Why is Chouza bad for Kei? I am assuming that Shikamaru would not be blindsided by Chouza enforcing something that would make Kei mad.
I'm not sure about 'bad', but I suspect that Naruto (her co-coordinator, comrade in Shadow Clone mental illness, wedding invitee, and general ally) would be someone she significantly preferred as absolute ruler of Leaf compared to a man who is probably uncomfortable with sanctioned same-sex unions (to say nothing of non-monogamous unions) and views her as something of a corrupting influence on the only son of his dear, dead friend. I doubt they're close, or even particularly friendly.
I just would honestly be shocked if it turned out he would ruin Shikamaru's and Ino's relationships after spending so much time with both of them and being exposed to their happiness and the benefits of non-traditional relationships.
There is a lot of space between 'would ruin relationship' and 'enthusiastically supportive'. I doubt he'd view expanding the rights of people in relationships which are not monogamous and heterosexual as a priority, nor would be be quick to defend such relationships if doing so were costly or inconvenient.

You don't have to be a outright bigot to fail to be an ally in very meaningful ways. It's also entirely possible that he feels he's failed in his duty towards Ino and Shikamaru (again, the orphans of his best friends) and would really, really like to see them in more traditional relationships.
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I am basing this on the fact that we could probably consider Asuma and Chouza to be similar, and we have more of an in with Chouza through Ino and Shikamaru.
As others have said, Asuma liked Hazou. I think he saw Hazou as a comrade in arms, especially against the Dragons. Who he identified as a horrific threat. He was leniant with Hazou's flaws and tried to be (something) of a mentor to Hazou.

I don't see Chouza doing the same. Not as bad as Hyuuga or Ritty, but a huge step back.
Frankly if Choza is elected I expect that we'll eventually commit earnest treason - disobeying direct orders to go open and explore the Rift. The only question is whether we'll be accompanied by Snuncle and/or Naruto.
How do you plan not to be killed by Akatsuki and also explore the Rift? That's an open question to the entire thread btw. I've given up on exploring the Rift.

I'd like to hear why other people think we can explore the Rift with the combo of the enormous lead we just lost + Akatsuki just being able to waltz into Leaf at any time, ask Hazou if he's been working on dimensionalism, and then execute him on the spot if he says yes or lies.
Even if he stays truly professional, do we want a situation where bringing up topics related to our "deviancy" would be the wrong move? Talking about Ino sometimes and Akane other times but carefully avoiding mentioning them both in the same conversation? Kei making sure not to mention Fujisawa or Tenten, making sure to refer to Snowflake in ways that avoid the need to explicitly call her a person? Not because Chouza would fly into a rage if he remembers that Kei is gay, but because it'd invariably put him in a worse mood, remind him of why he chose to be the counterweight to the Nara in the ISC.

Chouza would never wish to stand between Shikamaru and Ino and their happiness, but he doesn't really have a choice in the matter. It would strain their relationship each time they avoid talking about uncomfortable topics like it's politics at a family dinner. The more responsibility Chouza has, the more parts of the grand project of Leaf he's in charge of, the harder it is to avoid those topics, the more time must be spent playing a game of unspoken words and respect for each other's feelings. Shikamaru and Ino would feel, in some sense, like they're forced to keep their relationships secret and put up the facade of traditionalism. Out of kindness, to keep Chouza from feeling uncomfortable more often than necessary. Out of pragmatism, to keep Chouza from dwelling on their differences rather than their similarities. Out of fear, just a little bit, that Chouza might look on them with disgust one day, if they speak too freely about the life they want to live.

Of course, the disagreements run deeper than just love lives, and this wouldn't stop being a problem even if Chouza loses, but it's all the more pronounced, all the more of a strain, if Chouza is the Hokage. He's family to Shika and Ino, their uncle in all but name, and they love him enough that they genuinely don't want him to be unhappy by dwelling on their differences. They certainly can't pretend like they don't care what he thinks of them. They'll want to pursue that relationship they've always had where they get to laugh together and share fond memories unblemished by dark thoughts, and that means not bringing up things that'd disturb his good mood, and vice versa. Even if he wouldn't get mad, even if he would himself work to brush it off so they can get back to enjoying life together, the topic's a speedbump that they'll try to steer clear of out of their own volition, even if it feels wrong to do so.

