I mean, Tsunade's shtick is kind of "Super powerful and useful but no one likes her because she's a gigantic asshole even by ninja standards" so that checks out![]()
So...stand your ground when she tries to bully you into compliance (which is usually her wanting you to go away)? Sounds like pretty asshole behavior to me, but I understand that we might have different thoughts on the matter.She's not though. People just get mad/spooked because she aggressively doesn't play their stupid ninja politics games, and she doesn't give the time of day to people who don't have sufficient spine unless they pile on incentives in the first five seconds of the conversation and get to the point.
There are 2-3 people we've seen deal with her successfully.
Hiashi straight up called her a moron, got in the way of her fist as she was about to punch Nagato into another plane of existence, and then later bought her vote after emotionally twisting a knife in her gut. Hiashi gives no fucks and she respected that.
Akane told her she was being a shithead, tanked some of her KI by muttering on about youth, and then actually stuck to her guns and showed up to Suicide Bout at the Gouketsu Front Yard. Tsunade gives face.
Mari was basically like "Nah you know what fuck you I'm Mari." that one time.
The best way to deal with Tsunade is to level Resolve to a kajillion and then bet her a lifetime of aid vs our entire treasury in donations that she wouldn't be able to so much as make us sweat with her stupid intimidation crap, and then calmly raise an eyebrow when she actually tries.
Sounds like pretty asshole behavior to me, but I understand that we might have different thoughts on the matter.
The only S-ranker who was not an essie. We lost so much at Nagi.Definitely a step or two below Jiraiya. He only threatened us with grievous bodily harm that one time we *really* fucked up by his standards.
The only S-ranker who was not an essie. We lost so much at Nagi.
Fork of Oneiros' plan, handling some things a little different:
Wordcount: 187
[X] Action Plan: Leaves on the tree
Timeline: till Noburi completes his summoner training
- Hazou sets his affairs in order before starting Summoning training.
- Arrange for Mari, Gaku, or one of their subordinates to take over things Hazou would be doing during the training period (projects, meetings, etc.).
- Hazou still expects daily briefings on important events and things that require Clan Head input.
- The Talkwith Akane. In addition:
- Hazou and Akane clearly still have feelings for each other.
- But right now Summoning training would get in the way of any kind of relationship. Akane deserves better.
- What does she wants to do? You won't nor can decide that will happens alone.
- Share the concept of FOOM with Akane, in high-security conditions.
- Convey both the importance of keeping it secret from the likes of Orochimaru and the ramifications of such power
- Game night
- Have a casual game night. Make sure to invite Sasuke and other peers.
- Have a fun and relaxed time.
- Misc
- Buy three telescopes. One for our use, one for study and another to be taken apart by our craftsmen.
These aren't ironclad changes, but each of them I feel is better than Oneiros' plan, to a varying degree.
- We share FOOM with Akane instead of vaguely alluding to the value of SC, as per my suggestion for maximum safety.
- Porcupine Scroll line removed, as I think it's best if we leave that be.
- Re-worded Akane section, to streamline it and (I feel) convey the key points more clearly.
Good idea for the romance subsection, and good catch on the 'value' line. Changes made to both lines:I have just two suggestions:
The first is to change the "Go on some casual dates" part, that seems something that could be mis-interpreted as "i'm not really sure i want to be with you, so let's do a trial run", and that...i don't feel is a good thing to say in this context, or in most situation. Something like asking her what she wants to do seems far better, as it shows Hazou respect of her agency.
The second is to fix the "The value it might bring to her", Akane struggles with self-worth and self-sacrifice, explaining how FOOM would make her more "valuable" isn't really going to help her. I propose a simple explanation of what she could do with such powers.
Added colored text with suggestions for replacement
[X] Action Plan: Leaves on the tree
Fork of Oneiros' plan, handling some things a little different:
Wordcount: 178
[X] Action Plan: Leaves on the tree
Timeline: until Noburi completes his summoner training
- Hazou sets his affairs in order before starting Summoning training.
- Arrange for Mari, Gaku, or one of their subordinates to take over things Hazou would be doing during the training period (projects, meetings, etc.).
- Hazou still expects daily briefings on important events and things that require Clan Head input.
- The Talk with Akane. In addition:
- Hazou and Akane clearly still have feelings for each other.
- But right now Summoning training would get in the way of any kind of relationship. Akane deserves better.
- What does she want to do? You won't and can't decide what should happen alone.
- Share the concept of FOOM with Akane, in high-security conditions.
- Convey both the kind of benefits she could gain from it and the importance of keeping it secret from the likes of Orochimaru.
- Game night
- Have a casual game night. Make sure to invite Sasuke and other peers.
- Have a fun and relaxed time.
- Misc
- Buy three telescopes. One for our use, one for study and another to be taken apart by our craftsmen.
These aren't ironclad changes, but each of them I feel is better than Oneiros' plan, to a varying degree.
