It has been done.

[X] Action plan: Stealing the Snake
  • Inform Tsunade and Naruto about our plans. Follow there advice. Invite them along if they wish to come
    • Immediately after, go to the Tower and acquire the Snake Scroll:
      • Group: Hazou, Keiko, Noburi + Mari (if available).
      • We only need to convince the ANBU guarding it. As a clan, with Tsunade's and Naruto's support, we represent a significant fraction of Leaf's military strength. Additionally, the ANBU were loyal to Jiraiya personally. With these advantages, we'll only need an excuse:
        • We're Lord Goketsu, acting on the direct order (letter and spirit) of the Hokage: save the world, let no-one stand in our way.
        • Summon Scrolls are valuable resources that have been instrumental in stopping Akatsuki, and will clear numerous problems for Uplift.
        • Jiraiya was Orochimaru's team leader and heir — his scroll rightfully belongs to the Gouketsu.
        • Brandish Orochimaru's pardon and will as appropriate.
      • Check with Keiko: if you aren't trained in Summoning, can you safely sign the scroll? If yes, sign once acquired.
      • (Would anyone even be willing to teach Hiashi summoning?)
    • Ask Keiko to let you look at the Pangolin Scroll's full length. Is it really a seal?
    • Contact the Snakes:
      • Learn about the Snakes' culture/politics from: Jiraiya's notes, Pangolins, Toads.
      • Message them via the Pangolins.
        • Inform that we'll be signing the scroll.
        • Orochimaru: Did he leave them a will? He's been pardoned; we want his wishes carried out.
      • Consider establishing positive relations by protecting them from Pangolin expansion (sell them seals?).
    • Suggest giving the Pangolins an OPSEC-sanitized list of seals. They could request seals from it in exchange for:
      • Improving treatment of conquered Clans.
      • Conquered Clans' jutsu (Condors' space-time ninjutsu?).
  • Meet Akane with the clan
    • Get her up to speed on
      • Naruto
      • Election
      • Adoption
Thanks, @Noumero. Regarding the red line, the intent is for us as the Gouketsu to sell seals to Keiko, who will then sell the seals to the Pangolins for shinies that will be given to us as payment for the seals. I can change this if it isn't clear.
No, I understand that, but Keiko says the exact same thing, that she is technically already buying seals from the clan to resell them to the Pangolins, and from that she (somehow) concludes that "the money would follow her to the Nara". And your plan suggests to solve this problem by... the problem itself?
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Mostly because I hadn't gotten enough passive-aggressive implications of bad faith from the players lately, so I figured I should provide a reason for such.
This seems to be a recurring problem with me, doesn't it?
On top of that, my amount of clearly positive feedback is far too inconsistent and probably gets overshadowed by me being an asshat every once in a while.
I know this isn't an adequate excuse, but I don't do it on purpose.
I'm sorry for doing this. Multiple times now. From now on I will specifically check my comments for passive aggressiveness before posting them.
Oh, and also because Tsunade had told you in no uncertain terms to leave Jiraiya's letter to Naruto with the nurse and otherwise leave Naruto the hell alone until he sent for you, and this was the earliest that he could plausibly have sent for you.
What about the in between time? What was your model of how Team Uplift spent it?

Though it is true that we explicitly voted for you to write what you want. And you wanted to write an amazing first meeting with Naruto with all the time and word count it deserves. Which arguably could only be done right then and there in the way you wanted if you skip ahead to when it rationally could happen without squandering time and energy for things that weren't that.
But I still hope that much of the winning plan's non-political stuff can be inserted retroactively.
I also have a small, though maybe futile, hope that the Akane scene can get such a treatment as well. Because otherwise it would reflect badly on Hazou IMO, what with his repeated assertions that Akane is and remains a part of the team and family, surnames and broken romantic relationships be damned.
Really? That was your primary source of anxiety?
Yes. Not before Naruto turned out to be a gift to humanity, but definitely now that those concerns are assuaged.
Mari isn't doing well. And we pushed her into ruthless action. We did it because it was needed, but it is still a big concern.
I am sure that in a vacuum whatever she is doing is definitely more competent than our own meager attempts at politicking, but she isn't coordinating with us or with Tsunade and Naruto. She hasn't met any of us or them in the last two days even. And doesn't know that Naruto is inheriting the clan soon. So I am very afraid that her plans for survival and ours will clash in some way, with disastrous consequences. And that, even worse, she will feel bad about it and blame herself, justifying who knows how much more time of her locking herself in her room.

