favors and money to clans) and limits our options on projects that we can take on, both low level and high level.

So, it's not good enough to have the NPCs passively manage our finance to ensure that we...don't die financially. But they should be seeking out sources of income and reduce wastes where possible without impacting long term or short term viability of the clan and quality of life.
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Lock Snowflake and Hazo-clone in a sealed room with a container that will release poison after a random amount of time?

[jk] Action Plan: Gently as a Snowflake
"Snowflake, I've been bored recently and could really stretch my mind. Could you posible make me some sort of challenging logic puzzle? I think you're the perfect girl for the job. By the way, that ribbon looks really cute on you."
[x] Action Plan: The Trick is to Pair the Problems Off and Make Them Solve Each Other
Word count: TBD
  • Run Ami's Crusader idea by Kumokogo, if you hadn't already. Ask Noburi and Kei to run it by their Clans' Bosses as well.
  • Meet with Snowflake.
    • Thoughts:
      • While Kei isn't attracted to men, that doesn't mean Snowflake isn't.
      • Some time ago, Snowflake asked for your opinion on her appearance, while wearing a ribbon signalling her unmarried status, and proceeded to blush upon your saying she's cute.
      • Put this way, the subtext and the implications seems obvious, yet you missed them.
      • Resolve to avoid such oversights. Keeping the "outside view" of any situation in mind might help: it wasn't obvious in-context because one thing led to another, but it'd have been clear to any hypothetical external observer.
      • Not the best time to discuss her apparent crush, though.
    • What's her standing with Mari? Does her view of the situation somehow differ from Kei's?
      • What would be an appropriate resolution of this conflict? For her? For Kei, in her estimation?
  • Meet with Ami.
    • If available, bring her the Summons' responses to her Crusader proposal, to iterate on.
    • Any idea who might be responsible for the Scarf Guy?
    • So, you'd been advised to delegate more. Except you can't, because half the stuff on your plate is Dragons-related, which only you have the skills and the logistical means to accomplish, while the other half is ensuring there aren't emotional catastrophes in progress, which, again, only you seem to never have.
      • How does she control for the emotional realities of human beings? How do her organizations not collapse without micromanagement?
    • Medium favour: Improve Mari's social life, towards a state that'd be considered healthy by Akane's standards.
      • Perhaps by ensuring she has true friends outside the Gouketsu.
  • Background:
    • Start working on decrypting the Karasu letters.
      • In retrospect, Ami gifting it to you could be seen as Mori-style courtship. Troublesome.
    • Schedule a meeting with Sasuke. He'd offered advice on running a Leaf clan.
    • Arrange widespread (but covert) search for jutsu that temporarily increase mental fortitude (Resolve).
      • Query Kumokogo, Cannai, the Toads and the Pangolins (by proxy).
      • Ask Kei to search the Leaf Library, ask Yuno about (non-secret) Isan jutsu.
What is your ideal outcome as well as your expected outcome of the Snowflake conversation? Being like "hm it seems like you have a crush on me, but it's a bad time to talk about it" seems like a sorta cruel thing to do.

Ami conversation seems fine initially, but I don't think we should cash in the favor just to have Mari make more friends. For one thing, Ami is mad at Mari because Mari is beefing with Kei and there's definitely some kind of explosion brewing there that I don't really want to prime further. If we want Mari to have more friends (which I'm fine with) we could encourage her to hang out with people who are already her peers (Kurenai, Anko, Tsunade, etc). Possibly give her work to do with them if she's reluctant or whatever.

This plan is very minimal, the scenes are somewhat boring, but I think that it's important. I've left a lot of room to expand anything that needs expanding and to add items to the list.

I think that linking the last update for the things on our list might be helpful for the QMs. I'll do some of that at some point.

