This contradicts canon:

So, clearly, Zabuza would wake up completely naked, not even skivvies.

No. Mori's Frozen Skein would be the best at figuring out how any given game mechanic might be exploitable.
I'm not going to ask why that stuck in your mind.

And that's true, but unless she can hack the FS (which I wouldn't put past her, honestly... she's been making impressive progress with her bloodline), she wouldn't be good at coming up with them, just at exploiting them; but that's also something Hazou's canonically great at, and has the inclination to do.
That said, first past the post voting is right out. It's not very good in this sort of situation since it forces people to vote tactically. Maybe something like a condorcet voting scheme? though that's probably too complex for a system where a portion of people's minds are being used to facilitate the connection. We should probably pick a simpler scheme.

As far as I'm aware, there is never a good situation for FPP voting. I wrote CounterBot to do approval voting because it is almost as good as full Condorcet voting and it is really simple.
@eaglejarl threadmark? Or too short?
Omake: Delegation of Responsibility
"I'm sorry to do this to a bunch of kids, but my sources tell me you're trying to take over the world and starting to actually succeed, which let me just say is fucking wild. But I have to eliminate you regardless. I did warn you" Jiraiya dropped into the first stance of the Frog Kata, focusing his mind in preparation for entering sage mode.

Hazou raised a hesitant hand. "Would it help if we said you could you do the actual ruling? Or some person or set of people whose nomination was subject to your veto?"

Jiraiya blinked. "Yeah, no, that's a pretty shitty ruse kid."

"No, it isn't. None of us want to rule the world. That sounds like a lot of work, frankly, and we have better things to do with our time. We've actually been looking for you the last couple weeks hoping you could recommend someone for the job."

"...You're serious. How can you possibly be serious? If you don't want to rule the world then what was the point of building your floating fortress of terror, or forcing the Kazekage and Mizukage to swear fealty to you?"

"Ah, see, about that. They were the first two we approached with requests to end their scorch squad policies on the condition that all the other nations did too. They told us to go do various anatomically impossible things and that they wouldn't do it even if everyone else did, so we had to resort to plan C."

"What happened to plan B?"

"Asking them was plan B. Plan A was to become a big enough threat that all the elemental nations had to unite to fight us, thus fostering international cooperation and brotherhood, but someone-" he glared at Akane "-convinced the rest of the team that was a bad idea."

"And what the hell is on your agenda that you have better things to do with your time??"

"The complete elimination of involuntary death and suffering. Duh."
The update is coming out tomorrow, folks. I'm going to take refuge in the "I spent half of today driving back from Boston" speech.
Maybe we should make an omake about Jiraiya's readers complaining about his newest book taking too long, and him asking Orochimaru to hold on a moment in the middle of their fight so he can respond to the letters delivered by toad.

...On that note: Can you resist the reverse summons temporarily in the same way summons can? Can your summons reverse summon you while in the summon realm? I'm considering that Keiko could involve Pandaa in combat by asking him to reverse-summon her quickly in both directions to, for instance, dodge a fireball
Maybe we should make an omake about Jiraiya's readers complaining about his newest book taking too long, and him asking Orochimaru to hold on a moment in the middle of their fight so he can respond to the letters delivered by toad.

...On that note: Can you resist the reverse summons temporarily in the same way summons can? Can your summons reverse summon you while in the summon realm? I'm considering that Keiko could involve Pandaa in combat by asking him to reverse-summon her quickly in both directions to, for instance, dodge a fireball
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the QMs ripping their hair out and shrieking "MUNCHKIIIINS" :D
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the QMs ripping their hair out and shrieking "MUNCHKIIIINS" :D
Hey, if we only have one summon (I mean, that will allow us to summon him), we're damn well gonna use him. I'm imagining using him like a blink ability in a video game -- it only costs 10 CP to summon Pandaa, so even if she stays in the same spot, it's no more expensive than Substitution is, and it is additional utility.
Poor Man's Intangibility :V

Uchiha Obito, eat your heart out :D
Once we work out chakra sensor seals we should also work on camera seals, and then work on getting them to work from the summon realm... Keiko can be our Coordination Officer.

e: Actually, if we can confirm that Jiraiya truly does want peace, surveillance seals like this would be an ideal way to identify dissenting elements. Although then this will turn from uplift to 1984...
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You know reverse summoning as poor man's intangibility is fun, but it reminds me of how weird Kei's summoning training with Takahashi got.

