Chapter 263: The Prodigal Son Returns

"Knock, knock?" Hazō called, completely redundantly with the fact that he was simultaneously actually knocking on Uzumaki Naruto's hospital-room door.

"C'mon in!"

The voice was reassuringly bright and bubbly...or, at least, it was trying to be. There was a quaver underneath it that made the hair on Hazō's neck stand on end.

Nonetheless, he pushed the door open and stepped inside with a smile, Noburi and Keiko following along behind.

The young man in the bed was their own age-ish; it was hard to tell. He had a messy haystack of blond hair, bright blue eyes that were red from crying, a shapeless long-sleeved hospital gown that disguised his body, and a friendly smile. There was screaming horror behind those tear-reddened eyes and his right hand was out of sight under the blankets. Probably holding a weapon.

"Hi," Hazō said in the same low and calming voice that he used when Kagome-sensei had a nightmare. He raised empty hands in a gesture of peace. "I'm Hazō. This is my brother, Noburi, and my sister, Keiko. You sent for us...? We were told to let you rest, so if you're tired then we'll leave you alone."

"Nah," the boy said. "I'm going stir crazy, and it was...good to get that letter. Come in."

Hazō stepped slowly closer, empty hands in clear sight, and sank into the chair next to the bed while Noburi and Keiko took up station against the wall—

"Hey!" Noburi yelped, turning left to face the door; he had finally stepped far enough from it and turned enough that his peripheral vision was able to catch sight of the ninja clinging to the ceiling above the door, a spinning vortex of chakra in one hand.

The ninja in question opened his hand, allowing the vortex to dissolve, and dropped to the floor. He ran his now-empty hand through his messy haystack of blond hair, then leaned casually back against the door with the sole of one foot against it, his arms crossed over his chest, and a smug grin on his face. The hospital gown still disguised his body, but the leg that Hazō could see was disturbingly thin, all traces of ninja musculature gone.

"Keep your pants on," the ceiling-ninja said, smiling. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't a threat. Alpha, thanks. I'll take my chakra back now."

"No worries, Boss. See you never," said the young man in the bed, before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

The actual Uzumaki Naruto offered the Gōketsu a nod. "So. You're the Gōketsu kids."

"Right," Hazō said. "Okay, I don't know how much you know about us...?"

"Gōketsu Hazō, Noburi, and Keiko," Uzumaki said, nodding to each of them in turn. "Formerly Kurosawa, Wakahisa, and Mori. Fled Mist on May 25, 1067, probably as a result of being tricked by Gorō Dan, also known as Shikigami. Helped to found the so-called Village Hidden in the Swamp, which was subsequently wiped out by a Mist task force led by Momochi Zabuza and escorted by forces from Leaf with Uncle Jiraiya at their head. Through a tragic series of missteps in the Swamp that could not possibly have been foreseen or prevented in any way, a large fraction of the Mist task force was killed either by the Swamp itself or during the battle with the traitors.

"The three genin and their teacher, Inoue Mari, faked their deaths and escaped some time before the battle. They dropped off the map until Uncle Jiraiya showed up and recruited them to investigate the so-called Liberator, a fake prophet funded by Mist as part of a false-flag operation intended to give them a toehold on the continent. The team was successful at that, although they suffered significant injuries in the process. Uncle Jiraiya took them to 'That Obnoxious Old Witch'—his words—to get their injuries taken care of, then gave them each an open-ended reward. Mori Keiko asked for advice, so he gave her a tip as to where to find the Pangolin Summoning Scroll, warning her that there was probably nothing to find and that it would be risky. He had expected that nothing would turn up and that he would claim that he had no further obligations but out of the goodness of his heart and because he was such a great guy he would offer her some jutsu and money as a replacement reward, thereby setting the idea that he was a valuable contact, a reliable business partner, and a good boss. To his amazement, they found the Scroll.

"From there they went to Hot Springs and caused an international incident that allowed Mist to take the place over with the fig leaf of 'offering protection in case of another terrorist attack'. Uncle Jiraiya got the group together and sent them to bring in the insane biosealer—" Hazō's deception-trained eyes caught the microexpression of fear that flashed across Uzumaki's face; the slight hitch in his voice was noticeable to all three of them, but Uzumaki continued after a moment as though nothing had happened. "—the insane biosealer Arikada Sugako in order to buy their way back into his good graces. They succeeded at this mission, albeit with one member heavily injured, and were allowed to stay in Leaf for a time in order to receive more medical care and jutsu as their rewards. They began to forge positive bonds with Team Asuma. Later, Kurosawa Hazō threatened a senior Leaf doctor, causing the entire team to be thrown into an explosive cell. Uncle Jiraiya very nearly killed them but was talked down at the last moment. He allowed them to remain for a couple days finish their training, then tossed them out. Some time later, they came back and sold us the skywalker seals, their bloodlines, and the utility of another Summoner in exchange for being adopted into the brand-new Gōketsu clan with Jiraiya as its head. The clan had not yet been formed when we left for Noodle, but Uncle Jiraiya...."

He paused, his face crumpling for just an instant and his breathing getting ragged before he wiped his arm across his eyes and cleared his throat. "But Uncle Jiraiya said that he was going to form the clan as soon as we got back, with him as the Clan Head and me as the heir and sole other member." He grinned, the poorly-hidden grief and fear momentarily vanishing as a million pranks and years of mischief flashed forth from his eyes. "When I was a kid we used to talk about me adopting him into the Uzumaki, but that was a non-starter. As the last of the blood I'm the Clan Head. He used to say 'The Sage will come back and dance naked on a table before I will take orders from you, brat.'" He paused again, pretending to cough in order to hide his face for a moment, then cleared his throat and continued. "Anyway, we figured we'd come back and he would form the Gōketsu with just the two of us. The Noble Clans wouldn't care too much, since me giving up the Uzumaki name would mean that it was a dead clan and would lose its seat at the Council table. Framing it as a reward to the two of us for the amazing feat of killing that rat bastard Yagura and all his strongest ninja, it would have been a shoo-in. The minute that the bastards signed the paperwork we were going to have you guys brought in and adopt you right in front of them, while the ink on the Clan formation documents was still wet." He laughed. "It would have been hilarious."

The laugh faded and the smile slipped away. "I guess we see how well that worked out."

"So, you know a little bit," Hazō said offering a small smile that he was glad to see drew a response. "You got the note that we left with the nurse?"

Uzumaki pulled Jiraiya's scroll out of a pocket of his gown and wordlessly held it up.

"He left me the Gōketsu Clan Head seat," he said calmly. "You understand that?"

"Yes," Noburi said. "We get it, and we're okay with it. Honestly, we're more worried that you won't want us. I...I was really starting to care for Jiraiya, and losing him hurts. It's got to be so much worse for you, and we've never met, so...."

Uzumaki's eyes suddenly glistened; he wiped his arm across them and then plastered a smile across his face. "Yeah, well, we might not have met, but he told me the plan before we left for Noodle, so I've had a few months to get used to the idea that we would be family." The grin twisted a little. "Granted, for most of it I was unconscious, suffering from malnutrition and dehydration, and recovering from horrific torture, but what's a few details between family, amirite?"

"Oh good," Hazō said. "I'm glad. Um...I mean, I'm glad about the 'being used to the idea' part, not the other part. Um...sorry." He fidgeted for a moment, then decided there was nothing better than to plunge on. "I really did not know what to expect here...I wanted to honor Jiraiya's wishes, but I also didn't want you to feel like you were being pressured or...well, suffice to say that my head has been full of a lot of different ways this conversation could play out, and most of them were bad." He hesitated. "I...don't really know where to go from here. I want to make this happen, but I don't know enough about the politics or the law involved, or exactly how you're feeling about it. Is there paperwork, or do you just move into the master bedroom at the Gōketsu compound, or what? More importantly—"

Hazō stopped and forced himself to center. "Okay, we have this thing we do called Clear Communication Technique. It's where both parties say precisely what they're thinking as clearly as possible, avoiding implication and subtext in favor of spelling everything out in the most value-neutral terms possible. The goal is to avoid misunderstandings or accidental offense. Would you mind if I tried it now?"

Naruto laughed, an honest and clear laugh. "Uncle said you guys were weird. Go for it."

"Okay," Hazō said, gathering his thoughts. "My reaction to the current situation is extremely tangled, and I hope you'll bear with me while I pick it apart.

"I'm excited at the idea of having a new brother; growing up it was just me and my mother, so family is precious to me. I'm also worried that you may not like us, or that we will find that our goals and values are extremely misaligned, making it difficult to be in a clan with you at its head. Additionally, I'm afraid that we will be a reminder of Jiraiya that will cause you pain, or that our status as foreigners and former missing-nin will damage your political career, or make you mistrust us.

"Speaking of politics, there are a lot of political concerns going on right now. On the one hand, I'm afraid to bring these up because this is our first meeting and I care more about establishing good relations with you, my new family member, than I do about the politics. I worry that if I bring them up then I'll seem like I'm being opportunistic and attempting to exploit you. On the other hand, I'm afraid to let them sit for too long, as I fear that some dangers might become irreversible if not dealt with quickly. Separately, my head is buzzing with a thousand questions that I want to ask you—about Leaf, and Jiraiya, and Lord Third, and your signature jutsu which fascinates me more than I can express. I'm aware that a flood of questions is off-putting and I'm trying to make a good impression, so I'm keeping my mouth shut, but I should warn you that it is almost physically painful to do so and I'm not sure how long I'll manage it so please tell me to stop if you need to. My most significant fear, however, is that I remember the time I tried and failed at using the Clear Communication Technique with Minami, our temporary squad leader. She did not accept that I was in fact being sincere, and therefore I ended up doing more harm than good. I'm worried that the same thing will happen here."

He looked up from where he'd been staring at his hands, only to find Uzumaki's face crinkled up with twinkles in his eyes.

"Are you done?" Uzumaki asked calmly.


Uzumaki burst out laughing. It took several seconds for him to regain control, but then he stepped forward and clapped Hazō on the shoulder. "We're going to do fine, bro. And call me Naruto." He looked over at the other two, still standing by the wall at the foot of the bed. "Same to both of you." He looked from one to the other, then cocked his head. "Hey, Noburi, I thought you were supposed to be the smooth one? How come you're letting Mr. MEW here do all the talking?"

Hazō groaned, Noburi laughed, and Keiko very slightly smiled for a moment.

"He's a bit of an idiot, but he's good at the whole 'inspirational speeches' thing," Noburi said with a shrug. "Our typical solution is to get together in advance, carefully work out a precise script that the doofiest of doofuses could follow, then watch as he goes completely off the road. At which point I will of course step in and save the day."

"Heh. And you, Ms Keiko-if-you-don't-mind-first-names? I'm guessing you do most of that planning and then give him the Stern Eyebrow of Displeasure when he goes offscript?"

Keiko lips twitched in something that might have been a smile. "I am comfortable with you using my first name, Naruto. Speaking more precisely, I notate holes in the plans produced by my more effervescent siblings."

Naruto's eyes got big and doe-like. "But...but aren't I your most efferthingy sibling?" He kept his eyes on Keiko but leaned sideways toward Hazō and stage-whispered out of the corner of his mouth, "What does 'effervescent' mean?"

Keiko snorted and gave Naruto a very schoolmarmish look, mixed lightly with amusement. "I see that, to my great sorrow, you will fit right in."

Naruto grinned and jumped onto the bed, bouncing twice before settling down crosslegged. Hazō was alarmed at how little the mattress moved and what it said about the casually-dismissed topic of malnutrition. "Okay, I've been checking around, and from what I've gathered—"

"Hang on," Noburi said. "We were told you've been locked up in this hospital room since you got back."

Naruto grinned and placed his fingers in the position of a cross. "The awesome thing about being Uz...Gōketsu Naruto, is—Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!—that Gōketsu Naruto is so awesome!" The last phrase came out in perfectly-synchronized quadrophonic sound as the original and the three new clones spoke in tandem. The three then promptly vanished in a puff of rapidly-dispersing orange smoke.

"Really?" Keiko said. "I am given to understand that the Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu requires a truly inordinate amount of chakra. Are you frequently so wastefully prodigal with your chakra as to pointlessly spend it on juvenile party tricks?"

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique! Yes/Yes/Yes/we/we/we/are/are/are!" Poof! Poof! Poof!

Keiko's eyes narrowed but she said nothing.

"Fair warning," Noburi said, "if you push her too far you may find yourself being squished by an air-dropped pangolin. Or, worse, she might decide to get creative."

"Ooooh," Naruto said, eyes wide. "Pranks, huh? Bring it on, sis."

Any trace of amusement vanished from Keiko's manner. "Do not call me that."

"What? 'Sis'?"


"Well, what should I call you then?"

"You may call me Keiko. Or 'Your Dread Imperial Majesty'. Either one is fine."

"Okay, sis."

Keiko's eyes narrowed and the room grew colder.

"Saw that coming," Noburi muttered, only to back away quickly with hands raised placatingly when Keiko glared at him.

"On less life-threatening topics," he said quickly. "Perhaps we could talk about the Hokageship?"

"Ooh, yeah," Naruto said, leaning back on his hands. "That's gonna suck. SUA is a lock unless we do something clever."

Hazō frowned. "SUA?"

"Yeah, 'Stick Up Ass'. Also known as Dickface, Asshat, Mr. Giant Ass, and various other things as they come to mind. You've probably met him. Basically a walking sphincter with white eyeballs that he thinks mean his shit don't stink?"

Noburi snorted.

"If we may get back on topic," Keiko said, "how are we going to stop Hyūga from gaining the hat?"

"Well, I've only had a few hours to look around and talk to people, and it's tricky because my face is pretty well known and I suck at disguise." He paused, frowning for a moment, then shook the momentary thought away. "Anywho, my point was that my information is mostly based off how things were before we left for Noodle, which was before you guys smashed into Leaf like a rock into a pond and started making ripples everywhere."

He sat up again so he could tick points off on his fingers. "SUA's going to put himself forward for the hat, obviously." He flipped a hand briefly as though throwing away an irrelevant point. "Well, I mean, he'll probably have one of his bootlickers actually make the nomination, but same diff. Someone will probably put Chōza forward too. He's a hero of the Battle and the last survivor of the ISC—"

"You call them that too, huh?" asked Noburi, grinning.

"Well, duh!" Naruto replied. "I mean, life is short, right? Who's got time to be saying 'Inō-Shika-Chō' all the time? Yeesh.

"Anyway, as the last survivor of the ISC heads, Chōza'll probably get put forward. He'll hate the idea, but he'll take the hat if it's the only way to keep Le Grande Butthead from getting it. He won't vote for himself though, which is a little tricky." He cocked his head, staring at the ceiling in thought. "Cousin Asuma would make a good choice. Grandpa's son, survivor of the Battle, calm and diplomatic. Not as powerful as some of the other candidates, which will work against him. Someone will put Auntie in the ring, and be real quiet about who it was for fear she'll punch them into next century." He spread his arms, the already-familiar grin stretched wide across his face. "And, of course, there's me! The one, the only, the Mighty Naruto! Trained since birth for the job, Jinchūriki of the Nine-Taled Demon Fox, seven times Hero of the Leaf!"

"Or," Keiko said drily, "said more honestly, a fifteen-year-old chūnin with massive psychological damage who his opponents will claim may have been brainwashed by the enemies of the Leaf and is now choosing to join with a clan of former missing-nin whose current leader made a fool of himself in front of the entire Elemental Nations during the tournament, with a speech the naïveté of which cannot be overemphasized."

Naruto blew a raspberry at her. "Are you always such a stick in the mud?"

"Nah," Noburi said. "Sometimes she's terrifying."

"Naruto..." Keiko said carefully. "As Hazō said, it is very important to the three of us that we establish good relations with you." She paused, thinking. "Excuse me, that was incorrect, as it implies a purely mercenary motive. I should say that we very much want to establish good relations with you, since we want you to join our clan and become part of our family." She grimaced. "Although I can already see that you and I will have our...challenges. Regardless. My bloodline and my training make me good at logical analysis and therefore my role on this team is to analyze the plans put forward by my more proactive, and generally idiotic, brother."

"And by her sensible brother," Noburi interjected. "That would be me, in case you were confused."

"Thank you, Noburi. As I was saying. It is my job to analyze the plans put forth by others and to point out the flaws and weaknesses therein. I have noticed that this can be an uncomfortable process, since—"

"Spit it out, sis," Naruto said. "Don't need the windup, thanks."

Keiko gave him a sour glare, but nodded. "Fine. First, do you actually want the Hokageship? Second, do you believe that you are able to perform the duties implicit therein? You are visibly suffering from trauma and grief, to the point where even I am capable of noticing the signs. It seems probable to me that...'SUA'"—she grimaced but said the name gamely enough—"will be able to use these things against you. Would it perhaps be better to wait and run for Hokage later? You are still young, and with the relatively low power level of most of the candidates plus the looming global war, it is reasonable to believe that a new Hokage will be needed soon after this one is chosen."

Naruto's grin got wider but, to Hazō's eyes, more fragile. "Of course I want it! I've known since before I could walk that I'd be the most super-amazing Hokage ever. They're going to have to make another cliff, even bigger than Hokage Monument, just so they can build the Naruto Monument! And of course I can do the job. Grandpa and Uncle have...."

His face twitched in pain and he stopped talking. His eyes dropped to the scroll in his lap; his right forefinger was stroking it unconsciously. He sat like that, head down, moving nothing but that one finger, for several long seconds and then let out a shuddering breath and wiped at his eyes.

"'I am the God of Shinobi because I face my limitations'," he quoted softly. He sighed. "Sage's curse upon it. I'm not going to be able to cut it, am I?"

"No," Keiko said, her voice surprisingly gentle. "Not now, at least. I'm sorry."

Naruto sagged. "Balls."

The other three waited, saying nothing, as the (probably) most powerful ninja in Leaf slowly gave up his dreams...or, at least, put them on hold.

Naruto once again wiped the moisture from his eyes, then looked around at the three of them, grim determination on his face. "Fine. Maybe we put me forward as a spoiler if the vote looks tight, but maybe not. Either way, SUA is not getting the fucking hat. If he wins it, I'll cram it up his ass myself." His normally happy face flashed anger for just a moment. "Did you know, after they won the battle and Pain was dealt with, that son of a bitch said that us jinchūriki were 'too dangerous to be allowed to roam free'?"

All three—rather, the other three Gōketsu exchanged looks. "We did not know that," Hazō said.

"I did," said Keiko. "Shikamaru briefed me based on what Lord Akimichi told him. They both believed that Hyūga was playing 'Bad ANBU' to the others' 'Good ANBU'."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure he tried to spin it that way afterwards," Naruto said, grumpily. "The Mizukage shut him down before he could get to any specific ideas. I was a little too out of it to tell if anyone else agreed with him, but he said it." He smiled again, this one cold and grim. "Grandpa would be very disappointed with me if I assassinated a Clan Head. Uncle would think about it and then eventually decide it was a bad idea. So, fine. I won't kill the bastard." His gaze drifted off into an unknowable future.

Hazō considered the implications of having a brother who could sound so confident, and convincing, about his ability to kill the head of the Hyūga Clan. And, also, was choosing not to do it only because his now-dead grandfather would disapprove.

"Anyway," Naruto continued, coming back from his clearly murderous fantasies, "the Inuzuka will probably back Asshat out of loyalty to the village and traditions and blah blah blah jerkfaces. Asshat will be sure that the Uchiha show up to vote, and they'll go his way because they're afraid of being wiped out otherwise. He's got Kyoshō and Kurusu in his pocket, so they'll go for him.

"Motoyoshi, Amori, Hagoromo...they'll probably go his way. They've got commercial interests funded by the Hyūga and Uncle was pretty sure there was blackmail involved too. It's buried deep enough that he never managed to suss out the details, but he wasn't usually wrong about that kind of thing. Maybe we could pry them loose, but it's sure not a sure thing, if you get me."

"Sure," Hazō said, smiling. He was pleased when Naruto chuckled at the very weak joke.

"The Aburame probably vote for Asshat unless given a reason not to," Naruto continued. "It's a combo of things—loyalty on prior voting records and admitting that he would be a great candidate if he weren't a elitist asshat who want to keep Leaf isolated because ew icky foreigners! SUA's powerful, those annoying eyeballs make him great at information gathering, and he's got enough force of personality that he can talk most people into most stuff. Unfortunately, he sucks at making friends. Like, sucks to an annoying degree."

"I will note," Keiko said with a tiny smile on her lips, "that your poor grammar annoys me."

"Hey, I have super grammar! I am the grammar Hokage!"

"The indefinite article is 'an' when it precedes a vowel. The word is 'combination', not 'combo'. The correct verb form is 'wants' when used in the third person. Finally, a potential Hokage has no business using the phrase 'it sucks'. It is immature."

Naruto blew a long, wet raspberry at her. "Fussy, fussy, sis. All the peoples knows what I mean when I talks."

Keiko winced and rubbed her forehead as though in pain.

"So," Noburi said before things could escalate. "Sounds like Asshat has at least nine votes out of...?" He glanced at Keiko.

"Seventeen, presuming that the Senju and Uzumaki are actually voting clans."

"We are," Naruto said. "Aunty Sunny hardly never shows up"—he grinned at Keiko's glower—"but she technically has a vote. Proxies aren't allowed, though. You actually need to be in the room to cast your vote." He laughed. "It's funny how often critical and urgent votes would come up while I was out on a mission. Always proposed by someone in Dickface's pocket, too." He shrugged. "It's possible that Dickface or one of his butt-kissers will propose a vote to strip our voting rights in advance of the election. His argument would be that the Senju are a dead clan, since the only living member is a woman past childbearing age. For me...dunno. Probably they'd argue that the Fox's chakra may have contaminated my seed and therefore I will not be able to have healthy children, or my children might be possessed or something. If I can't have kids then the Uzumaki are also a dead clan and wouldn't get a vote."

Noburi paled. "Could he do that?"

"I do—" Naruto paused, surprised at a yawn sneaking up on him. "Sorry. I doubt he could pull it off. No matter what he says, we're technically living clans right now since there is still a Senju and an Uzumaki. Given who we are and who our clans are, it's very unlikely that he could convince a majority of the others." He snorted. "Besides, if he tried it then Aunt Sunny would punch him so hard he wouldn't hit the ground for a week."

"Good to know," Hazō said thoughtfully. "So he's got nine out of seventeen. That's bad but not awful. If we can get a consensus on the other side and then swing one vote we're good."

"What is the outcome if one Clan Head abstains, resulting in a tie?" Keiko asked.

Naruto shrugged helplessly. "Normally? The Hokage breaks it. I'm not sure what happens in this case."

"You mentioned that if you join another clan then the Uzumaki lose their vote..." Hazō said carefully.

"Yeah, yeah," Naruto said, waving dismissively. "Obviously I don't join the Gōketsu until after the vote. And maybe we can figure some way to keep the Uzumaki alive so we keep the vote." He raised a stern finger. "I'm joining Gōketsu, though! It was Uncle Jiraiya's dying wish that I boss you all ar—erm, that I join the clan that he created and rule it with all of the skill and training that he knew I had."

Hazō sighed and rolled his eyes.