[X] Action Plan: Housekeeping

Word count: sub-300
  • Offscreen:
    • Sanity-check Sasuke, Shikamaru, Asuma sections with the clan.
    • Sasuke:
      • We appreciate your help with the rift. We'd like closer Goketsu-Uchiha relations one day.
      • What clan-running advice do you have?
    • Shikamaru:
      • May we please read any available Nara clan-management advice?
    • Karasu/Ami's sealing notes:
      • Block out time to decipher, focusing on sealing and DRAGONWAR-relevant lore.
  • Asuma:
    • We acknowledge our role in the famine and apologize.
    • We have a lot of food incoming for Leaf.
    • Were 5SB/ninja wire nets to protect critical infrastructure in Jiriya's notes?
  • Kei
    • Explicit: this might be monumentally stupid.
    • We want to give Naruto Ghost Scales.
    • Pro: it's great for Naruto and therefore Leaf, and might help mend fences.
    • Con: needs Pangolin approval, we have concerns about secrecy.
    • CRITICALLY IMPORTANT: it is your jutsu and you can veto this for any reason.
  • Whole clan, including Gaku:
    • We want to delegate more. We trust you, but we haven't acted like it. We're sorry.
    • Our ongoing projects, responsibilities, and goals are:
      • Skysliders
      • Aqueducts/sewage
      • Harumitsu
      • Eyeglasses
      • Necromancy
      • CHAOS suit, reactive armour
      • Salterns
      • Mini-chuunin exams
      • The Great Seal/DRAGONWAR
      • Canvass' ancestors
      • Managing Dog relations
      • Bear/Squirrel/Otter/Kangaroo scrolls
      • The clan's finances
      • The famine
      • Haru
      • Asuma's economic council
    • Can anyone help with any of that?
    • Conversely: what's everyone working on?
      • We've gotten wrapped up in our own problems and haven't been asking. Again: we're sorry.
      • Can we help? Directly? Allocating clan resources?
    • Gaku has been hugely helpful. Frankly, he's done more for the clan than us.
      • Civilian administration is a clan resource. Who needs it?
      • Gaku: do you need or want anything? To meet increased need, make your job easier?
      • Additional staff? Ninja magic? WMDs?
    • We want to be a leader worthy of Goketsu. Thank you all for your support, especially when we fall short. It means the world.
I get the intent behind this and I even agree it's somewhat necessary but damn does this not excite me in the slightest

I don't really want to vote for this because I can't imagine Velorien having a good time with it at all. It's a lot of new information the QMs need to generate (IE What is everyone working on, what ideas do all the NPCs have, etc.) on top of being Meetings+ (and no shame there, EJ gave a bap at the end of last chapter for my plan being mostly or entirely meetings, so I get it). I also don't think manually listing everything out is necessary. For one, an immediate glance will tell us many of those things are not feasible to delegate. For instance: Dog relations. How is anyone else supposed to do that?
I don't really want to vote for this because I can't imagine Velorien having a good time with it at all. It's a lot of new information the QMs need to generate (IE What is everyone working on, what ideas do all the NPCs have, etc.) on top of being Meetings+ (and no shame there, EJ gave a bap at the end of last chapter for my plan being mostly or entirely meetings, so I get it).
Don't forget all the clan-running advice.
Can we includes some fun stuff in an action plan instead of just doing only the necessary drudge work?

For example, Mari would absolutely love some spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidersilk. Making diplomatic foray into trading with the weaverkins and then giving silks to leaf merchants to turn it into clothes.

Or we could make progress on DRAGONWAR sealing research.
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What is your ideal outcome as well as your expected outcome of the Snowflake conversation? Being like "hm it seems like you have a crush on me, but it's a bad time to talk about it" seems like a sorta cruel thing to do.
Ah, I don't actually want Hazou to bring the crush up, I just want him to realize it. Is that not clear? I'll rephrase.
Ami conversation seems fine initially, but I don't think we should cash in the favor just to have Mari make more friends. For one thing, Ami is mad at Mari because Mari is beefing with Kei and there's definitely some kind of explosion brewing there that I don't really want to prime further.
Are you suggesting that Ami might approach working on the favour owed to us in bad faith? Why, that sounds massively exploitable. Like something we'll be able to hold over her forever, something with a potential to bring her entire operation down if it went public.