But if he's Hokage, wrangling a lot of this becomes his explicit job. If Ritsuo tries to come after the concubine laws, Chouza would have no choice but to extensively dwell on the topic. Shikamaru would have no choice but to advocate for the system, for Kei's sake as well as Leaf's. Ino would have to bring in her own perspective from being part of a triad. And Chouza could still be dutifully professional and considerate, and it'd still be a strain, an extra inch of distance between him and them. Even without the slightest action on Chouza's part against the happiness of Shikamaru and Ino, it becomes harder for all of them to be happy.
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Several people have noted what Kei said in her breakdown, so I dont think I need to expand much, other than to recommend going and reading the threadmark labeled 'Bonus Update: Kei Monologues about the Election'. It's pretty clear cut what our sister's thoughts on Choza are.

I'm not sure about 'bad', but I suspect that Naruto (her co-coordinator, comrade in Shadow Clone mental illness, wedding invitee, and general ally) would be someone she significantly preferred as absolute ruler of Leaf compared to a man who is probably uncomfortable with sanctioned same-sex unions (to say nothing of non-monogamous unions) and views her as something of a corrupting influence on the only son of his dear, dead friend. I doubt they're close, or even particularly friendly.

Just one further note, that in the above mentioned threadmark, this is almost verbatim what Kei says, plus more.
Does my plan come across as having a lot of crass commercialism? Because that was not the tone I was going for : (
I'm late to the party on responding, but: this was mostly me being snarky, but the plan was "commercial" in the sense of "we are giving people money in exchange for their service".

Isn't he a clan of one?
Jōnin (which includes Oro) receive the same tax breaks that clans get. Whether they are legally considered clans is a question that we haven't officially answered AFAICR.

[Orochimaru] sure thought he had a vote.
He doesn't have a vote and was speaking metaphorically. It's like when your friends are making wedding plans and you say "for what it's worth, my vote would be the chocolate cake instead of vanilla."

On one hand: he voted last time
He did?
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Jōnin (which includes Oro) receive the same tax breaks that clans get. Whether they are legally considered clans is a question that we haven't officially answered AFAICR.
I remember that you were explicit in them just getting the tax break. Otherwise they could just adopt people to spread the tax break around. Also there would be no KEI jonin and the whole Clan Kei thing would not have been such a big deal. You haven't mentioned whether jonin get more privileges that only Clans have, but I don't actually know what those would be. I guess a Hokage doesn't pressure his Clanless jonin to share their combat secrets, but I don't know if that's enshrined in law. What other explicit privileges do Clans have?

He doesn't have a vote and was speaking metaphorically. It's like when your friends are making wedding plans and you say "for what it's worth, my vote would be the chocolate cake instead of vanilla."
That's not how it read at the time.
As an afterthought, he said "if it should come to a tie, I cast my vote for Tsunade. She would detest it."
I guess it could be interpreted as merely informative to the tying candidates. Like if we had a Hiashi vs Asuma situation then the person Orochimaru voted for can use that fact as an extra reason to recommend that the other backs down. But that would make it more than useless in this particular case, because if Tsunade had tied against Naruto she would have instantly dropped the hat to go back to the hospital. Her reaction to Orochimaru's statement would have been a 'lolwut' and she would have interpreted it as little more than a childish middle finger. She definitely wouldn't have taken the position after all because of it.
The Gōketsu Jutsu Vault
The Gōketsu Jutsu Vault

After issuing his order to collect ninjutsu from all members of the clan, Hazō has finally had the time to collate all the scrolls people turned in. Many people begged off preparing a scroll for a specific technique, saying that they had already given them to the Leaf Library (e.g. Haru's Lightning Bucklers, Reo's Fire Lash). Others begged off scribing particular techniques, as they were strictly inferior to existing techniques that Hazō has access to. Still, the search turned up a little less than a dozen new techniques for Hazō's perusal.