Naruto dropped his hand back to the bed; Hazō frowned slightly. Had there been a slight tremor in the arm before it so-casually dropped?

"In seriousness," Naruto said, looking at Hazō and taking a deep breath. "If I'm not competent to be Hokage, then I'm probably not competent to be a Clan Head. Hang on! Don't get too excited there, Mr. MEW. I'm still taking the seat. I've got way better PR in Leaf than you guys do, and having me as the nominal head will go a long way towards legitimizing the Gōketsu. Still, at least for a while I'll probably have to leave most of the day-to-day stuff to you, if that's cool."

"It's cool," Hazō replied, smiling. "I've got some ideas. Like, first of all, there's the subject of—"

"I note that we have not actually confirmed the votes of the other eight clans," Keiko said quickly. "Naruto has named nine votes for Hyūga. Opposed to him will be the Gōketsu, the Ino-Shika-Chō, the Uzumaki, and the Senju. I am guessing the Sarutobi and the Minami will also oppose him."

"You nails it, sis." His eyes twinkled as Keiko clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

"Which of the swing votes would we do best to target?" Hazō asked.

Naruto rubbed his ear in thought and then waggled one hand back and forth. "The Inuzuka would change their vote if they were convinced that Asshat was a bad choice. They're loyal to Leaf and will do what they think is best for it, damn the consequences. Hagomoro's only going for Brainless because they've got leverage on him based on some loans from the Sucktastic Collective—and yes, Keiko, that refers to the Hyūga Clan. Anyway, Dickface has ridden those loans pretty hard over the years, and the Hagoromo would probably love to screw him if they could get out from under. The Aburame...probably not movable. Not sure about the others. Motoyoshi, could maybe convincing." (Keiko's lips tightened and Naruto's eyes twinkled.) "They've always been tight with the Kyoshō and the Amori, and they've apparently blocked up since Uncle Jiraiya stomped his way into the hat. Give them a few generations, they might actually be the next ISC. It would be hard to pry them apart, but maybe not impossible. The Kyoshō are a little more xenophobic than the others, so they'll be on Asshat's policies like jam on soup."

"Toast," Keiko muttered. Everyone chose not to take note—Naruto because it would have spoiled his fun and the other two boys because the idea of being ground zero at a fight between the Nine-Tails host and the Pangolin Summoner sounded like absolutely no fun at all.

"Who are our actual candidates?" Noburi asked. "Hyūga wants it, certainly. You don't, although you said you're willing to go in as a spoiler but you're not going to take it. Lady Tsunade will get put forward but made it clear to us that she doesn't want the job. Lord Akimichi, but he doesn't want it either. You mentioned Sarutobi; would he want it?"

Naruto shrugged. "Not sure, actually. I think he'd be good at it, though."

"What's the voting process?" Hazō asked. "Show of hands, or what?"

Naruto grinned. "Nah, it's way more wicked cool than that. You know how clans have crests, right? Back in the Warring Clans Era people used to raid each other's encampments a lot, and they'd wear their crests while they were doing it—unless they wore someone else's, of course. Clans would usually have their crest on a banner in the center of the camp as a mark of pride. Sometimes, when a clan showed up for a big raid, they would bring a banner of their own. Anyway, when Senju and Uchiha joined forces other clans ended up facing them across battlefields and seeing their clan crests and banners. They decided to throw in with the growing power, adding their own banners to the crowd. Nowadays, elections for Hokage are done like that, symbolically. Each candidate puts their banner out, then everyone stands next to the banner of the person they want. If someone has a majority, they win. If not, the person with the fewest votes gets eliminated and you revote until someone has a majority."

"Interesting," Hazō murmured, his eyes distant as he pondered ways to game that system.

Naruto suddenly blinked and twitched slightly. "Aw, man," he said. "I ran out of energy just as that convo was getting good. Auntie Saya was all set to tell me...never mind. Sage's ballsack, I hate being so weak!" He leaned down the far side of the bed and came back up with a bucket full of yellowish pudding with a spoon stuck in it. With a sigh, he began stuffing himself, pausing once to cover a yawn.

"You're beat and my head is full," Hazō said. "Are you okay if we head out? Let you get some sleep while we chew all this over?"

"Thure," Naruto said, the heavily-overloaded pudding spoon still stuck in his mouth. "I'll thee you laydah." He extended one fist to Hazō; the other boy grinned and bumped it with his own...only to snatch it back when Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Author's Note:
This scene covered well under an hour, but the XP award is high being I enjoyed the fact that you voted in my suggestion of 'Let EJ write whatever he wants. I trust him.' Note that this gratitude is based on having my request granted; proactively voting for that in the future will likely garner an award of 0. Nice try, guys. I'm on to your munchkinly ways. :>

It is now about 1pm on January 3. You are in the Leaf General Hospital, where you have apparently been talking to a Shadow Clone for the last half-hour-ish.

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, at 12pm London time.
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Chapter 264: Adopting a Stance

Ishihara Kenta's house was just as Hazō remembered it: a hardy two-floor wooden building, impressive by the standards of the district. Over there, on the top left, was the window of Akane's room. There was no light despite the winter gloom. Maybe it was a symbol of everything Hazō had lost. Or maybe she was out training.

The door opened slowly, reluctantly, at his knock. Akane's father hadn't changed either, including the half-grim, half-melancholy expression he'd worn when confronting Hazō last time. He took their presence in, eyes sweeping from Hazō to Keiko to Noburi to Kagome. Facing that many potentially hostile ninja would have been intimidating, possibly even terrifying, to a lot of civilians. Kenta, however, looked more weary than wary.

"Gōketsu," he said heavily. "I'm sorry for your loss. I suppose it must be even worse for you than the rest of us."

He did not, however, invite them in.

"He was a great man," Hazō said. "I know that, as Hokage, everyone in Leaf was his family. Thanks to him, I think we understand what that means now."

Kenta nodded.

"Is Akane in? I'd like to talk to her."

If possible, Kenta looked even more melancholy.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?" Hazō asked with an inexplicable touch of anxiety.

"Heroes' Graveyard," Kenta said tersely. "Bring incense."

With that, he closed the door. He didn't respond to any further knocking.


Hazō ran like the wind. No, faster than the wind, his teammates scrambling to keep up. It had to be a mistake. He must have misunderstood something. Nothing could have happened to Akane in the safe, peaceful Leaf they'd left behind. And besides, Tsunade would have said something if it had.

It was only when they were past the graveyard gates that he understood.

"Hazō!" Akane choked out from within the world's strongest hug. "Hazō, can't breathe!"

"Sorry," Hazō said, quickly disengaging.

"I thought I was going to die," Akane exclaimed with a wince. "I missed you too, but… ow."

"Sorry," Hazō said again.

"We brought incense," he said sheepishly.

"Thanks. I was running low."

Hazō looked down at the sticks next to her. "Maito Gai?"

Akane's expression sobered instantly. "Yeah. They haven't prepared a memorial for him yet. I've been coming every day. I know I should be training, but…"

"Sorry, Akane," Noburi said. "He was the most youthful man I'd ever met."

Hazō couldn't disagree with that statement.

Akane nodded. "I guess it's up to us now. Me and Rock Lee. We need to find more people, to make sure Leaf doesn't forget the Spirit of Youth when we die, but it feels like the wrong time to be proselytising, you know?"

To Hazō, it felt like the wrong time for everything. Why couldn't the world in general, and Hyūga in particular, just shut up and let them mourn in peace?

"About that," he said instead. "You know how I'm Gōketsu clan head now?"

Akane gave him a strange look. "I guess you are. I know you must be under a lot of pressure right now, but I'm sure you'll make a great leader. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help." Hazō knew Akane well enough to notice that there was something, some unidentifiable edge in her voice that he usually associated with Keiko.

"You can," Hazō said. "Join us."

Akane's eyes lit up. The edge disappeared. "Do you mean that?"

"I mean it. I'm sorry for not saying it a long time ago. We're all family, and we were stupid to leave our sister out in the cold."

"You actually mean it?"

"You betcha," Noburi said. "Took us a while to figure that one out. Not just teammates, not just clan, but real family, no less than Hana is to Hazō, or Ami is to Keiko, or Aya and Saya are to me. I challenge any other family out there to have bonds stronger than ours.

"Also, I'm cool with calling you 'big sis' as long as you spoil me appropriately."

"Listen to them," Kagome said with mock despair. "I could've told them we were family months ago."

"You realise that makes you our cousin, right, Kagome?" Noburi said with an eyeroll. "No vague 'I must protect my family' stuff anymore—you're officially our whateverth cousin once removed. And we're yours."

"Huh," Kagome said wonderingly. "So… so you are. I'd never thought of it like that…" He turned away.

"To clarify," Keiko said to Akane, "we are offering you adoption into the Gōketsu Clan, with the full rights and responsibilities pertaining thereto, under Hazō's Jiraiya-mandated leadership."

Akane stared at her as if at a loss for words.

"After all," Keiko added wryly, "any family can be expected to have one black sheep."


Kei should have done this sooner. She had known that news of the battle had preceded their arrival. She should have hastened here the hour, nay, the minute she saw the casualty lists. Instead, it had taken duty to propel her, and the discovery that Tenten and Akane were not together. Kei ran for the training grounds.

The training dummies were all but made of iron, but Tenten continued throwing missiles without end. Her ever-capable, ever-alert girlfriend barely registered her approach.


Tenten lowered her arms.


In Tenten's uniquely-expressive eyes, Kei read a reflection of her own feelings. Pain. Anger. Helplessness… but also guilt.

If there was one thing Kei had not felt upon receiving news of Jiraiya's death, it was guilt. In the final moments, she had given all she had to that relationship, had for once acted like a competent human being. She was not the one who had failed to transcend her limits.


Tenten recovered her shuriken, then beckoned her over to their tree. They sat.

"Chūnin were permitted," she whispered.

There had been five chūnin on the Leaf casualty list. Five who had been in Mist with Jiraiya at the time, and had gone to fight alongside him on Nagi Island. Five chūnin whose impact on the battle, if any, would remain forever unknown.

But also five chūnin who never returned. The most probable outcome… was that Tenten would have changed nothing, and then been forever lost to her.

Tenten nodded as if following the chain of thought, then closed her eyes. "No right answer."

Just like last time she had seen Tenten so distressed, Kei could say nothing, could offer nothing. Indeed, it was positively selfish of her to have added another layer of suffering to Tenten's already troubled mind with her influence on Tenten's life.

They sat in silence, Kei as close as she could. She wished to believe that the distance was narrowing, little by little, but if so, the process was slow enough that it would require whatever the opposite of a telescope was to identify. They watched silently as the winter sun set, early enough that it was as if the day had never been.

She recalled the promises she had made to herself during the Chūnin Exam, the personal rewards that would be worth far more to her than a medal bestowed by Captain Zabuza before a crowd of strangers—and far more frightening.

But even Kei's social skills were enough to tell her this was not the time.

Instead, she would make the offer she had come to make, and perhaps the gifts she offered would salve Tenten's spirit, if only a little.

"Tenten… the Gōketsu Clan is preparing to undergo a phase of expansion. We are seeking talented non-clan shinobi. Would you like to join us?"

Tenten's response took barely a second.


Had Kei not been sitting down, she would have staggered back.

"Are you quite certain?"

Tenten nodded.

"But why? Adoption is the greatest gift a clan can offer."

"Freedom," Tenten said simply.

Freedom? An alien concept for a shinobi. The closest Kei had come to freedom was as a missing-nin, her choices conditioned by nothing more than the need to survive while evading the pursuit of the world's greatest hunter-nin. Fundamentally, all choices were made by others, or by the demands of the situation. Perhaps Tenten's experience was less painful than her own—it would not be difficult—but enough so to refuse this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

"You would have access to resources far beyond the reach of a common-born," Kei pleaded.

Tenten turned her head to indicate the vague direction of her home, then her shuriken holster. "All I need."

"You would have protection from anybody seeking to exploit you, or manipulate you, or simply interfere with your life!"

Tenten held out a hand, palm up. "Too valuable." Then the other hand, as if completing a set of scales. "Not valuable enough." She gave an ironic smile.

"A secure income!"

"Leaf needs to show strength. Reassure clients. Many D-ranks, C-ranks."

Kei, increasingly desperate, only barely stopped herself from appealing to Tenten's loss of direction now that Maito Gai was dead.

Finally, she took the plunge.


Tenten looked at her with perfectly clear eyes.

"I already have you. Always and forever."

And with that, Kei fell silent.

But later, before she left, there was one more distressing conversation remaining.

"Tenten… I must make a difficult, perhaps dangerous, decision, and there is no one else I can ask for help…"

You have received 0 XP.
What do you do?

Voting ends on Saturday 18th of May, 9 a.m. New York Time.​
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Chapter 265: Plots and Plans

Flashback: 1069 AS, January 2, 6pm (one hour since Mari's departure), the Gōketsu dinner table

"So...going back to an earlier topic," Noburi said, while remaining suspiciously focused on serving himself from the big bowl of noodles and boiled duck claw. (No one was concerned about eating it, since they trusted Kagome-sensei's skill at removing the venom sacs.) "What was the deal with Mari?"

"Nothing," Hazō said, shrugging. "I told her that we needed her, that's all."

"What else did you tell her?" Keiko said, her tone clearly implying that she knew her brother was being evasive.

"Well...she was feeling guilty about not going to Nagi Island. I told her that, as powerful as she is, she's not on Jiraiya's level. Maybe she could have made a difference, but she could also have distracted him by making him split his attention between protecting her and protecting himself. She shouldn't beat herself up about might-have-beens. And then I repeated the part about how dangerous things are right now and how much we need her help."


Hazō shifted nervously. "Nothing. Well, I mean, I ordered her in my capacity as Clan Head to get up and help." Hazō quickly grabbed the plate of Mari-sensei's gyoza (leftovers from that meal back during the Chūnin Exams break, but still perfectly fresh due to the wonders of storage seal technology) and served himself half a dozen.

"Hazō," Noburi reproved. "You're a great liar, but we all know you. Whatever it is you're dancing around, spit it out."

"I...might have said that if she was worrying about manipulating people then she should do it to our enemies. And that, since I was ordering her as the Clan Head, anything she did was my responsibility and not hers."

Noburi stared at him. "Ah," he said at last. "I see no way in which this could go wrong." Pause. "How about you, Keiko? Any problems you can see?"

"The possibilities are myriad." She said nothing more, choosing instead to focus on her egg fried rice.

"I think it's great!" Kagome-sensei said. "You did exactly right, Hazō."

Hazō looked up in surprise. "Thank you, sensei."

"Yep. I was tired of Leaf anyway. I've been packed for months. You guys should grab your gear and then we can head out." He masticated his gyoza thoughtfully for a moment. (His mouth, as always, wide open.) "It's only been an hour since she left. The ANBU are probably still investigating StinkHead's murder. We should have at least half an hour before they show up to cart us all off for a fake trial and execution. That's plenty of time. I say we find her, bug out, and go back to that island in the Kanashi Ocean where we camped after leaving Snow."

"Kagome-sensei," Hazō said firmly, "we are not doing that."

"What, you want to go back to Iron? Seems risky. The stinkers might know to look for us there."

"I meant that we are not leaving Leaf. This is our home now. Also, there's no way that Mari-sen...that Mari assassinated Hyūga."

Kagome-sensei grabbed another gyoza and shoved it into his mouth, glaring angrily. He did not, however, protest. Hazō chose to take this as a victory.

"Changing the subject," he said. "Let's talk about Naruto. Hopefully the nurses will give him Jiraiya's letter soon, if they haven't already. And, also hopefully, he will reach out. I'm hoping that we might get to talk to him tomorrow. Kagome-sensei, how do you feel about the idea of Naruto being adopted into the clan?"

Kagome-sensei shrugged. "What does it matter? Not like I get a vote, right?"

"Sensei! Of course it matters!"

Kagome-sensei cocked his head in confusion. "Really? So if I say that I don't want that thing in our clan, you're going to just say 'well, okay, I guess we cancel the adoption that Jiraiya-stinker told us to do as his final wish, before heroically dying in battle trying to save us all from Akatsuki's insanity'?"


"I get it." He chewed another gyoza, then mercifully swallowed and noisily swished his mouth out with some tea. "It'll probably be fine. The Fox seems kindly inclined towards Leaf, and especially towards Jiraiya. I assume it will be friendly to us, too." He glanced around as though he could see through the walls and out to where his trap arrays surrounded the house. "And it will be nice to have that kind of power on our side when these Leaf stinkers finally come for us. Still, you lot need to understand that the Fox isn't human and it doesn't have human morality. Offend it too much, it will swat us. That's why I intend to stay away from it until it's settled in. Can't take a chance on me saying the wrong thing."

"Naruto is not the Nine-Tails," Keiko said firmly. "He is the jailer of the Nine-Tails. That is what it means to be a jinchūriki."

Kagome-sensei snorted. "The word literally means 'the power of human sacrifice'. How do you not see this? We sacrifice a person in order to propitiate one of the Beasts. It appreciates the gesture, so it works with us for a few years or even decades. Then, when its sacrifice dies, the Beast lashes out so that we'll give it another sacrifice. It's a standard protection racket—as long as you pay the gelt, everything's fine. Once you stop paying, they show up with axes and clubs and beat on your sister and your mom and bust up the place. What about this do you not get?"

"That's not... But...." She huffed out her irritation and tried again. "Kagome, you should talk to some of the experts in Leaf. The jinchūriki are not what you believe they are."


"What would it cost to talk to some people?" Noburi asked. "They've had a jinchūriki here for a decade and a half, and people have a much more personal awareness of him. Ask around, see if there are any incidents that indicate the Fox is in control."


"Sensei, please just think about it?"



1069 AS, January 2, 11pm, The Soggy Tag

Leaf's premier ninja bar was literally packed to the rafters, the floor so crowded that some ninja were choosing to stand on the high-vaulted ceiling. The music was pounding, the dance floor was jammed, and some kind soul had paid for half-price drinks all night as part of a wake for Leaf's fallen. The band was red-hot and loud enough that if you were on the dance floor it pounded in your bones and drove out thought (and, therefore, grief), but quiet enough that if you were across the room at the bar you could have a conversation without needing to more than raise your voice a bit. The long counter was full up, five frantic bartenders slinging drinks as fast as they could dip from the beer barrels or pour from the firewater jugs. The people who had managed to actually get to the bar proper were fiercely defending their spots while the slowpokes reached over them to collect their drinks.


Anko glanced over at the guy who had just shoved his way in next to her. A couple inches taller than her, blond hair, a chest as wide as an oxcart and pecs like chiseled granite...yuuuuup.

"Hey, yourself," she said, turning to face him and taking a deep, shoulders-back, breath. "Want to buy yourself a drink and then sip it out of my cleavage?"

Mr. Pecs blinked and went red. "Uh...I mean...I thought...wouldn't that be...uh...." He shook himself out of his semi-stunned state. "I mean, yeah. But I wanted to check first if it was true that you're with, um...." He glanced around furtively and lowered his voice as much as possible while still being heard over the din. "Someone powerful?"

Anko laughed and deliberately raised her voice. "You mean those rumors about me and Hiashi boning like crazed mink?"

Mr. Pecs's eyes got very wide. "No! I mean, I would never question—"

"Unwad your knickers there, boyo. Those are all lies."

Mr. Pecs almost sagged in relief. "Oh, good. Well, in that case, would you like to—"

"Yep, definitely lies. I have never once bent him over his desk and spanked him until his ass glowed like an angry cherry bush. Nor do I have any way of knowing that his monogrammed satin sheets that were a wedding present from his lovely wife make lovely restraints, or that his hands are juuuuust the right size for me and that fucking someone with the Byagugan means your partner knows exactly where your G-spot is."

"Hang on there," asked the brunette chūnin to Anko's right. Her face was vaguely familiar...promoted just a year ago, maybe? No clan mon on her clothes... Hakamada? Yes, that sounded right. "Is that true? I mean, I always thought they were kinda stuck up, but if they can do that—"

"Oh, you have no idea," Anko said enthusiastically, turning so as to include the other woman in the conversation. "It's even better when you get a couple of them together—like, just to choose an example of two people whom I have never slept with, Hiashi and Hyūga Susumu—anyway, you get the three of you together and swap around to try all the different combinations. Also, I would like to categorically state that it is an absolute lie that the 64-Palms can be repurposed as a tantric massage technique that stimulates the chakra system for pleasure instead of pain. Also, since I have never been banged like a brothel door by Hyūga Hiashi I want to be very clear that he is absolutely not the absolute best lay I've ever had, and he has absolutely not left me walking bowlegged. Nor does he have the most adorable O-face I've ever seen since, to be clear, I've never seen it. And he absolutely does not scream in ecstasy when you put your finger—"

"Are you talking about Lord Hyūga?"

Anko looked over at the newest arrival to the discussion. Older woman, chūnin vest, grey hair, long face with a sharp chin, and riveting blue eyes. Anko had seen her in the Tag a few times but couldn't for the life of her remember anything about the woman, much less her name. Still, she had asked a question and it would be only polite to respond.

"Absolutely not!" Anko said, raising her hands in innocent refutation. "I have never done anything remotely sexual with Hiashi. Not in his bed, or my bed, or in that little grove on top of the Hokage Monument, just to the left of the part in the Second Hokage's hair. Nor on top of the grave marker for his grandfather, out in the Hyūga cemetery. That would be waaaay too kinky, even for me, no matter how much Hiashi might have begged for it as a way of sticking it to the grumpy old bastard. And that marble was damn cold—I meant wasn't! It wasn't cold, because I did not do that."

"Cut it out, Mitarashi," said the older woman. She looked at Mr. Pecs and the younger chūnin woman. "She's just yanking your chain. She's never slept with Lord Hyūga."

"It's true, I have not," Anko said solemnly. "Not once. Certainly not fourteen times." She cocked her head. "Well, fourteen times if you're only counting when one of us got stuffed like a Sagemas turkey, if you catch my drift. Because it's been zero times total." She nodded decisively.

Hakamada was looking back and forth between Anko and the older chūnin, eyes wide. "But—"

"It didn't happen, Hakamada," the older woman said. "She's just trying to cause trouble. Mitarashi, stop playing with fire. If word gets back to Lord Hyūga that you're telling lies about him then he might come after your skin, and Leaf can't afford to lose more jōnin."

Anko's heart lurched at the reminder of her losses. Sensei had apparently been in Leaf for days or weeks; why had he not sent for her? Why had T&I not asked for her assessment of the bastard? And why did she have to have been on a mission out of Leaf when the news came and the task force was sent? Maybe she could have turned the tide. Maybe—

"Nah," she said, covering the pain with her trademark grin. "I have a rule with all my boy toys: No sharps. Although, granted, that is not relevant to Hiashi since he and I have never even met face-to-face, much less crotch-to-crotch."

"Wait, what's this about Lord Hyūga?" asked a boy who couldn't be more than a year or two out of the Academy. More importantly, a Hyūga boy, going by the white eyes and the prominently displayed family crest on his shirt. Anko forced herself not to smile.

"Nothing! We weren't talking about him at all," she said.

"Yes, you were! I heard you use his first name, you disrespectful cow!"