To give an example, maybe she found a way to convince Hyūga to not opposed our existence in exchange for us voting for him. Probably she is doing something much more self-sacrificing and impactful though.

So again, yes I am very very worried both for her and for the rest of us.

Ahhh. There's the passive aggressiveness I've been missing. Filling the ol' tank right up!
Yep, there it is. And it was definitely uncalled for. Again, I apologise. And I hope I am not using up my apologies so fast that they start not being worth much anymore.
As @faflec said, we use approval voting explicitly so that vote splitting is not a problem. Approval voting is not fully Condorcet-compliant, but it's better than the trash fire that is first-past-the-post, and it's supported by the SV tallybot.
I know about the approval voting. I just kind of forgot to check that all people voting for the less approved plan also voted for the runner up, so I assumed that, as often happens, there would be less active voters that only vote for one plan despite more or less liking two. My mistake.
Also, note that @Oneiros uses female pronouns.
Thank you. I'll keep it in mind.

@Oneiros Sorry.
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leaves me a load of stuff I'll just throw in the trash
cool i guess it's time to go dumpster diving
"At least your heart's in the right place. But kid, you ever imply that you get how I feel, you with your drop-in-the-ocean knowledge of who he was, I swear on my grandfather's blood I'll punch you through the wall and then tear whatever's left to shreds."
ahp yep that's going to kill us. we're already dead.

at least this time we get to start in Rock?

Memetext off, I'm actually fairly concerned that Tsunade might just kill us for coming to her with an attempt to claim Orochimaru's legacy for ourselves. It kind of fits my model of her, especially with lines like these, unless we feel like she won't follow through.
No, I understand that, but Keiko says the exact same thing, that she is technically already buying seals from the clan to resell them to the Pangolins, and from that she (somehow) concludes that "the money would follow her to the Nara". And your plan suggests to solve this problem by... the problem itself?
*rereads section*

Wait, so the issue is that because Keiko negotiated the trade herself she has the rights to the gold even though she's just a third party negotiator between the Goketsu (who have the seals) and the Pangolins (who have the gold)? ... alright then. Deleting.
*rereads section*

Wait, so the issue is that because Keiko negotiated the trade herself she has the rights to the gold even though she's just a third party negotiator between the Goketsu (who have the seals) and the Pangolins (who have the gold)? ... alright then. Deleting.
Welcome to the "Nani what the frigg is up with the Pangolin Gold stuff???" club.
Wait, so the issue is that because Keiko negotiated the trade herself she has the rights to the gold even though she's just a third party negotiator between the Goketsu (who have the seals) and the Pangolins (who have the gold)?
I have no idea what's going on either.
Memetext off, I'm actually fairly concerned that Tsunade might just kill us for coming to her with an attempt to claim Orochimaru's legacy for ourselves. It kind of fits my model of her, especially with lines like these, unless we feel like she won't follow through.
Eh, until she actually murders someone for mouthing off at her on-screen, I'm not going to buy into this persona of hers. I think she specifically cultivated the reputation of being one perceived insult away from murdering you to be able to steamroll over people, but that she doesn't actually do that almost ever. Jiraiya said she won't actively harm us unless she decides we're working against Leaf — that doesn't fit the "hair-trigger murderer" model.
Welcome to the "Nani what the frigg is up with the Pangolin Gold stuff???" club.

