[X] Training Hazou: Forty-Seven

So. Close. Quick, everyone write Omakes!
(I finish the last of my work for a couple degrees tomorrow, so then I can finally maybe get around to my insane retrospective, or that one Omake I've been really wanting to write.)
Putting my old plan out so we have more time to discuss it before the deadline.

[X] [Asuma] Responding to Asuma
Word count: 293
  • Asuma:
    • We have 2 objectives: killing Dragons, and repairing the Great Seal. We think the most valuable low-hanging fruit is... to involve AMITY. And the Akatsuki.
      • NB: Tread carefully; Akatsuki is a sensitive topic. Hazou IC can elect to talk in the context of AMITY in general.
      • Akatsuki contains S-rank Summoners (Itachi, Kisame) and a sealmaster (Sasori).
      • Several AMITY signatories also have Summoners, and have their own sealmasters.
      • Hazou doesn't know if they'll believe us, or just taking advantage of us. We lack the information to calculate the cost-benefit analysis.
      • But if there were a time for AMITY to be united in a goal, this would be it.
    • Other:
      • The Great Seal is a puzzle we only have a few pieces of: we need more lore. Records of the sage's works are fragmentary and scattered, but clans have long memories, in the EN, the Seventh Path, and maybe also the Eastern Continent.
      • A main obstacle to 3D Sealing is a lack of chakra-conductive material. Have you heard of anything?
      • Plans for edge-case scenarios: If a dragon escapes the Crusade and flies off for an indeterminate amount of time, or somehow makes it to the EN...It can't hurt to be prepared.
      • Borrowing a dragon part from Orochimaru for a Conclave demonstration. If he's showing up with Manda, he can display a part then.
    • Thank you for everything you're doing. You have patience for us despite our mistakes, and you took us seriously about the Dragons despite many other pressing matters.
  • Orochimaru:
    • Optimize with Mari, Kei, Noburi.
    • We think complying may be necessary. Can we try to mitigate OPSEC breaches?
    • Hazou can't think of much beyond requesting privacy, or bringing props to cross-reference. Thoughts?
    • Do what they suggest.
[X] [Asuma] Responding to Asuma
I maintain that we should bring Ami in on this. She's been working closely with AMITY and would be a valuable resource to leverage. Her Sanity checks/optimization alone would be a great boon to Asuma, since she has a unique insight into the workings of AMITY.

And, on a meta-level, it would prove her usefulness to Asuma, and (provided she does well), make Asuma more inclined to give Ami the Shadow Clone jutsu.

Ami is our ally now, and strong allies are a good thing... especially when we may very well have to kill Orochimaru.
I maintain that we should bring Ami in on this. She's been working closely with AMITY and would be a valuable resource to leverage. Her Sanity checks/optimization alone would be a great boon to Asuma, since she has a unique insight into the workings of AMITY.

And, on a meta-level, it would prove her usefulness to Asuma, and (provided she does well), make Asuma more inclined to give Ami the Shadow Clone jutsu.

Ami is our ally now, and strong allies are a good thing... especially when we may very well have to kill Orochimaru.
Clarification: Are we bringing Ami in to help with the Dragonwar, xor with the Orochimaru question?
Clarification: Are we bringing Ami in to help with the Dragonwar, xor with the Orochimaru question?
As a suggestion to Asuma about how to bring AMITY in on the Dragonwar. Maybe "Ami has a lot of experience with AMITY, she could help you bring them in." Maybe place it before Hazou's disclaimer about not being able to do a CBA on the suggestion?
Putting my old plan out so we have more time to discuss it before the deadline.