"Cow? Cow?!" She shrugged. "Well, I suppose that's a compliment coming from one of you guys." She turned to the younger woman to her left. "Hey, Hakamada, do you know why every sheep in Leaf runs when they see a Hyūga coming?"



"That's enough, Mitarashi!" snapped the older woman. "You've clearly had one too many. Go home."

Anko snorted. "Yeah, that's gonna happen." She grabbed Mr. Pecs by one of the gear straps on his vest and towed him towards the dance floor. "C'mon you. Let's get sweaty."


1069 AS, January 3, 3pm, the receiving room of the Inuzuka Clan main house

"What may I do for you, Lady Gōketsu?"

Mari extended the wooden box in her hands, bowing deeply as she did. "I wished to show respect for your loss." She waited until Inuzuka Gaku took the box before straightening up and continuing. "I've heard many lists of those brave men and women who fell on Nagi Island. Many of those lists contained names of both Leaf and Mist, Sand and Cloud and Rock, but I had to ask specifically after the fate of Kyomaru before learning of his death. As an outsider, I cannot understand the depths of your family's link with the ninken, but I know that the ninken are far more than mere animals. Kyomaru deserves as much respect and honor as any of the other fallen Leaf heroes, and someone needed to say that."

Inuzuka stared at her, seeking some trace of mockery. There was none.

After a moment, he looked down at the box in his hands, then carefully placed it on the floor in front of the cushion on which he knelt. It was a rich mahogany, polished until it glowed softly, with silver hardware for the clasp and the hinges. He unfastened the clasp and slowly opened the lid.

The inside of the box was lined in plush blue velvet, carefully arranged to cradle the dead pig's head swaddled in a yellow glaze that gleamed faintly in the light from the window. Below the head was a silver plaque engraved, 'Kyomaru: Hero of Leaf'.

" could you possibly...." He swallowed and cleared his throat. "How did you know?"

"I knew that many Inuzuka liked to bring their partners to the slaughter yard. From what I've been told, it's used to give new pups basic combat training against relatively harmless opponents, and the adult ninken consider hog entrails to be a treat. I thought it would be a reminder of pleasant memories and closeness with your friend."

"Yes. Yes, that's exactly right. How do you know that? Why do you know that?"

Mari smiled, briefly, before the expression slipped away into sadness. "Sir, the question should not be 'why do I know that.' The question should be 'why do others not know?' My husband told me many stories about the Inuzuka, both about his political interactions with your clan in his role as Hokage and about his years in the field, working with various Inuzuka when the mission required it. Every single one of those stories emphasized that your clan are powerful and loyal beyond question to the Leaf. You do not receive enough credit for that." She chuckled. "I should add that even when Jiraiya told me how infuriating it was to argue with your Clan Head, he never had a single bad word to say against her as a person. I believe 'aggravatingly direct' was the closest he ever came."

Inuzuka laughed. "I'll be sure to tell her that. She'll get a kick out of it."

"He once told me a story about Inuzuka Mie," Mari said. "She was a jōnin he worked with, as he always put it, 'mumble-mumble years ago'." Inuzuka chuckled and Mari joined in. "The stories were...ahem...a bit racy, as was common with many of Jiraiya's stories." She cocked her head, looking up as she thought. "In fact, I believe she actually appeared in one of the Icha Icha books. I don't remember which one, but the character's name was Mei—Jiraiya had a habit of paper-thin disguises for the people he put in his stories. She rode a massive Foo Dog into battle, and her enemies would flee on sight. The first time she appears, the dog chased Jun through most of the Forest of Souls. That was apparently based on a true story; Jiraiya and Mie were teamed up for a tracking/capture mission, Jiraiya got a bit too fresh with her, and then he spent the next half hour hiding in the bathroom as her partner clawed at the door and growled."

Inuzu cackled madly. "I remember that! Aunty Mie told me that story when I was little!" He shook his head. "Wow, I haven't thought about that in ages. She died shortly after I graduated from the Academy."

"Oh, Sage's mercy!" Mari went pale. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think to ask—"

"It's all right," Inuzuka said. "Really. She died stopping a charge of chakra apes that were in the process of tearing down a small village where her teammates were recuperating from battle wounds. It was a noble death. Don't feel badly for reminding me of that."

"Thank you," Mari said, ducking her head gratefully. "Would you tell me about her? And maybe about Kyomaru?"

"I would like nothing better," Inuzuka said warmly. "Let me send for some tea."


8pm, January 3, 1069, the Gōketsu dinner table

Mari was the last one to the table. She dropped into her seat with a happy sigh and promptly reached out to rub Akane's back where the girl sat next to her. "I see you lot have been pretty busy. Nice to have you back, kiddo."

"Nice to be back, sensei! My parents were terribly excited to hear that Hazō had offered me adoption." She grinned. "Although my father did glower a bit and mutter about how, 'Lord Gōketsu or not, there better not be anything inappropriate.'"

"Hey! I would never!"

"Of course not," Akane said, beaming. "I told him that I would punch you through a wall if you tried it."


Akane reached across the table and patted his hand. "Don't worry. I wouldn't really punch you through a wall."

"Oh, good."

"I mean, unless it was a very flimsy wall. Lady Tsunade has not yet taught me her Strength of One Hundred technique, which is necessary for penetrating more solid structures. We have been more focused on taijutsu and general knowledge." She bounced in her seat. "She even showed me the basics of medical ninjutsu! I have no real talent for it and I'm not sure if I want to pursue it, but she said that 'even an idiot should at least know how to fix her own bruises and pulled muscles' so I learned it." She looked over at Noburi. "Noburi, I always found your medic-nin skills impressive, but I had not realized just how impressive. It is an extremely difficult art."

Smugley Smuggington gave her two thumbs up. "What can I say, soon-to-be sis? I'm just that awesome." He looked over at Hazō. "Speaking of, when are you going to get off your lazy ass and actually do the adoption, huh? I want more sisters."

"Cut me some slack, Nobby. I haven't had time to figure out the actual legal procedures." Hazō paused, cocking his head in thought. "In fact, that's your job. Figure out the legal stuff, get any forms we need, and fill in a couple dozen of them except for the names and dates. That way we won't have to waste time when we find good candidates.

"On that subject—Akane, you understand that I was offering to adopt your family as well as just you, right? I thought it was blazingly obvious but earlier I realized that I hadn't actually said it."

Akane bit her lip nervously. "I...actually hadn't realized that. Thank you, Hazō."

Hazō smiled. Dodged a kunai there! Let's hear it for improving social awareness!

"It's not just because of you, either," he said. "The Gōketsu need new revenue streams and your family have a successful business. I'm betting that some investment from us will help them grow it, and we need the money."

Akane blinked and then smiled so wide her face should have split. "Thank you! They weren't expecting to be brought in, much less to receiving funding! Oh, they'll be so excited!"

"Go talk to them in the morning, okay? Tell them to put together a plan—how much they need, how they'll spend the money, what sort of growth they would expect. They should get it to Keiko as soon as possible for review." He glanced over at his sister. "Keiko, unless you object I'm making you Clan Treasurer. It'll be your job to track money in, money out, and how best to optimize it. If it's too much, hire some people and delegate. Later on we'll sort out whether or not you continue in the role after you're married. Cool?"

One eyebrow went up. "Are you sure it is wise to put such important tasks in my hands, Hazō? If I make a mistake, it would—"

"You won't."


"Keiko. Stop. If you don't want the job, say so. If you're just being your usual self-doubting self...suck it up. There is no one in the entire world that I would trust more than you to keep this clan's finances in order. Jiraiya felt the same way."


"KEIKO!" Hazō slapped the table with one hand, then froze and forced himself to place both hands gently on the table and take a breath. "Keiko," he said more moderately. "I have a problem respecting agency, we've determined that. You have a problem with hating yourself and believing that you're not good enough. Now, I'm going to work on my problem by asking you one simple question. As Clan Head, I am ordering you to respond to this question, and to respond only with the word 'Yes' or the word 'No'. The question is this: I believe that you are the single most qualified person to manage the clan's finances. I will not force you to do this job. Will you do this job?"

Seconds dragged by before Keiko finally replied.



She fidgeted with her chopsticks for a moment. "On the subject of funding, you should know that...I..." She stopped and tried again, but no words came. Finally she set the chopsticks down and put her hands in her lap. "I will need some time to prepare before I can offer a proper accounting."

"That's fine."

"And I may not be able to do it. Really, if I make a mistake...."

"Stop. You had your chance, you agreed to take the job. Suck it up and stop complaining."

Awkward silence reigned and everyone kept their heads down, focusing on serving themselves from the mountains of dishes scattered around the table. Eventually, it became uncomfortable enough that Hazō forced himself to break the silence by bringing up the topic he'd been dreading.

"And, on the subject of adoptions: Lee. I brought this up once before and Keiko objected; we tabled it at the time but I'd like to revisit it now.

"Emotionally, I'd like to adopt him because he's an orphan who has just lost the only parental figure and source of emotional support that he's ever had. Pragmatically, I'd like to adopt him because he's a combat monster and we can use more firepower.

"I recognize that there are definite issues with Lee. He's loud, exhausting to be around, and the way he overplays the 'youth' thing and constantly drops innuendo is incredibly grating. I think it would make sense to sit down with him and discuss all that. Maybe we could set up some ground rules—more sedate behavior in the house, quiet hours, something. Maybe add more soundproofing. What do you guys think?"

Glances were exchanged.

"He brings some serious political issues," Mari said carefully. "His mentor was widely respected for his combat skills and reasonably well liked for his sunny personality. He was also regarded as...more than a little eccentric. He definitely wasn't invited to parties or offered positions of responsibility. Lee has many of the same personality issues but has not had enough time to develop the ridiculous skills that let Gai get away with it." She hesitated. "Also, as you mentioned, he hits the innuendo way harder than Gai ever did, and it's offputting to a lot of people."

"He's not a bad guy, and I feel for him," Noburi said, the 'but' looming large, "but if the only thing he brings to the table is combat power, there's better choices. Shoot, there's clanless jōnin that we could approach. Lee's powerful, but he doesn't play in that league yet."

Hazō's spirits sank. He had really hoped to be able to pick up some votes on the sympathy angle. "Keiko?"

The young woman in question had been staring at Hazō with flat eyes. "As Clan Treasurer, I would suggest against this course of action. Imagine me and him living under the same roof. Now imagine how long said roof will last, and how enormous the repair bill will be."

"I don't see the problem," Kagome-sensei said. "He's a nice kid, and pretty funny. Sure, he's loud and too excitable. Tell him to take it outside and don't ever do that in the house, around Keiko, or around me or Hazō when we're doing sealwork."

"Thank you, sensei," Hazō said with a smile. "Akane? Your thoughts?"

Akane hesitated, clearly torn. "Hazō, I'm not actually part of the clan, so—"

"Stop. You've been part of the clan since before there was a clan. Just because there's some paper to sign doesn't change that. You can choose not to share your thoughts but don't try any nonsense about not being part of the clan."

"Power's really going to your head there, huh, Mr. Mew?" Mari asked, laughing. She shook her head. "After dinner I am going to give you such a hair ruffling."


"I..." Akane paused and took a deep breath as though about to dive into cold water. "I think you should not adopt him. At least, not yet. Mari-sensei is right; as much as I admire him, Lee's overabundance of youth rubs many people the wrong way. The Gōketsu are not secure enough that you—that we can afford to accept disadvantages."

"Look, Hazō," Mari said. "At the end of the day, you're the Clan Head. If you decide to adopt him, we'll adopt him. We've given you our advice, now it's your call."

Hazō sighed. "Okay. Keiko, on a more pleasant topic, did Tenten agree to be adopted?"


Hazō opened his mouth to ask why...and then stopped. "I'm sorry," he said instead. "Do you want to talk about it?"


"In that case, moving quickly on, let's talk about what you told us about Shikamaru's proposal. Tuesday isn't a lot of time; do you want me to try to stall it until Ami can get here from Mist? As your Clan Head I might have some leverage there, and I doubt anyone would object to you wanting your sister in attendance. You could even do the legal wedding on Tuesday but have the ceremony later, if that would help."

Keiko blinked in surprise. "Yes. Yes, that would be...desirable."

"Done. Kagome-sensei, could you please write up something for me to sign? Work with Keiko on the wording, put it on my desk by breakfast. I'll sign it and send it over to the Nara first thing.

"Speaking of writing things..." Hazō leaned down and pulled a sheaf of storage seals out of the carryall the handle of which was looped over his chair. "Kagome-sensei, these are Jiraiya's sealing notes, plus all the blanks that he left us. I'd like you to look through them and pick out half a dozen seals that you think are the most urgent research targets. Try for a balance of combat power, defensive use, and potential economic value." Hazō had carefully gone through and removed the blanks and notes on Kagome-sensei's seals that he had thoughtlessly given to their former Clan Head. There should now be no trace of his blunder.

Kagome took the stack of paper in awe. It was awe-worthy: The lifetime expertise of the greatest sealmaster of his generation, all piled together into a stack of pages four inches high, each one the size of four hands put together. Decades of ruminations, experimental notes, research ideas, and reports of both failures and successes, in one tidy stack.

The stack was, of course, deceptive. These were the notes of a sealmaster; each page was covered in a very tiny and condensed version of Jiraiya's crabbed handwriting. (As well as the occasional coffee stain or food spill.) That writing was nothing but a coded description of what was contained in the storage seal on the center-bottom of that page. Completely expanded, the contents of that stack would fill a room. A large room.

"They're coded," Hazō said diffidently. "The code keys are probably in one of them, but I don't know which. I guess Jiraiya wasn't willing to take a chance on writing it down in his letter to me."

Kagome-sensei did not respond; he had already pulled out paper and brush and was busily working on decoding the first page of notes, completely oblivious to the world around him.

"I think we lost him," Mari said with a laugh. She politely pushed Kagome-sensei's mug of tea in the way of his groping hand; the sealmaster took a drink and then put the mug back, never looking away from his work.

"Looks like it," Hazō said. "How about you, Mari? What have you been up to?" It was still surprisingly difficult to skip the 'sensei'. He was the Clan Head now. Only until Naruto joined, but even then Hazō would still be in charge. Clan Heads called their subordinates by their name.

"Well, you know how it is," Mari said, her voice light and airy in a way that someone who didn't know her would have thought sounded like how she used to be. Those who knew her could recognize the obsidian edge underneath the words. "Places to be, people to twist into obedient pretzels."

Hazō and Noburi exchanged nervous glances.

"Anyone in particular?" Hazō asked.

Mari rolled her eyes. "Oh, relax, Mr. Mew. I didn't do anything you'd disapprove of. I took death gifts to the families of some of the Nagi Island heroes, and I checked in on some old friends to make sure they were okay. That's all."

"I see."

"Also," Mari said, "I've been going through Jiraiya's notes about the local underworld. I need to know who the players are before I reach out, but I definitely want to get the nightwalkers' ideas on how things work and any blackmail they can turn up. I've also started looking into some of the minor clans on the council, trying to get a handle on their business so we can find the best way to pry them loose from the Hyūga. Both of those parts are barely begun; the other stuff kept me pretty busy."

"I'm not sure how much time we have, se—Mari," Hazō said. "As soon as Lord Hyūga is out of the hospital I expect him to push the vote immediately."

"I wouldn't worry too much," Mari said. "I'm pretty sure he's going to be there for a while. Hairline fractures in spine and skull, four torn tendons, minor pleural effusion, bruised kidney and liver, herniated intestine, a lot of blood loss, burns across most of his left arm and torso, and a burst eardrum? That would be enough to keep anyone in bed for a bit." She grinned. "I mean, not that I know what his injuries are. Those records are private and I have no way of knowing what might be in them. Still, if that was the list of his major injuries then I would suspect he'd be laid up for a bit."

"I see." Hazō thought about it, then decided not to push. "Moving swiftly on, we saw Naruto today." Quickly, he sketched out the details of the visit. "No matter what political training he's had, he's pretty rocky. I think I'm going to need some political lessons so that I can fill in for him."

"Political lessons, huh? Yeah, I can do that," Mari said, seemingly to herself. Her eyes focused into the middle distance. "So. Let's focus on the Hokage vote, since that's the next big problem.

"Kyoshō is in Hyūga's pocket. No point trying to sway them until we own big chunks of at least a couple reliable markets and can compete directly with the Hyūga on that front.

"Sarutobi Asuma will be leaning against Hyūga. Both his father's students and his own students are tied to us. We can convince him the hat needs someone with actual charisma and everyone he loves will die if Hyūga pisses Cloud off enough."

A very slight frown creased her brow. "That takes care of the simple ones. Minami has had long enough to cool off about the thing with Jiraiya, and with him...being gone, they'll have cooled off further. The fact that our new Clan Head has previously reached out to them personally will help too. Good work on that, Hazō.

"The bandage over their feud with Hyūga hasn't really held. I think their participation at that meeting was mainly a play Hyūga made to get them committed while they were still furious and nobody was around to push back from the outside. Unfortunately, them opposing Hyūga is balanced by Hagoromo probably leaning toward him alongside the Kurusu block. Win some, lose some.

"Inuzuka and Aburame are both tricky. Aburame was willing to give us the benefit of the doubt when Hyūga tried to set Jiraiya up to fail when he wasn't there to defend himself. Jiraiya succeeded in getting Mist committed to an alliance and bringing Naruto back, and you kids succeeded in the tournament. We may be able to push that.

"I took a death gift for Kyomaru—Inuzuka Gaku's dog partner—and then got Gaku reminiscing." White teeth flashed in something that looked heartbreakingly like her old grin. "And yes, we're on first names now. Anyway, hopefully that at least makes sure they're on board with letting Tsunade and Naruto vote, especially given we can pull the loyalty-to-Leaf lever on that one, but I don't think it will get the loyal idiots who've committed publicly anywhere near retracting their support for Hyūga. Still, it's a foot in the door."

Her hands were moving now, plucking a loose thread from her sleeve and starting to twist and turn it. "I hate to have to say this, but Uchiha aren't going to be with us unless we can find something they really, really want. They'll still be weakened for, what a decade, realistically? While Hyūga's in a position of strength, with so many of Leaf's best ninja...gone, and a big clan he has an iron grip on. The Uchiha need to position themselves to survive. At the moment, that probably means kowtowing. Even though, as I understand it, their current almost-head is personal friends with Naruto, I don't see how that could be enough. At least, not on its own."

" actually something we might be able to handle," Hazō said slowly. "They must know that the Kurosawa are an offshoot of their clan. They may or may not know that we occasionally produce Sharingan babies."

"Hazō!" Mari gasped. "Are you seriously offering to sell your children to the Uchiha in exchange for their vote?!"

"No!" He fidgeted. "I mean...we really need it. I'm not willing to leave the Gōketsu and become an Uchiha, but maybe we could...I dunno..."

"Maybe before we start selling children we could agree that for the next two years the Gōketsu will fund one of their businesses by way of a financial agreement that is a paper-thin cover over 'we are giving you money because you are poor'."

Hazō's eyebrows went up. "That sounds great. What—"

"Oh, and we could also agree to adopt a couple dozen of their surplus civilians that they're having trouble supporting because the Uchiha family income has been destroyed by the sudden absence of ninja-mission revenue?"

"Absolutely. I was thinking that we're short on manpower and we need to adopt some people, grow the clan a bit."

"Great. Sign this for me?" She plucked a storage seal from inside her kimono and unsealed a small wooden writing box, which she passed over to Hazō.

Hazō opened the box to find a wax stick, the Gōketsu seal, a folded-up parchment, a brush, and an ebony inkwell. He unfolded the parchment and skimmed through it; the language was simple, stating only that Gōketsu Mari had the permission of her Clan Head to negotiate business dealings and matters of adoption between the two clans.

He uncorked the inkwell, dipped the brush...and hesitated. He was Clan Head now, and fully cognizant of the fact that he was swimming in murky and shark-infested waters. Mari-sensei was...not at her best right now. It might be a good idea to put some effort into expectation management and rules of engagement.

"Just so we're clear: You're negotiating to fund one of their businesses and adopt some civilians, right? Nothing else?"

Mari shook her head. "Nope, that's it. I don't know if I'll be able to get in to see them tomorrow; I'll try, but everything is so up in the air with Leaf right now that it's hard to predict. Anyway, I'm sure once I broach the subject they'll jump."

"How much, you know what? Talk to Keiko. Keiko, figure out what sort of budget we can afford for the investments. Mari, you are not to exceed that budget, understood?"

The woman in question rolled her eyes and gave an incredibly hyperbolic salute. "Yes, O Great Clan Head. Jeez, you'd think I wasn't on your side or something."

Hazō thought some more. "Keiko, I also want you to figure out how many civilians we can afford to take on. Mari, I'm assuming they won't be economically useful, right?"

Mari shook her head. "No. That's the point—they're trying to cut expenses, so they'll be keeping the ones with valuable skills and giving us the ones who are a drain on the coffers. Most likely we'll be getting the old, the very young, and the crippled."

Hazō nodded. "That's fine. Make sure they're all healthy. Keiko pointed out that we can't afford to let any spirits of disease across the threshold."

He turned to the other adult at the table. "Kagome-sensei?" No response. "Kagome-sensei!"

"Huh? What?"

"We're going to be adopting some civilians from the Uchiha Clan as part of getting their vote on our side. How would you feel about teaching groups? I'm thinking maybe we train these people to the point where they can become assets. Teach them calligraphy, get them work as scribes. Teach them enough math that they can do accounting. Maybe some of them could become tutors for wealthy families. What do you think?"

Kagome-sensei's eyes lit up with an unholy fire and his fingers began tapping together frantically. "Yesss. Yes, I could absolutely do that! And then those stinkers in the Academy will see that I'm a way better teacher than any of them!"

"They won't be ninja," Noburi cautioned. "The Academy instructors probably won't count it if it's just civilians."

"Bah!" Kagome-sensei waved the objection aside with disdainful ease. "Once my kids are tutoring their kids they'll change their tune fast enough!"

"Cool," Hazō said. "Keiko, figure out the budget for the financial stuff and the adoptions. Mari, do not exceed the numbers Keiko gives you. Also, don't break up families."

"I'll have to," the redhead said firmly. "There's not going to be entire families where everyone is useless." She raised a hand to cut off Hazō's objection. "It's a good thing. We'll make clear that all family members remaining on the Uchiha compound are free to visit their relatives at the Gōketsu compound. It's an amazing intelligence opportunity, and the Uchiha elders are smart enough to recognize that. They'll allow our ones to visit their ones so that they can spy back on us. It'll serve to bring both clans closer together, but with us as the senior partners since we're supplying the money. Give it a generation and careful bit of development, and the Uchiha will be a Gōketsu branch family in all but name."

Hazō started to protest, but then decided to close his mouth and let it go. The problems of the next generation could afford to wait until Leaf in general and the Gōketsu in particular were no longer on fire with a dozen different crises.

"Okay," he said. "Next problem: Summoning Scrolls." He nodded towards Noburi. "This touches on a lot of different issues. The scrolls are a source of money, so they reduce our dependence on the Pangolin and allow us to diversify and expand our economic power. They are a source of combat strength, helping to secure the family against attack and making us safer on missions. Having two scrolls allows us to transport messages and goods overland effectively instantaneously—Keiko summons Pandā here in Leaf, hands him a pack full of storage scrolls, Pandā unsummons himself back to the Pangolin/Toad embassy, hands the pack to a Toad, Noburi summons that Toad to Mist, or anywhere else, and boom. Literally tons of messages and goods essentially teleport across the continent."

