Ayyyy, Yuno focused chapters!
"The Great Prophet took one look at me and he understood, Hazō. He understood everything, even the bits Noburi will never get. Especially those bits. I didn't have to explain what it meant that blood was colour, or how you could want somebody dead with all your heart but not care what happened to them at the same time.
Noburi might not
understand this, but I wonder if he at least acknowledges this or knows intellectually that this is how Yuno feels?
Nobby, please be a good husband in this regard...
Nothing wrong with those murderous impulses, Yuno, especially in your setting. Ganbare!
And then he told me that everything I was feeling had a name, and that name was Jashin, and that Lord Jashin's teachings would make me complete and fill all the holes in my heart that my happiness as a Gōketsu never will."
I'm immediately quite skeptical, but alright, I guess we'll see. Depends on what Jashin's teachings are, I suppose.
"Exactly!" Yuno exclaimed. "He didn't just say, 'Follow my precepts and you will live a proper life' and then stand there and do nothing while people bullied you for being unclean even when you were doing everything right, like Ui does. He didn't just say, 'Believe in me and it'll make you a good person', and then turn his back on you when you couldn't believe enough, like the Will of Fire does.
Ah, my poor girl. Outcasted in Isan, so she tried to invest herself in a Will of Fire mentality? And then felt like it didn't work
because she felt like a fraud doing it? That's rough.
He set you a practical test you were capable of passing, and when you passed, he rewarded you with his favour. As Jashinists, we know exactly what Lord Jashin wants from us, and we know that doing it will earn us more of his favour, and it isn't even hard because Lord Jashin is already in our hearts and all we have to do is be true to ourselves.
I see...
"The Great Prophet said you could teach me about theology and interpreting Lord Jashin's will, and I could teach you about true devotion and not being a pussy, and together we could set up a temple and start gathering converts and make sure you met your sacrifice quota.
This is already a perfect line to read standalone, and it's honestly even better with the whole context of Yuno's usual speech patterns, and based on who's talking to who. Especially because I can imagine her saying this while being perfectly earnest.
"Just… I'll deal with you later," he hissed at Yuno. "For now, do not talk to anyone about Hidan or Jashin. That's a clan head order. And for the love of the ancestors, put that amulet away."
Yuno gave him a blank look, but as he turned away from her and headed out to meet his guests, she mercifully headed in the direction of her room rather than in the direction of making his life even more complicated.
Yeesh Hazoupilot, don't be an asshole to Yuno of all people. You know how sensitive she is to thinking "I fucked up understanding people again". I guess he's understandably stressed as some people pointed out, and his brain was primed for anti-Jashin mode, though.
I was a bit worried when I read Hazoupilot's instinctive reaction to Yuno because I was worried the
players might take their cue from Hazoupilot, but I'm glad to see I'm wrong there.
Welp. Just alienated Yuno.
The blank face reaction to him saying GTFO is certainly not
good, but until we see more reaction from her I wouldn't necessarily assume alienation.
I feel like Hazou should have been more supportive of Yuno here.
I'm neutral on Hazoupilot's reaction since he can react however he wants and I love him too even though I don't agree with his reactions. However, I greatly appreciate you and your support and kind words for Yuno that you posted after. High five!
Cults are very interesting to me for personal reasons, therefore I'm highly interested to see where this goes. Very nice chapter!