"It's not something I can speak of with outsiders," Keiko said, the smile vanishing. "I can only say that he considers me very quick to grasp the theory, and that the disillusionment with the nature of reality has not afflicted me as deeply as it might have another. After all, I am here only through the uncaring cruelty of the universe."

Then when we followed up:

"I infer from some of Kagome's more terrified ramblings," she went on, "that one of the most disastrous kinds of sealcrafting accident involves interfering with the boundary between this world and others – worlds whose inhabitants, environment, or even fundamental laws may be inimical to our own."

You guys are always jumping on routes to power and hacking the world. Time-space jutsus are the biggest bullshit power there is. That's how you get to intangibility and summoning death gods and shit. I mean, think about it. What if you could selectivity shift the physical laws of a given area? That's how you make physics roll over and bark like a dog.

It might be worth getting Hazou some summoning training even if there's no summon contract to sign, just for the theoretical knowledge. It sounds like learning this could open up the tech tree for time-space sealing.
Omake: Ninja Secrets
Omake: Ninja Secrets

For the first time in his life, Hazou despaired. His mind, honed by a lifetime of plans and schemes, could find no escape. They had found out. They knew. He should have been smarter, figured out a way to use Iron Nerve to not leave behind evidence. But Iron Nerve was only useful once he was done. You couldn't make changes in the middle of an Iron Nerve replay. He'd needed to write them down first before they could be memorized and stored in the only truly safe place.

So he had made himself a hidden chamber. In the previous forts, they had proven a match for Inoue's sharp eyes. Even Kagome's paranoia had not been strong enough to point him at the truth. But the fort here in Hot Springs had been rushed, after a grueling run, and he must have made a mistake somewhere. And now he had been found out. After losing his home and his family for plots he had had nothing to do with, he'd created a new family with his team. A special, safe place where it was them against the world. And then this had happened. Because he'd been careless. Because he'd kept taking the same chance over and over again, like a rookie who thought if he wasn't caught the first time, he was invincible.

Keiko was the first to notice his arrival, the others too caught up in the implications of what they had found. She clearly couldn't even speak to him, just stared at him blankly from across the room.

Akane was the first of the others to notice Keiko's distraction. Hazou stared in horror as she turned in his direction. She must have seen something in his expression (How could she not? He had lost all control.) as a look of concern quickly overtook her. She was at his side before he could react, embracing him quickly. "I still think you're very Youthful," she whispered, and then she was gone, outside.

Kagome was there next. His eyes were wide with a fear that had been largely absent these past months. It killed Hazou to know he was the reason. "We gotta talk, boy. Your ideas... we - we gotta talk." And the he had also disappeared.

Noburi, unlike the others, took his time in his approach. The extra time did nothing for Hazou, who still couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't think. The closer Noburi got, the less Hazou needed the past months of training together to read past his mask, which was cracking to show the raw emotion underneath. "No million ryo would be enough for me to turn you over, buddy." And he walked right past, quivering with the effort to keep himself in check.

Hazou hadn't seen Keiko leave, but she was nowhere in sight, leaving him alone with Inoue-sensei. Somewhere deep inside himself, Hazou knew that his sensei would not lose her craft, that he couldn't trust the look of profound disappointment tinged with sadness that she held him with. Still, his gut roiled. "Hazou, I told you, Zabusa doesn't wear anything under his pants. There are no skivvies for him to be found in. Obviously the lot of you are going to need more training in keeping details straight." She paused for a few seconds before breaking into a huge grin. "Ah! Who am I kidding? Come here, you budding author, you!" And as she unfolded from her sitting position, Hazou could only think that if this had been a story - if this had been his story - he would absolutely have been able to dodge the hair ruffle heading his way.
You know reverse summoning as poor man's intangibility is fun, but it reminds me of how weird Kei's summoning training with Takahashi got.