"Remember Jiraiya had wanted me to ship him chakra water while he was on missions?" Noburi said. "Say we hire a few hundred D-ranks where a bunch of genin allow me to drain a bit of their chakra. I could tank up multiple entire combat teams, no matter where they were."

"No," Keiko said. "It requires a Summoner on both ends. A very specific Summoner, as it must be someone contracted with a Clan that has an embassy with the Toads. I have not yet had the opportunity to go through all of Jiraiya's notes on the Seventh Path, so I'm not aware of with whom the Pangolins currently have embassies. I do know, since I feel certain that Hazō intends to bring it up, that the Snakes are not among them. So far as I'm aware, the Pangolins and the Snakes are not in contact at all—which is odd, since they live much closer to one another than do the Pangolins and the Toads." She frowned. "The Pangolins and the Snakes are in fact even closer than they used to be, now that the Pangolins have committed entirely morally justified and not in any way distasteful conquest and virtual genocide against the Condors. Perhaps two or three days travel, if I've understood correctly."

"Noburi, you need to get an appointment with Doctor Yakushi. Your chakra system isn't normal and we need to understand it better. Find out if there are likely to be any bloodline-related issues that would affect your ability to use Summoning or the Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu. If not, we'll get you the Toad scroll right away."

"It will take some time for you to learn the necessary skills of a Summoner," Keiko said to Noburi. "Do not sign the scroll until you have completed the relevant training. If you do, you will die."

Noburi's eyebrows went up. "Well, that wasn't intimidating at all." He shook his head. "Do you think you can teach me?"

Keiko hesitated. "Perhaps? I am uncertain and I would be afraid of doing it improperly. You might be better off going to Sarutobi Asuma. He is the Monkey Summoner and, given who his father was, Sarutobi is far more likely to be a competent teacher than I."

"Noburi, that's on your plate too," Hazō said. "Deal with the adoption paperwork by dinner tomorrow, but get an appointment to talk with Doctor Yakushi as soon as possible. Summoning and Shadow Clones are too important to put off; I want to get you those power-ups yesterday."

Noburi flashed him a grin and a thumbs-up. "You got it, boss! And don't worry—once I'm internationally renowned for my incredible power, I'll be sure to defend you against any threats that you can't handle. You know...mice, squirrels...."

"Cool. Okay, next order of business is the Snake Scroll. It's currently in Hokage Tower, gathering dust. What do you guys say about us going over there and getting it?"

Five pairs of eyes stared at him in shock.

"When you say, 'go over there and get it'," Keiko asked carefully, "precisely what are you suggesting?"

"In Jiraiya's final letter to me he ordered me, in his role as Fifth Hokage, to save the world and let nothing stand in my way. Gaining access to the Snake Scroll would help with that and therefore his orders require that we get it. When Jiraiya took office, ANBU had been largely wiped out. He restaffed it with people loyal to him, meaning that they'll be positively inclined towards us. Mari, I know there are ANBU who think you're the greatest thing since the Sage. I say we all march over there with Jiraiya's orders in hand and grab the Snake Scroll. Present everyone else with a fait accompli."

"Oh, good," Kagome-sensei said. "You do want to go back to the island! What a relief!"

"Hazō, that would be treason against Leaf," Mari said. "The other clans would see it for the blatant and completely unjustified power grab that it is. I don't even know what the practical outcome would be, but it would not end with us free and in possession of the Scroll."


"No. There are no circumstances under which this is a good idea. Once the Hokage has been appointed there will be further discussion about what to do with the Scroll. Maybe we can get it then, but taking it by force—which is basically what you're suggesting—would be the end of this clan."

Hazō glowered.

"Fine," he said. "Then let's do it from the other direction. Keiko, you said that the Pangolins and the Snakes weren't in conflict?"


"Great. Do you think you could get the Pangolins to send a diplomatic envoy there to open positive relations?"

"...Maybe? Why?"

"Good. Do it. If you need to sell it, talk about how we can help facilitate a Pangolin/Toad/Snake alliance that will benefit all of them. That's dependent on the Snakes saying that they will not accept any summoner except a Gōketsu."

Noburi sucked in a breath. "Wow. Some serious balls on that one, Mr. Mew."

Hazō shrugged. "I don't care. I'm tired of the powerful people here in Leaf, and in the rest of the world, with their politics, their stupid traditions and status games that make them let civilians starve and not do anything useful with chakra. I want that Scroll in this family so we can finally get moving." He glanced over at the redheaded misaimed kunai sitting across from him. "Unless you see a problem, Mari?"

She laughed and shook her head ruefully. "Not sure how you get your boxers on over those, kid, but no. It'll piss people off but it's not against the law or any unwritten rule that I'm aware of. Honestly, I think some of them will grudgingly admire it."

"Cool," Hazō said. "That was everything I had. Anyone else?"

Heads were shaken around the table.

"Great. Pass the fried plantains?"

He fell upon the deliciously sweet treat with abandon. Clan Heads who proved themselves competent by navigating tricky social and political issues deserved fried plantains.

Author's Note: A big thank you to the inimitable @OliWhail for contributing much of Mari's political lessons.

XP AWARD: 7 In large part because I really appreciated the players voting in my suggested 'Let EJ write whatever he wants' suggestion.

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at 12pm London time.
Last edited:
Chapter 266: Dreams Fulfilled and Nightmares Born

"Blessings be to the Sage, for I have borne witness to such a craving for self-destruction that all other madness shall henceforth be lesser in my sight."

It was not an auspicious start to the afternoon.

Their message had been sent in the morning, shortly before the cruel and unusual torture that was shopping for a wedding dress with Shiori. Kei honestly did not know whether this was a subtle act of vengeance on Shiori's part or the standard experience that hardened brides in preparation for the trials of marriage. After the thousandth virtually identical wedding dress, after the thousandth discussion on frills and fripperies (which Kei promised would be fed to a particularly undiscriminating pangolin, swiftly followed by anyone who insisted on inflicting them upon her), after the thousandth measurement-by-guesswork from a tailor who had been warned of the consequences of laying hands on her, yet insisted that her own knowledge of her body was insufficient… Kei found herself recalling that Zabuza was dead and it was now much safer to travel the world as a missing-nin.

Mercifully, the afternoon had come as she never believed it would, and Shikamaru was, as ever, a lone island of sanity to which she could cling (his written response having amounted to a very diplomatic "if I must").

"You mean this, don't you?" Shikamaru said miserably, looking at the resolve in Hazō's face. "You honestly believe that there is a scenario in which you are able to lawfully communicate with the sovereign head of a foreign state, and further facilitate the arrival of an agent of that state in Leaf, without so much as informing the relevant Leaf authorities, much less securing their permission. Gōketsu, how can you so contest the Hyūga in desire for your own clan's annihilation?"

"You're exaggerating, Shikamaru," Hazō said with wavering confidence. "For a start, there's no Hokage. No one can approve or disapprove of us sending this message, especially given that we're the Hokage's clan. If anything, until the elections, we have a better claim than anyone else."

"Gōketsu," Shikamaru said. "May I apply the power of the Clear Communication Technique?

"I do not intend my evaluation to in any way reflect my opinion of your moral character, nor of the effort you must have expended to arrive at this point, nor of the decisions made. It is intended only as a neutral analysis of your position, focusing on aspects I believe you have hitherto overlooked or underappreciated.

"The power of a clan, its very nature, derives from tradition, backed by countless generations of accumulated knowledge, and expressed through unique abilities refined over those generations. At the present time, the power of the Gōketsu, its very nature, derives from a man who is no longer with us, backed by at most a single generation of knowledge, and expressed through abilities refined over a decade at best. With him gone, your clan consists of a gifted commoner, three shinobi who left their clans before they could gain more than the bare rudiments of those clans' power, and Gōketsu Kagome, common-born until proven innocent. Your special assets are limited to a summoner and two sealmasters, proportionately powerful but trivial in comparison to any clan worth mentioning, which could wipe you from existence with numbers alone.

"Most damning of all, in the public eye, you are the alien scions of Leaf's greatest enemy. You simply have not had the years necessary to overwrite that perception. You are the weakest voting clan, and with the Fifth lost to us, it is only fear of legal precedent that keeps you from being stripped of your vote or even your clan status. To those who would advocate this, what are you but convenient fuel for Jiraiya's power grab, absorbed in defiance of both morality and law because of your concentrated strength, helpless dependence on him, and guaranteed lack of ties with his rivals?

"Relatedly, you underestimate the amount of security afforded you by your positive personal relationships with influential figures of the younger generation such as myself. Were we as a collective to be your enemies, as would be expected given your origins, or even simply disinclined to interact with you, you would quickly cease to exist as a political entity, no matter your legal status. Conversely, our tolerance influences the mood of others who have yet to decide whether to reject you as foreign matter. To fully appreciate this, I invite you to imagine a world where every clan heir shared Neji's values."

After a second's pause, Shikamaru leaned forward a little, interlacing his fingers below his face.

"I would note, in the spirit of the Clear Communication Technique, that it is incumbent on me as Nara clan head to make my decisions with this information in mind. You are suddenly worth far less to the Nara than you once were. It is fortunate for both of us, but especially for you, that the Nara unfailingly honour our commitments, and thus will proceed with the marriage irrespective of reevaluation, and thereafter acknowledge the bond it creates. There are clans, and not necessarily those which first spring to mind, that would have seriously considered terminating the engagement with the sudden death of the Fifth. Nevertheless, I must give serious consideration to which paths our alliance opens up for us, and which ones it closes, in a completely different way than my father had to.

"To finish off, please understand that I personally wish to be on your side. Keiko is the best bride I could have hoped for, and this one time I will admit that I find myself feeling a certain amount of affection for you two as well. While the rest of your family frankly intimidates me, I do not feel actual hostility towards them. As Nara Shikamaru, I wish for you all to prosper and find happiness. As clan head, these feelings are irrelevant.

"With all of this in mind, I urge you to tread lightly. Even if you successfully recruit Naruto as you must, you are far more vulnerable than you seem to understand."

"That bad, huh?" Noburi asked after a long, long second.

"That bad," Shikamaru confirmed. "Clear Communication Technique over; it is more tiring than I anticipated. Instead, allow me to share with you one of the most basic Nara techniques. When you return home, take five hourglass minutes to contemplate every way in which an enemy dedicated to your destruction—or simply convinced that you are an obstacle to their plans—could attack you, individually or in collaboration, and which of those attacks could be aimed at you this very moment, waiting for an opening, or worse, already in progress.

"There are those among the Nara who make this their daily practice, like use of the Dispelling Technique. A similar hobby, which I occasionally indulged in myself back when I had spare time, was to list the ways in which I would defeat any given shinobi I knew, based on their known and predicted abilities and the tools at my own disposal. It is very soothing, especially over a cup of herbal tea."

"To conclude," Hazō said, "you wouldn't recommend sending Mori a message."

"Indeed. Granted, while the idea of sending an unauthorised message of unconfirmed content to the sovereign head of a foreign state is merely sheer lunacy and guaranteed to have you tried for treason, you could instead theoretically apply to the diplomatic corps, which handles urgent international missives, such as calls for military aid, in the Hokage's absence. However, any messages that pass through their hands are heavily scrutinised, at times even rewritten to stymie secret codes, at which point your intent would be discovered. You are, need I remind you, under suspicion as foreign shinobi who have lived in Leaf for less than a year. Should you attempt to facilitate entry by an agent of your village of origin, for any reason but the Hokage's direct order, your reputation will take a hit from which it may never recover. This without considering the fact that, upon investigation, the agent will be revealed to be a jōnin infiltration specialist (my best guess as to Mori's specialisation) belonging to one of your 'former' clans. On reflection, perhaps I rejected the treason idea too hastily."

It was painful to hear, but not excruciating. Kei had known in advance that this was the most likely outcome. The world had always been a place of despair by default, at times dripping from the fangs of monsters, at times enshrined by the laws of men. Had she, knowing the governing principles of the shinobi world, allowed herself to hope for a miracle? If so, she had no one else to blame for the resulting fall.

"There's still a way," Hazō said, and her festival of self-pity was exchanged for Laser Element focus.

"Mori may be insane—"

Kei demonstratively reached for her kunai holster, brought with her today to deal with any overly-friendly shopkeepers.

"Mori may be a creative thinker," Hazō smoothly corrected himself, "but she's also disturbingly on-the-ball. It's not impossible that she might guess about the wedding and take initiative on her end. Just in case, I think we should buy some time. Would you be OK with putting the wedding off by another week? For Keiko's sake?"

"Not an option," Shikamaru said instantly. "I apologise, Hazō, but the guests have been invited, the venue has been set, the priest has been bribed, and my suit is being prepared even as we speak. Even if it were viable, which it is not, shifting the date now would lose us all the points we are about to gain by demonstrating your clan's commitment to Leaf tradition, which are not inconsiderable given that you are committing a fifth of your entire clan."

"A sixth," Hazō corrected. "Soon, anyway."

"Congratulations," Shikamaru said in the voice of a man watching with resignation as his cat fled with the last of his dinner. "You should go do enjoyable things now. I am given to understand those still exist somewhere in this world. Keiko, please remain so that we may share the thrill of browsing religious scripture."

The only reason Kei was alive at this stage was that she could not die before fulfilling her plans for the evening.


It was early evening by the time Kei staggered through the front doors, her mind already superimposing marquee decorations on the walls and ceiling, and red carpet (chosen to symbolise the blood that must be spilled on the path to righteousness, and Kei would never again allow Shikamaru to make binding decisions while sleep-deprived) on the floor.

"Is it over yet?" she greeted Hazō and Noburi as they sat talking animatedly over the kitchen table.

"Oh, Keiko," Noburi grinned. "Just the person I wanted to see. Which admittedly doesn't say much since there are only seven people who ever walk through that front door, counting Akane, and Kagome tends to use the back entrance anyway so he can check it's secure every time."

"Six people," Hazō said quietly.

Noburi's grin disappeared. "Right."

"You have business with me before I luxuriate in temporary coma in my room?" Kei enquired with saintly patience.

"That's right," Hazō said. "We have good news and better news."

"Consider yourself to have my attention."

Kei collapsed into a chair. Noburi, the hero they did not deserve, left to brew hot chocolate.

"First off," Hazō said, "we've had a messenger from the Tower. Turns out before we left for Mist, Jiraiya sent in an application for an extended sealing license. In addition to the existing broad license, we can sell to the Tower, and only to the Tower…"

He took a deep breath.

"Banshee Slayers Earbusters Earth Domes Five Seal Barriers Force Walls Goo Bombs Lesser Barrier Formations Variant Storage Scrolls to be Evaluated on an Individual Basis at the Time of Submission Silence Mines Tunneller's Friends! Also Vibrator Seals, listed under that name because Jiraiya.

"The list is to be kept confidential on both Gōketsu and Tower sides so no one automatically knows what seals we can make. He's also personally signed off on our certification as Leaf's head sealmaster, skipping the need for an inspection to validate that we're good enough to safely mass-produce advanced seals. Not that there would be any risk of such an inspector failing us for any reason coughHyūgacough, but this way we're the most certified sealmasters in all of Leaf."

Kei nodded. "In other words, you will continue to risk unimaginable death and destruction to us all, as triggered by some combination of ill fortune and personal incompetence, but now you will be consistently remunerated for it. I approve.

"I do also note that Kagome's personal seals are not listed."

"I noticed that. Anyway, it's money. Without knowing the state of the market, I have no idea how much it'll get us—Keiko, get on that when you have the chance—but it's a stable income stream for as long as Leaf needs seals."

"Unless someone invents a seal-printing machine," Keiko noted wryly.

"But all this brings us to the better news," Hazō said. "The implications for our Seventh Path situation!"

Kei's fatigue vanished in an instant. She sat bolt upright. The mug Noburi was placing in front of her, with its entrancingly sweet smell, was suddenly irrelevant.


"So listen to this!" Hazō said as if he had just brought home an Academy report with five throwing stars in each subject. "We reckon that, with our multiple scrolls, we could force the beginning of a summon alliance where the clans are punished for attacking each other so much that they'll have to honour their treaties. That's also our springboard for getting them to abide by the kind of principles we'd want to implement here if we could influence war in the real world—I mean the Human Path—like respectful treatment of prisoners, and eventually, not doing horrible things to the people they conquer. If we can make it work for the clans for which Leaf has summoners, the ones we have easy access to, we'll have the foundations for something huge."

Kei nodded slowly. "To a summon, nothing is more sacred than a contract. They are not to be broken lightly. Surprise attacks against allies, for example, are unknown. An alliance must be formally dissolved before war can begin—which is not to say that dissolution cannot take place at a time when the invading army is already in position to cross the border.

"But how do we enforce this system of non-aggression and cultural transformation?" she asked, something within her whispering a reminder not to permit herself hope too soon.

"Simple," Hazō said. "We sell seals to every clan that's part of the alliance, or signs up to the alliance later. With our new income stream, we have a safe fallback position. We can afford to take a risk on a big project like this without being afraid that we'll starve to death if we mess it up.

"Now, once we get rolling, every clan will want our seals. It'll make them safe from conquest by the Pangolins and the other alliance members, who'd be able to crush them easily otherwise. It'll also give them an overwhelming advantage against anyone who hasn't signed up, which makes more clans which are desperate to join. This is the point at which they become dependent on our seals. If anybody wants to betray the alliance, or the ethical principles they signed up to, we cut them off. At best, they have to pull back from any territories they conquered earlier until they're left with only the territory they can hold by conventional means, like a ninja village having to abandon land because it no longer has the manpower to keep it clear of chakra beasts."

Which might be a problem for Leaf soon, Kei thought absently, one of many headaches awaiting the new Hokage.

"More realistically," Hazō went on, "now that they'd failed to abide by the terms of the alliance, and been denied the seals necessary to defend themselves, they'd be instantly swallowed up by one of the neighbouring member countries. No clan can afford to take that risk.

"You see?" Hazō said. "It's the perfect plan. Noburi and I were already brainstorming it earlier, and then suddenly that message came like a sign from fate. We can have a proper clan discussion later tonight. No, wait, there's the thing tonight. Maybe tomorrow, then. For now, what do you think?"

Kei wanted to take refuge in the Frozen Skein, to lose herself in a thousand unrelated calculations, but she already knew it was too late.

"To clarify," she said in a hollow voice, "your intent is to sell weapons to every clan that agrees to your terms, such that those which do not, or cannot, or later choose to leave the alliance, will have the full power of said weapons turned against them."

"You're looking at it all wrong, Keiko. I'm instituting a balance of power which we'll control." Hazō drew a circle on the table with his finger. "That balance of power will be more stable than anything that the Seventh Path has had so far. None of the clans will defect," he slid his finger from the centre out beyond the circle. "They'll know they can't take the consequences." He lifted the finger off the table completely and retracted his hand.

"Membership of the Leaf-founded alliance is going to be the carrot, and the Pangolins are already serving as the stick. They demonstrate the power of our seals, and make it clear that the only way to survive is to obtain those seals themselves. At the same time, once the Pangolins see that there are others with the same seals—we don't have an exclusivity agreement with the Pangolins, I checked the notes—they'll have no choice but to curb their expansionism. It's going to be so ironic when their brutality becomes the trigger for wartime ethics being enforced across the world."

At first, Kei could not speak.

"This is you, Hazō," Kei said numbly. "This is you. When I realised what our hands had wrought on the Seventh Path, I was in despair. I exercised my primary talent, that of repression, because at the time there was no choice. Was I, the full-blooded Mori with a mind so insightful it put sea sponges to shame, supposed to invent and propose some ingenious solution to a problem of which I refused to acknowledge the scope? Was I supposed to place my feelings above the needs of the clan? No, Hazō. I explained the situation, I explained my distress, and from there trusted you to find a solution which I would give my heart and soul to implement. You, who treated even civilians as people. You, who balked at the deaths of merely fifty such. I watched and waited quietly for you to end the unending genocide.

"But this is you. I have waited, and your solution to the problem of selling weapons is to sell more weapons. Your solution to the horrors of war is to threaten people using weapons. Your solution to the lust for conquest is to limit its targets to those who have failed to purchase weapons, or removed themselves from the weapons market.

"It is 'clever', you see. Imaginative and with far-reaching implications. Elegant in its own way. A path to eventual world peace so simple and effective it could only have been conceived of by an original thinker without peer.

"But Hazō," she pleaded, "all I ever wanted was for you to find a way for us to Stop. Selling. Weapons."


But she could not stand here and listen to his justifications. If they were weak, it would only hurt her more for trusting him. If they were strong, it would only hurt her more for trusting herself. Above all, neither could challenge her naive, irrational desire to just make it stop.

"I have just recalled that I still have errands to attend to," Kei said, rising. It was not technically a lie. She would identify or invent some, if only to last until the evening, when she would be granted a brief few hours of reprieve.


The dinner was as Kei had requested it. The atmosphere was less than convivial, perhaps due to the empty seat at the head of the table. Akane had explained that such rituals would serve to properly anchor Jiraiya's spirit until it could be guided to the Will of Fire, and while no one else present was quite certain how this meshed with the religious practices they'd grown up with, there was a universal consensus that now was not a time when they could afford to disrespect Leaf tradition. What mattered to Kei, however, was that all members, apparently including the dead, were in attendance and awaiting her special guest.

"Thank you for waiting for us," Kei said. It was time to fulfil a promise she had made to herself what felt like years ago. If, despite her endless limitations, she was able to triumph in the tournament, if she emerged the ultimate victor of the Chūnin Exam… then in defiance of those same limitations, she would find the courage within herself to finally take this step.

Tenten bowed. "Thank you for inviting me."

"I requested a formal family dinner in order to make a certain announcement," Kei said with as much conviction as she could muster. "Tenten and I have been in a romantic relationship for thirty-seven days, and with Shikamaru's express lack of disapproval, intend to continue to do so indefinitely."

She fortified her spirit for the incoming shock. That Kei was attracted to women was no news to anyone present (except possibly Fifi, who had commenced dinner early and was even now gnawing on what hopefully hadn't been somebody's dog). That Kei had moved on from her infatuation with Mari-sensei, or at least, as completely as she ever would, might be less expected—Kei guarded the mysteries of her heart even more fiercely than the sanctity of her body. But that Kei had fallen in love, and, far more amazingly, that her love had been returned, would be even more stunning to her family than it had been to her. She hoped they would not be offended by her delay in informing them.

"Thirty-seven days?" Mari-sensei smirked. "You mean the previous two hundred were just you flailing around? I could have had you together in a week if you'd only asked."

"So it's finally official, huh?" Noburi grinned. "Nice job, you two."

"I am so happy for you!" Akane exclaimed. "So can I have those novels back now?"

Tenten blushed suspiciously.

"Took you long enough," Kagome grunted. "I was wondering if I should say something, make sure you had all your ducks in a row before the wedding."

Everyone in the room stared at him aghast.

"What?" Kagome asked. "We live in a village full of secret genjutsu users and Yamanaka and blackmailing Hyūga and mirrorverse ANBU and lupchanzen. You think I wouldn't check up on my cousin when she decides out of nowhere to go 'train with a friend' every other day?"