The way I understand it, the idea is:
Keiko negotiated the trade deal -> the deal is "hers" -> is she goes to the Nara, the deal goes with her -> the Nara could argue that they should supply the seals, getting the gold for them

One could maybe argue that she negotiated on behalf of the Goketsu, making the deal clan property.
Eh, until she actually murders someone for mouthing off at her on-screen, I'm not going to buy into this persona of hers. I think she specifically cultivated the reputation of being one perceived insult away from murdering you to be able to steamroll over people, but that she doesn't actually do that almost ever. Jiraiya said she won't actively harm us unless she decides we're working against Leaf — that doesn't fit the "hair-trigger murderer" model.

That's likely. Some people just have a Resting Tsunade Face.

Now there are two ways that immediately come to mind to verify that theory:

1) Go check up on Akane. If Hazou doesn't end up in a cemetary we should be fine.

2) Ask Tsunade if she really is so ugly that she has to keep up a perpetual self-centered genjutsu. If Hazou doesn't end up in a cemetary we should be fine.
Implemented @Noumero's word saving changes, minus a few minor alterations.
[X] Action Plan: Speaking of Unity

Word count: 261
  • Adoption:
    • If others (including Naruto) agree, immediately make offers to:
      • Akane (meet her together).
      • Tenten (send only Keiko).
    • Discuss Lee:
      • He's talented, and adrift after Gai's death.
      • His personality could be mitigated to minimize friction (soundproofing, house rules...).
    • Maybe consider inter-village adoption (Doigama, Kato...)?
  • Family matters:
    • Mari: Update her. What's she been doing lately?
    • Kagome:
      • Give him Jiraiya's sealing notes.
        • Check/remove notes on Kagome's private seals beforehand.
      • Is he willing to teach adoptees sealling?
    • Noburi: Schedule an appointment with Kabuto to check bloodline interactions with SC/Summoning.
      • Yes, the Toad Scroll should be his.
      • You can also investigate him on adoption.
    • Keiko: Pangolin trading
      • Possible solutions for Skytower-deal concerns:
        • Selling seals using Toad intermediaries.
        • Designate the scroll as a clan treasure, that directly belongs to the Gouketsu.
      • Offer them a list of seals (OPSEC-sanitized!). Trade them for:
        • Valuables.
        • Jutsu, especially conquered nations' (Condors' Space-Time Ninjutsu).
        • Improved treatment of conquered nations.
  • Gather information on Akatsuki
    • Noburi: Visit the Tower, grab their profiles.
    • Kagome: Summarize their book.
  • Hokageship:
    • Inform Naruto about the vote.
    • Discuss swing votes:
      • Hagoromo: Help pay off their loans?
      • Aburame: Can Mari get him on our side again?
      • Inuzuka: Leave to Naruto; he's trustworthy and hasn't soured relations with them.
  • Contact the Snakes.
    • Learn about their culture/predispositions from Summons and Jiraiya's notes.
    • Message them via Pangolins.
      • Send Jiraiya's letter to Orochimaru. (Orochimaru could've survived/faked his death.)
      • Ask whether Orochimaru left them a will. He's been pardoned and we want his wishes carried out.
    • Idea: Keiko advocates a Pangolin-Snake alliance conditional on the Snakes backing a Gouketsu Summoner.
I'm turning over plan to @MMKII
I hope this isn't because of something I said. Sorry if it was.

I'm sorry for doing this.

What about the in between time? What was your model of how Team Uplift spent it?
You'd need to check with @Velorien I believe he said it was okay as long as it wasn't political.

And I hope I am not using up my apologies so fast that they start not being worth much anymore.
No, you're fine. Sincere apologies are almost always well received.
All right. Here is how we're going to do this because I am feeling uncharacteristically merciful and/or low on spoons.

You get one plan to take place between the meeting with Tsunade (morning of the 2nd) and the meeting with Naruto (noon of the 3rd). Do whatever seems reasonable, but I will ignore any parts of that plan which would prevent or unduly influence your meeting with Naruto or otherwise mess with the timeline (as arbitrarily determined by the QMs). Also it's in your interest to minimise infodumps, as "undue influence" would include gaining knowledge that would result in a different political analysis. Harsh, perhaps, but if there is one thing we learned from writing the Chūnin Exam, it is DO NOT MESS WITH TIME.