Given that these techniques, like most of the other ones (Orochimaru's ninjutsu, Leaf Library, Tower ninjutsu) I've prepared in the last year, will probably never be leveled or used in combat by the PCs, I'm begging off of actually making the specs yet. Instead, I'll make the specs when a PC actually takes the jutsu. Until then, here are simple, bullet-point descriptions of the techniques now available to you.

  1. Napalm Shot (Reo) — An advanced version of the Fire Bullet that sticks the enemy with lingering Fire chakra that continues to inflict damage after a single hit.
  1. Reaching Arms of the Tsuchigumo (Reo) — Yet another wall-type technique. This one traps the target within a ring of construct-stone spikes, making escape near impossible.
  2. Piercing Punishment (Reo) — A torture ninjutsu that cause a real-stone spike to very slowly emerge from the ground. Best used against restrained enemies.
  1. Fist of the Lightning God (Mari) — A high-grade jōnin technique that causes an explosion around the user, blinding and deafening anyone lucky enough to avoid the lightning energy.
  2. Lightning Blade (Shinji) — Creates a particularly deadly sword of volatile lightning energy.
  3. Flow Negation (Reo) — When struck by single-target Lightning Element ninjutsu, allows the user to absorb and ground the energy instead of dodging.
  1. Bile of the Ocean Demons (Mari) — Fills an area with corrosive gas that blinds and melts opponents that linger too long.
  2. Grappling Fists (Jin) — Extends the user's hands with giant water-construct fists, giving the user extended attack range and improved movement options.
  1. Storm Wind (Mari) — Highly damaging, short range Wind blast, useful for destroying buildings and other structures.
  2. Galeblade Thrust (Yūma) — Extends the cutting surface of an object with near-invisible Wind chakra, improving a weapon's range and lethality.

Additionally, I'm providing specs for the ones I think the players are likely to at least consider leveling: Reaching Arms of the Tsuchigumo (likely for Hazō), Bile of the Ocean Demons (for Noburi), and Storm Wind (for Kei).

Regarding the others: the Fire and Lightning techniques can't currently be taken by any PC, Hazō has little need of torture ninjutsu, Noburi has a terrible Taijutsu score, and Kei doesn't benefit much from enhancing a single weapon then throwing it away.

Reaching Arms of the Tsuchigumo

Effect1 to 1.5*AB, rounded up+10, +30, +60, +100, +150…
Duration1 minute+60
Range(Effect - 1)/3+40, +40, +40, +60, +60…
Casting SpeedSupplemental+75
AdvantageCreates Aspect+30
AdvantageConditional creates tags+20
Totals72, 76, 82, 94, 104… CP357, 377, 407, 467, 517…

(Thanks @Sir Stompy for this jutsu idea!)

The user causes a dense thicket of earthen spikes to emerge out of the ground, trapping all creatures within.

This jutsu summons a ring of chakra-construct granite spikes around a Zone in range. That Zone gains Border:Effect, and foot travel into and out of the Zone must beat this border. The spikes are chakra-infused, so wall-walking is minimally effective.

The Zone gains the Aspect "The Bear Trap", with no tags. When a target tries and fails to bypass the Border, the caster gains a tag on the Aspect, usable against the target.

The thicket of spikes blocks line-of-sight, preventing most ranged attacks, and prohibiting Substitution or similar techniques from allowing easy escape.

A target that is about to be trapped may roll with Athletics against (Reaching Arms of the Tsuchigumo level) if they have a way to move Zones out-of-turn (e.g. Substitution) to evade being trapped.

Bile of the Ocean Demons

Effect1 to AB+10, +30, +60, +100, +150…
Duration30 seconds+30
Casting SpeedSupplemental+75
AdvantageCreates Aspect+30
AdvantageLingering tags+40
AdvantageAttack Bonus: +Effect+30
AdvantageDebilitating Consequences+30
AdvantageTargets secondary stat+40
DisadvantageDelayed attack-40
Totals49, 53, 59, 67, 77… CP245, 265, 295, 335, 385…

The user exhales a cloud of corrosive gas, which quickly eats through everything in sight.