Kei's eyes settled on Hazō, waiting for him to complete her humiliation.

"I just assumed you were close friends."

She accepted the consolation prize without comment.

"I'm glad that's all out in the open now," Mari-sensei said cheerfully. "So what did Shikamaru say?"

"I made my position clear, as well as the consequences of disagreement. Happily, no further action was required."

There was a round of shivers across the table.

"Well," Noburi said, "at last we have something to celebrate."

Akane gave him a cold look.

"Uh, no offence, Akane," Noburi swiftly backtracked. "It's just that we decided to invite you all the way back in Mist, whole days ago, and we figured you'd say yes, so that's awesome. But it's a different kind of awesome from this completely new development that I totally didn't see coming months ago and spend all that time worrying about whether it would work out or whether my sister would have her heart broken all over again."

"Me neither," Akane agreed peaceably. "Tenten, why don't you sit down over here, between me and Keiko?"

"Thank you."

"Kagome, do you have any of that spiced hot chocolate left?" Akane asked.

"Funny thing," Kagome said mischievously. "Somehow I just felt like brewing up an extra-large batch right before tonight's dinner."

Mari-sensei rolled her eyes. Tenten smiled.

This was Kei's family. Tenten, to the best of Kei's understanding, had lost hers a long time ago. It was a subject she avoided. Was the freedom she treasured truly worth rejecting this?

Perhaps, in time, Kei could ask again. Assuming it would be possible after her marriage. Assuming it would be possible after tonight. If not, perhaps the family she would build with Shikamaru, Lady Yoshino and Shiori might one day approach this one's warmth.


Finally, with dessert finished and vital sugar flowing through her veins, Kei rose from her seat. She suppressed her trembling. Tenten was by her side. It was no coincidence that she had chosen tonight to introduce her. She would need all the moral support in the world.

"I have a further announcement to make." Her voice did not tremble.

"What's that?" Mari-sensei asked casually.

"Subsequent to the delivery at the end of this month, I am withdrawing from the Gōketsu contract with the Pangolin Clan."

"What?!" Hazō exclaimed. "Keiko, I can't allow—"

"On the contrary," Kei said. "Team Uplift was not a legal entity, nor its missing-nin members. Upon being acknowledged by Leaf, we received formal rights to our possessions, at which time ownership of the scroll naturally became mine as it was part of my contract, which Leaf recognised as valid. I have never transferred ownership of the scroll, either to the clan or anyone else, and do not intend to do so. I would prefer not to argue over further legalities, which I suspect I have researched better than you."

She could feel her hands tighten into fists without any decision on her part.

"I understand that this is a meaningless gesture. Noburi will soon become the Toad Summoner, whereupon you will be free to make and maintain whatever contracts you desire. However, even if I cannot wash the blood from my hands, I can at least cease to immerse myself, and no longer ask myself how many Pandās I have personally killed today. And yes, I appreciate that there will be personal consequences for me. I expect to lose my tessera. I do not know whether any of my current contracts will remain. Ultimately, however, either the Pangolin Clan can cooperate with me on our original, pre-Gōketsu, terms, or they can find a new summoner—a feat they will struggle with insofar as there are some very picturesque volcanoes on the southern islands."

Dead silence.

Hazō opened his mouth again, but Mari-sensei raised her hand. She glanced at him for confirmation, and he nodded.

She gave Tenten a quick appraising look, then looked up at Kei.

"Keiko," she said. "I'm very proud of you. I know it can't have been an easy decision. I can't pretend I'm not a little anxious, but we're the ones who chose to trust you with our finances. If you've decided that we can stay afloat without the pangolin income, all I can do is have faith in you.

"In a way, I envy your courage. I've cut and run plenty of times in my life because I was too scared to face my problems head-on. You know that better than anyone, since it's how we all ended up in the Swamp of Death to begin with. I told myself that I couldn't make a difference because Yagura was too strong, and then Shikigami gave me an excuse to pretend I was being moral when I was just running away. I surrendered my agency out of fear. You're surrendering yours as an informed decision, and that makes all the difference.

"I know it must have been tough to make a decision based on your own independent judgement, especially when what you choose could end up determining the futures of two worlds. It must have taken you months of thinking, with no one you could trust to help you decide, or to help you shoulder such a huge responsibility. Nobody should have to go through that when they have a family that's supposed to support them."

Mari-sensei's eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

"Keiko, I'm so sorry for being such a poor mother to you that I never realised the depth of your feelings. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me because I was too busy worrying about the survival of the clan, forgetting that the clan is made up of its people. I should have taken the time to talk to you and find out how you really felt, and then maybe we could have figured this out together, step by step. I hope you can forgive me."

She bowed her head in apology. "I know it's too late to make amends for how much I've hurt you. All I can do is offer to help you work out where to go from here, and to believe in the responsible adult you've become. You've trusted us with your future often enough… maybe it's time we trusted you with ours.

"Do it just one more time, Keiko. Look me in the eye, and tell me that this is what you want to do."

Kei felt dizzy. The room blurred around her. This was too much. She felt sick. Who did she think she was? To come here and throw an ultimatum in the face of the people who loved her? To play the martyr when they would be the ones paying the price? To allow herself to believe, even for a second, that a broken thing like her had the right to decide other people's destinies? She did not deserve Mari-sensei's kindness. She barely deserved to live

A strange, unfamiliar sensation. She instinctively looked down at the source.

Tenten had tugged at the loose edge of her kimono sleeve.

She could hear gasps from around the table. Tenten had just crossed a line that could not be uncrossed.

Kei stood frozen in shock, her tormented mind suddenly completely blank.

Tenten's gaze was anxious. Uncertain. Ready for rejection. But determined nonetheless—to step into the unknown and do what must be done.

Into Kei's violently cleared mind flooded one of Mari-sensei's own teachings. Unexpected. On some level frightening by its very presence. Yet somehow…

For someone like you, Keiko, there is only one defence against a hostile social expert. Do not engage. Do not speak to them. Do not make eye contact. If possible, do not look at them at all, because body language is a weapon. Do not listen. If you can't escape, speak pleasantries until you can get out of the conversation. Never be alone with them. Above all, do not listen. As a last resort, assume that everything they say, without exception, is a lie. It will cost you, but not as much as going toe-to-toe with someone you know is better at lying than you are at catching lies.

Mari-sensei was not a hostile social expert. She was one of the very few people Kei trusted unreservedly in this world. But if Kei had gone from conviction to nausea in seconds, if it had taken a serious boundary violation to render her able to think

"Tenten, may I walk you home?"


A walk beneath the stars with one's lover could have been the height of romance. Instead, an awkward silence hung in the air like an invisible wall. They did not look at each other. They did not speak. They did not acknowledge each other's existence except to maintain an even pace.

The door to Tenten's house marked the final boundary of decision. Kei would enter or she would not. Both choices had implications.

Kei hesitated. Finally, she gave Tenten a questioning look.

Without a word, Tenten held open the door to allow her in.

Tenten's flat was almost exactly the same as before—small, spartan, and, usually, inexplicably safe—except that now Kei recognised a number of the weapons on the walls, and knew their basic uses. The memory almost made her smile.


The only other change was that on the far wall, above Maito Gai's Guide to Attaining the Spirit of Youth, a pair of nunchaku occupied pride of place.

Tenten, catching her eye, motioned to the kettle. Kei nodded.

At the table, tea served, Tenten bowed her head in abject apology. She remained in that position, unmoving, while Kei gathered such courage as yet remained to her.

She had fulfilled one of the promises tonight, if in a cataclysmic context. And then, as part of that same cataclysm, fate had offered an apology of sorts by presenting an opening to fulfil the other. And if it was not quite what she had imagined… well, there would be time.

"Tenten," she said.

Tenten looked up at her.

Kei forced her breathing to slow. She ignored the screaming of her heartbeat. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

She held out her sleeve.


Lacking a benchmark, Kei could not say whether she had displayed extraordinary mental resilience by lasting this long, or, more probably, once again displayed her pathetic lack of willpower. Certainly, several eternities had passed, but with Kei's eyes closed and her other senses not exactly at their finest… for all she knew, for Tenten they could have been seconds.

The terrifying, comforting weight of Tenten's fingers disappeared one final time, and Kei took a deep breath in like a pearl diver finally reaching the surface. She opened her eyes.

Tenten's expression was the most beautiful she had seen for a long time. Delighted. Proud of her. Honoured by her trust. When was the last time anyone had looked at her like that? Even Ami could not escape the bounds of being the older sister forever superior to the younger. She could never bestow upon Kei the respect of an equal.

However, with achievements in drawing closer to the bare minimum qualifications for being human came commensurate exhaustion, to say nothing of the accumulated stress of the day. But if there was one experience she did not have the strength to handle at this time, it was returning to the compound and facing the people she had betrayed. Thus, emboldened by her boundary-shifting success, she took one final step before she figuratively collapsed to the floor.

"May I stay here tonight?"

As if in perfect sync, they turned to look at the room's solitary bed. Then back at each other. Kei's mind filled with static as blood rushed to her face. Visibly, Tenten's too.

After a few seconds of paralysis, Tenten slapped herself on the forehead and withdrew a bedroll from her equipment chest, spreading it on the floor. She gestured for Kei to take the bed. Kei naturally, made the opposite gesture.

Initiative: Tenten, Keiko
Tenten tags the scene Aspect "My House, My Rules".
Tenten Standard: Empathy: ?
Keiko Resolve: 20 + 6 = 26
Keiko wins.
Tenten Supplemental: Move pointedly towards the bedroll

Keiko Standard: Intimidation 20 + 6 = 26
Tenten Resolve: ?
Tenten spends 1 FP to reroll.
Tenten Resolve: ?
Keiko wins. Keiko chooses not to inflict stress.

Kei won the ensuing staring contest. Given that not long ago she had been the genin capable of forcing Jiraiya to a draw, Tenten had never stood a chance.

Of course, then Tenten gave a warm "I really can't win against you, can I?" smile that reduced Kei's feeling of soaring triumph to mere common-or-garden joy.

In time, the two girls lay next to each other in the dark, separated only by the height of a bed and a mind-meltingly small amount of horizontal space. It was beyond Kei's power to explain how here she was, with the world falling down around her, with Jiraiya dead, with her family hating her for her betrayal, with the unknown terrors of a wedding to come in the morning… and yet, for just this one moment, she was at peace.


It was the most surreal experience she had ever had. Well, nearly the most surreal. One of the top ten, at least. That was Kei's life now.

Shikamaru was dressed in traditional Leaf marriage armour, Senju plate dyed in Nara colours, to demonstrate his readiness to defend his new family. On his belt were two ceremonial sai, indicating his gentle side with a weapon designed to maim rather than kill. Kei herself was in a flame-red dress which represented her being infused with the Will of Fire (symbolising purification of her foreign roots, as well as having other connotations she chose to ignore), with a wavy, flame-bladed sword on her back to represent the complex path she had taken to arrive at this point.

But questionable fashion choices aside, Kei was so overwhelmed she could barely stay on her feet. A wedding. Her wedding. For fourteen years, she had been completely certain that she would be single for the rest of her life, neither worthy enough to marry out of love, nor worth enough to marry in the name of politics. She had not dared imagine being at the heart of such a ceremony—being celebrated. Any minute now, they would all realise their error. They would cast her down and curse her for wasting their time.

But until that time, she was swathed in a reality that was not a dream. Part of her still could not believe it, and a greater part of her knew that she was merely a tool of economic exchange. But this was her wedding, the only one she would ever have, and if Shikamaru was not the partner she would have chosen, she still had hope that she might be happy by his side.

Around her, representatives of every clan watched the procession, some cheering and others silent. She could see Yamanaka wiping tears away with a handkerchief. Kagome, in one of the red outfits Akane had given to him, smiling nervously with his hands deep in his pockets. Hazō and Noburi, Noburi mouthing, "Hell yeah!" Had they forgiven her? Could they ever forgive her? No, Kei suppressed those thoughts. This was not the time. Instead, she focused on the crowd. Hinata, smiling and waving. Hanabi on her shoulders, deadly serious, nodding her head in respect. Shiori, meeting her gaze with red eyes and a complicated smile. Naruto, roughly once every four people.

In the distance, in the section partitioned off for common-born shinobi and civilians (as well as those whose adoption paperwork was still in progress), Akane was virtually bouncing up and down, exuding that ghastly energy called "youth" so intensely that Kei could feel it even from here. Next to her, Tenten met her eyes, conveying radiant warmth that required no words, her hands firmly closed over Rock Lee's mouth. Dr Yakushi, mysteriously still not a clan ninja, was giving Kei and Shikamaru a contemplative look. And behind them... behind them, dozens of civilians waved an enormous banner reading "CONGRATULATIONS FROM THE GŌKETSU KEIKO FAN CLUB", with frolicking black kittens marking the corners like heraldic symbols.

On second thought, perhaps this was a dream after all.

She refocused on the ninja section, seeking sanity among the Uchiha. However, the young man was completely obscured by a huge litter bearing the bandaged Tsunade. She seemed disgruntled to be here, though not as much so as her bearers. The presence of Mari-sensei, next to her, should have been comforting, yet for a second, a flash of steely-eyed focus behind her smile almost made Kei feel afraid.

She rapidly moved on, only to be blinded by the sun. In this overcast weather, there could only be one source of such glorious light.


It was over, then. Such a beautiful dream.

No, Ami had taught her a lesson for use in exactly such an emergency. Kei touched the Frozen Skein.

The world remained.

So did Ami, banishing the darkness that had been constricting Kei ever since she returned to Leaf. Kei could not imagine how it was possible for Ami to be here, and to be here now, but it did not surprise her for a moment that her sister had managed it. After all, Ami was functionally omnipotent.

Kei was unable to tear her eyes away. Ami's expression was joyful. Encouraging. And, in the underlayer only Kei had learned how to see, gleeful. As if she were witnessing the payoff of a particularly sophisticated plot.

Next to Kei, Shikamaru shuddered so violently she could sense it without having him in her line of sight.

Oh yes. He existed. They were partway through a wedding ceremony. The shrine was a matter of metres in front of them. The assassin in white was further to the left. The Hagoromo priest, elderly and grey-bearded, was placing the Scroll of Ancient Wisdom on the lectern.

"Rikudō Sennin iwaku," he droned in the ancient tongue that none but priests and scholars bothered to learn, "ninshū ni sugureru mono nomi…"

Kei, who had naturally memorised the relevant texts in advance, tuned out the voice in the favour of watching the priest's hands as he drew forth seven gems: blue for the Human Path, white for the Deva Path, red for the Asura Path, green for the Beast Path, grey for the Preta Path, and black for the Naraka Path. Then he added another, iridescent, gem, and many in the crowd gasped. They must have gone their entire lives without seeing the Seventh Path gem, the privilege granted to summoners alone.

The priest raised his hands, and without interrupting his reading, began to quickly juggle the seven gems, clockwise as was only proper.

All eyes were drawn to the microcosmic wheel of transmigration spinning before the happy couple. Then, as the priest's voice rose to a crescendoing chant, the ninja waiting atop the boulder to the left, clad in white pyjamas, leapt down with a yell. He reached for Kei, but Shikamaru easily interposed himself. Failing to kidnap Kei, the White Ninja instead drew his his enormous, unwieldy naginata and thrust it (yes, thrust it) at Shikamaru, who caught it with his sai.

Meanwhile, behind Kei, a ninja in black pyjamas slowly crept up to her, theatrically standing on tiptoe with arms stretched out in front of him. While the White Ninja symbolised the incompetence of evil, the Black Ninja symbolised the need to be vigilant for it nonetheless.

Kei counted off the naginata-on-sai clangs. One. Two. Three.

She spun around, blocking the Black Ninja's matte ninja-tō with a slash of her sword.

He sought to stab her, but she easily deflected his attacks.

Five clangs. Six. Seven.

She swept the blade across with a magnificent flourish which in real ninja combat would spell her certain death. A ball of black cloth, trailing red string, rolled off the Black Ninja's neck and tumbled away. He collapsed, head tucked deep into his pyjamas. Behind her, Shikamaru plunged both sai into the White Ninja's chest. The White Ninja fell to the ground, rapidly casting a series of red ribbons into the air from inside his clothing.

Back to back, the bride and groom stood triumphant over the forces of evil.

They turned and walked to the true shrine, where the Hagoromo priest was waiting for them. Without a break in his chanting, he cast the seven gems to the couple one by one.

"I call upon the Sage of Six Paths," Shikamaru called out while juggling the gems between Kei and himself, "to bestow the blessings of Six upon my beloved bride, that the bonds between us be as strong as the bonds between worlds, that our sharing of thoughts be as clear as ice, and that our self-interest be enlightened by the Will of Fire."

"I call upon the Sage of Six Paths," Kei responded, "to bestow the blessings of Seven upon my beloved groom, that our bonds be as eternal as the journey of the soul within the cycle of reincarnation, that we may walk together as shadows, unbroken in light and darkness both, and that our cognitive biases be burned away by the Will of Fire."

"Thus mote it be," pronounced the priest.

Finally, Kei and Shikamaru embarked on a much truer test of their relationship than anything that had come so far. They had to cup their hands.

In flawless coordination, as if reading each other's minds, they moved their right and left hands respectively towards each other. The hands were so close that, to an outside observer, they appeared cupped together. Only the tiniest, exactly-balanced sliver of chakra repulsion separated them. Were either side too strong, or only one side active, the hands could be visibly pushed apart or slip past each other. Were either too weak, the hands could touch. The proximity was unnerving enough already.

Their cupped hands thus separated as one, Kei and Shikamaru allowed all seven gems to fall into them, and then rolled them into mouth of the rainbow-painted urn symbolising the Sage of Six Paths.

There was a massive cheer from the audience as the final stage of the ceremony was completed. Turning back, Kei and Shikamaru cast a series of blunted kunai with exorcism tags attached in the vague direction of the crowd, in high, lazy arcs. Per tradition, any who caught one would be freed of any evil spirits interfering with their love lives, while any who tried and failed would be distracted from their love-related woes for some time to come.


The second the wedding was over, Kei rushed her sister into a nearby marquee, leaving Shikamaru to stand guard against any suicidal mortal who dared to interfere with the reunion.

"Ami!" Kei exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Celebrating my darling little sister's wedding, duh."

"Allow me to rephrase. What are you doing here?"

"Seemed like a great place to study social dynamics. Most of the important people in Leaf are hanging around together, and they're all wearing their clan crests."

"Allow me to rephrase one more time. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I asked the Mizukage whether she'd be paying her respects at the Hokage's funeral in person, and after a second's thought, she told me to have my scrolls packed within the hour."

Kei sighed. "I suppose we may as well be thorough. What are you doing here?"

"Taking notes." Ami beamed. "Didja see how there was a gap between the Yamanaka and the Akimichi? And where Uzumaki did and didn't place his clones? Nice crest, by the way, see if you can incorporate it into the Gōketsu one after the vote. Oh, and there was this cute Nara kid trying not to fall apart. I can't wait to hear that story. Are you going to be a heartbreaker like Mari-sensei? Oh, speaking of which, I have got to catch up with her. The thing with the thing? Masterful. Can't believe I missed it."

"The… thing with the thing?" Kei asked warily.

"If you haven't heard about it, I'm betting you will soon. Leaf looks like so much fun already. Looks like I'm going to have to bring my A-game if I want to join in!"

"Wait." Kei rewound the conversation in her mind. "Mari-sensei?!"

"Oh, yeah," Ami said. "I'm your senior student. Mari-sensei was one of the people who showed me the ropes back when I was a young and innocent chūnin. There aren't that many I&S specs in Mist, you know. She and I were never close—not that the Heartbreaker was close with anyone—but we worked well together. I helped her keep her hand in during downtime, and she gave me some very effective pointers. Hey, maybe she can tell me why my disguise skills have gone rusty all of a sudden."

The revelation left Kei completely numb.

"How did you know when to come?" Kei asked mechanically.

Ami gave a meaningful silence.

"I can field that one, I regret to say," Shikamaru's voice came from the marquee entrance. "After a certain unfortunate act of insensitivity on my part, Mori arranged a meeting and enlightened me as to my responsibility for Keiko's welfare as her husband-to-be. Once my mental faculties were restored, she engaged me in unrelated political discussion. A number of subjects were lightly touched on, one of them being a passing mention of the dangers associated with instability in the personal lives of political actors. Later, on hearing the news from Nagi Island, it became apparent to me how easily I could generate stability in at least one respect by accelerating the marriage preparations. This would fulfil both my own needs as sudden clan head and my responsibility for Keiko's welfare, all while drawing on no more resources than had already been earmarked for the purpose.

"Then Mori visited me two days ago and a number of things became clear. Naturally, I was overjoyed to welcome her as a wedding guest, and keen to accept her request that we keep her attendance a surprise so as not to risk distracting Keiko while she was engaged in urgent preparations. Needless to say, there was also no need to alter the wedding date. May I please return to my guard duty?"

"Go for it," Ami grinned. She looked back to Kei. "There's a lot going on in Mist right now, and I really should be fulfilling my duties and getting back as soon as I can. Trouble is, apparently Leaf has more than one strong candidate for the hat, and the funeral can't take place until there's a new Hokage, so either way I'm going to have to kill some time here. Any cultural revolutions you want to introduce, any secret societies you want to found, I'm your gal.

"Oh, yeah," she said, "I should introduce my official escort. Yūichi, come meet my sister!"

An awkward-looking young man, perhaps a couple of years older than Kei, shuffled past Shikamaru.

"Yūichi here's been assigned to make sure I don't get into trouble."

Yūichi bowed. "It is an honour to meet you, Lady Gō—Lady Nara."

"This guy has a great backstory," Ami said. "Yūichi's a proud representative of the Shimura Clan, which used to be one of the great Fire Country clans until their allies betrayed them and they were nearly wiped out late in the Warring Clans period. The First Hokage shunned them because they were such a small clan, but their fortunes soared under the Second, who recognised their unique talents. At first, the Third continued the trend, and Yūichi's step-grandfather and clan leader was right about to expand the family business when he died in a tragic accident."

"Yes," Yūichi said slowly. "A tragic accident."

"One moment," Kei said. "It was my understanding that Shimura Danzō was the last scion of the Shimura Clan."

"Oh, he was," Yūichi agreed, straightening his spine like an abandoned puppet coming alive. "He never adopted anyone because he preferred a loose network where none of our parents had legal connections with each other. Unfortunately his will mysteriously disappeared in the tragic accident, so if he was lining one of them up to be his successor, we'll never know.

"But in the end, that's not what matters. Grandfather's the one who reached out to us common-borns and gave us a chance to be something more. Even if he's dead, even if the Third Hokage turned his back on us and allowed the clan to be dissolved, we will always be loyal to Grandfather's ideals."

"Don't forget the thing," Ami helpfully advised him.

"That's right," Yūichi said. "Lady Ami pointed out that now the Fifth has set the precedent for common-borns founding new clans, there's no legal reason for us all not to come together as the new Shimura. As a special favour, she's even willing to go over the basics of running a clan with us before she goes home."