With that said, there are a lot of unanswered questions flying around, some but not all of them falling within the remit of HDK (or "Hazō hasn't had time to find out", it being worth remembering that he has lived in Leaf for an intermittent total of something like three months, and been highly constrained in his activities for much of that). I would be very grateful if some kind soul could compile those so we can answer them in a batch, and also to avoid repetitions. There may be XP in it.

Oh, also do not mess with Keiko's timeline, which essentially means that she needs to be home at some point before 8 p.m., at the Nara compound at 8 p.m, and not be horrifically traumatised in the intervening time. It says something about the quest so far that I have to make that last part explicit.

Edit: You do also have the option of ignoring this and pressing on with post-Naruto plans as normal.
That's the vote for plans, not unique voters partaking in the vote.
  • 23 people voted for "Speaking of Unity".
  • 18 people voted for "Stealing the Snake". Of them, 1 person (MMKII) also voted for "Speaking of Unity".
    • Additional unique voters: 18-1 = 17.
  • 9 people voted for "Optimising a Bad Idea". Of them, 1 person (Deathbybunnies) also voted for "Speaking of Unity", and 8 people voted for "Stealing the Snake".
    • Additional unique voters: 9-1-8 = 0.
  • 2 people voted for "Let's Go Bowling".
    • Additional unique voters: 2.
  • 2 people voted for "Bare Bones". Of them, 2 people voted for "Speaking of Unity".
    • Additional unique voters: 2-2 = 0.
  • 1 person voted for "snek". That person also voted for "Stealing the Snake".
    • Additional unique voters: 1-1 = 0.
To sum up:
23+17+0+2+0+0 = 42 unique voters.
23+18+9+2+2+1 = 51 unique votes.​
  • 23 people voted for "Speaking of Unity".
  • 18 people voted for "Stealing the Snake". Of them, 1 person (MMKII) also voted for "Speaking of Unity".
    • Additional unique voters: 18-1 = 17.
  • 9 people voted for "Optimising a Bad Idea". Of them, 1 person (Deathbybunnies) also voted for "Speaking of Unity", and 8 people voted for "Stealing the Snake".
    • Additional unique voters: 9-1-8 = 0.
  • 2 people voted for "Let's Go Bowling".
    • Additional unique voters: 2.
  • 2 people voted for "Bare Bones". Of them, 2 people voted for "Speaking of Unity".
    • Additional unique voters: 2-2 = 0.
  • 1 person voted for "snek". That person also voted for "Stealing the Snake".
    • Additional unique voters: 1-1 = 0.
To sum up:
23+17+0+2+0+0 = 42 unique voters.
23+18+9+2+2+1 = 51 unique votes.​

No? I combine all the plans into one tally, giving me 51 unique voters.
[X] Action Plan: Speaking of Unity

Oh, also do not mess with Keiko's timeline, which essentially means that she needs to be home at some point before 8 p.m., at the Nara compound at 8 p.m, and not be horrifically traumatised in the intervening time. It says something about the quest so far that I have to make that last part explicit.

MfD's curfews sure are strict.
Changes made as suggested on Discord.
[X] Action Plan: Speaking of Unity