The user's Zone immediately is filled with toxic gas, and gains the Aspect "Demon's Bile". Within the Zone:
  • Any creature that spends any time on their turn within the Zone takes 1 physical stress at the end of their turn.
  • Any creature that ends their turn in the Zone instead is attacked by (Bile of the Ocean Demons + Effect), and can only defend with Physique, taking physical stress on a failure.
Any creature that takes at least 2 stress from Bile of the Ocean Demons gains the Aspect "Demon's Bile", and the user gains (Effect) tags on their Aspect.

Stress inflicted by this technique bypasses most physical armor. Consequences inflicted by this ninjutsu are particularly deadly, and have double their normal penalty. (-AB for a Mild, -2*AB for a Moderate, -4*AB for a Severe). Consequences will usually be related to eye or lung damage from the corrosive gas.

If the user Substitutes immediately after casting the ninjutsu, they may evade the mandatory 1 stress. If they use their regular movement options (Sprint standard or Supplemental move) then they will take the 1 stress and evade the actual attack. If they do not Substitute or move then they are an idiot and will take full damage.

A target that is about to be caught may roll with Athletics against (Bile of the Ocean Demons + Effect) if they have a way to move Zones out-of-turn (e.g. Substitution) to evade being caught in the gas cloud.

Storm Wind

Effect1 to AB+10, +30, +60, +100, +150…
Casting SpeedStandard
Weapons(Effect)/2, rounded down+0, +20, +20, +60, +60…
AdvantageSelective Damage+20
AdvantageAlternate Structure Damage+30
AdvantageAttack Bonus: +2*(Effect)+90
Totals42, 50, 56, 72, 82… CP210, 250, 280, 360, 410…

The user lets loose a blast of powerful Wind chakra that shreds everything in a wide area.

Everyone in the target Zone must dodge against Storm Wind + 2*(Effect). The attack has Weapons: (Effect/2), rounded down.

The user may shape the winds to pass around any allies or objects the user does not want destroyed. The user may skip attacks against any targets. Effectively, the technique harms only enemies.

When attacking structures, the user may instead replace their attack roll with 20*(Effect), to a maximum of 80. This means that this technique can instantly destroy objects with Durability 6 or below (80 - 60 = 20, 20 / 3 = 7 shifts, 7 shifts destroys a 6-box stress track) when cast at Effect:4 or above.
As others have said, Asuma liked Hazou. I think he saw Hazou as a comrade in arms, especially against the Dragons. Who he identified as a horrific threat. He was leniant with Hazou's flaws and tried to be (something) of a mentor to Hazou.

Sorry, I think people might think that what I am saying is that I am comparing Asuma, right before he died, to Chouza, right as he gets elected.

I am talking about Asuma before he was elected, in comparison to now, Chouza, before he is elected.

In that comparison, I think Chouza might actually be better for us than Asuma because we have such strong relationships with Ino and Shikamaru.

Of course, Asuma, after we spent literal(?) years working with him is someone we are closer to than Chouza now.

But remember before Asuma was elected we had no relationship with him, and we did not have many strong "ins" with him. That would come later as our relationship with Ino strengthened. But even that was overshadowed by our own interactions with him.

I think when we consider starting points, Chouza is better for us than Asuma.

Also, as we've been shown A LOT. People in this world do update their understanding of the world. Remember that both Ino and Shikamaru are actively trying to get Chouza elected.

Would they do that if Chouza was privately very against their relationships? Probably? Do we think that between the two of them they can get Chouza to do what they want socially? I think probably.

I just don't want people here to think that Chouza getting elected means we are definitely on the path to socially regression and treason. I think the outcome is a lot more sunny than people are giving credit.
Would something like this improve our knowlege about electricity, allowing us to start figuring out seals in that direction?

No. Everyone already knows that lightning spirits belong to the heavens and perish when they fall to the ground, so a ninjutsu that replicates the process does not demonstrate anything new. If anything, it is misleading, since normally a falling lightning spirit will attempt to possess anything in its path in order to try to save itself, such a tree or a person, and destroy it in the process. The purpose of this technique is to dissipate the energy without harm to the target, which is not what occurs in nature.