Does Hazou think he could dodge that, if it was pointing at him?
It would depend on the range.

What does this look like, by the way? Star wipe? Slowly setting opacity to zero?
It has varied from occasion to occasion. In this particular case it was the opacity to zero version. Cannai has done that version and on one occasion you were watching him leave, glanced away for just an instant, and when you looked back he was gone.

Is that a name that can be constructed with Japanese phonemes??
Probably not, but it was funny. Wait, you were talking about "Ioannis", not "Huzu." Huzu was the one that was intended as a joke.

As to Ioannis... i, o, a, n, and ni are all Japanese phonemes. The trailing -s would probably become 'zu'.

After all these years... finally... ARS is done....
I know, right?! :>

@eaglejarl can we get this thread marked in informational?
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More XP efficient, sure, but you're basically throwing away XP to prop up higher skills. Long term, you're better off leveling something that actually benefits from being at higher ABs.
It has substantial use being higher level, as we saw from Akane's scorch mission. Being able to have backup at all times would be very useful.
I am... cautiously positive about this development. Sure it could be manipulation, but it might be worth the risk.
Ami unsealed some large cushions and strewed them liberally across the ground.

Liberally, but not randomly (probably).

Hazō asked, picking out a deep blue cushion which left his back close to the wall, with a clear view of the entrance.

Stereotypical "male" color with placement that particularly appeals to ninja concerns and considerations.

Ami's smile widened a little. She sat down on a pink cushion by his side.

Stereotypical "female" color with placement that particularly appeals to ninja concerns and considerations, and is precisely beside Hazou's cushion.

she merely moved to a lavender cushion a little further away from him.

Stereotypical "female" color, but we lack specifics about the directionality of her movement away and how it relates to the cave wall or entrance

Ami stood there for a while, thinking. Eventually, she went for a pale blue cushion a little closer to him.

Pale blue has shifted stereotypes too frequently in modern Western culture for me to assess the likelihood of stereotypical accord for Leaf. There's a possibility this was originally intended as a lower likelihood disfavored Hazou cushion, perhaps as a test which cushion Hazou would take if Ami sat first, potentially already a test depending on where Ami was when he selected the initial cushion and how that pale blue cushion is situated relative to the cave wall and cave entrance.

He helped her gather the cushions

Have I just analyzed Ami's potential motivation and psychology behind her cushion placement? Yes. As with many things Ami, no clear answers, but certainly indications that the liberally strewn cushions were not randomly strewn, especially since "some" is generally not a large number.
Stereotypical "male" color with placement that particularly appeals to ninja concerns and considerations.
A couple thoughts:
- Blue being a stereotypically masculine colour is very recent in the real world timeline. Used to be that blue was "flower-like" and pink was "a toned down red, aka passion and blood", for a long time. Does someone with a good memory for details know if either of these schemes is a thing in the Elemental Nations?
- Appealing to the usual ninja concerns and considerations is probably as neutral as you can make it when facing a super-observant senior and more powerful ninja, especially one versed in infiltration and reading body language etc. etc. like Ami. Hiding the exit from your view looks deliberately trusting, so you're already playing a game whether you know it or not. It could mean you're being outwardly trusting while putting up defences. Getting really close to the exit looks deliberately DIStrustful, which, if you're going to show it, might indicate respect along with wariness, or signify "I have an escape route always, but I'm showing it to you because I don't plan on using it". The distrustful-without-second-meaning would be to refuse to sit, and lean against a wall or sit seiza instead, which Mari might do. But you're deep in the metagame here.
Absolute normalcy and neutrality is what she can play all her games against and come back with only what she brought, and she knows it, and Hazō might only think it the safer option, or might be doing it on purpose. Whether she thinks we're playing or not*, we win B)
(* look at me using an exhaustive conditional sunordinate interrogative like real English speakers as opposed to chatbots, you'd never doubt I'm a real person, muahahahaha)
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@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail There's been talk in the thread and on Discord regarding whether or not it's worth it to buy additional elemental affinities. The narrative seems to support buying additional elemental affinities based on Jiraiya's and Zabuza's statements on the matter, but the playerbase is having difficulty making a mechanical argument in favor of Noburi buying an Earth affinity.