[X] [Asuma] Responding to Asuma
Word count: 293
  • Asuma:
    • We have 2 objectives: killing Dragons, and repairing the Great Seal. We think the most valuable low-hanging fruit is... to involve AMITY. And the Akatsuki.
      • NB: Tread carefully; Akatsuki is a sensitive topic. Hazou IC can elect to talk in the context of AMITY in general.
      • Akatsuki contains S-rank Summoners (Itachi, Kisame) and a sealmaster (Sasori).
      • Several AMITY signatories also have Summoners, and have their own sealmasters.
      • Hazou doesn't know if they'll believe us, or just taking advantage of us. We lack the information to calculate the cost-benefit analysis.
      • But if there were a time for AMITY to be united in a goal, this would be it.
    • Other:
      • The Great Seal is a puzzle we only have a few pieces of: we need more lore. Records of the sage's works are fragmentary and scattered, but clans have long memories, in the EN, the Seventh Path, and maybe also the Eastern Continent.
      • A main obstacle to 3D Sealing is a lack of chakra-conductive material. Have you heard of anything?
      • Plans for edge-case scenarios: If a dragon escapes the Crusade and flies off for an indeterminate amount of time, or somehow makes it to the EN...It can't hurt to be prepared.
      • Borrowing a dragon part from Orochimaru for a Conclave demonstration. If he's showing up with Manda, he can display a part then.
    • Thank you for everything you're doing. You have patience for us despite our mistakes, and you took us seriously about the Dragons despite many other pressing matters.
  • Orochimaru:
    • Optimize with Mari, Kei, Noburi.
    • We think complying may be necessary. Can we try to mitigate OPSEC breaches?
    • Hazou can't think of much beyond requesting privacy, or bringing props to cross-reference. Thoughts?
    • Do what they suggest.

[X] [Asuma] Responding to Asuma
What are you guys doing? Paper is writing this update for today
If you guys are willing, could you please let me know what you think of my uplift proposal:


More Food, Less Dying Leaf fundamental resources: Ninja Chakra (since Noburi allows transfer) Food Threats: Chakra beast attrition Enemy nations S-Rank ninja Dragons With the advent of AMITY, war seems unlikely in the short term. While S-Rank ninja are always a threat, the best counter is to ...

It's made as a proposal for Asuma.

Associated action item list:
  1. Allow the Gōketsu to donate seals to genin for immediate needs.
  2. Support/finance the creation of a safety first focused sealing school/ninja track and (small) production centers so we can properly equip our genin. "Explosive seals like kunai"
  3. Help find trade goods/setup trade deals with 7th path clans, especially those that can provide cheap food at reasonable prices. If a suitable chakra source can be found, expand that into military contracts that are regularly used for infrastructure and chakra beast suppression.
  4. Try to get more of the Wakahisa clan working with Leaf and helping establish more/expand Koi ponds.
  5. Try to improve the Motoyoshi fertility jutsu for large scale use.
  6. Try to find more ways to transfer chakra to eliminate our single failure point.
  7. Put a strong effort into finding/domestication of chakra beasts (perhaps wild Koi) that can be used to fuel Leaf's economy/military
  8. If sufficient chakra can be sourced, deploy summons, MARI and Motoyoshi fertility jutsu to exterminate chakra beasts, connect towns and boost Leaf agricultural production over wide areas.
  9. Use the economic advantage and 7th path trade to gain soft power over other nation-states. (for players: while developing and using uplift tools in a very public way that is going to make it impossible for them to stay secret long term)
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Allow the Gōketsu to donate seals to genin for immediate needs.
I don't think we need permission to do this. We can just throw seals out the window.
Support/finance the creation of a safety first focused sealing school/ninja track and (small) production centers so we can properly equip our genin.
The bottleneck isn't money: it's time on the part of everyone who can teach sealing.
Try to get more of the Wakahisa clan working with Leaf and helping establish more/expand Koi ponds.
I suspect this would get a flat-out refusal because working with another village is too novel a concept.
Try to improve the Motoyoshi fertility jutsu for large scale use.
What element is it? Buying a hacker's time is probably going to be the best idea. If we can make it into something a genin can learn cheaply and then add a bonus to till 'n fills for knowing it, that solves the problem.
Put a strong effort into finding/domestication of chakra beasts (perhaps wild Koi) that can be used to fuel Leaf's economy/military
IMO an issue is that this really powers up Goketsu. We should talk to Naruto about it - we know he cares and we can pitch it as an investment opportunity for him. 'you and your clones help out and you get half the profits in perpetuity'