- We share FOOM with Akane instead of vaguely alluding to the value of SC, as per my suggestion for maximum safety.
- Porcupine Scroll line removed, as I think it's best if we leave that be.
- Re-worded Akane section, to streamline it and (I feel) convey the key points more clearly.
Definitely a step or two below Jiraiya. He only threatened us with grievous bodily harm that one time we *really* fucked up by his standards
Thats the one I was talking about. I don't count the killbox, since that was more of a "Why are you threatening an official to the head of the secret police?!?!" type thing, and not just one of his personal berserk buttons.You seem to forget about 'don' t you dare to steal Naruto's place as Clan Head' speach. It was pretty visual too iirc
"Oh!" she exclaimed. "I get it. What if the Five are se—"
"Gasai Yuno."
Keiko's voice was completely flat.
"Go directly to the Nara compound and request to be placed in confinement. This is an order from the Pangolin Summoner."
Yuno stood up reflexively. She looked uncertainly at the rest of the group, who were busy staring at Keiko.
Keiko rose to face her. Her expression was chilling. "Yuno, you have no legal status in Leaf. Per the clan secrecy laws, I am entitled to execute you on the spot. Go."
Quietly, almost under her breath, she added, "please."
"Y-Yes, Summoner," Yuno stuttered.
She bowed, picked up Satsuko, and walked unsteadily away into the rain.
"Keiko?" Noburi asked uncertainly a few seconds later.
"Insofar as the Five are, according to Pain, still sealed," Keiko said coolly, "they are not an existential threat to be addressed, and therefore not germane to this discussion. Shall we proceed to the next item on the agenda?"
The remaining members of the group exchanged glances.
"What are you going to do with Yuno?" Noburi asked tentatively.
"I will endeavour to ensure her survival," Keiko said, "but ultimately the decision is not in my hands."
"Keiko," Hazō said firmly, "I think we need to talk about this properly. What is going on?"
"Once we are finished here, I will return to the Nara compound and speak with both Shikamaru and Yuno to determine an appropriate course of action. Needless to say, I bear her no ill will, and I regret violating whatever law of hospitality I have doubtless violated, but ultimately, her own thoughtlessness has narrowed my options."
"Keiko," Hazō repeated.
"Must I spell it out for you?" Keiko exclaimed in sudden frustration. "Can you not use your reality-saving intellect to make the most basic inferences necessary to comprehend the situation? Am I the only person here who can gauge consequences before speaking?
"I have changed my mind," she said after a second of glaring at him. "Please continue this discussion without me." And then she stormed out, into the pouring rain, looking as if she was going to kill someone.
- Misc
- Buy three telescopes. One for our use, one for study and another to be taken apart by our craftsmen.
Sure.Would you care to improve the telescope section like I told @Noumero ?
Fork of Oneiros' plan, handling some things a little different:
Wordcount: 175
[X] Action Plan: Leaves on the tree
Timeline: until Noburi completes his summoner training
- Hazou sets his affairs in order before starting Summoning training.
- Arrange for Mari, Gaku, or one of their subordinates to take over things Hazou would be doing during the training period (projects, meetings, etc.).
- Hazou still expects daily briefings on important events and things that require Clan Head input.
- The Talkwith Akane. In addition:
- Hazou and Akane clearly still have feelings for each other.
- But right now Summoning training would get in the way of any kind of relationship. Akane deserves better.
- What does she want to do? You won't and can't decide what should happen alone.
- Share the concept of FOOM with Akane, in high-security conditions.
- Convey both the kind of benefits she could gain from it and the importance of keeping it secret from the likes of Orochimaru.
- Game night
- Have a casual game night. Make sure to invite Sasuke and other peers.
- Have a fun and relaxed time.
- Misc
- Have the clan track down and offer adoption to the family of telescope merchants/manufacturers.
These aren't ironclad changes, but each of them I feel is better than Oneiros' plan, to a varying degree.
- We share FOOM with Akane instead of vaguely alluding to the value of SC, as per my suggestion for maximum safety.
- Porcupine Scroll line removed, as I think it's best if we leave that be.
- Re-worded Akane section, to streamline it and (I feel) convey the key points more clearly.
IIRC, there were other concerns that Akane had when she broke up with Hazou -- don't remember what they are at the moment. I'd bring those back up to her, and ask her if things have genuinely changed on that note, before resuming anything.Word count: 149
[X] action plan: leafs falling slowly to the ground
Timeline: till Noburi completes his summoner training
- Hazou sets his affairs in order before starting Summoning training.
- Arrange for Mari, Gaku, or one of their subordinates to take over things Hazou would be doing during the training period (projects, meetings, etc.).
- Hazou still expects daily briefings on important events and things that require Clan Head input.