I don't expect getting Mari friends to be as easy as you're suggesting; if it were this easy, it would've already happened. We'd need to craft tailor-made plans that take into account subtle hints dropped by her and our knowledge of the subtleties of her psychology to covertly shape her mindset as we are, in not too overt a manner, orchestrating situations in which she's forced to interact with her peers and blah blah blah. Well, I suppose we could delegate that to Akane too.
[jk] Action Plan: Gently as a Snowflake
"Snowflake, I've been bored recently and could really stretch my mind. Could you posible make me some sort of challenging logic puzzle? I think you're the perfect girl for the job. By the way, that ribbon looks really cute on you."
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to offer her a puzzle, anyway. Given the symbolic framework of that interaction method, asking to be given a puzzle will probably be parsed as weird, if not outright bad.

Which, by the way, can someone suggest me puzzle ideas that are at once elegant and pragmatic, yet nonetheless hilarious, and altogether so perfect that they'd override my good sense and make me include offering them to Snowflake in the conversation despite the implications and the ensuing complications? I'm imagining wrapping one of our ongoing issues in an interesting symbolic package, so that the acts of delegation and flirtation are rolled into one.
Don't forget all the clan-running advice.
What about my plan? Does it sound fun, or it suffers from similar issues?
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Word Count: 299
  • Timeskip to Condor Scout report being confirmed.
    • Offscreened minutiae during this time:
      • Confirm Bear Scroll info.
      • Have clanmates visit Hazou's office more regularly. Delegate where possible, show that you learn from mistakes.
        • Update them with 7th Path intel, disseminate to relevant parties. Follow relevant OPSEC.
          • Noburi, the Dogs want medics. Tsunade could be interested.
        • Akane: Monitor Haru. Involve Haru's friends/family where appropriate.
        • Provide bison to the Tower. Ensure the food reaches civilians.
        • Search for jutsu that temporarily increase mental fortitude (Resolve), or training jutsu.
          • Query Cannai, and the Toad/Pangolin Bosses by proxy.
          • Maintain FOOM OPSEC. Ask Kei to search Leaf Library. Ask Yuno about (non-secret) Isan jutsu.
      • Learn stonecarving jutsu, refine the Great Seal's model. Concurrently, teach Harumitsu.
      • Decipher Karasu letters.
      • Teach Arachnids to use Seals, if willing. Implosion Seals may be capable of damaging Dragon lungs when detonated near their chests.
        • Negotiate trade to obtain silk. Offer raw goods, medicine, books, etc.
  • Invite Ami to play ninja Jenga. Show off your cool hair.
    • It's been a while. How was The Ami's date with Naruto?
    • Thank her for the Karasu letters. Fun puzzle.
    • Update her on the DRAGONWAR. Provide the Bosses' feedback to her idea. Ask for improvements and additional advice.
      • Additional concern: Mobilizing Summons through uncooperative territory (example: Cat).
  • Bosses:
    • Follow Enma's lead when Bosses call for a Conclave. Don't attend without Hazou's safety guaranteed.
    • Rehearse the Crusader idea with the Leaf Summoners in advance. Bosses should know what to expect.
    • Kumokogo believes it'll take 2-3 Bosses to defeat one Dragon. With 6 Dragons, we should aim to gather 12+ Bosses, or a force of equivalent strength. Getting hesitant clans' cooperation is crucial to the survival of 7th/all paths.
      • Ideally, we'd engage Dragons one-by-one, but we should prepare for the worst.
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I'm pretty sure you're supposed to offer her a puzzle, anyway. Given the symbolic framework of that interaction method, asking to be given a puzzle will probably be parsed as weird, if not outright bad.
That's a good point. I wrote it with the intention of being a tongue-and-cheek nod at the situation and as a plausibly-deniable statement that could mean "when are you going to start flirting with me properly?"