Then when we followed up:

You guys are always jumping on routes to power and hacking the world. Time-space jutsus are the biggest bullshit power there is. That's how you get to intangibility and summoning death gods and shit. I mean, think about it. What if you could selectivity shift the physical laws of a given area? That's how you make physics roll over and bark like a dog.

It might be worth getting Hazou some summoning training even if there's no summon contract to sign, just for the theoretical knowledge. It sounds like learning this could open up the tech tree for time-space sealing.
This is something I hadn't considered (or forgot it if I did), actually. That would be very interesting to do, though I'd like for Hazou to get a bit better at sealing before he works on that.

e: We should look for high-int requirement techniques for Hazou and high-control requirement techniques for Noburi to synergize with their specializations. Not sure how we'd flavor searching for the former, though.
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Updated the tech tree, new additions are in blue:

Sure, I've been meaning to do this for a while.

  • Storage Seal [DONE]
    • Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA PMYF_V1 [DONE]
    • Timed-Storing Storage Seal
      • Matter-Eater Seal
        • Siberian Seal
    • Multiple-Item Storage Seal
      • PMYF_V2 (Additional Requirement: Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal)
    • Ranged-Dispensing Storage Seals
    • Ranged-Storing Storage Seals
    • Linked Cargo-Transferring Storage Seals
    • Macerator Seal (No Stress Limiter) [DONE]
      • Macerator Seal (Amplified Stress)
        • Macerator Seal (Scalable Stress)
        • Fabricator Seal
    • Stressless Storage Seal
      • Pokeball Seal (Additional Requirement: Animal Training Seal)
    • Kagome's Implosion Seal
      • Air-Cannon Reactive Armour Seals
      • Reverse Rocket Seal
      • Mummification Seal
      • People-Eater Seal
      • Poison Removal Seal
      • Light-Storing Seal
        • Laser Cannon Seal
  • Explosion Seal [DONE]
    • Shaped Explosion Seal
      • Explosive Reactive Armour Seals
    • Ray-Gun Seal
    • Explosive Mine Seal
  • Seal of Grand Fireball
  • Summoning Seal Analysis
    • Hiraishin
    • Time Travel Seal
    • Time Dilation Seal
    • Nullify Spacetime Manipulation Seal
    • Seal of Kamui
  • Casino Chakra-Detection Seals
    • Chakra-Sensor Seals AKA Extrasensory Seals
    • Warning Light Seal
    • Sound-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Speaker Seal
        • Microphone Seal
      • Sonar Seal
    • Light-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Monitor Seal
        • Digital Camera Seal
          • Silent Video Camera Seal
            • Video Camera Seal (Additional Requirement: Microphone Seal)
      • Radar Seal
  • Seal of MEW
  • Seal of Henge
  • Seal of Earth Clone
    • Seal of Tiny Earth Clones
      • Seal of Nanoclones
  • State Seals
    • Logic Seals
      • Computer Seal (Additional Requirements: Speaker Seal, Monitor Seal, some kind of input)
  • Force Wall Seal
    • Force Shuriken-Extension Seal
    • Force Kunai-Extension Seal
    • Force Cage Seal
    • Blood Loss Prevention Seal (Additional Requirement: Single Diagnostic "Detect Wounds" Seal)
    • Force Buckler Seal
      • Force Tower-Shield Seal
      • Skintight Forcefield Seal
  • Five-Seal Barrier
    • One-Seal Barrier (F-SB without the four extra seals, locks position relative to the Earth)
      • Mobile One-Seal Barrier (O-SB that locks position relative to the target itself, allowing indestructibility without immobility)
  • Tripwire Seal
  • Single Diagnostic Seal (monitors a single biological function) (Additional Requirement: Any Output Seal)
    • Multiple Diagnostic Seal (combination of multiple SDSs)
      • Lie-Detector Seal
      • Rengeneration Seal
      • Monogenic Mutation Seals
        • Polygenic Mutation Seals
    • Auto-Dispel Seal (Requires: Single Diagnostic "Detect Foreign Chakra" Seal)
  • Sealing Modularity
  • Altered Gravity Seal
    • Anti Deva Path Seal
    • Black Hole Seal (plz no)
      • Gravitational Time Dilation Seal
      • Wormhole Seal
      • Gravitational Space Warping Seal
        • Gravitational Warp-Drive Seal
  • Seal of Light-Weight Rock Technique
  • Seals of Pangolin-Element Techniques
  • Seals of Composite Element Techniques
    • Seal of Ice Element Freeze Ray
    • Seal of Dust Element
    • Seals of Mokuton Anti-Bijuu Techniques (Additional Requirement: ACL Microorganism Generation Seal)
  • Chakra Draining Seal
    • Chakra Battery Seal
  • Artficial Chakra Lifeform (ACL) Microorganism Generation Seal
    • ACL Plant Generation Seal
      • ACL Minor Demon Generation Seal
        • ACL Demon Generation Seal
  • Seal Neural Interfacing
    • Sensory HUD Seal
    • Animal Training Seal
  • Poor Man's 64 Palms
    • Area Chakra-Disabling Seal
Updated the tech tree, new additions are in blue:
So beautiful...

