"I have returned from my mission," Orochimaru announced in a voice so apathetic it made him fit right in as far as this meeting was concerned. "That is all."
He began to turn to leave again.
But there was something different about the Hokage today. His expression was mild, his mouth relaxed, but the muscles around his eyes were tight with concentration. "Welcome home, Orochimaru," he said, and there was something about the warmth in that voice, and the tension, that was not quite right, not quite his. "Please report."
Orochimaru blinked. "The initial journey was uneventful. My escorts were able to dispatch the attacking chakra beasts without my intervention, and finding Isan was trivial with the aid of scout summons. Negotiations with the Isan Clan Council were brief. After three days, I set out north with a force of 214 Isan ninja. As Cloud scouts had no way to predict an assault from the south, our initial victories were overwhelming. However, since my chūnin escorts and I were the only skywalker users, it was impossible to prevent escapees from warning forces further up the coast, and the Isanese's unfamiliarity with the terrain slowed pursuit.
"I estimate that we eliminated a quarter to a third of the enemy expeditionary force. The rest retreated north through the archipelago towards Haran Bay, an area outside the scope of the mission."
Then whatever unusually cooperative mood had seized him dissipated, and his focused expression was replaced with a more familiar faint scowl. "I will send you the usual report in due course. Now, I am weary. Is there anything else?"
"No," the Hokage said. "Thank you, Orochimaru."
Orochimaru gave a disinterested nod and left without ever acknowledging the presence of the clan heads or the representatives.