Does anyone remember a poster called Kian? He once posted this masterwork of trolling, a post so magnificent that most of the player base was taken in, myself included. Fortunately, I eventually snapped out of it and wrote this analysis, and the "I'm sure he didn't mean it that way" interpretation died once and for all.

That in itself is not an accusation of trolling. It's a reminder that large numbers of players can easily be wrong.
Thank you for reminding me of that post.

In unrelated news, I'm going to get some stronger brain bleach. Anyone have recommendations?
Meanwhile, we get by on, uh, actually, what do we get by on again? :V
Good plans that make up for the fact that Hazou is oblivious, clever and creative ideas, that sort of thing?

Initiative and leadership ability, as well.

Any flaws on the characterization side or what have you could be fixed in short order if we actually did something about it.
A QM who distorts someone else's characterisation to avoid looking bad isn't evil. He's contemptible. I find it implausible that someone of @Tua's intellect and writing ability couldn't tell the difference.

I seem to have inadvertently a nerve here and for that I am sorry. Because as implausible as you think it is, that is exactly what happened. I was poking fun at your Evil QM persona and I definitely did not expect that fact to be interpreted as a criticism of your writing/planning skill whatsoever.

For reference, I quite enjoyed that scene because it is something I wanted to happen for a long time now.

Does anyone remember a poster called Kian? He once posted this masterwork of trolling, a post so magnificent that most of the player base was taken in, myself included. Fortunately, I eventually snapped out of it and wrote this analysis, and the "I'm sure he didn't mean it that way" interpretation died once and for all.

That in itself is not an accusation of trolling. It's a reminder that large numbers of players can easily be wrong.

Okay, I have to admit I don't really know what to say to this part.

I already stated earlier it was meant to be a joke and not a criticism and you followed that up by doubting me. Now there is an implication that just because people did interpret what I meant as a joke as, well, a joke isn't an indication that I am not trolling?

I don't even know how that entered the equation because I don't have a history of trolling whatsoever.

Anyway, as @Cariyaga said this isn't a productive line of discussion so this will be the last I say about this. You either believe me at this point or you don't.
Why not? What could go wrong? Nothing can stop us now.

No, wait, don't say tha-

This whole part is simply precious. Why does everyone else get cute minions, while Hazou gets left alone in the cold? We must rectify this injustice!

Well, Hazou had Akane as a cute minion...


TUSANDE: (writing) Ca... non.

I find myself in desperate need of "horrified" post rating. Does anyone know a way of adding one that doesn't involve hacking SV server?
I have to say, I'm very glad that we're all capable of talking through and helping each other understand each other despite misunderstandings that may happen. This community is great.
Back to what we need to do for the next update.

Jiraiya gave us the authority to do as we see fit to return with Keiko, but we don't want to cause a scene if we can help it. Therefore we should engage in progressively more insistent actions until she voluntarily comes with us or, failing that, we drag her back. I would have the situation unfold as follows with each step only happening if the previous is unsuccessful:
  1. "Congratulations, Keiko! Let's head back to Jiraiya and begin planning your victory celebration!"
  2. Approach her casually and once Noburi and Hazou are on either side of her whisper to her that we have orders to bring her back to Jiraiya ASAP, so please comply. Noburi should probably do the talking here.
  3. If Noburi is willing and Keiko is stubbornly ignoring or refusing us still, have him subtly drain her enough that we can "help" her back to her quarters while saying something along the lines of "Wow, you sure tired yourself out there champ!"
  4. If Keiko attempts to run away at this point:
    1. (No reverse summoning) Have the ANBU collect her and have THEM make it look like she tired herself out.
    2. (She skedaddles to another dimension) Call Jiraiya and tell him we tried. Make a note of where on this dimension she teleported in case she comes back before Jiraiya finds her.
Assuming the more extreme methods aren't needed we should talk with her on the way back what she wants to do in order to celebrate. It is her victory after all and we want to make her especially happy on this important occasion while also respecting Leaf's need to put forth a good appearance to the rest of the villages. Should we burn some of our gambling winnings on free rounds for everyone at a bar or something? How much does she think we should spend? What activities would she like to have? Etc.

[X] Happy Valentine's Day, Gōketsu Hazō

Looks solid.

Are you sure? I sense a distinct lack of Ino in this plan.
Well, Hazou had Akane as a cute minion...

AKANE: Oh boy! I'm going to be a leaf ninja!

AKANE: Fuck Mizuki-sensei. :(

AKANE: Oh boy! I'm going to be a liberator ninja!

AKANE: Fuck the allied ninja forces. :(

AKANE: Oh boy! I'm going to be Hazou's student!

AKANE: Fuck the liberator ninja. :(

AKANE: Oh boy! I'm Hazou's student again!

AKANE: Fuck Arikada. :(

AKANE: Oh boy! I'm a leaf ninja for real now!

AKANE: Fuck Hazou. :(

AKANE: Oh boy! All my friends are helping me out!

AKANE: Fuck the Gouketsu. :(

AKANE: Oh boy! They didn't actually forget me, Hazou just felt awkward!

AKANE: Fuck Lady Tsuna-- (blood splatter emote)
TBH Keiko doesn't have enough chakra to summon anyone other than Pandaa. We just restrain him if he's summoned.