[X] Dog scroll: Akane
Either Asuma is going to have her trained up to be the Super Genin(TM), or she's going to be sent on more risky missions as a chunin. Both ways, being a Summoner is to her benefit. We'll get Hazou a scroll eventually, but I think that giving it to Akane instead of keeping it for ourselves would look better to Asuma, who likes Akane (at least more than us). It also shows any perspective adoptees that not having a bloodline or not being a founding member of Goketsu doesn't keep you from getting the Shinies. Plus, even if it's marginal, the reputation and perception boost to Akane is another step towards helping balance the power dynamic. Plus, this let's us FOOM sooner, which would be nice. Not interacting with the 7th directly immediately seems less of a worry when 3 different members of uplift have scrolls.