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We have roughly >30 hours for the emotional backlash to settle down there. Enough for anything Mild to go away anyway.
Akane as Hokage, Noburi as Mizukage, Hazou as the Kage of Hidden Heaven, and Keiko as the Summoner Kage of the Seventh Path unified under the Pangolins. :p

Yeah, I don't think their relationship is unrecoverable, just... not now. Not until the Goketsu are stable and Akane's standing on her own and they can approach each other as equals again.

Akane sees a power disparity between her and Hazou, both in terms of social standing and in personalities. Hazou's personality is goal-oriented and his plans, great and small, require that he 'use' the people near him to accomplish those goals. Not bad, if the goals are good, but if Hazou leads and Akane follows, Akane can't be in a relationship with Hazou as an equal. Even worse, Hazou is going to have tons of societal power from his position as Goketsu clan heir, making the power disparity worse.

Power disparity can be worked around, but so far they kinda haven't. Hazou and Akane have been behaving like their relationship is equal at the same time as Hazou orders her around because he needs to in order to accomplish their goals. They can start again, later, with the power disparity in mind so they can work around it.

Truly, all problems can be solved with applied BDSM.

♪The first cut is the deepest...♩
Things Hazou should be working on instead of trying to get together with some Kunoichi.
  • Researching trigger seals
    • Would probably get us an additional two aspect bonuses each combat round
  • Building Submarines
    • We have all the parts (MEW + Air Domes + Tunneler's Friend + Force Walls) so let's go find the Village Hidden under the Sea
  • Building AirShips
    • We have most of the parts (MEW + Force Walls + Five Seal Barrier), just finish researching treads for FSB and we should be there
  • Forging international alliance
    • Just pick a major or minor village and do some politiking via the exam
  • Engaging in international politics
    • Jiraiya's tired. Surely we can help out at least with some Kurasawa negotiations? At the very least, we can cause division by talking with our mom if necessary
  • Developing new explosives
    • How do explosive seals and Implosion seals do on destructive power when released underground?
  • Laying groundwork for an international empire
    • Give away gaming sets with encryptions encoded in them so we can send secret messages to whomever has the game
  • Merchanting it up
    • There's a bunch of bored and kinda sad ninja. We've got seals and stuff. Why not start with some friendly international exchanges?
  • Develop a robust strategy for integrating clanless ninja into power structures so we can control when the riots happen
  • Develop a robust strategy for getting civilians seals so the riots are inevitable
Things Hazou should be working on instead of trying to get together with some Kunoichi.
  • Researching trigger seals
    • Would probably get us an additional two aspect bonuses each combat round
  • Building Submarines
    • We have all the parts (MEW + Air Domes + Tunneler's Friend + Force Walls) so let's go find the Village Hidden under the Sea
  • Building AirShips
    • We have most of the parts (MEW + Force Walls + Five Seal Barrier), just finish researching treads for FSB and we should be there
  • Forging international alliance
    • Just pick a major or minor village and do some politiking via the exam
  • Engaging in international politics
    • Jiraiya's tired. Surely we can help out at least with some Kurasawa negotiations? At the very least, we can cause division by talking with our mom if necessary
  • Developing new explosives
    • How do explosive seals and Implosion seals do on destructive power when released underground?
  • Laying groundwork for an international empire
    • Give away gaming sets with encryptions encoded in them so we can send secret messages to whomever has the game
  • Merchanting it up
    • There's a bunch of bored and kinda sad ninja. We've got seals and stuff. Why not start with some friendly international exchanges?
  • Develop a robust strategy for integrating clanless ninja into power structures so we can control when the riots happen
  • Develop a robust strategy for getting civilians seals so the riots are inevitable

The possibilities of hidden sealing bullshit where Whirlpool was is just so tantalizing
Things Hazou should be working on instead of trying to get together with some Kunoichi.
  • Researching trigger seals
    • Would probably get us an additional two aspect bonuses each combat round
Sounds good. How do you suggest we do this?
  • Laying groundwork for an international empire
    • Give away gaming sets with encryptions encoded in them so we can send secret messages to whomever has the game
That's hilarious.
Sounds good. How do you suggest we do this?
Develop a trigger like:
  • A LBF except instead of line of sight, it's proximity
    • Lets us drop seals setting of stuff in our inventory (note: might explode self if not careful)
  • A seal which, when it fails, triggers another seal
    • Lets us smear seals to trigger stuff (note: might explode self if not careful)
  • A LBF
    • Set up on metal slabs that we carry around (note: quite likely to accidentally trigger)
Then, once we have a trigger mechanism, hook it up to our sealing equipment so we can activate it without the use of our hands, thus freeing our hands for fighting and allowing us to use our elbows, knees, feet, or general body movement to trigger various seals embedded in our equipment, gaining an aspect when in melee with someone for each use presumably.
I figure a lot of the complexity of LBF is the dual-seal tripwire, rather than the seal activation, so once we have LBF down we should probably be good to try a single-seal pressure variant, which if repeatable is basically an 'activator seal'.
I will observe that we should ask Jiraiya if it's likely for us to complete trigger seals in the time that we have before the tournament; Jiraiya's got a good handle on our skills and we don't want to spend a month and get only a half-finished seal for it.
Here's an example of how we could make LBF do what we want (if we knew it):

Step 1: find a good cave / lair
Step 2: make sure the ceiling is flat
Step 3: Set up Force Wall seals on the ceiling pointing straight down
Step 4: Raise up some MEW for nice thin perfectly flat sheets of granite
Step 5: Find a wooden box
Step 6: Place flat sheet of MEW granite in wooden box
Step 7: Attach LBF and seal of choice to sheet of granite
Step 8: Make a lever sticking out of the box which will cross the LBF when pulled
Step 9: Place in convenient place on Hazou's body, e.g. both thighs, stomach, back, and upper shoulders.

and voila! There you have it: six loaded and armed weapons which can go off at the slightest provocation for known combat time (probably don't regularly wander around with them)
Hm. Pressure-activated variants of Kagome's rings? How would we do that, as far as the movements went?
Sure, why not? You're gonna need it.
Is... is it time? Do we need to develop new world-breaking explosives? Do we need to use the ones we already have? Do we need to build an airship during this event? How about a submarine? Maybe design an underground lair? I'm ready.

Edit: actually, I'm not. Tonight was my allotted time for plan brainstorming, and I don't know what the event is. Good luck and good night.
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