It was only meant as a joke so I didn't put any thought into what kind of puzzle we could give Snowflake, but if you're seriously considering pursueing her than I recommend waiting until we have something specific in mind. I'm worried you're plan might come across as a little counterproductive in that regard (for the reasons discussed up in the thread). A better approach would be to start making plausibly-deniable romantic statements and then slowly escalating if she reciprocates (which is honestly just how actual flirting works). If you want to have Hazō realize she has feelings for him first, that's fine, but it probably shouldn't be written as part of a conversation with her.
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This plan is very minimal, the scenes are somewhat boring, but I think that it's important. I've left a lot of room to expand anything that needs expanding and to add items to the list.

I think that linking the last update for the things on our list might be helpful for the QMs. I'll do some of that at some point.

[X] Action Plan: Housekeeping

Word count: sub-300
  • Offscreen:
    • Sanity-check Sasuke, Shikamaru, Asuma sections with the clan.
    • Sasuke:
      • We appreciate your help with the rift. We'd like closer Goketsu-Uchiha relations one day.
      • What clan-running advice do you have?
    • Shikamaru:
      • May we please read any available Nara clan-management advice?
    • Karasu/Ami's sealing notes:
      • Block out time to decipher, focusing on sealing and DRAGONWAR-relevant lore.
  • Asuma:
    • We acknowledge our role in the famine and apologize.
    • We have a lot of food incoming for Leaf.
    • Were 5SB/ninja wire nets to protect critical infrastructure in Jiriya's notes?
  • Kei
    • Explicit: this might be monumentally stupid.
    • We want to give Naruto Ghost Scales.
    • Pro: it's great for Naruto and therefore Leaf, and might help mend fences.
    • Con: needs Pangolin approval, we have concerns about secrecy.
    • CRITICALLY IMPORTANT: it is your jutsu and you can veto this for any reason.
  • Whole clan, including Gaku:
    • We want to delegate more. We trust you, but we haven't acted like it. We're sorry.
    • Our ongoing projects, responsibilities, and goals are:
      • Skysliders
      • Aqueducts/sewage
      • Harumitsu
      • Eyeglasses
      • Necromancy
      • CHAOS suit, reactive armour
      • Salterns
      • Mini-chuunin exams
      • The Great Seal/DRAGONWAR
      • Canvass' ancestors
      • Managing Dog relations
      • Bear/Squirrel/Otter/Kangaroo scrolls
      • The clan's finances
      • The famine
      • Haru
      • Asuma's economic council
    • Can anyone help with any of that?
    • Conversely: what's everyone working on?
      • We've gotten wrapped up in our own problems and haven't been asking. Again: we're sorry.
      • Can we help? Directly? Allocating clan resources?
    • Gaku has been hugely helpful. Frankly, he's done more for the clan than us.
      • Civilian administration is a clan resource. Who needs it?
      • Gaku: do you need or want anything? To meet increased need, make your job easier?
      • Additional staff? Ninja magic? WMDs?
    • We want to be a leader worthy of Goketsu. Thank you all for your support, especially when we fall short. It means the world.

I had a point that I believed to be easy to implement and should have been non-contentious. Between thinking it, and going to write this comment, it has disappeared. I'm afraid I'm being written out of reality. And I'm no Jack Rakan. This is very strange. Oh well.

I've said it so many times. The reason we do boring meeting and micro managing things is simply because people don't want to do cool things. Watch I'm going to put up a plan to go on the kraken scroll hunt and people will rally against it

This has been addressed a couple times, I believe. But I will just say, from a strategic viewpoint, telling the people you're attempting to convince that they don't want to do fun/cool things, and any substantial critique they have of your plans, regardless of their nontrivial flaws or underestimation of the enemy, is proof nobody else wants to do fun things, is not a good means to convince people to support projects you view as fun or cool.

Are we sure that bison meats are going to be provided to the hungry and not only ninja?