Word count: 264
  • Adoption:
    • If others (including Naruto) agree, immediately make offers to:
      • Akane (meet her together).
      • Tenten (send only Keiko).
    • Discuss Lee:
      • He's talented, and adrift after Gai's death.
      • His personality could be mitigated to minimize friction (soundproofing, house rules...).
    • Maybe consider inter-village adoption (Doigama, Kato...)?
  • Family matters:
    • Mari: Update her. What's she been doing lately?
    • Kagome:
      • Give him Jiraiya's sealing notes.
        • Check/remove notes on Kagome's private seals beforehand.
      • Is he willing to teach adoptees sealling?
    • Noburi: Schedule an appointment with Kabuto to check bloodline interactions with SC/Summoning.
      • Yes, the Toad Scroll should be his.
      • You can also investigate him on adoption.
    • Keiko: Pangolin trading
      • Possible solutions for Skytower-deal concerns:
        • Selling seals using Toad intermediaries.
        • Designate the scroll as a clan treasure, that directly belongs to the Gouketsu.
      • Offer them a list of seals (OPSEC-sanitized!). Trade them for:
        • Valuables.
        • Jutsu, especially conquered nations' (Condors' Space-Time Ninjutsu).
        • Improved treatment of conquered nations.
  • Gather information on Akatsuki
    • Noburi: Visit the Tower, grab their profiles.
    • Kagome: Summarize their book.
  • Hokageship:
    • Inform Naruto about the vote.
    • Discuss swing votes:
      • Hagoromo: Help pay off their loans?
      • Aburame: Can Mari get him on our side again?
      • Inuzuka: Leave to Naruto; he's trustworthy and hasn't soured relations with them.
  • Contact the Snakes.
    • Learn about their culture/predispositions from Summons and Jiraiya's notes.
    • Message them via Pangolins.
      • Send Jiraiya's letter to Orochimaru. (Orochimaru could've survived/faked his death.)
      • Ask whether Orochimaru left them a will. Jiraiya wrote a pardon for him and we want his wishes carried out.
    • Idea: Keiko advocates a Pangolin-Snake-Toad alliance conditional on the Snakes backing a Gouketsu Summoner.
[X] Plan Akane
  • Before meeting Naruto, talk to Akane, bring all the clan who can make it.
    • Tell her everything, go to a secure location for the top secret stuff.
Edit: Ideally, this does not break the laws of time.
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Removed the Naruto section for the sake of retroactivity. @Inferno Vulpix could you put said section into the cache?
[X] Action Plan: Speaking of Unity

Word count: 228
  • Adoption:
    • If others (including Naruto) agree, immediately make offers to:
      • Akane (meet her together).
      • Tenten (send only Keiko).
    • Discuss Lee:
      • He's talented, and adrift after Gai's death.
      • His personality could be mitigated to minimize friction (soundproofing, house rules...).
    • Maybe consider inter-village adoption (Doigama, Kato...)?

  • Family matters:
    • Mari: Update her. What's she been doing lately?
    • Kagome:
      • Give him Jiraiya's sealing notes.
        • Check/remove notes on Kagome's private seals beforehand.
      • Is he willing to teach adoptees sealling?
    • Noburi: Schedule an appointment with Kabuto to check bloodline interactions with SC/Summoning.
      • Yes, the Toad Scroll should be his.
      • You can also investigate him on adoption.
    • Keiko: Pangolin trading
      • Possible solutions for Skytower-deal concerns:
        • Selling seals using Toad intermediaries.
        • Designate the scroll as a clan treasure, that directly belongs to the Gouketsu.
      • Offer them a list of seals (OPSEC-sanitized!). Trade them for:
        • Valuables.
        • Jutsu, especially conquered nations' (Condors' Space-Time Ninjutsu).
        • Improved treatment of conquered nations.

  • Gather information on Akatsuki
    • Noburi: Visit the Tower, grab their profiles.
    • Kagome: Summarize their book.

  • Contact the Snakes.
    • Learn about their culture/predispositions from Summons and Jiraiya's notes.
    • Message them via Pangolins.
      • Send Jiraiya's letter to Orochimaru. (Orochimaru could've survived/faked his death.)
      • Ask whether Orochimaru left them a will. Jiraiya wrote a pardon for him and we want his wishes carried out.
    • Idea: Keiko advocates a Pangolin-Snake-Toad alliance conditional on the Snakes backing a Gouketsu Summoner.
  • Inform Naruto about the vote.
  • Discuss swing votes:
    • Hagoromo: Help pay off their loans?
    • Aburame: Can Mari get him on our side again?
    • Inuzuka: Leave to Naruto; he's trustworthy and hasn't soured relations with them.