@CaramilkThief @Crunbum @Black King[X]Action Plan: Necromancy Setup
Wordcount: <300
- Ami's right, we've been acting ridiculous. It's time to get to work.
- Talk to Snowflake
- How is she, emotionally?
- How is Kei?
- She+Kei have been scoping out Shikamaru for A-Day. What are their conclusions? Would he be onboard?
- Talk to a Naruto about his dad's Poetry
- What did he think of the humanist and anti-deathist themes?
- Minto's philosophy impressed the hell out of us, and it seems like he independently derived the same values we hold. We hold him in immense respect.
- [talk about defeating death, poetry, ect for as long as feel natural to us. no need to rush]
- Remember our Seance for Jiraiya? We're still working on a way to get him back, but when we do, it'll probably take a lot of chakra. When the time comes, will you help?
- Rift sealing:
- Talk to Kagome.
- We have finished MS6 and he has finished MS7, does he think we can start researching rift sealing yet?
- Has any of his Rift Sealing Ideas timeline changed since learning MS7?
- The displays on the minato seals look similar to Naruto's jinchuuriki seal. Spend some time on it together to see if any further insight could be gleamed. Cross-reference with sketches we took from Naruto's seal.
- Send a note to Asuma.(Offscreen)
- "Send Sasori partial notes on 3D sealing, and get him here help invent 3D-sealing theory. Promptly"
- Let Mari pick the exact words iff she wants.
- Nobouri(Offscreen?)
- Task Noburi with learning to dilate and then re-contract Naruto's Tenketsu without permanently damaging the chakra system.
- Ask him to be discrete and prioritize this research. Don't tell Naruto yet.
- Sealing:
- Continue the Minato sealchain. Follow Hazou's Intuition.
- Research the Fourfold Seal of Preservation. Follow Hazou's Intuition.
Updated my plan to merge in CaramilkTheif's improvements, without cutting Necromancy sections. Any feedback?
@Shrooms What else would you like to ask Kagome?
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