Just add that caveat. "Do 1 prep day to assess new RB difficulty, if chunin-level proceed as before, if jounin-level proceed with full prep" or something like that.
We voted in a prep day for it, but it got missed and there was a bunch of discussion on the backend by the QMs about it (I think,
@Paperclipped correct me if I'm wrong here). I'm hoping that discussion is finished and we can finally see what the difficulty is. If you can find the quote describing the difficulty, I am happy to be proven wrong.
For what ones? Callig 37 should be sufficient for practically any chunin seal. For RB we already passed the calligraphy check. With full prep we're rolling 43+18-6 = 55 minimum Callig, that should also be fine for a jounin level seal. We already passed the check rolling at 52