If you want us to come up with suggestions or thoughts, feel free to yell at us.
Not creative bonuses with no thought to mechanics or setting logic. Use to compare to smarter ideas.
  • Elements give a +2 bonus to all ninjutsu of other elements. Max +8 to all Elements when all 5 are known. No bonus to nonelementals.
    • Make the first or last Element learned give a higher bonus if there needs to be a bigger setting reason to buy.
    • Make the order learned matter by making bonuses only apply to previously known Elements. More bookkeeping.
  • Knowing an Element gives +5 when defending against ninjutsu of the same Element.
Idea on how to communicate our thoughts/feelings to Ami in such a way that she won't get hurt by the vulnerability:

"You once said that you don't time our hugs, right? Good, now get over here."

Edit: it's a start, anyway.
Or against ninjutsu of the Element that it beats? Lightning beats Earth beats Water beats Fire beats Wind beats Lightning?
... Or do we already have something like that? I'm mostly a lurker with a big mouth I don't know the rules
There isn't anything like that in the rules at the moment. There is a mention that elemental superiority exists, but that's about it afaik.

Some of us were voice chatting on discord after the chapter drop and, as another suggestion to be considered, paper suggested a flat 2×AB bonus to rolls where your element is superior.
Was it the many recognisably human bones littering the floor of the cavern in which he found himself?
Did not see the "in" on first read. Preternatural prediction of cave choice reserved for first dates or enemies.
Really Quite Significant Peril
Almost SPQR.
"So, what news from the west?"
Hah. Dark tidings? Burgeoning hopes? Both in indistinguishable measure?
I got to chatting with Hoshigaki Kisame at the Exam—which was terrifying, but if these are the leagues I'm playing in now, I can't turn down opportunities for low-stakes practice. In between catching him up on Mist news and treating him like a proper Hoshigaki, something for which he'd been starved over a decade of Akatsuki shark jokes, I dropped a little tidbit about a Sage-made 3D seal on the Seventh Path, and Dragons, and how Gōketsu Hazō, the skywalker guy, was the person to talk to if anyone wanted to know more. And wouldn't you know it, he'd already heard all about you.
Missed opportunity. Would have loved for Noburi to swoop this chance.
You know, I really thought it would be that other thing that put you on the S-rank track, but hey, you do you."
Ami has not forgotten FOOM.
The Iron Nerve wasn't even second nature to him. It was first nature, the way he lived every hour of the day, and suppressing it was like holding his breath. It was uncomfortable and it interfered with absolutely everything else. It made him feel clumsy, awkward, out of place. It made him feel not-him, even though it was technically his true, non-playback self.
Something to reflect on? Not defined by our biology but maybe there is some peace to be made with the playback self. Or hack a way to feel comfortable.
"I don't regret wanting to protect Kei over everything else," she said. "And there was a part of me, figuratively speaking, that tried to run damage control, and I don't regret that it did. But the whole thing... It wasn't Mori Ami. It wasn't what Mori Ami should have wanted to do.
Disappointing but unavoidable. Everyone gets one meme vote.
"That was the easy part," Ami said. "This feels awful. I don't know how you people do it over and over."
"There's a lot I'm not going to unpack now. I'm prioritising accuracy, because that's what sincerity means to me, but the Frozen Skein won't work for this, and my normal self-expression is optimised for other things, and frankly, I don't have the data and this is all inferential work. I'd skip right to the end if I could, but there's nothing there that's solid enough without context.
Accuracy or precision?
"Other people don't compartmentalise as much as I do. I get that. I hate Mari for taking Kei from me, and I love her for helping Kei grow when I couldn't, and I love her for guiding me further along my path, and I hate her for guiding me further along my path, and she is a glorious rival and an excellent lover and a dangerous threat and a powerful teacher and a gifted apprentice and a formidable obstacle, and all of these things and a thousand more are all true at the same time. They don't turn into some kind of homogeneous soup of 'Here is the aggregate feeling I have about this person'.
Turning off the Amis precisely communicates information from the one remaining channel. So many compartments reduced to one dimension are... hard to communicate accurately. Having second thoughts. Could be both accurate and precise.
"That was horrible beyond words," Ami said firmly, "and I am never doing it again."
Indulging the wink, this was Amipilot and Ami is Hazō's reflection. Full time decisions by consensus, almost never 'autopilot'.
They walked back without talking.
Strong ending! Unexpected introspection for a first meeting after one of her grandest victories.
Well its clear that the Mori sisters have a thing from idealistically insane pretty boys with insight beyond the mortal realm.
I think this was all somewhat calculated, but not as much as usual for her.