"I told you, it's just Ami to friends," Ami said. "I'm no clan bigshot back home. If anything, I'm hovering around the edges of the system—they won't pull me in and they can't kick me out. They only sent me here because the Mizukage wanted to get me out of her hair. Funny how fate sometimes draws people together, huh?"

"A source of never-ending entertainment," Kei observed in a deadpan voice.

"Sure is. I figured I'd look around the mission office while I was waiting for all the diplomats to be ready to receive me, and I took the chance to chat with a bunch of ninja, and it just so happened that Yūichi was hanging around trying to find a chūnin-level mission that hadn't already been assigned to clan ninja. So when the diplomatic staff were trying to pick my official escort, I asked them to specifically not assign that free chūnin downstairs who made me feel uncomfortable because he kept watching me like a hawk the whole time I was there."

Ami winked at Yūichi.

"But first things first."

She stepped over and gave Kei the most affectionate of all possible hugs. Kei melted into her arms. Safety. Love. Trust. Something real in a world of uncertainty and lies. In the back of her mind, Kei was already wondering how to persuade Ami to join the Nara.

She thought of Tenten. Did anyone ever hug her? Did anyone ever make her feel safe, loved, trusted, with a touch? If it was possible for her to share with Tenten what Ami shared with her, then she would keep trying till the end of time.

Ami stepped back. "Now I'd love to catch up with you, and I promise I will, but I've got a prior engagement, and there's ever so much to do. Keiko, after whatever happened last night—c'mon, runt, I only needed to see how you were looking at your family—I'm assuming you're heading straight to the Nara compound? I'll drop by soon enough.

"You ready to go, Yūichi?"

"I am at your service, Ami."

With that, Ami skipped off, Yūichi obediently following her like a dog following its master.

Kei could have commented that this did not bode well, but she had resigned herself to Leaf's destruction the moment she saw that smile in the audience.


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Voting ends on Saturday 25th of May, 9 a.m. New York Time.​
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Chapter 267: Thoughtful Wandering and Wandering Thoughts

"Welcome!" Mari said, smiling at the mill owner. He stood at the head of a squad of heavily-muscled workmen pulling two carts, each stacked high with square-cut lumber. The mill owner was thoroughly bundled up against the cold and still shivered; clearly, he was not used to going out on delivery calls and would not have been here without the specific request she had made when she placed the lumber order.

The expensive and completely unnecessary lumber order. Sometimes, you had to spend money to make money. (Also, lie, cheat, and manipulate. Fortunately, that didn't matter anymore.)

"Good morning, Lady Gōketsu," the mill owner said. He wiped at his nose with a handkerchief before continuing. "Where would you like us to put the delivery?"

"Oh, just around the—" She paused, frowning, and stepped closer to the wagon. "I'm sorry, it seems this is all cut 4x4, but we needed—" She paused, thinking. ""Oh, Sage. I did say 4x4. I'm so sorry; we actually needed it to be 2x4." She shook her head, years of practice allowing her to feign embarrassment with perfect fidelity. "I'm so sorry. How stupid of me."

The workmen were being completely stone-faced; they were accustomed to delivering to fussy and overly sensitive ninja clans, and they knew perfectly well not to seem even slightly disapproving of a customer's stupidity. The mill owner, not normally going on deliveries, was not accustomed to directly dealing with ninja customers; a flicker of annoyance crossed his face before he locked it down.

"I'm sure it was my fault," he said unctuously. "I apologize most profusely. I'm a terribly forgetful fool and I am so sorry for wasting your time. With your permission, we'll take it back to the mill for recutting. I should be able to deliver it late tomorrow."

"Oh, I couldn't possibly waste your time!" Mari said. "Would you mind recutting it here? I'm happy to pay for your efforts."

The mill owner's eyes flicked from side to side like a rabbit looking for an escape. "Lady Gōketsu...we don't have tools with us, and even if you have some here, cutting with handsaws would take significantly longer than taking it back and forth to the mill."

"Oh, that won't be a problem," said Mari, waving a hand airily. "We can do it right here." She turned and surveyed the lawn to the left of the gate, mentally superimposing today's version of Kagome's map of the defenses over what she could see. Kagome had, as always, come out last night with his implosion bombs, storage seals, and a shovel to clear off the snow. ("Can't let the stinkers waterwalk across the defenses on the snow, or let the snow show where things are!") As intended, it made it harder to identify where things were, but she had prepared for this.

"Just bring it here," she said. "Carefully, please. Follow me precisely." She paced towards the house, then pulled a wooden dowel from within her robe and waved it back and forth as she stepped onto the lawn. (Mentally, she bet herself fifty ryō that none of the men would think to ask why she was carrying such a thing.) She walked forward towards one of the various large rocks, 'ornamental' statues, low 'decorative' walls, and giant 'KEEP OUT!' placards that were strewn around with somewhat tasteless frequency. Half a dozen steps in, the stick thumped into a solid barrier just above the head of a stone tentacular horror. A sliver of the stick fell away, sliced clear by the infinitely sharp edge of a Force Wall.

"There's a sharp edge here," she said, pointing. "If you wouldn't mind running the boards through it?" She lowered the stick to the ground and used it to carefully trace the location of the Wall, then stepped to the side and casually waved the stick, holding it between thumb and finger. It struck empty air and was sliced cleanly in half.

The mill owner and all twelve of his minions were staring in shock.

"What...Your Ladyship, what is that?"

Mari raised her eyebrows in surprise and glanced back and forth from the man to the lethal trap. "It's a Force Wall seal, of course," she said, as though observing that the sun was in the sky. "Part of the house defenses." She laughed. "Kagome will be so angry with me for revealing its location. I'm sure he'll promptly move it somewhere else." She turned and looked at the seal consideringly. "Actually, he may need to replace it entirely. They only last eight hours or so." Actually, they lasted twelve, but there was no reason to give out information on the defenses that she didn't have to. If she ended up selling to the man she could tell him they had created an improved version just for him. Or simply smile apologetically and admit the truth. Either one.

"Could...." He stopped, getting his brain back in gear, and then took a deep breath to gather his courage. "Please forgive me if this request is inappropriate, Your Ladyship. I am but a simple miller and I lack knowledge of the proprieties. Is there any possible way that I could purchase some of those from your most honorable self? It would be tremendously useful for a lumber mill such as mine."

"I don't see why not. Kagome keeps a few on hand, and I'd be happy to—" Mari stopped and shaped her carefully-trained face into sadness. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'd be happy to sell them—in fact, the family has been looking for new revenue streams, or even businesses that we could invest in. We had thought that we could take a small interest in the business and then supply the seals for free but, unfortunately, we aren't allowed to do that. Merchant Council rules, you know. And I can't sell you the seals because we're only licensed to sell them to the Tower." She 'thought' for a moment. "What we could do is to notify you in advance when we're going to sell them. If you happen to be at the Tower at the same time that we hand them in then you could immediately offer to buy them. That way you wouldn't need to worry about availability or someone else buying them up first." She shrugged. "Although, I admit that I don't know if they're making them available for civilian purchase or reserving them for military use."

"I see," the man said slowly. "That would be very helpful, thank you."

"Excellent! We'll be taking a shipment over tomorrow at noon." At least, now they would. "Shall I send someone to collect you beforehand?"

The mill owner gaped and bowed, deeply and repeatedly. "Your Ladyship is far too kind! Thank you so much! No, that won't be necessary. I'll meet you at your gates at noon, if you'll allow it?"

Cue the dimples. "Of course. Thank you so much for your understanding. I would sell them direct if I could but...." Shrug in mild embarrassment. Discreetly check for effect...good. He would be waiting at the gates by sunrise or her name wasn't Heartbreaker.

"Of course, of course. Thank you. Here, let us get those boards cut for you."

"Thank you. I'll just mark the safe path for you. Please don't step off of it; Kagome is extremely thorough with his defensive emplacements. Then I'll run inside and get some hot tea and a bonus for all your efforts."

She scratched barely-visible parallel lines in the frozen dirt to mark where it was safe to step, then gave them a smile and a nod (carefully calculated: friendly yet aloof, an acknowledgement from a woman of superior station to her social inferiors, yet with kindly intent) before heading up the main driveway to the house. She took care to put the tiniest bit of sway in her walk; not enough to seem like she was doing it on purpose, just enough to make the men nervous about entertaining thoughts that could get them executed. Men were easier to manage when they were slightly aroused and slightly nervous, and it left them positively inclined to you in the future.

She would need to be sure they moved efficiently and cleared out. In two hours the owner of a furniture repair shop would be coming to pick up a heavy armoire; wouldn't he be surprised when she popped it in a storage scroll and told him to just rip the thing open when he got back to the shop? He would undoubtedly be interested to know that the Gōketsu considered storage scrolls almost worthless and were more than happy to sell them for pennies...although, most unfortunately, their Merchant Council license only allowed her to sell two more this month. Still, she'd be happy to send someone by to store any particularly heavy items that he needed to deliver (warning of the need for protective wrappings, of course), and was he by any chance looking for an investor?

She sighed in annoyance as she went through the doors of the house and headed for the kitchen where the tea and bonus money were waiting. Salvaging the clan's finances after Keiko's explosive announcement was a distraction from what actually mattered right now: politics. Still, she should be able to get back to it soon.

Of course, Hazō was undoubtedly going to want to Talk About What Happened. She should put some thought in on how to handle that conversation.


Hazō leaned back in his chair on the back porch, carefully arranging the fur blanket over himself to shield him from the freezing snap in the air. The porch fireplace was roaring, so the left side of his face was toasty while the right was being nipped by winter spirits. He had a hot mug of three-parts-tea-to-one-part-honey in hand and his feet up on the not-intended-for-feet sidetable; the world was about as good as it could be today.

He gazed thoughtfully across the heavily overgrown jungle that was the Gōketsu back lawn. There wasn't enough manpower in the clan to do the work of clearing it themselves and until now there had been more critical things to spend the money on than tending to a segment of the grounds that no one except family would ever see. Besides, Kagome got nervous at the thought of random people wandering around on the property, and the thought that he would have had to take down the defenses so that gardeners could work was almost enough to send him into a panic attack. And it wasn't critical; the threat matrix remained fairly low as long as someone went out and tossed a few hundred explosives around every week or so.

Mari-sen...Mari was out and about, hustling out of the house in the morning with a muffin in one hand while muttering something about money being the immediate concern but politics being the important one so why didn't Hazō think about that?

So, here he was, thinking about that.

The Hagoromo clan seemed like a good place to start. From what everyone had said, the Hagoromo were going to vote Hyūga for the Hokage's hat, but only because the Hyūga held debt markers against them and wielded those markers like a club. If there were some way to clear that debt, the Hagoromo would likely vote against their former debt-holders just from spite.

Two days ago, Hazō would simply have reached out to them and offered a loan. The money from the Pangolins had been enough to cover Gōketsu's substantial expenses, provide a major amount of spending money for each member of the clan, fund a massive intelligence dragnet in the search for Naruto, and still put a small amount of money aside. The money freed up after Naruto's return would have made Gōketsu a powerhouse, but now that Keiko had cut off the supply....

The key thing was the lack of information. What exactly were the debts? What were the repayment terms? Was there an option to buy the debt off for a lump sum, or would it be an ongoing expense that could potentially cause problems if there was ever a cash flow issue? He needed more data.

Hazō took a sip of his tea, enjoying the taste of the honey, as he pondered where to get the aforementioned data. The Hagoromo wouldn't tell him just for asking, of course. He could send Mari to find it out, but she was busy with more immediate things. No, this would probably be a good excuse for Hazō to get outside and do something useful himself. It was an incredible relief; a meaningful task that kept him busy for a few hours during which he didn't have to dwell on the responsibilities of Clan Headship? Sounded like a great plan. He couldn't be seen doing it, of course. No, he'd grab his old disguise kit and....

Where was his disguise kit, anyway?

He found he couldn't remember, so he opened up the oilskin pouch strapped to his belt and flipped through all the storage seals he was carrying; between them they contained essentially everything he owned aside from his bed and a few commonly-used items, so the disguise kit virtually had to be in there.

Teriyaki chicken noodles with hot teapot and honeycake. Two loaves of bread straight from the oven, plus a tub of butter and a jar of marmalade. Dirty laundry. Dirty laundry. Dirty laundry. (He really should get those taken care of.) Dress clothes. Books, including that old math book he kept meaning to read. Grappling hooks, kunai, and other assorted ninja equipment. Tent and camping gear. Twelve dead squirrels with their bloodsucking fur removed....


There was no disguise kit anywhere. Come to think of it, he couldn't remember the last time or place he'd had it. Or even what it looked like. Weird.

Anyway, he would need to find out how the Hagoromo made their money, since that would be the clearest indicator of where they owed it. He could ask around among the Leaf goldsmiths, see if the Hagoromo kept an account outside their compound. Although the goldsmiths probably wouldn't want to talk about such things, even to a Clan Head. Especially not if said Clan Head was a teenager. Ordinarily he would send Keiko to terrify them into disclosure, but she was a Nara now. He could send Mari to find it out, but she was busy with more immediate things. No, this would probably be a good excuse for Hazō to get outside and do something useful himself. It was an incredible relief; a meaningful task that kept him busy enough so he didn't have to dwell on the responsibilities of Clan Headship sounded like a great plan. He'd grab his old disguise kit and—

Where was his disguise kit, anyway?

He found he couldn't remember, so he opened up the oilskin pouch strapped to his belt...except it was already open and he was holding its contents? Wow, he was getting dementia before the age of sixteen!

He chuckled to himself and flipped through the seals. Teriyaki chicken noodles with hot teapot and honeycake. Two loaves of bread straight from the oven, plus a tub of butter and a jar of marmalade. Dirty laundry. Dirty laundry. Dirty laundry. (He really should get those taken care of.) Dress clothes. Books, including that old math book he kept meaning to read. Grappling hooks, kunai, and other assorted ninja equipment. Tent and camping gear. Twelve dead squirrels with their bloodsucking fur removed....


There was no disguise kit anywhere. Come to think of it, he couldn't remember the last time or place he'd had it. Or even what it looked like. Weird.

A frisson of deja vu made the world feel momentarily off-balance. He shook the feeling away and checked the seals again. Yup, he'd counted correctly the first time; he did in fact have three full bags of dirty laundry, meaning no clean clothes for tomorrow. He tucked the seals back in his belt pouch with a sigh. He should drop the dirty clothes off at the laundry and pick up a couple more days of clean clothes when he went out had he been intending to go out again?

A puff of wind blew past, making him hunch down into the toasty warmth of his furs. This was nice; sitting outside on a shivering cold day, wrapped up in Kagome-sensei's warm fur blankets while the weak winter sunlight dazzled off the snow.

He really should be doing something useful, though. There was so much going on right now, and the clan was not in a good position. Politically, Hyūga was their enemy and looked to be a lock for the Hokage's hat which, if Jiraiya's analysis was to be trusted, spelled the end of the Gōketsu. The Gōketsu / ISC relationship was unclear but, based on what Shikamaru had said, not nearly as solid as Hazō had thought. They had no other significant allies among the Leaf clans. Financially, they were in serious trouble after Keiko's announcement that the Pangolin deal was cut off. Two days ago, they were golden; the money from the Pangolins had been enough to cover Gōketsu's substantial expenses, provide a major amount of spending money for each member of the clan, fund a massive intelligence dragnet in the search for Naruto, and still put a small amount of money aside. The money freed up after Naruto's return would have made Gōketsu a powerhouse, but now that Keiko had cut off the supply—

Deja vu gripped him for a moment but he shook it away, annoyed for letting himself get distracted.

Mari had said she was working on the money side of things, but it would still behoove Hazō to do some thinking on the subject. That and politics. Hyūga had a lock on the hat unless someone could pry a few votes loose. The Hagoromo might be a good first target for that. They were under Hyūga's thumb right now, but by all reports that was simply because the Hyūga owned debt markers against them. If those debts could be paid off then they would quite likely punch back in revenge.

The Gōketsu no longer had the income to allow simply paying off another clan's major loans, but possibly they could arrange to have a third party do it—perhaps the Nara? That would require knowing exactly what those debts were, of course. He'd want to be subtle about that; they needed the loss of Hagoromo's vote to be a surprise so that Hyūga thought he was sitting pretty and wouldn't spend effort on countervailing strategies. If Hyūga knew that the Gōketsu were nosing around the Hagoromo finances, it would defeat half the purpose. Which meant deciding who to send ferreting out that information: Mari was busy, Noburi was too distinctive, Keiko was now a Nara, Akane was too forthright to make a good spy, and Kagome-sensei was Kagome-sensei. No, Hazō would have to do the investigating himself. Which, honestly, sounded great—something that would let him get out and moving would be a lovely break from the stress of being a Clan Head. He should put on a disguise to prevent word getting back to Hyūga.

Where was his disguise kit, anyway?

He reached for his belt pouch in order to check his storage seals, but moved a little too fast and slopped hot and heavily-honeyed tea all over his hand and wrist.

"Ouch! Damnit!" He sucked on the lightly-scorched skin, then reluctantly clambered out of the comfortable nest of blankets. He needed to go wash off or he'd be feeling sticky for hours. He could think about clan finances another time.


Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Wednesday, May 29, 2019, at 12pm London time.
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Chapter 267.1: Braving the Beloved Husband

January 5, 1069 AS.

"Keiko, wait!" Hazō shouted.

Kei froze in place like a small animal suddenly coming to the attention of a deadly predator. She had been so close to making her escape. Ami had even managed to clear away the unbearable crowd of guests (though, in time, Kei would have her vengeance for the means involved, namely loudly requesting of every single person she knew in Leaf that they "clear a path so that the happy couple can rush home to consummate their marriage").

To think that she had almost succeeded in reaching the unfamiliar yet hereafter loyal ramparts of the Nara compound uncaught…

Instead, she would receive the punishment she was due.

To Hazō and Kei's equal surprise, Shikamaru stepped between them. "Gōketsu, trust your general motivations though I may, it is also incumbent upon me to defend my wife when she is in distress. If, as is implied by her demeanour, she is disinclined to speak with you, then I invite you to wait until she visits you of her own accord, or communicate via messenger at her leisure."

They both stared at Shikamaru, jaws figuratively dropped.

"We all have to grow up sometime."

Kei did not recognise this Shikamaru. It was as if she were facing an alien being, a shadow of the youth with whom she had partaken of so many instances of two individuals spending a day together in order to facilitate greater mutual knowledge and familiarity, arranged in anticipation of a potential long-term relationship.

It struck her like a thunderbolt. This was the long-term relationship. This was the purpose of the greater mutual knowledge and familiarity. It was that Shikamaru who was the shadow, had always been intended to be the shadow, of the man who would take her for his wife. Their friendship had been no more than a happy accident to the powers that be, Jiraiya and Lord Nara—Lord Shikaku—being first among their number.

"This is the burden you've been signed up for, Keiko," Shikamaru said with an ironic smile. "The burden of agency. The burden of control."

"Keiko," Hazō said insistently, "it's not like I'm here to fight. I just want to talk to you about the other night like we always do. Like two adults who can come to a mutual understanding. I'll go away if you want me to, but you and I both know it'll only make things worse."

Shikamaru looked to Kei. "It's your decision, Keiko. It always will be."

Kei stood still for a while. The wind, mercifully absent during the ceremony earlier, was returning with force. Whichever choice she made, it would have to be soon, before her hair was ruined, and thence her first impression before her new clan. This was the kind of sophisticated analysis she found her mind occupied with as she contemplated her future relationship with her family.

"Very well," she said finally. The confrontation could not be escaped forever. "Shikamaru, would you be able to provide the two of us with a private room?"

"We have them by the dozen," Shikamaru said, relaxing. "Our clansmen often find themselves with fascinating ideas in need of discussion, yet are easily drained by group interaction. The rooms themselves are redecorated in annual competitions—my favourite, to which we shall now proceed, being notable for its lifelike water fountain theme."


Shikamaru closed the door, leaving her alone with Hazō. Kei could hear him attach one of the painted wooden signs to the door, in this case probably the yellow one for "sensitive discussion in progress", as opposed to the green "leisurely debate—tea would be appreciated" or the red "complex dynamics; do not disrupt" (Kei could feel herself turning a bright shade of crimson when Shikamaru quietly explained some of the uses of the latter).

What now? It seemed un-Hazō-like to pursue her merely to express his disgust at her behaviour. Besides, she was already aware that she had betrayed her family, allowing her petty defiance to undermine in a time of need the very people who had supported her all along. She remembered Hazō's reaction, his immediate, urgent attempt to save the clan from her folly before before Mari-sensei—

She could not express in words, could barely understand in memory, what she had experienced in those few minutes. Mari-sensei would never harm her. Indeed, Mari-sensei's kindness was the reason Kei was alive. Then why, in the aftermath, did she feel such terror on recalling Mari-sensei's gentle, sympathetic words? What would have happened to her within that wave of sudden psychological self-destruction had it not been for her violation at Tenten's hands?


"Do you hate me?" she asked simply. "Now that I have declared my intention to sabotage the clan for no better reason than my own selfishness? Have you come to tell me never to return?"

"Sage's ballsack, Keiko!" Hazō gave her the look of bottomless frustration he normally reserved for the work of that albino chakra fox that had apparently signed a non-intervention pact with Fifi. "Of course we want you to return. You're family. Family's family even when your father punches your mother through a wall and exiles her from the village!"

Kei raised an eyebrow.

"All right, so our family's a bit screwed up. But you get my point. People don't stop being family. That's not how it works.

"Now. There are some things I feel I should say to you, and given certain past... misunderstandings…"

"Still family?" Kei interrupted anxiously.

"Still family. I can get you a certificate to put on your wall if you like. Actually," Hazō said, "I'm pretty sure Jiraiya's adoption papers will qualify."

Kei had, in fact, not given any thought to how she would remodel her chambers. Would that even be an option, or was she to share a larger area with Shikamaru? She suspected there would be some symbolic nonsense involved if they were to declare their intent to sleep in separate rooms, but on the other hand she would rather swallow a pangolin than share a bed with anyone.

Either way, on reflection there would be little more bizarre than decorating the Nara consort's bedchamber with a symbol of her co-foundation of the Gōketsu.

"But why?" she asked insistently. "I am under no illusions regarding the harm I have willingly inflicted upon the clan. I have Mari-sensei to—Compared to that, the offence I have taken at your various actions in the past is but grains of sand on the beach."

"Keiko," Hazō said, "I think this is a good time for the Clear Communication Technique. I don't believe that the fact of last night's conflict should in any way change the relationship between us, nor between you and the other Gōketsu. I do believe that there was a failure of communication that we should address in order to achieve better mutual understanding and prevent such problems arising in the future.

"On my part, I should have made more of an effort to understand your mental state, and for that I apologise. You were emphatic and unambiguous regarding the decision you'd made, and I shouldn't have tried to override it based on my own preferences. It was inconsiderate and disrespectful of me.

"At the same time, I believe that this conflict could have been avoided in the first place had you presented your concerns earlier, and worked with us on finding a solution instead of holding it all in until you felt you had no choice but to present your decision as a rigid absolute. In the future, I will endeavour to treat your feelings with greater sensitivity, and make a greater effort to respect your decisions. On your part, I request that you trust us more when it comes to making difficult decisions so that we can support you and work together in finding the best possible outcome."