So, simple seal idea: electrical stun seal, to be used in combination with Kagome's tripwires, or in taijutsu on sticky paper with a slight delay.

e: This would also be a good starting point for learning to utilize the elements in our seals, although I'm aware that sealing uses a different schema from ninjutsu in that regard.
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How does Chidori work anyways? is it just concentrating the piercing/cutting/destroying properties of lightning chakra?

If so, some sort of seal-glove could probably accomplish the same thing.
There's also a speed boost from the lightning chakra. With sealing, it probably makes more sense to split the speed boost and attack boost into separate seals which can then be mixed and matched. Also, if things work out like in canon, we would need to have some amount of work done on the sensor tree to take full advantage of the speed boost.
New Idea: Unadaptive Genjutsu Seals

A normal genjutsu is highly adaptaple, being reshaped to match its victims environment and state of mind to be as believable as possible, and so requires human guidance to work.
But there are plenty of times when a genjutsu only needs to do a single simple thing, and as such, does not specifically require human intelligence to maintain. And since the seal can immediately recast the genjutsu if disrupted, dispelling won't actually help much, despite being pretty unbelievable due to the lack of human creativity in the casting.

For example:
  • Sensory Deprivation (tells the brain to ignore all sensory input)
  • Pain (tells the brain that all of its pain receptors are firing)
  • Imbalance (tells the inner ear to fuck off)
  • Knockout (tells the brain it's time to go to sleep)
  • Shinigami (shuts down all neural activity, inducing brain death)
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New Idea: Unadaptive Genjutsu Seals

A normal genjutsu is highly adaptaple, being reshaped to match its victims environment and state of mind to be as believable as possible, and so requires human guidance to work.
But there are plenty of times when a genjutsu only needs to do a single simple thing, and as such, does not specifically require human intelligence to maintain. And since the seal can immediately recast the genjutsu if disrupted, dispelling won't actually help much, despite being pretty unbelievable due to the lack of human creativity in the casting.

For example:
  • Sensory Deprivation (tells the brain to ignore all sensory input)
  • Pain (tells the brain that all of its pain receptors are firing)
  • Imbalance (tells the inner ear to fuck off)
  • Knockout (tells the brain it's time to go to sleep)
  • Shinigami (shuts down all neural activity, inducing brain death)
Likewise, we should work on developing a method for seals to reactivate repeatedly.
So you know how putting seals on flesh is a stupid idea because flesh changes too much over the course of normal biological processes, well how about we made a seal component that somehow locked the area directly around the seal into its current state to prevent that?

Any ideas on how we could make that work?
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So you know how putting seals on flesh is a stupid idea because flesh changes too much over the course of normal biological processes, well about we made a seal component that somehow locked the area directly around the seal into its current state to prevent that?

Any ideas on how we could make that work?
That sounds... incredibly dangerous. @OliWhail You'd probably know best here.

However, it could be of use when used on other surfaces. Maybe a variant of storage seal (that doesn't actually STORE the area, but rather stores what it's like)?

fake e: However, a seal that as part of its functioning constantly rewrites the ink on the area it's imposed on sounds like it'd work better