It strikes me more as a "how do I apologize good."

She even said herself. Practically and emotionally she screwed up.

She didn't really make any grand emotional gestures. Probably thought they would have been performative. We probably would have taken them that way too shes not one for grand gestures.
I think this was all somewhat calculated, but not as much as usual for her.

It strikes me more as a "how do I apologize good."

She even said herself. Practically and emotionally she screwed up.

She didn't really make any grand emotional gestures. Probably thought they would have been performative. We probably would have taken them that way too shes not one for grand gestures.
I agree.

I feel as though there are (at least surface-level) similarities to when Mari had just become a plurality, and admitted to Hazou that, due to her being emotionally compromised, she wouldn't be at 100%, but Mari preened, saying that "My autopilot is better than most people's best."

Ami, who was trained and tutored by Mari-as-the-Heartbreaker, reminds me of that in this moment. She's emotionally compromised, and far more fragile than she's comfortable being (and far more vulnerable than she's comfortable showing), so she's not at her best. But Ami is still a social spec jonin, and (like Mari) "it's not something that [she] can just 'turn off.'"

So if Ami seems a little manipulative, it's because her social awareness is running in the background, trying to find the right words and phrasing to explain just how she feels in such a way that Hazou will be able to understand most accurately. She's trying to bypass the gap of qualia, while being severely emotionally compromised, while being terrified of being vulnerable.

So maybe her words come across a little clumsy, maybe it comes across as more manipulative than transparent. But that wasn't her intent. She's trying to find the best way to explain why and how she's feels, and remember what Ami said when we first met her, all the way back in the Chunnin Exams? Honesty is a valuable thing, and not something that she's inclined to give away. Honesty represents vulnerability, it represents ceding control away.

But that's just what she needs to do to explain her feelings. Give away control.

So maybe Ami loses her nerve a bit, and leaves. And maybe Hazou reaches out for her. Ami is a Jonin, she could've dodged his hand if she wanted to. But she wants to be honest with Hazou, so she allows him to reach out for her. Ami borrows some of his strength, just for a moment, to settle her nerves.

Because this is a very difficult thing for Ami to do, and she needs Hazou's help to get through it. But she's fragile enough that an insight wielded like a blunt instrument could shatter her. She's vulnerable enough that a Foot-in-Mouth moment could scar her heart.

Ami's only, what, 18? 19? And she's an I&S jonin, with all the trauma that entails (remember: she was trained Harumitsu's age to be victim and predator, both). Ami is terrified, but wants to go through with telling Hazou all of this. It's important.

So she tricks herself, uses doublethink, and deludes herself into "running away," because she knows Hazou will reach out. And that Hazou will offer support. Because Hazou helps. So she leans on him. Borrows some of his strength, just for a moment.

Disclaimer: kind of rambly and circuituous, but I have a wealth of sympathy for Ami. To wake up, look in a mirror, and wonder where you've gone wrong? To wonder if you made the wrong choice, in becoming who you are? To wonder if it's too late to change for the better (or if you even should)? It's a daunting thing, even without all the trauma that Ami has gone through.
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Adhoc vote count started by FaintlySorcerous on Jun 17, 2022 at 12:21 PM, finished with 64 posts and 2 votes.

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