That… did not sound like the torrent of condemnation she believed her actions had earned. Even as he missed the point, Hazō was investing considerable effort into reconciliation, as if they somehow shared responsibility for last night's disaster. As if Mari-sensei had not—

"I remain confused," Kei said with the neutrality demanded by Clear Communication. "It was my premeditated decision to inflict grave injury upon the clan to which I owed loyalty. Given the immutability of that decision, which you have acknowledged, what would the benefit of cooperation have been?"

"We don't know," Hazō said. "That's part of my point. It's impossible to predict the consequences of an attempt to look for mutually beneficial solutions without actually making that attempt. For us to know whether such solutions existed would only be possible if you trusted us enough to find out together. It seems to me as if you cut off your options in advance until you were left with only one visible path."

"I accept your point," Kei said reluctantly. As Hazō said, this whole chain of events resulted from a failure of communication on her part, both yesterday and, as she had stated, for a long time indeed.

No, it occurred to her. Even if betraying her family was utterly unacceptable, even if the only proper response should have been to throw herself at their feet and beg for forgiveness as Mari-sensei—

"Hazō, I accept your apology in the spirit in which it was intended, and offer mine, though I am aware that the magnitude of our failures is incomparable, insofar as yours relates to a momentary response to my actions, whereas mine was prolonged and repeated. I recognise that my failure to communicate my needs in a timely fashion, and the resulting inaction on the part of others, is a recurring failure mode, and indeed what gave rise to this entire series of events in the first place. Had I been more persistent in expressing my feelings in regard to the Pangolin war over the last several months, you might have responded in time, leading to joint pursuit of a better solution. By the same token, I should have recognised my own culpability in your planning to sell more weapons to the Seventh Path, which doubtless you would not have had I properly communicated my concerns to you in the first place. As it is, I drastically overreacted, and allowed the experience to be the tipping point for a catastrophic decision."

"Keiko," Hazō said after looking briefly between the table and the wall, "I am not questioning your decision. There is no question that you have the right to make important decisions. I am not asking for an apology for anything at all whatsoever. I am not asking you to justify your actions or lack of action. I'm just asking you to trust us enough to get our help with your important decisions so they have the best outcomes they can. Do you understand?"

Kei shook her head. "You deserve an apology for everything whatsoever. Even if you do not request it, the responsibility for last night's events is mine and mine alone. I inflicted grave suffering upon my family, and had it not been for Mari-sensei—"

She began again. "No, I realise what central issue you are unaware of. Hazō, I chose not to trust you. I was afraid that if I consulted you and the others, you might apply logical argument to persuade me out of what was ultimately a selfish, irrational decision. Then I would be left trapped with no recourse. That act of distrust goes beyond what you have described, and beyond the bonds of family."

"Keiko, why must you always—no, Clear Communication Technique. Keiko, sometimes it sounds to me like you are looking for any excuse possible to blame yourself. This is one of those times. We were all surprised. Some of us, by which I mean me, reacted poorly in the shock of the moment, and I regret my actions and will strive to do better in the future. None of us feel betrayed, and none of us, even though we know how you think and what you've done, want to punish you or for you to punish yourself. Please don't. If you think there are things you could have done better, then next time, do them better. If you're not sure you can, then, again, please trust us enough to seek our help."

It would have been frustrating enough if he had insisted she could be forgiven. To claim that her actions did not require forgiveness in the first place, after she had seen the depth of her sin in Mari-sensei's—

"Keiko, none of us blame you," Hazō interrupted her train of thought. "None of us object to your decision, and none of us think the way you handled it reflects on your character in any way. We all accept that this was the best decision you believed you could make, and now that you've made it, we want to support you in dealing with the consequences, whatever those might turn out to be. There might have been some miscommunication at the time, and you had better believe I'll deal with that when I've got a chance, but all I am actually asking for is your cooperation if things like this come up in the future. Are you prepared to do that?"

Kei nodded unsteadily. "No eternal banishment for unforgivable betrayal?" she confirmed.

"No." Hazō smiled. "I could hit you with a rolled-up broadsheet if it would make you feel better."



Having changed the sign on the door to "green", and been generously provided with tea as per the relevant colour, Kei and Hazō moved on to conversation of a less heart-rending nature.

"Indeed," Kei said, gazing abstractedly at one of the fountain paintings. "How they could hold a wedding ceremony without a single shark involved is beyond me. I had previously assumed that Yagura's claims about foreign barbarism in My Vision were wilful exaggerations, but between the lack of shark and the clockwise juggling, I am beginning to wonder if I would have been better off having Ami arrange our wedding in Mist rather than Leaf."

"That's what was wrong!" Hazō exclaimed. "They were juggling clockwise! And to think, after all that stuff about auspicious and inauspicious days…

"Wait," he said in the tone of a man suddenly realising that he was not, in fact, suffering from a lack of shark, "I think I must have misheard. Did you just imply that Mori arranged your wedding?"

Kei gave a matter-of-fact nod, as if she had not been equally stunned mere hours earlier. "She manipulated Shikamaru into accelerating the wedding while we were still in Mist, then promptly came to Leaf and ensured that it would not be delayed by our own plans to secure her presence. She was last seen subverting her Leaf minder."

"Please confirm, Keiko," Hazō said urgently. "Your sister still has no ambitions of becoming a Kage, right?"

"Not at all. Or at least, she did not last week, which says less than you might hope.

"Of course," Kei added thoughtfully, "while I doubt she could lay sufficient groundwork in time to become Hokage in the coming elections, history is not without precedent for puppet rulers, which I imagine to be your aunt's ultimate fate, or perhaps her successor's."

Hazō swallowed most of his cup of tea in a single gulp. "Keiko, I need your sister at our compound yesterday."

"Do not tempt fate while the world contains space-time ninjutsu users," Kei advised him.

"I think fate already has it in for me," Hazō said, rising from his seat. "Tell Shikamaru that I entrust my beloved sister to his care, and also that I have not forgotten him lying to me about the wedding. Order of your choice."


The earlier wind had changed into a full-scale thunderstorm, lightning crackling in the background like an omen of unpredictable yet precise destruction (or Ami, as she was frequently known). In the Water Country, those who did not know Ami considered thunderstorms to be battles of the gods, as the Guardian Dragons of the Depths rose into the heavens to do battle with invading foreign spirits. In the Fire Country, in a rare touch of premodern religion, it was the dance of the fire kami, each seeking to outdo the rest in prowess, with no concern for the welfare of the lands below.

To the Nara, or at least these Nara, it was a perfect setting for an intimate gaming night.

"My missing-nin flee to Iron," Kei said, sliding the figures across the Focused Dominance game board.

"Roll the dice, beloved wife," Shikamaru said with a touch of mischief in his voice.

The appellation remained enough of a system shock that Kei's fingers slipped, sending the dice rocketing off the table to bounce off the partition between the Kei and Shikamaru portions of the chamber (a temporary solution pending less embarrassed negotiation; they were desperately procrastinating over the issue of asking servants to bring an extra bed on their wedding night).

"You must acclimatise yourself, Keiko. Your formal introduction to the clan beckons, and you cannot display authority as the Nara consort if you allow the people in your care to be"—he looked down at the dice— " devoured by chakra sheep every time you hear a reference to our new marital status."

"Fear not… beloved…" She would say it another time. Eventually. "If to promote uncontrollable trembling is our aim, I have some fascinating ideas which I felt it would be excessively cruel to test on Hazō. Where do you stand on the unconventional use of kitchen appliances?"

"So about those chakra sheep…" Shikamaru said quickly.


"Yesterday," Shikamaru said while wrangling the servants with regard to furniture, "your Gōketsu family proved that they were…" a full second's pause, "original and creative thinkers with currently limited awareness of the broader consequences of their actions, certainly as far as Leaf's laws, traditions and general political environment are concerned. I firmly encourage you to assist them in overcoming the dangers they have courageously chosen to face, subject to the conditions found in your welcome pack. No, we will not be requiring the special silk sheets, thank you."

Kei did not hear that last sentence. The words did not enter her ears at any point. She was far too focused on reading the Nara Consort Welcome Pack, and any other possibility was nothing less than absurd.

Consort Rule A: You take orders from me and no one else, and carry them out to the best of your ability in both letter and spirit.

Self-explanatory, Kei felt. The rule that defined the relationship between Clan Head and their subordinates. She was forced to admit it chafed. In her Mori life, she had received few orders from her superiors since they seldom deigned to acknowledge her existence, much less the competence to contribute to clan affairs. In her Team Uplift life, she had been an independent agent, if one without agency, with her opinions theoretically standing equal to her teammates'.

Then came submission to Jiraiya, which, despite her distrust of him, felt natural from a clan structure sense. A powerful patriarch guiding the clan with his decades of experience, if erratically (the obsessive search for Naruto, the primitive, violent seizing of the Hokage hat, the deadlocked negotiations that could have been swiftly resolved had he either leveraged his pride or swallowed it); a man who had earned her respect, and perhaps a modicum of affection that she had accepted too late.

Then came submission to Hazō. It was mandated. Necessary, insofar as he was the best candidate at hand (though, privately, she questioned why he should not merely be regent until Mari-sensei recovered). She understood why he needed to have ultimate decision-making and veto power. She also understood that, even before her transition to the Nara, the bond of equals they had once possessed had been eroded forever.

Now, finally, her fate was set in stone. She should feel no resentment at what had been, ultimately, the best decision for everyone involved.

But if Consort Rule A re-established the natural law of clan shinobi life, Consort Rule B overwhelmed her.

"Consort Rule B: I trust your judgement to ignore Rule A where it is necessary for the benefit of the clan. If you do, present a detailed account afterwards and be prepared to justify your actions.

These two rules supersede all others, including those listed below.

For all that was lost to Kei, she was a Nara now. The sane clan.

She was, at least nominally, second-in-command of the sane clan.

She possessed, by enshrined clan law, the second highest degree of agency within the sane clan.

She hastened on, because surely there was some trap concealed within the rules that would send her plummeting back into the familiar status quo.

You may spend time with the Gōketsu at your own discretion, and advise them as necessary, or seek to maintain social ties, insofar as doing so does not conflict with the other conditions.

Shrug. The encouragement was encouraging in its own way (there were clans that might have felt otherwise), but Shikamaru would learn much of her creative side if he ever attempted to ban her from seeing her family.

You are outside the Gōketsu chain of command. Ignore any attempts to give you orders.

Rational. A woman could not have two masters. Precedent established that those who made the attempt typically did not contain enough blood for practical purposes.

You will not allow this to interfere with your Nara duties, such as catching up on Nara logistics training, nor with carrying out other orders.

Nara logistics training. The Gōketsu could surely manage without her most of the time.

You will not take any action, or share any information, that might interfere with Nara interests or give the Gōketsu advantage over the Nara, no matter how trivial it may be. Err on the side of caution.

Maintain OPSEC on issues not directly pertaining to your personal life or the non-specific experience of life with the Nara. Again, I trust your judgement in determining what qualifies.

Warn them when they are at risk of competing with the Nara. We don't want unnecessary friction in the relationship.

The core challenge of being a political wife. In return for unhindered personal access to both clans' people, land, and resources (where not specifically banned), Kei would be forced to juggle a delicate balance of loyalties if she wanted to maintain her connection to the Gōketsu side. If that balance failed and the Nara decided she was acting to sabotage them, it would be considered proper justification to sever the alliance, regardless of prior commitments.

"Beloved wife," Shikamaru called out, causing her to drop the welcome pack. "I have explained to the servants that your barbaric national customs require us to sleep in separate beds during the first stages of the marriage, and that I am respecting them just as you proved your unquestionable respect for Leaf's superior way of life during the wedding. I should inform you in advance that I have a list of other such customs, which I may have to accidentally let slip should I be threatened with grievous bodily harm in the future."

"Beloved husband, I cannot wait to experience the thrills of our married life." This time, there was no hesitation in Kei's voice.


Outside, in the blessed calm immediately after the storm, the flickering flames cast shadows out among the tangled trees that covered the Nara compound grounds, to merge with the shadows cast by torches and hanging lanterns. Their ever-shifting pattern would allegedly prove no less fatal than Kagome's trap arrays to anyone who attempted to approach uninvited (though she would never mention this to him—the way Kagome was already, the idea of him becoming involved in an arms race made her want to flee to some peaceful, quiet corner of Bear Country). Kei wrapped the heavy Nara-crested blanket a little more tightly around her shoulders at the thought.

"A thought occurs to me…" Shikamaru said, gazing out at the horizon as his shadow whipped out behind him to slide a platter with a teapot and steaming cups between them, not spilling a drop.

"There is no need to try to impress me," Kei observed with some amusement. "I am given to understand, from certain sources I would sooner not disclose, that such things are usually performed as part of courting. Ours, I believe, is already concluded, having mostly consisted of fleeing giant monsters, being fed food so horrendous it must already have passed into legend, composing legendarily dire poetry, and playing a number of board games. Granted, one of those was largely tolerable."

Shikamaru gave a sagely nod. "I learned a number of new words from the poetry."

"For my part, it was the food. Everything I have tasted since that day has been a sublime festival for my tongue."

"Then perhaps the same could be said of this tea?" Shikamaru said with a touch of mischief.

"Well, yes," Kei said, examining the teapot with renewed suspicion. "Not an unpleasant blend, perhaps more floral than I might prefer, and I will admit to have developed something of a sweet tooth, in these magnificent days of freely-available hot chocolate, that renders me a little less satisfied by green tea of the ordinary kind."

"I shall be sure to pass your approval to Shiori," Shikamaru drawled.

Kei slowly, carefully returned the cup to the table as if it might explode on careless contact.

"Are you implying that this is her blend?"

"Recommended by her for newlyweds."

Kei barely managed not to spit her mouthful of tea into the fire, but at the cost of inhaling half of it.

Shikamaru smirked at her reaction.

"Shikamaru," she said through gritted teeth once she recovered. "You do understand the purpose served by special tea for newlyweds?"

"Oh." Shikamaru turned pale. "Much is explained."

"If you are feeling what I imagine you are feeling," Kei said with deathly coldness, "then please consider this to be the first threat of grievous bodily harm to grace this marriage."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Shikamaru waved his hands urgently. "In fact, the possibility never occurred to me. Which is not to say I considered it to be a possibility, only that as a Nara I would instinctively explore all the possible paths of I'll shut up now.

"If it's any consolation," he said after a while of awkward silence, "I suspect Shiori was merely playing a prank, and did not realise that she was inciting us to—"

"Say it and die."

"…and thus will be mortified when she realises the implications.

"But hurrying on from that subject which we never raised, and pouring the rest of the tea into those bushes over there, you must accept your new position here quickly, or the elders will eat you for lunch. Doubly so should we inevitably come under question with regard to handling the… complexities… of our relationship."

"Her name is Tenten," Kei growled.

"I am including Shiori, who counts as a complexity if anyone does, and so the non-specific plural is appropriate," Shikamaru riposted.

"I accept your deft use of language," Kei said. "However, it would appear to me that we can handle Tenten and Shiori without difficulty."

Closed eyes. Heartbeat so rapid as to be almost solid. An impossible weight on her sleeve, tiny centimetres from the skin…

"Without meaning to delve into your relationship with Tenten," Shikamaru said, mercifully oblivious, "Shiori is remarkably straightforward as young women go. As long as we establish clear communication, which I do not imagine will be difficult at all, that element of whatever incomprehensible mess we are now in should be comparatively easy to deal with."

Kei nodded. She vaguely recalled some kind of misunderstanding involving Shiori, but given how little she remembered, it had probably not been anything important.

"No, the problem lies elsewhere, and is far more grave than any of this," Shikamaru said.

Kei tensed.

"In order to sort out the logistics, we'll have to consult my mother."

"To clarify, you wish to consult your mother on the management of our married life with regard to my secret lover and your entity of indeterminate romantic status."

"I prefer 'personal assistant'."

"Your mother," Kei repeated. "Lady Nara Yoshino, now my mother-in-law and as formidable a woman as Leaf has ever seen, known for her keen intellect and subtle but penetrating insight, as well as mastery of social skills to rival an infiltration specialist jōnin despite being a former civilian.

"This is the woman you wish to not merely give her seal of approval, but to aid in organising this 'incomprehensible mess' not merely arranged soon after, but in fact predating our crucial marriage. Shikamaru, I made certain not to consult Jiraiya regarding my love life lest I awaken to find it in smoking ruins. What makes you believe that I wish to leap all the way to the other end of the spectrum?"

"It's either that or blunder through the process while relying solely on our own judgement."

"…what hours does she keep?"


Lady Yoshino was regrettably (happily) unavailable, leaving the two to enjoy the darkness in what Kei could not deny was pleasant company. Amidst the swaying of the trees in the wind, amidst the glow of the fire pit and the mesmerising dance of the shadows… Shikamaru was no Tenten, yet there was a certain kind of peace in watching night descend with her best friend by her side.

"What time do you get up, beloved wife?"

She was not

No, wait. She was. It was impossible, it made no sense, and yet she had a vivid mental image of exchanging vows: one for tradition, one for the person, one for the clan. Sacred, binding, and permanent, even without the shark. How had it come to this?

Nevertheless, denying reality was her specialisation. If she could trust in it just a little longer…

"I do have a name, you will recall. I trust its two syllables do not tax your mind beyond imagination?"

"I have four," Shikamaru said, "a form of torture inflicted on me by my father so as to build the fortitude I would one day need as heir. Can you imagine the fatigue inflicted by mere self-introduction in my early days?"

"My heart weeps for you, that you should have multiple people interested in learning your name during your childhood."

"That bad?"

"Indeed." Kei looked up at the dark but clear sky. "I have frequently felt that my sister and I are two halves of the same being. She is all of the light, and I am all of the shadow. We were treated accordingly."

Shikamaru sipped his hot chocolate (neither of them felt a burning desire for tea right now). "You realise, Keiko, that you are to spend the rest of your life as princess of a clan that treasures shadows and disdains the light?"

"I… am?"

"Nara feel no need to be seen. Nara feel no need to be known. While others are blinded by the light they reach for, Nara seek the secrets hidden in its shadow.

"You're the only person capable of understanding this to marry into the Nara Clan. When you think about the impossibility of it all, of the mindboggling implications for us, but especially of the children we will—"

"We are not having children," Kei said flatly.

"You realise that in your role as—"

"We are not having children."

"Keiko, don't you think you're being a little—"

"We are not having children."

Shikamaru sighed. "Yes, ma'am. We are not—"

"We are not having children."

"Keiko, I'm agreeing with you!"

"Good," Kei said calmly. "Because we are not having children."

There was a long pause. "Because all I was thinking was that, hypothetically, if we did—"

Kei calmly took her teacup and, without looking, collected some glowing charcoal from the fire pit. "Final warning."

"Un-Understood," Shikamaru said. "On a completely unrelated topic, it is unprecedented for two of the Five Clans to intermarry, and hence certain parties might be inclined to contemplate what the combination of… bloodlines… might result in. This being a purely academic question."

"Are the Nara in possession of a Bloodline Limit?" Kei asked with a frown. "One has never been mentioned when discussing the Ino-Shika-Chō, and I was under the assumption that all your abilities were simply secret techniques."

"Oh, dear," Shikamaru said, setting aside his remaining hot chocolate. Kei accepted his proposal of mutual disarmament, tipping the coals back where they belonged.

"You left the Mori as a genin, yes?"

"It hardly bears repeating."

"Then, how much do you know about the origins and purpose of the Mori Clan?" Shikamaru asked, simultaneously beckoning her indoors.

A bizarre question. Shikamaru must surely have learned this much information about his fiancée's clan during the Chūnin Exam.

Kei closed her eyes and began to recite by rote. "The Mori Clan was established by the man we know as Mori, one of the greatest warriors to fight by the Sage's side during mankind's earliest days. During the great battle with the last primordial monsters of this world, he sacrificed himself to protect the Sage from a lethal wound. Though the Sage sought to resurrect him, part of Mori's mind had already crossed to the Deva Path to receive its just reward. When Mori returned, the Sage wept, for the man who had saved his life was like unto a puppet, lacking all free will."

As she spoke, she could hear what sounded suspiciously like Shikamaru closing all the doors and windows to the room, which was not at all alarming.

"Unable to offer Mori the gratitude he deserved, the Sage instead commanded him to found his own clan. Then, when children were born to Mori and his ordinary wife, it was found that each one, though a great hero in his own right, shared a portion of their father's curse. Without the power to grant true free will, the Sage instead bestowed his own transcendental wisdom upon them, that instead of being guided by their flawed humanity, they be ever guided by the truth.

"Ever since, the Sage's gift has been known as the Frozen Skein, for it is a vessel for bottomless depths of truth— but as the truth never changes, so those who embrace it can never change."

"Elegant," Shikamaru conceded. "We have one of those as well. Anything else?"

"More of the same with more names and additional flourish, I believe," Kei said. "And theoretical debates over the origins of the name, which I never cared to acknowledge the existence of."

"So…" Shikamaru said slowly, "nothing about the Five rings any bells?"

"Not beyond the obvious. Five Elemental Nations, five Villages, five Kage."

Shikamaru looked away from her for a moment.

"Please find a comfortable seat, beloved wife, while I call for more Shiori-brand tea. I have a feeling that we'll be staying up for a while."
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Interlude: Sometimes Absent, Never Gone
Interlude: Sometimes Absent, Never Gone
When seeking to decapitate your enemy, confirm in advance that it is not a hydra.

—Mori Ryūgamine, the Angel Without Mercy

Jin's was the kind of life where he sat by the bedside of the Six-Tails jinchūriki, one of the most physically powerful men in the world and the key to Mist's salvation, and patiently fed him peeled apple slices, while his best friend tormented one of the most politically powerful women in the world and the key to Mist's rebirth, and while she toyed with the entire fate of that world purely because it sounded like fun.

Jin wouldn't trade this life for anything else.

"So the Mizukage didn't send you?" Utakata clarified.

"Not exactly," Jin admitted, picking up the next apple. "She's currently tied up in negotiations"—they'd made sure of it—"and we figured someone should keep you company until you feel better."

"That makes sense, I think," Utakata said. "Can I ask who you are?"

"Azai Jin, Senior Representative of Form for the Alliance for Mist's Illumination." Jin's knife began to slide through the skin. "It's a bit of a mouthful, so you can just call me Azai from the AMI."

Ami always kept her promises, even ones made at the age of seven. He would forever be her right-hand man, nothing less… and nothing more.

"My name is Utakata," said the man capable of destroying villages with a single breath. "It's nice to meet you. What is the AMI?"

"Glad you asked!" Jin beamed. "We're a cross-clan, cross-class organisation that represents the young people of Mist. We're like the exact opposite of Yagura, helping the Mizukage fix all the things he did wrong, and making sure Mist gets a fresh start. As you saw, we lost a lot of good people at the Battle of Nagi Island, and the majority of them were from the older generations. It's time for Mist's youth to step up to the plate and guide the village's future so that their sacrifice won't have been in vain."

The hand movements had to be subtle. Utakata was still in a low-energy state, and Jin needed to be enthusiastic, not overbearing. Expressive, not dramatic. Hypnotic, not manipulative. Still, that level of coordination was child's play for the taijutsu/weapons representative.