- The Talkwith Akane
- Hazou and her clearly still have feelings for each other
- But with Summoning training if they got back together Hazou would be a terrible boyfriend
- Also neither one of them has ever been in a relationship with anyone else.
- plus they feel for each other in the most traumatic time in there lives
- So Hazou proposes that after he finishes summoning training that they go on a series of casual dates
- Just to ease back into a potential relationship without putting to much stress on either of them
- Also Hazou will reassure her that Shadow clones are more important in the long term
- Game night
- Have a casual game night. Make sure to invite Sasuke and other peers
- Have a fun and relaxed time
- check with Mari first
- casually let Sasuke know that if he makes a play for the porccupine scroll that we will back him. It'd be nice to have a friend to study with
- Misc
- Buy three telescopes. One for our use, one for study and another to be taken apart by our craftsmen
I'm positively drunk with my own brilliance.[x] Action Plan: The Warlock of the Romcom Gods
Word count: TBO
Humor index: 80+% serious.
- Bring Mari the write-up below. Try to present it as a serious plan, but reveal it's a joke once she finishes reading.
- Contingency: If she refuses to acknowledge its non-serious nature and insists it must be done, let her. Accept any "improvements". Just ensure it actually aims to accomplish its stated goal.
- Outline:
- High concept: You've had innuendos used against you enough. Time to weaponize them.
- Goal: Get Keiko to spill the truth regarding the Five.
- Aspect Bonus: You're blessed by Lord Jashin, the god of love, and therefore of romcom.
- The plan will go off the rails, for romcom is chaos. Nonetheless, it has rules. Trust it, let it sweep you up, and navigate its tides towards your destination.
- Execution:
- Arrange a games night, to relax before months of studying. Invite the usual invitees, plus Sasuke. Ensure Keiten Shiomaru are present.
- Noburi: Have Yuno be seen by Shiori in her current state ("shaken, watches her words"), then leave the building with her, so she isn't available to explain.
- Invent a melodramatic excuse and have a private date far from ground zero.
- Akane: Take Keiko into a private room. Ask for advice on polyamory, Keiko's an expert on that. Yes, Hazou has someone in mind. They'll be arriving shortly.
- Hazou, simultaneously with Akane: Approach Shiori. Does she know what Keiko did to that foreigner girl in the Nara's dungeon?
- You heard Yuno's culture empathizes purity, and she came back positively haunted.
- When you last saw Keiko, she was ordering Yuno there, talking about violations and how the Nara Clan's leadership has illicit goals— desires? Which it hides from everyone, even other Nara? And something about using twisted creatures not of this world as implements?
- You'd ask her yourself, but you're somewhat intimidated. Can Shiori accompany you?
- (conspiratorially) Also, she'd said she'd make sacrifices to keep this quiet. Weren't they in some competition? Maybe Shiori can use this...
- Haru: Passes letters.
- To Shikamaru (timing: once Hazou approaches Shiori): Written in Shikaku's handwriting, addressed to Keiko and Shikamaru. Cryptic message suggesting that the "demon child of tapirs" is Tenten's long-lost sister.
- (Don't actually forge the signature, that's probably a crime.)
- To Tenten (timing: once Akane takes Keiko): A gratitude letter from Leaf T&I for helping test out new implements for nonlethal takedowns.
- Intended sequence of events:
- Hazou and Shiori enter the room with Keiko and Akane. Shiori starts going about the dungeon. Akane yells that Hazou's moving too fast, chases him into a corner, slapstick comedy ensues. Shikamaru enters, hands Keiko the letter, she reads it. Tenten enters, hears Shiori still talking about the dungeon, glares at Keiko for not inviting her. Shikamaru and Keiko misinterpret it as anger at what they did to her sister, try to justify themselves.
- All the while, Akane and Hazou "spar" in a corner, forgotten by everyone else.
- Mari: Run interference, manage timing, keep plates spinning.
- Contingency: If Keiko's about to kill you, plead that you were only trying to bring Ami back. Surely so much chaos will summon her?
- Be ready if that really happens.
- Study Summoning for three months. Mari's the replacement Clan Head. Ask her to let Akane and Noburi practice clan-heading too.
- Have the clan track down and adopt the family of telescope manufacturers.
Reminder that that addition was conditional on your vote. You have to support my plan, otherwise I'll remove it.
Okay okay okay okay I figured it all out. Here's the new scheme, everything's properly integrated now and Shikamaru is complicit in sharing the information so Keiko doesn't feel too bad and we aren't listening in we're just a fellow victim!
I'm positively drunk on my own brilliance.
Reminder that that addition was conditional on your vote. You have to support my plan, otherwise I'll remove it.
Does this work for you?IIRC, there were other concerns that Akane had when she broke up with Hazou -- don't remember what they are at the moment. I'd bring those back up to her, and ask her if things have genuinely changed on that note, before resuming anything.
- He's realized that not everything is a tool to be optimized
- That there are other things besides how goals