"You're already one of us, Utakata. You're a common-born outside the system, without a network of friends to support you, and the AMI wants to make sure that this time you feel like you belong, instead of having someone like Yagura use you as a weapon."

Jin offered Utakata another apple slice.

"Yagura," Utakata said slowly, reluctantly. "A beast wearing the skin of a boy. Or maybe a boy wearing the skin of a beast. They told me he was dead."

"Dead as a doornail," Jin said. "Do you get now why this is such a big chance for people like us? Individually, we're just junior ninja and commoners, but together, this is our time to change the world!"

Utakata bit into the slice. "Change the world how?"


Kuroda Shinzō, Senior Representative of Spirit for the Alliance for Mist's Illumination, was not having a good day. Oh, he'd known in advance that he'd be the one mired in politics while Jin was playing with the hearts of the vulnerable and Ami was introducing her personal brand of chaos into Leaf like a kraken into a swimming pool. Insofar as they were easily able to fill in for each other—she'd made sure they grew up that way so they could outsource to experts where necessary, instead of risking overspecialisation—the matter had ultimately been settled by drawing lots. Today, Jin would be using his excitable Academy student shtick, and Shinzō his rock golem, which he was good at but didn't necessarily enjoy.

"I'm afraid that simply cannot be done, Lady Mizukage," he said with implacable respect. "The laws of mathematics are immutable."

"You are suggesting," the Mizukage said with the mien of a woman being courteous to someone wasting her time, "that a mere delay in genin reporting in after their D-ranks can have a tangible impact on the budget."

"One of our Mori members prepared a report." Shinzō rolled the scroll across the desk, allowing it to naturally unfurl so as to indicate its tremendous length. "Delayed genin are genin temporarily removed from circulation, effectively reducing the number of D- and C-rank missions Mist can accept."

The Mizukage's expression did not change at all as she scanned the scroll.

"Every shinobi out of circulation is a shinobi earning fewer mission fees," she observed. "This most unfortunate series of coincidences would be untenable."

"It does you credit to show such concern for the well-being of your subordinates," Shinzō said, briefly allowing his persona to slip. Oh, well, it wasn't like the head of the Kurosawa Clan couldn't see through it anyway. "Fortunately, we have anticipated the problem. The AMI also has a budget, and it would only be our duty to arrange compensation for these poor souls."

Shinzō shifted stance in accordance with Ami's lessons. He looked down at the still-undiscussed span of the scroll covering the desk. The unspoken words were, "I can do this all day. Can you, village leader at a time of crisis?"


Hook, line and sinker. It was almost too easy, Jin reflected. Everything was going in accordance with one of Ami's most likely scenarios: Utakata had returned alive but traumatised, the Mizukage having won his absolute loyalty, but too busy to build on it due to the aftermath of the battle. Utakata now found himself alone and without friends, in a village that still remembered him as a hated missing-nin. Granted a pardon, but with no future beyond it except the nebulous concept of one day saving the village. Soon, the Mizukage would come up for air and find someone to babysit her new confused weapon of mass destruction, but Jin would make sure that by then it would be too late.

"Let me put it to you this way, Utakata," Jin said. "How would you change the world if you could?"

Too simple. Too easy. Jin wasn't lying about anything—Utakata really was a victim of the system into which he'd been born, just like the rest of them, and his power really was being exploited by higher-status ninja with no interest in his own needs or opinions.

Jin wasn't supposed to feel guilt for actions done in the name of saving people. Guilt anchored you, Ami taught. It kept you human. But it was no guide at all to making decisions, and it could get you or your friends killed if you let yourself feel it while executing those decisions.

"I can't remember what I'm supposed to want," Utakata said softly. "I think I must have killed a lot of people, but I can't remember why. I can't remember knowing why. I think that if you're going to kill people, you need a very good reason, and the only reason good enough is if they're trying to kill you. But isn't that just a circle? I wonder if that's why I left."

Jin nodded as if what Utakata was saying made sense.

"I don't know the answer," Jin said with a gentle smile, "but there's a girl who does. Until she gets back, why don't we look for it together?"


"How'd it go, Dragon Kid?" Shinzō grinned over a glass of Kurohige's Revenge. "Got him eating out of your hand yet?"

"There's no need for that," Jin said coolly. "I believe he'll absorb the AMI philosophy in good time. He just needs a solid foundation to build on. Also, how much longer are you going to keep calling me that, Boss Tiger?"

"Touché," Shinzō smirked. "As for me, my esteemed target, whose name I'm not going to say in the middle of a bar, went down eventually, thank you for asking. Next time it's your turn, see if you can get her to crack a smile. Bottle of the good stuff on me if you pull it off. Maybe try the slithering snake next, get her into one of her aggressive stances?"

"Maybe. Though that one is getting a little stale. Also, the last time I used it, Mori Ryūgamine hit me with a hammer blow of a counter. My ego is still down there with the ancestors."

"Which is why we leave the senior Mori to Ami when she gets back. You're the one who gave her the spark for those contingencies in the first place."

That lightning-quick final meeting. Ideas, ripostes, and flickers of ice. Nothing to be overlooked; nothing to be forgotten. Sparkling eyes, mischievous grin. A hug that went on just that sliver of a second shorter than she knew he wanted.

The right-hand man and the left-hand man gave each other familiar smiles. Forever nothing less… and nothing more.
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Chapter 267.2: In Which Keiko Allows Something to Not Be Her Fault
January 5, 1069 AS, immediately following from Hazō and Keiko's Clear Communication Technique session.

Hazō retracted the rolled-up broadsheet.

"One more issue before we drop this subject and move on to that thing Noburi claims we'll be able to do with enough practice."

"Being normal people having normal conversations?"

"He's always been an optimist. At any rate, we've established that the Gōketsu are behind you on your decision. We've established it several times. Yes?"

Keiko nodded.

"I've had a chance to think about the practicalities," Hazō said, "and how does this sound: you tell the Pangolins that I, as Gōketsu Clan Head, have unilaterally terminated the skytower contract, and you as an individual had no input on this decision and don't want it to impact on your personal relationship with the Pangolin Clan. That protects your summoner status, and hopefully preserves your tessera as well."

"You would do this for me?" Keiko asked disbelievingly. "But I have already told you that summons hold contracts sacred above all else. They are one of the few institutions mandated directly by the Pantokrator—excuse me, the Sage of Six Paths—as opposed to being interpretations of his teachings by his contemporaries. To terminate such unilaterally is regarded in much the same light as divulging clan secrets is on the Human Path.

"You cannot afford to do this, Hazō, not if you intend to later resume your work on the Seventh Path through Noburi and the Toads. Please, allow me and me alone to pay the price for my actions."

"No," Hazō said bluntly. "It's not a unilateral termination anyway. They get advance warning and a month's shipment. That's how you're supposed to act when ending an agreement in good faith. Have you spoken to them already?"

Keiko looked down at the table. "Something else I have been delaying until the last moment out of fear. If I were to come to them with the news that I had betrayed them in a time of need, and then have to face them a second time when making the final delivery…"

"All right," Hazō said. "Let's table that for now. Instead, assume for a second that we, the rest of the clan, are actually competent and can handle the fallout of cancelling the contract, ideally with your help. How do you feel about the idea?"

Keiko hesitated.

"I feel both guilty and relieved. On the assumption that it is somehow reasonable for you to accept punishment for another's crime… this has the potential to preserve my future."

"What do you mean?"

"My summoner status comprises the entirety of my personal value," Keiko explained matter-of-factly. "My combat skills are chūnin-level at best. My talent as a Mori is, as I have told you many times, merely mediocre within my former clan, and you overestimate it solely based on lack of grounds for a comparison. Certainly, given my missed years of training, I expect to be among the weakest of the Nara."

Not this again.

"Summoners are rare. Valuable. Each one potentially worth their weight in gold, and yes, I appreciate the irony. Divest me of that, as the Pangolins might well do if they ever perceive me as a liability, and I am no more than a child with erratic agency, questionable social skills, and catastrophic self-esteem issues.

"All of which I had already decided to be an acceptable price to pay to prevent the deaths of thousands. The idea that I can accomplish said intent without said price is… revolutionary. Imagine being able to accomplish Uplift without a single massacre of historic proportions."

"Uh, Keiko…"

"Thank you, Hazō," she said, meeting his eyes. "I mean it."

"Any time," Hazō said, as if there was any possible way a situation this bizarre could come up again in the future.

"There will be consequences," Keiko added. "Both for me and for the Gōketsu. Please do not overlook this. I may still find myself losing my tessera, insofar as they were part of the deal rather than a reward I earned through my own performance. If I am to keep them, and generally preserve my status despite my association with you, I expect to be sent on more missions than I have been thus far. Perhaps even military missions against other clans, and I remain conflicted over the possibility, given that it would be hypocritical on the one hand, and that I am in fact a ninja on the other. There may be other consequences for me associated with the blow to Pangolin military power, to be endured regardless of who was responsible for the contract's termination.

"More pressingly, I am concerned by the broader implications. On the Human Path, we are aware that the other villages will already be in the process of reverse-engineering skywalkers. Mist and Sand have samples borne by their survivors. Rock and Cloud will have procured them from opportunistic battlefield looting by their Chūnin Exam attendees. They could hardly be denied access to the place where their Kage died, and it would have been impossible to recover all the skywalkers before they arrived.

"On the Seventh Path, the Pangolins will be forced to suspend their conquest, indeed to withdraw any forces that suddenly find themselves overextended. Their enemies will already have assumed skytowers to be seals, ninjutsu, or previously-unseen racial abilities. Some, in consultation with summoners or more advanced clans like the Crows, may also have pondered the possibility of sophisticated mechanical devices. Let us generously assume that none have already deduced the truth. Of the items listed, only one can disappear without trace from the Pangolin arsenal within the space of a month.

"It takes little imagination to connect the two. Leaf has advanced sealing technology it did not previously display. The Pangolin Clan, associated with the Gōketsu of Leaf, has advanced sealing technology which it did not previously display. Add a few choice details, such as the timing and circumstances of our arrival in Leaf, the presence of multiple sealmasters among our ranks, your extraordinary attack on Kotsuzui—"

"I thought I covered that up pretty well," Hazō interrupted.

"Supposing for argument's sake that your justification was plausible and there were no sensory ninja in the audience… what kind of imbecile would attempt to use explosives at melee range in the first place unless they believed they had a special means of protecting themselves?

"Regardless, and setting aside the fact that you are the brother of the Heavily-Armoured Melee Combat Clan Summoner, I hope you accept my greater point.

"It is not that I propose withdrawing my decision. In the same way as you believe Uplift to be unambiguously for the greater good, I believe this to be unambiguously for the greater good. In the same way that you are dedicated to Uplift beyond the psychological point of no return, I am past the point where I could continue to facilitate genocide, as a simple matter of personal identity.

"However, there will be dangers you need to consider. You can safely assume that the combined information from both Paths has pinpointed the Gōketsu as dangerously powerful sealmasters, or will soon. You can safely assume that we will be considered priority targets by our enemies: exceedingly valuable to capture or at least kill, yet with limited power to defend ourselves. The Human Path counts down to the Fourth World War. The Seventh Path now counts down to the Pangolins' defeat, whereupon the hostile summoners and their clans, including those made hostile by the Pangolins' warmongering, will be free to turn their attention to us.

"Countermeasures will be essential. I will assist as best I can, within the bounds of the Nara contracts I have already signed. However, understand that despite my best efforts, I remain myself. I cannot propose brilliant solutions, only optimise their implementation."

Hazō nodded seriously. "I guess it's nothing we wouldn't have had to deal with sooner or later. But we can talk practicalities when the clan is ready and Leaf isn't threatening to come down about our ears. For now, are we agreed on me taking responsibility for ending the contract?"

"The proper response would commence with a thorough reminder of my general unworthiness, and proceed deep into familiar realms of self-castigation. However,"—she smiled—"insofar as you are still holding the rolled-up broadsheet, I will choose to omit them on this occasion.

"Please accept my sincere gratitude for your support. You will regret it."

A/N: A missing piece of the previous plan, added for reasons I suspect may be clear.​
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Interlude: Notes from a Calm Island
Interlude: Notes from a Calm Island

Today is Equipment Maintenance Day. Uniforms, inspected. Sharp things, turned to point away from me. Chūnin jacket, haven't had time to requisition, but man, can't wait. I'm going to look just like Captain Kakashi… damn it. Camping supplies, topped up. Disguise kit, apparently eaten by Fifi yet again. Secret Wakahisa seals, reinforced. Should've asked the senior ninja to pull some strings while we were in Mist and borrow a Wakahisa expert, but I guess that ship has sailed.


Moving on, I need an excuse to put off sorting through my storage scroll gear. I'm thinking of updating my notes.


Days since last Keiko Crisis: 1.

This one's on me. I have one job. Hazō does the planning. Keiko does the analysis. Kagome does security and Mari (major good call there, Hazō—I'll be doing the same) does being the party face and occasionally Team Mum. Jiraiya… damn it. Me? I'm support. I figure out what they need and make sure it's there when they need it. Usually it's just a laid-back chat, a few words of praise, someone to rant at, or simply a mug of hot chocolate (when it comes to helping somebody take a breather, that one's practically cheating). It's just a matter of keeping track. I'm almost jealous of the rest of my family, with their unique and irreplaceable talents. But only almost, because I love my job.

Like I say, though, this one's on me. I got complacent after we made it through the Agency Crisis of December 26, but now I look back, the Pangolin thing's brewing since forever. C'mon, Keiko told us up front how much it hurt her, and then she repeated it every time it got worse. But the rest of us just kind of forgot, because Pangolin gold was convenient and we had a lot on our plates. And then I let Hazō dump his Seven Path domination plan over her like a bucket of cold water, instead of going straight to the Gōketsu Family SOP I've been working on, which, by the way, now goes into force as of tomorrow. I've let my family get away without chilling out long enough.

Back on topic, I reckon we should have at least another couple of weeks until the next one hits. Seems like Tenten's great at keeping her grounded, and they'll be spending plenty more time together now we're all back in Leaf. Or at least they'd better. If Nara tries to get in the way, and somehow survives, I may have to have a quiet word. On the flip side, being a Nara should be good for her. The Nara are the low-drama clan. They just can't be bothered.


Days since last Hazō Accident: 10.

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt this time, and just roll back to the Agency Crisis from earlier. Not telling Keiko about going on a date with her sister? A lobotomised chakra jellyfish—or worse, Hyūga—could have told him that was a bad idea. Or he could have just asked me. How am I supposed to do my job if you people don't talk to me?

Days since last Kagome: ??

I wasn't here for the past two weeks, and we didn't come back to find Leaf a smouldering crater (unlike what they say about Nagi… damn it), so I guess things can't be too bad. That teaching gig must be doing wonders for keeping him stable. Well, I'd have a big grin on my face all the time too if I had a cute girl to go see whenever I liked. (Note to self: get a cute girl. I've really been dragging my heels on this one.)


Days since last Mari Breakdown: 41

I'll level with me here: I don't like how this is looking. Mari went straight from dying of guilt over supposedly manipulating us all to not dying of guilt over supposedly manipulating us all, and she didn't even do it overnight. You know when people lose their sense of guilt overnight? It's when they snap, Uchiha Itachi-style. And when a master manipulator snaps, how will you know until it's too late?


Days since Jiraiya—oh, fuck you, Sage. Seriously, fuck you. Men like him don't die. Men like him get character growth arcs where they learn about real leadership, and family, and making a better world without using their fists. Men like him don't disappear into the void, leaving broken villages and broken families and broken hearts behind. What the hell were you thinking when you let him lose?

Days since Jiraiya was supposed to be alive: fucking zero.

But I don't want to think about it because it's a beautiful day outside and seriously, fuck you, Sage, and I dropped out of the traditional Keiko chase so those two could get some Clear Communication Technique practice, and Kagome is studying and Mari is doing I don't want to know what, and for once I can just kick back and do my own thing.

Oh, wait. There's still Fifi. Well, whatever. Kagome's the one who summoned her from beyond time and space with a sealing failure (best guess), so she's his responsibility now.

And now for some non-Noburi-runs-damage-control news. Big Sis (provisional name) incoming! The girl who doesn't have her own counter. The girl who showed me how to keep things running without getting sucked into the drama. Hidden Leaf's last bastion of sanity (as long as you shuffle the Youth thing under the carpet). Not that I don't love my job, but I expect the family drama quotient to be cut in half just by having her in the building.


Notes Part 2, because I need to take a break before I can get my humongous dragon up again. Which of my many choices do I put in the cute girl slot?

Gasai Yuno
Looks: *****
Pros: Beautiful, caring, sensitive, enduring, older girl
Cons: Wrong village, occasionally scary, already broke her heart

Haruno Sakura
Looks: **
Pros: Sensible, strong-willed
Cons: Unempathic, blunt, somehow generic

Hyūga Hanabi
Looks: ***
Pros: Smart, great roleplayer, self-possessed
Cons: Nine years old. Also see below

Hyūga Hinata
Looks: *****
Pros: Sexy, subtle, charming, clothing-optional
Cons: Father is evil, cousin is a moron, forget about privacy

Ishihara Akane
Looks: ***
Pros: Considerate, insightful, full of life, sane, older girl
Cons: immediate family, Hazō's ex, unfair to concentrate all the sanity in one relationship

Kashiwagi Noriko
Looks: ***
Pros: Cute, attraction confirmed, quick learner, open to new experiences
Cons: Wrong village, potential future enemy, Kozpreya's teammate, bitter exam rivals with Keiko

Mori Ami
Looks: Mori Ami
Pros: Mori Ami
Cons: Mori Ami

Nara Keiko
Looks: *****
Pros: Brilliant, beautiful, brave, loving, witty
Cons: Immediate family, already rejected, more issues than the Merchant's Gazetteer, danger of exposure to Ami, does she even like guys?

Nara Shiori
Looks: ****
Pros: Intelligent (Nara, duh), active imagination, keen gamer, older girl
Cons: Weird thing going on with Keiko and/or Nara that I'm not touching with a barge pole

Looks: **
Pros: Cool, focused, patience of a goddess
Cons: Hard to talk to, instant death by Keiko, does she even like guys?

Yamanaka Ino
Looks: *****
Pros: Smoking hot, wicked sense of humour, has previously shown signs of interest
Cons: Self-centred, political complications, can read minds

Yuki Yukino
Looks: ***
Pros: Cute, bouncy, creative, indefatigable, gets on well with various sisters, older girl (allegedly)
Cons: Wrong village, hyper, unpredictable, wilfully oblivious, danger of exposure to Ami, may still want revenge

You know, I hear good things about the spiritual benefits of celibacy.


Standard Gōketsu Family SOP (they will use it, and by Byakuren's hefty mast, they'll like it)

When someone wants to discuss a sensitive subject:

0) We don't do this over dinner. It needs its own time without distractions or a built-in deadline.

1) Stop talking, except to help everyone else follow the SOP.

2) Go find a comfortable place to sit/lie/whatever.

3) Make any relaxing drinks anyone wants.

4) Optionally add snacks.

5) Person who wanted the discussion in the first place, define the subject.

5a) The subject can be anything, not just a problem to solve. Sometimes you just need to get stuff of your chest and know your loved ones are listening.

6) Priority order of moderators: Me (Noburi), Akane, Mari, Hazō, Keiko, Kagome. The moderator's job is to make sure everyone gets their say without being interrupted, and catch/fix miscommunication. The moderator contributes last.

7) Say stuff. Use Clear Communication if you can, be up front about it if you can't. Saying stuff is more important than saying it well. Break the subject down into steps (e.g. explain the problem; discuss what different angles will need to be considered; everyone who has a solution gets their own step to describe it and get feedback), and don't move between them until everyone's had a chance to say what they think/feel in each one.

7a) Hazō, do not skip ahead, no matter how excited you are about your latest idea.

7b) Keiko, Kagome, your opinions are valuable, so make sure you say something for each step.

7c) Mari, talk last if you're worried about influencing people too much.

7d) If anyone brings in a non-Gōketsu, make sure they get a say as well (looking at you here, Tenten).

8) Learn a few Nara hand signs. Being able to say stuff like "slow down" or "can you backtrack? I didn't get that last point" without interrupting someone is solid gold (no offence, Keiko).

9) This is a discussion. No binding decisions and no vetoes until after it's over.

I'm invoking the SOP for the first time tomorrow when we're all around. Topic: discuss how to make it even better before finalising it. At the end of that discussion, it's done, Hazō ratifies it post haste, and it's clan law with penalties for breaking it. We can't keep having fiascos like the Pangolin Contract Conflict.
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Chapter 267.3: Baneful Convergence
January 5, 1069 AS.

It was another miserable winter day for the eternally miserable Eiichi. The measly handful of ryō in his pouch would barely suffice for a few days' worth of vegetables, and he could hardly remember what meat tasted like. This wasn't how his life had been meant to go. He'd been part of the cycle. Money went from the land to the peasants, from the peasants to his pockets, from his pockets to the daimyo, and from the daimyo to the ninja. You were meant to keep some back at each step, or the economy stopped working. His was an essential step in the regulatory process, at least until the daimyo found out and scheduled him for the headsman's block. It had taken the daimyo's own wife to intercede on his behalf, and the daimyo would invent all-new forms of execution just for Eiichi if he ever found out why.

Eiichi stopped dead. That rich red hair, accented by occasional snowflakes. That misleadingly small stature and those brown eyes. It was her. Lady Gōketsu. The Fifth Hokage's wife. Mother to the Nara Keiko. Eiichi quietly shuffled out of her way, to the edge of the street.

Which was how he nearly bumped into the other ninja, a tall, raven-haired beauty strolling around the corner with a skip in her step. Eiichi leapt out of the way before he could offend her, then stood very still up against the wall in the hope that she would shrug and walk away. She didn't.

"Mari-sensei!" the tall ninja exclaimed. "I've been…"

She cut off.

"Understood," she said almost too quietly for Eiichi to hear. "I'll stay out of your way."

She made to turn away.

"Ami," Lady Gōketsu said neutrally.

Ami turned back. "Well, why didn't you just say so?"

"It was implied."

The two stood there for two seconds, maybe three, staring at each other silently.

"Oh. Gotcha," Ami said.

Lady Gōketsu nodded. "Pretty much. You heard of a drink called lupchanzen piss?"

Eiichi had never heard of lupchanzen. From context, it was probably an animal, though the name sounded like it should be a plant. Either way, it sounded unnatural, and the kind of thing only ninja would meddle with.

"Mari-sensei," Ami said reproachfully, "I've been here for days."

"So you have," Lady Gōketsu said. "My bad."

She walked past Ami, linking arms. "Come on, we've got a lot to talk about."

The two ninja set off down the road. For an instant, Ami glanced back at Eiichi and gave a friendly smile. Eiichi's days at court allowed him to flawlessly identify it as "eavesdropping is bad, and I know what you look like".

He bowed deeply, and then ran away.


Short update this week due to general brain failure. You may want to take this opportunity to think in more detail about what/how you want from Ami, since at this rate I'll almost certainly be writing her next Thursday.

Voting remains open as usual until Saturday 8th of June, 9 a.m. New York Time.​